Kitty groaned as the sound of hell (alarm) going on. Kitty tried to tap the snooze button but instead smashed it with her first breaking it. "wait, sinse when do i have this strength?" kitty asked and sighed. she took a shower, brushed her teeth, got dressed and took her skateboard and rode it to school
(this is how she looked like, also thats the girls uniform and it comes in different colors and her bandana is also blue i forgot to add the color and i don'T OWN THE BASE and this is also her super hero costume)
meanwhile she was watching the news about the attack, and it was going live. kitty smiled at that, just then the was an explosion.
Kitty looked in shock, but then she noticed it was the kids in the dark team. Kitty got so exited she hid behind a building and peaked in the fight that was going on.
Then, she spotted her favorite superhero of all of them. The leader, she thought he was hot, kind, and smart.
the leader yuudai (please dont judge me because i dont know their names, i just took them from google t-t)
morgiana (i love her...rip T-T)
Kitty got to see their faces up close in real life. She snapped out of it, as she stared at the fight, she noticed they were all down and it wasn't like them, it was suspicious. something wasn't write and so, the four voices spoke to her.'help them' one of the voices spoke to her. ' You might make it into their team' the deliriously voice said
Kitty nodded and ran towards the monster like creature which attacked her but she dodged. she closed her eyes and spawned a weapon, which she was surprised and sliced the giant monster in half.
Kitty's weapon turned into anything and right know she had a ripper kind of sniper. (ruby's weapon from rwby but in light blue) When she turned to see the leader, he was shocked, and so where the other members from the team. As the leader walked up to you, he leaned in to have a better look making kitty blush faintly.
"you...your the chosen one!" He said with a shocked like voice and also serious.
"w-what do you mean?" kitty asked still nervous, then she noticed she was late for school,"I-I'm sorry but i'm late for school!" kitty said about to walk of but then, someone grabbed her wrist and pulled her back. "can you meet me here after classes?" Yuudai asked. kitty nodded and headed off.
Kitty ran towards the school but before she got to her class but suddenly, something pulled her back and slammed into a locker. Kitty yelped in pain and fell after she hit flat on the lockers. "Jesus" kitty coughed and stood up, she wasn't surprised that it was the school bullies and the popular ones also. Kitty growled, she hated them with all of her guts. if she had to choose between them and satan she would choose satan but of course that isn't happening.
"what do you want?" kitty asked, only to be pinned by Evan and kicked in the stomach multiple times. Then all the voices inside her head came back, but mad.
'kick him where the sunshine doesn't shine' the delirious voice said.
And with that she used her knee to kick him there making him fall to his knees holding it. "don't f*ck with me! i have the power of god and anime on my side!" kitty said and kicked him in the head like he did in middle school, she was always picked by him and one day he crossed the line by telling everyone her secrets, fake rumors, and.... what broke her the most was that he told everyone about her sending nudes that stuff to him and they were all fake. Now she is the most hated, has no friends, and has no family to be there when she mostly needed them. All she has is the voices in her head to guide her.
She snapped back to reality and walked away just leaving him, she had no intentions to help him or anything to do with him. She walked to the roof with her Bento and started to eat it in her way up, as she did people pushed her but she did nothing and just walked away. 'eww, what a freak dont go near her or you'll be cursed' student started saying to each other.
kitty growled and walked to the roof and ran to a corner where no one looks and started to cry. "i can't live this life anymore!" kitty starts to cry and stands up going over the edge, little did she know was that Evan was spying of her when he peaked he saw her leaning over the edge. at first he was confused but then it hit him, she was going to jump.
I was spying on kitty just to make sure she was okay, yeah i get it. i might pick on her but it's difficult, i'm being black mail by someone, and i don't know who this someone is but he or she is making me do this things because that person hates her and because i have a huge crush on her.
i have to say, this person is kind of yandere. i just want this all to end soon, as i peaked over the spot i was hiding in, i see her cry and yell something then lean over the edge, i was confused at first but then it hit me hard as ever, she was going to jump. i quickly run out of my spot and try to catch her but she jumped, luckly i was close enough to catch her hand, tears falling and rolling down my cheeks and i sob and pulled her up, when i did, i quickly hugged her. i could tell she was shocked at first but then she tried to push me off of her but i was hugging her to tight and i didn't want to let her go any time soon.
"DON'T YOU DARE TRY DYING ON ME EVER AGAIN! YOU HAVE ME WORRIED SICK!" i yelled at her crying, it's been years since i've cried and i feel embarrassed to cry in front of her specially since the huge crush i have on her.
she finally gave up on trying to push me away and just hugged back. she sobbed and put her head on my chest,"w-why....Why did you do it?" she asked while we separated.
"i did it because i was being blackmailed and since the person knew i had a massive crush on...you...well i'll see you are...can i have your number?" i asked as i wiped away my tears and blushed.
she sighed and gave me a piece of paper and walked away. she skipped classes because she would still get an f , the teachers also hate her.
i sighed and went to my classes not listening because i would still get an A, its funny because we have so many differences.
Kitty walked back to the spot where she was told to meet up with yuudai.
when she got there, she was greeted by his friendly, kind smile. "since you are the chosen one, do you want to come with us and save the world?" yuudai asked, he was smiling and putting his hand out for her to shake it if she agreed, which she did, after that they took her to their base where everyone greeted her.
"what's your name?" asked the girl with blue hair.
"i'm kitty~chan, nice to meet you kiyoko!" kitty smiled and the girl smiled back.
"sup kit, i'm tashiaki nice to meet cha" the boy with red hair said.
as they all introduced themselves, kitty took a look around only to find a portrait of four boys and her.
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