Katie was trying to figure out how to fold the fleece when it transformed into a warm coat, not exactly what she needed with the temperature. But maybe wearing it was smarter, and already her scars from her various gardening extravaganzas were healing up nicely. Even her ankle whichever was permanently sore after injuring it years ago was beginning to heal. Something ambrosia hadn't even done.
"I think you have plenty, you'll be fine." Juniper comforted, the tree nymph that was Grover's long term girlfriend and fiancé. Her skin was green and she was beautiful, Katie and her didn't talk a ton. But Juniper did have a lot of tree knowledge, specifically about Thalia's tree. She had been one of the many nymph caretakers before the fleece showed up and Katie felt comfortable with her even If it was simply for the fact they'd known each-other for years. Katie took a deep breath and refocused, Juniper wasn't the point. Getting to Thalia was. Annabeth had called, Katie needed to head to Central Park in Manhattan and find her tree. It should be pretty easy considering the massive army that had been reported by the news. Just kidding, it was impossible.
But Thalia would die, and Annabeth had promised that the head honcho over the avengers. (Some pirate guy) Promised that the avengers would be there and she hopefully would have a way in. She'd take Porkie, one of the Pegasus, and Black Jack would come too but without a rider. If Thalia turned back into a human, they'd bring her to camp. If not, Katie would have to stay with the tree and they'd bring the lovely dragon.
Of course, that was assuming Katie managed to get to the tree In the first place.
"You'll be fine, Chiron trusts you with this." Juniper encouraged. But Katie knew the truth, demigods were either in full time perimeter guard or they were heading home to their mortal parent and families. The ones who were going to college in new Rome were already heading back. But there wasn't time, they didn't know how close Thalia's tree was to dying. So Katie Gardner smiled, grabbed her bag, and headed out.
"Okay, So there's this thing floating above the Empire State Building." Sam started
"Ignore it, it only rumbles sometimes. Not a threat unless we make it one." Bucky drawled.
"Alright," Sam continued, "we ignore that unless it does something. There's a gathering of these creatures in Central Park. A lot of them, no ones sure why, and they're more gathered to one side than any other. They've attacked anyone who has dared to get close and the army isn't sure what to do except start shooting. Except, there's people inside Central Park that these monsters can't touch."
"Then we head there," Steve concluded. "Natasha, I need you and Sam to get the civilians out of the picture. Evacuate, and we'll try to drive the monsters away from the city if possible."
"Steve, there is another concentration of these monsters on Long Island. And more have been reported streaming there and to California." T'challa reported.
Steve threw those plans out the window.
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