Hermes Magic
Travis didn't know exactly what he was thinking when he snuck onto the jet that was now flying so high above the clouds he couldn't even see them. Especially sense Percy who wasn't really supposed to get on planes, was now in one. The weather was stormy, even though from what he over heard it was supposed to be impossible for storms to affect them. Which meant that Zeus was not happy that Percy decided to go for an afternoon fly. They had Percy chained down to what looked like one of the more expensive cots in the big house, times twenty.
Travis- in the three hours they'd been flying and hadn't been struck by lighting- had already managed to undo four of the eighteen various clamps and locks. Four becuase after every half an our the locks would reset and he'd have to start over as fast as he could. He cursed under his breath as the locks reset again, then he got to work his hands flying across the deceives. He's figured out HOW to unlock each of them, but each lock took time even if you knew what you were doing.
And even more so if you had to keep hidden from super heroes and a scanner that scanned Percy every five minutes to see if he was waking up. Which was probably the only reason Travis hadn't slipped him any nectar or ambrosia. If Percy woke up before Travis got the chains off, he wouldn't be much help except for alerting everyone that he was ready to be knocked out again.
Oh but wait, you say, why doesn't he just cut the chains with his celestial bronze weapon he brought with him. Well first off Travis isn't as dumb as you think, how else would he have been accepted into one of the top collages in North Carolina? The chains are rigged that-if cut- an alarm will go off. Second off Travis lent his pen knife to Conner while they were shutting off the lights so he didn't even have anything sharper then the screwdriver he stole from Leo a year ago. Heh, Leo was non the wiser. In any case, Travis had to unlock them each within half an hour, while dodging the scanners, and then he had to wake Percy up so they could...
Well he hadn't gotten that far yet, he hopped Percy would have some ideas. After all, he'd been to Alaska before, and he did put a tracker on Stark. He thought about putting one on Percy but he'd almost set off the alarm while sneaking in ambrosia into Percy's pocket so he decided not to risk it again. Okay, one lock to go.
Rodey was nervous. Well, not nervous, just more wary. They'd gotten the young adult who supposedly had powers and confirmed that yes, he had powers. (What those powers were, they were still debating) They'd started questioning the kid before Fury arrives and then out of no where Loki pops up and just punches Vision through a wall. Then they jump on a jet and start heading for Alaska only to have a freaky lighting storm going on under them, threatening if they descended into the clouds, they would get fried. Yeah, not exactly what they had planned for the day.
"It doesn't make sense, the storm is FOLLOWING us. It's at the same speed and it isn't affecting anything else but the area below our ship." Tony muttered. And that was another thing, Tony kept muttering to himself-which while normal- was a bit less normal when he started muttering about a dagger and a girl. Yeah they both needed a nap- "So, how much longer till landing?" and there was another thing. The kid, the spider kid had tagged along. Tony probably would have said no, but he was so disoriented he said yes.
It was all he could do to keep the kid distracted from the young adult with a name he couldn't remember. Luckily he'd fallen asleep, so while he shifted every once and a while, he didn't bother them too much after the first hour. "We're almost over Alaska borders. The storm seems to be weakening." Rodey's head swiveled as he thought he heard someone curse in Greek. He only recognized it becuase one of the security guards, a tall man with graying hair, spoke it.
Then there was silence, deadening silence and Rodey took a step closer to the boy, becuase he was sure that was where he had heard it coming from. He didn't see anything, and he had a strong urge to turn away and go back to doing-well- whatever he was doing. But he fought the urge, something was there. He knew it. He took another step closer, his vision ever so slightly blurred. Then the blur vanished, and his mind cleared. Nothing was there.
Wait. NOTHING WAS THERE. "Tony! We have a problem!"
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