It took three hours for the demigods to set up camp. Loki knew that they'd knew he was here, somewhere, they just couldn't find him. Their magical shield wasn't that specific. But he couldn't really complete the plan easily because Percy's was still inside of the hellhound's fur and even the charm speak girl couldn't get it to release him. So they'd set up camp, discussing things that Loki could not hear. Because the charm speak girl would shout into the night occasionally saying,
"Show yourself!!" And he didn't want to risk the chance of revealing himself, so he sat near the hellhound as she slept, holding the tiny staff, or... glass dagger minus the hilt in his hand. Kholine was explaining that as soon as he had the chance to stab it in and give her the glass knife afterwords as she still had use for it. He could care less about the beautiful goddess, she'd offered her hand and he'd accepted for a few years in advance and she was more than willing to wait. His first priority was restoring Percy's memories.
The hellhound uncurled, stretching and revealing Percy's shoe. He carefully pulled Percy out more, he was already laying on his stomach. He numbed the spot, he apologized in his mind, then drove the knife in. It was quiet, and Loki watched as the dust drained away and the knife filled up in turn with blood. Kholine hadn't mentioned that, the hellhounds stirred and growled-moving and snapping at Loki who jumped back-removing the knife now full of blood as variousness people woke up or were already on watch noticed something something was amiss. It was harder to keep up illusions when you were being attacked. Especially by the angry blond girl and the metal bending girl and now the lighting kid and-the knife flew from his hand and shattered all over the ground blood bouncing from the temperature before soaking in.
Loki had failed and suddenly the control over ice he'd been granted vanished, only leaving him with his natural resistance to cold, illusions, and his normal skills. Which were not enough. Soon everything went dark as the butt of a bone knife slammed into his forehead.
Annabeth bound Percy's wound while everyone else kept extreme guard as the Argo 3 lifted off into the sky, Mrs. Old Leary growling in any direction of a breath of cold air. But soon it was getting warmer and they settle down into the water and crossed away from Alaska. Fury was watching silently, and Annabeth was ignoring him as Percy started to wake up. She hadn't gotten to talk to him since then beginning of this 3 day fiasco.
"Ouch," he muttered blinking awake as Annabeth held him upright and bandaged the wound. The small of his back... now they had similar wounds, both from knives but that one-Loki had been trying to take his blood.
"Hey seaweed brain,"
"Wise girl," he sighed and she almost cried at the relief in his voice, so she gently turned him around and hugged him. He leaned into her arms, clearly still exhausted and confused. "Next time I'm taking Black Jack home."
"Next time you'll do your homework at Olympus."
"But people want to talk to me!"
"We'll dye your"
Percy snorted and she carefully straightened him, he was still cold to the touch. "What did you do? Eat an ice cube? Travis said you controlled ice too."
"Yeah," Percy rubbed at his nose which began to drip as he warmed up. Annabeth smiled lightly at the thought of him catching a cold. Percy was adorable when he was half awake rambling about the latest skating techniques. Most people didn't know he and Tyson still skated, mostly Percy, but sometimes Tyson would try.
"Bad idea." Annabeth smiled.
"Bad idea? I think I became a popsicle."
"I think you also had a rather fancy mosquito on your back,"
"What?" Percy whispered horrified. "How big was it?"
Annabeth could hear the other's snickering. "Very big, but go back to sleep. I'll tell you more later."
She couldn't worry him with Kronos, or Loki trying to steal his blood. Nor the claim from Loki that Percy knew him and that Percy would remember 'Everything.' In due Time.
Tock Tick.
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