Travis' day was not going as planned, how he managed to hide Percy under the chairs right by Tony he had no idea. In fact, he really didn't understand how fast his mind and hands were working. All of his senses were in high alert and it seemed he had a split second before anyone made a move to react. He used this to his advantage, dodging scanners, and the various super heroes. But he was tired, he'd been bending the mist for hours. Sure it was pretty easy since they were all mortals who hadn't been looking for anything weird, but now that they were looking he had to hide even more.
With one last flicker, the mist in the entire plane seemed to die and Travis' legs almost went with it. Curled up in a ball near Percy, but not too close, he narrowly avoided being seen. Hiding in a place they had scanned at least five times worked out well for him, but it seemed Percy wasn't so lucky. Travis could tell Percy was trying to wake up, and the ambrosia Travis slipped him seemed to be doing the trick as his eyes fluttered open again.
Travis made a frantic 'STAY STILL' movement, but either Percy didn't notice or didn't care because he started trying to move his foot. Travis mentally groaned and hopped Connor hadn't passed out, becuase he would probably have to drain more of his brother's strength in just a moment. You heard that correct, an ability Travis and Connor had was they could draw strength from each other. And, if they were close enough, talk to each other mentally. It was a gift from Hectate that the two boys gained by helping her defeat some monster that kept annoying her.
It was also why Travis and Connor both were so good at bending the mist, they were actually training Hazel in her free time. Travis had to act fact when Spider Man stepped on Percy's foot. But realizing that back up wasn't going to show up anytime soon and that they were about to land in a heavily armed military base, Travis decided the best thing to do was to stay put. He had a tracker on Percy and he had a tracker on Tony. Even if they removed the tracker on Percy, he'd have one on Tony.
Percy let out a small ouch when Spider Kid stepped on his foot. It was the most sound he'd made in a while, and frankly it didn't hurt that bad, in fact he could barely feel it. But considering the kid jumped back dramatically with surprise, Percy figured he was already found out. His vision was blurry, but he could just make out the outline of the kid and of everyone else rushing over. He was dragged to his feet which still refused to do anything but twitch. He could move his upper half, or he was almost sure he could, but if he couldn't run he could get out. So why bother to let them know he could move at all?
Stark started questioning him right away "How did you get off the table, how did you make it seem like you were still there" but all Percy could do was grunt sarcastically, so they didn't get anywhere with him. So Stark set the spider kid on babysitting duty while he landed the plane. The other guy was watching, Percy could feel that much but he couldn't do anything about it. The plan landed with a soft thud and Percy felt a lot better even though he knew he was in Alaska.
He heard lots of movement as he started to be able to feel his various limbs again. It was of small relief to know his arms hadn't been cut off and he wasn't paralyzed. Okay he still was sort of paralyzed but his mind was clearing and he could make his foot move. He decided to continue pretending to be limp though, which wasn't hard. He was still exhausted, what had happened? He didn't exactly remember much except his mind almost turning to jello.
Before he could dwell on that much longer something was slipped into his hand, a hunk of ambrosia, then he was lifted up and moved. He felt the dull jar through his body that indicated he was being carried away from the plane, but to where exactly was he being carried? He heard lots of 'protocols' and hoped he would be able to remember some for when he tried to break out. After the 8th, he gave up.
Fighting his way out would be the way he had to go. After... A quick... nap.
Hey guys, i'm going to be gone for a week or two on a youth camp as well as school starting back up soon after. I don't know when the next update will be, sorry! Go check out Kmbell92 while you wait. She inspired me to continue writing, while I don't agree with all of her views no one can doubt how beautifully she crafts her characters and develops their worlds. Go show her some support!
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