Demigod Dreams
"So we met three years ago?" Percy questioned,
"Yes, But soon after your memories were taken away. Other demigods, half mortal, half Greek god, convinced you that they were on your side." Loki explained. "I do not know how they were able to manipulate your mind as such, but I searched until I found someone able to undo their lies and hopefully help restore the memories you lost."
"Honestly?" Percy breathed as they pulled the boat ashore "I just feel sea sick. Anytime I try to... think about you too much my mind burns and my skin tingles."
"A side affect perhaps? Hopefully as you continue to heal it will get easier. I will bring you to a place where's you can heal, far away from this place and it's will not be familiar to you as to cause you to feel ill."
Annabeth. He had to find Annabeth. "I... I don't."
"We will find a place here for you to rest, but we must be quick. They will search for you."
The monsters. They were looking for him to kill him, they wouldn't stay dead. The two made their way over to hotel, Loki got them a room and Percy conked out. Trusting this man to guard him, knowing... that much.
He felt feverish, tossing and turning, a faint burning coming from the small of his back. He tried to suck in a breath, but he coughed instead, feeling nauseous and a small headache forming. But there was a scene, sort of forming before him. Yes, yes a scene. New York. Percy knew, and he was standing right next to a small wall, watching hellhounds pace around a park. Someone ran over to him, a... sayter. Mouthing something at him but Percy couldn't understand. No sound reached his ears so he turned back to the hellhounds. They couldn't get in, why? This was a dream, so the hellhounds wouldn't be able to see him. He snuck around, edging into the border but not the right border. There was a mortal man with his back against a tree, a tree that-a wave of nausea swept over Percy and he almost threw up in his dream.
The sayter had followed him, squinting at everything like he was trying to see what's Percy was looking at.
"I'm not here," Percy explained to him, "I'm sleeping. This is a dream." But it felt like talking through jello. The sayter could understand him, he tried to talk back but again Percy couldn't understand him. He was distracted again by the tree, he walked over, placing a hand on it, then his hand traveled down until it reached a puncture wound. It was dying. The sayter looked terrified.
"It's just a dream... right?" Percy asked, but somehow he knew his dreams were never just dreams. The sayter tried to motion to him, say more things but Percy felt himself being pulled away from the scene. The sayter tried to run after him, but everything darkened and then Loki was shaking him awake.
"The mist is gone, it what hides monsters from mortals. The gods from mortals. We should leave to my home, it's far away and the humans will not be able to get to it. Nor the monsters to you. They will attack you as soon as they realize you don't remember how to fight them."
"I was already running away," Percy blinked, "the two ladies. Trying too...make me try samples. They won't die."
"Your hair is longer." Loki observed, but longer than what Percy wasn't sure. "Take off your shirt."
Loki gave him a look, and Percy decided why not and did. Loki stared, then Percy put back on his shirt. Then Percy followed Loki, because Loki seemed to know what he was doing. even if... Loki seemed to confused as well.
"There are too many things going wrong!" Annabeth slammed her fists down. "This is a plan, someone planned all of this so that's we couldn't deal with everything at once."
"We know that," Jason countered "but what do we do? We only have so many people. We have to find Percy, we have to find Rachel, we have to figure out why Grover aged backwards, we have To find Thalia's tree, we have to..."
"Figure out why the mist is gone and how to fix all of this before the us government tried to nuke olympus?" Little Tony comments.
"Yes." Jason says after a prolonged moment. "All those things."
"Well," Fury spoke up, he'd somehow been added to the team. "The avengers are already going to New York to try to deal with the monsters. You said these gods could possess mortals, so does that mean I should call off my team?"
"No," Annabeth muttered "I just need to think, and divide and concur... think and divide... think and... Piper, Jason, both of you head to New York. Piper you'll have to convince everyone you can that the place hovering above the Empire State Building doesn't exist. Mostly the superhero's. Hazel, Frank, New Rome and setting up a guard there from potential American military. Actually, Frank take Tony and Fury. Hazel and Grover I need both of you with me to find Percy."
"Annabeth," Jason spoke up "with all due respect, they need you at camp half blood. With no tree-"
Grover busted into the room, wide awake. "Thalia is the tree. She's in New York. She's dying."
Annabeth mentally chucked those plans out the window.
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