It's not a monster vibe, but it's not a good one either.
Percy was annoyed.
Annabeth had to stay late at Olympus today, something about a statue falling over, so he would have to plan the party (Partially) without her. First stop was buying Frank's favorite candy, only, Percy forgot to ask what his favorite candy was. Not the best idea, and he's couldn't just call up Frank and ask him. So he got an assortment of different types. Hazel was much easier, she loved nutty candy, so he got her some dark chocolate candies with nuts along with one white chocolate candy just in case she liked it. Percy hated white chocolate and he hoped Hazel felt the same way, or at least wouldn't be mad at him for only touching one bar of it instead of getting her a dozen. Percy also picked up a few candies for Annabeth then bid goodbye to his mom, who was also in the process of writing a book as well as running the store, and stepped outside.
He let out a taxi cab whistle but not the one he used for Black Jack, that one was more high pitched, and a cab pulled up. "Hello, where to?" the man asked. Percy gave him directions to a convince store just outside of New York. It sold some party supplies and was run by a demigod called Fred, son of Hermes but surprisingly, always gave you good deals and never stole. Something about wanted to prove not all Hermes kids stole. From there he would call Blackjack to take him the rest of the way. Of course, he could always call Blackjack in the city, but Percy felt like keeping in the normal cab taking schedule. They took it so much they knew most of the taxi drivers that hung around at this time of day.
Percy had been feeling nervous, but he figured that was from not having Annabeth right next to him. But this was a different Taxi cab driver then normal, so he was wary. He didn't get the 'MONSTER' vibe from the guy, but the driver must have been an old one as he kept calm even though another car almost rammed into them. He also noted that the holes that allowed the passenger to talk to the driver clearly were missing. The taxi seemed new, even had a weird taste in the air, but Percy didn't see how this improved the design. He'd have to ask Annabeth about It later.
He tapped on his leg feeling bored. Without Annabeth to talk to he figured he'd talk to the driver. "So how long you've been living in New York?" The driver glanced back but didn't respond, kind of rude. He could use a drink when he got back, speaking of drinks did Fred sell large cokes? 'Hey Grover. Do you have any large cokes in the fridge?' Grover had been working on improving their empathy link so that If Percy was kidnapped by a crazy goddess, they could contact each other. Then again last time Hera had suppressed it, so they didn't know I felt it would work or not. But in the meantime Percy's and Grover could talk about anything from half a state away with little to no effort. Any further required more effort.
'That's would be a no.' Grover's voice barely broke though Percy's senses making him wonder if Grover was out finding another demigod. 'Where you at G'man? I can barely hear you."
'I'm at camp, why are you so choppy?' Percy frowned blinking, something was wrong and it wasn't just his nerves. The guy in the front seat shifted and glanced at a small mirror Percy had missed when scanning the area earlier, or had it been there before? The driver was nervous, Percy decided to get out and see if the air and connection improved. The air inside was almost bitter tasting, and Percy thought air could only taste like salt. It gave him a headache and he was already tired. 'I'm just in a taxi heading to the store. The guy's suspicious though, not like monster suspicious. I'm getting out.' Percy made sure to reassure him. 'Rachel's coming to camp, maybe she can pick you up. Where are you at at? I can text her.' Grover asked and Percy could almost feel him reach for his phone.
"Excuse me, can you let me out here?" Percy asked trying to read the name of a sign. "I need to..... get some sandwiches for my mom. Thanks for the trouble" He said seeing a sign with a sandwich on it. The guy didn't seem to notice, Percy tried the door but found it locked. The normal lock didn't work, something was very wrong. Percy has and started even Mortals work under the influence of Titans and he suspected something similar might be happening. Percy frowned, decided to leave, extended Riptide and busted the locked door open. Then he just rolled out of the car and came to his feet ready to run.
But as he stood, his body protested. He felt light headed and his legs felt weak. 'Grover somethings wrong.' He started to walk as fast as he could away from the taxi which had stopped abruptly. His sword wouldn't harm mortals, but the taser Piper gave him for Christmas might. Suddenly he was upside down. Correction, he was upside down looking into the face of...
'What's wrong? Is the guy a monster? Need back up?' Grover's voice was much clearer.
Spider Man? 'Spider Man?' 'Wait what?' 'My legs feel like jello. I think some monster is controlling spider-man because he just pulled me upside down. Or I dreaming?' Percy was almost positive he was dreaming. The tired feeling, head ache and Spider Man? Must be a dream. Though when he spoke Percy knew his mind could never make this up. He though the guy was, you know, an adult.
"Sorry. " Spider Man said and the next moment a shock raced down Percy's legs. 'Percy what Is going on?' Grover asked. It hurt of course, but not as bad as when Jason shocked him, or, God's forbid, Thalia shocked him. That really hurt! "He's still awake." Spider-Man whispered hastily. Percy slashed through the web and hit the ground, again rolling and continuing to sprint away. His legs were awake now, then shock made sure of that. Percy's plan was to-well he didn't really have a plan. 'Percy!' 'Look, I'm being chased by Spider-Man who tried to electrocute me. Now is not the-WHOA WEB.'
Percy dodged to then right and turned realizing he couldn't out run this kid. But it was a kid, so he just needed to outsmart said kid and his high tech gear. Spider-KID started shooting webs at high speed of all different types. Percy kept dodging or slicing through them like butter. But one landed a solid hit in his sword handle. Then Spider-Kid jerked it away leaving Percy without his sword. Great. "Whoa! This sword is heavy. What's it made if?" Spider Kid asked. Percy did not, no matter how much the gods said they kept the demigods hidden, want to use his powers. He was temporarily ignoring Grover as he just kept trying to ask questions that he really didn't have answers to. Percy let out a whistle to Blackjack hoping he was around.
Spider-Kid was good, after getting away his sword he quickly landed a web sticking Percy to a wall. Screw not using powers, he wouldn't use his water bending powers, but smaller ones? Percy decided to try something risky.
Mist travel.
Nico was teaching Percy how to Mist travel. Similar to shadow travel but you couldn't only travel far distance if you were touching a body of water and going to another body of water. At least that was the theory as Percy couldn't even travel between two puddles farther then a foot yet, much less hundreds of thousands of miles. There was such a thing, short mist travel, which was turning your body to mist, moving, then reforming. It was also super tiring, and Percy was was already tired. But it was either that, or let the kid try to figure out how to knock Percy out as electrocution didn't work.
So Percy tried.
Tried and succeeded.
Percy dissolved and moved right outside of the bonds and reformed. Spider-Kid looked at him and Percy ran across the street barrling through people saying sorry as he did so. The electric shock whichever momentarilly helped with Percy's leg situation was wearing off. His legs were feeling weak again, it might be because of mist travel, but it might be because of whatever problem his legs were having. The weird tasting air. Was their some sort of connection? Will's words came back to him.
"Because you were in Tartarus for now so long you've developed a resistance to most types of posioens."
Neat information, but he wished he'd remembered that before felling extreamky exsusted while running from a potentially mind controlled Spider-kid/man. Percy tripped as somthing latched onto his foot and he smacked his head on the pavement as everything went dark.
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