Chapter 3
A/N I just got good ideas, ok?
Bethany's POV
I watched as Jordan walked back in, neither Isaac nor Rose in sight. "Mistress, my brother has been knocked out." he said to Maria.
"Did I tell you to speak?!" Maria asked. Jordan stayed silent. "Oh and, Jordan, you're going to be a goner soon." Jordan fell to the floor as soon as he got hit by the fist of the man behind him. I cried out when I noticed two red contacts fell out of his eyes. "Did Rose really think I still fall for that trick?"
"Well, I did until now!" Rose shouted from somewhere. I looked around. Isaac appeared behind me.
"Bethany, stay quiet. You need to relax." he whispered. I stared at Jordan's crumpled form being dragged away by the man. He was thrown into the cage that had held Rose before. He winced as his back touched the bars. Rose appeared from behind the cage.
"Rose, you better come freely, or I force Isaac to hurt you." Maria said, laughing a bit. I felt Isaac stiffen a bit and he stepped out from behind me. I looked at him and noticed his eyes were red. "So, what'll it be?"
"Maria, why don't you just let them go? This is between us now, not them." Rose replied. Cierra's eyes started glowing. I didn't know why, they just were. Suddenly, my ropes disappeared. I tore off my gag.
"Isaac, get your sisters out. Then, come back in." Maria yawned. I stood up as Isaac walked towards me and Cierra. Cierra backed up a bit. He grabbed my arm tightly and Cierra's arm as well. I tried to pull away, but he was way bigger than me, despite being the youngest. He dragged us outside the house and back to our home. He shoved us into our room and left. I sat on my bed.
"Beth, it's ok." Cierra stated.
"No, it's not! Jordan is the oldest! He shouldn't be stuck back there!" I groaned.
Rose's POV
Isaac walked back in, and stood next to Maria. I stood still, waiting for what would happen next. "Isaac..." Maria started.
"I surrender." I sighed, putting my hands in the air. The man who had been standing next to the cage grabbed my hands and tied them behind my back. He used a little of the anti-magic formula on the ropes so I wouldn't be able to break them. I screamed as the burning sensation started. Maria just laughed like she was crazy. I was surprised my mother wasn't worried about me yet. Then again, I was supposed to be at school, not there in a basement. Jordan moved away from the bars of his cage so they couldn't hurt him anymore.
"Take her to the room." Maria ordered. The man dragged me out of the room and into a long hallway. There were rooms on every side, and the man stopped in front of one door. He opened it, and dragged me inside the room. There were four chains, two on the ceiling and two on the floor, and the man attached one chain to each of my limbs. I was in the middle of the room, with a yard in front, behind, and to either side. The man left the room, and he locked the door. I stood in the room, hanging by my arms and crying. I heard some shouts and the door was opened again. The man stood in the door, holding Jordan in his arms. Another set of chains appeared behind me, and he put Jordan there. Maria walked in as he was finishing up.
"Why do you still have him here?" I asked, meaning the man. He had been my boyfriend until he vanished, due to Maria.
"He is very helpful. Aren't you, Felix?" Maria laughed. Felix smiled. "Anyway, you're going to be stuck here for a while."
"What about mom?" I asked.
"What about her? Oh, she'll be here soon enough." Maria cackled as she and Felix left the room. The door was shut and locked. I sighed, knowing that this could be worse.
"Rose?" Jordan croaked. "Are you alright?"
"I'm fine. You're who I need to worry about." I replied. I winced a little when some anti-magic formula dripped down the chains. Maria was trying to make us as uncomfortable as possible. "Besides, it could be worse." That's the last thing I said before I fell unconscious.
*time skip of unicorns (Three days later)*
I looked up as the door opened. Maria walked in, Felix and Isaac behind her. Isaac's eyes were still red, and he was carrying a jug of water. "Isaac, give them the water. Felix, do you have the food?"
"Yes, Maria." Felix replied, placing it on the dirty floor. Isaac set the jug down and then he and Felix left. Maria snapped her fingers as the door swung shut. The chains disappeared and Jordan and I fell to the ground. I scrambled towards the food and water instantly. Jordan followed as well. I separated the food and gave half of it to Jordan. I ate my half, upset when it was all gone. Jordan ate his much slower. I popped open the jug and drank some of it. By then, neither of us cared about germs and backwash. I passed the jug to Jordan and I stood up. A chain appeared around my ankle, attached to the wall. I sighed and sat next to the wall. Jordan did too, as soon as he was finished and had a chain as well attached to him and the wall. The door opened once again.
"Let me go, you imbecile!" a girl's voice came into the room. I watched as the owner of the voice was shoved into the room with us. The door shut and locked. A chain appeared around her ankle and attached itself to the wall. "Well, how rude."
"You can say that again." I croaked, my voice weak from not using it. Jordan nodded. He had lost his voice the day before.
"So, who are you guys?" she asked.
"Rose." I laughed a little. I nodded at Jordan. "That's Jordan Frye. He lost his voice yesterday."
"I'm Shadow, but everyone calls me Savannah." the girl laughed a little. "My full name is..."
"Shadow Savannah Shade." we both said.
"Wait, Rose?" she asked.
"Unicorns." I laughed. My voice was slowly coming back. Jordan looked confused. "Friend from Oklahoma."
"She was my friend until she moved here. I came to visit, but your mom said that you hadn't been home in a few days." Shadow replied. Jordan nodded. The door opened once more and Isaac walked in, his eyes brown again.
"Rose, Jordan, I'm so sorry!" he cried, coming over to us and giving us a hug. I hugged him back, as did Jordan. "Can you fogive me?"
"It wasn't your fault." Jordan whispered, his voice more of a rasp than an actual voice. Shadow looked a little confused.
"My older sister." I mouthed. She nodded. "Isaac, why are you here?" I asked him.
"Maria decided to let me talk to you guys, finally. She said not to take too long or to talk about anything that has happened." Isaac replied. "Jordan, what happened to your voice?"
"I lost most of it yesterday." he rasped again. I nodded.
"Shadow, this is Isaac. Isaac, my best friend from Oklahoma that has no clue who you guys are." I introduced once Isaac had stopped hugging us. It took a while, though. "By the way, what about your channel, guys?"
"Bethany and Cierra are probably recording for us because we can't be there." Isaac replied. "They probably said that we were sick or something like that."
"Or maybe they were listening in on your conversation." Maria said from the doorway, with Felix behind her. He was holding an arm of each girl. I growled.
"So, you kidnap me and the two boys. Understandable. You kidnap my friend. Pushing my temper. But then you kidnap the two girls after you promised to let them go. Not cool." I stated. Jordan looked worried, and Isaac was backed into a corner.
"Oh, I didn't kidnap them. They wanted to take Jordan and Isaac's places. I agreed, of course." Maria laughed. Bethany's eyes turned red, and Cierra was shoved into the room. Jordan's chain released his ankle and attached itself to Cierra's. I stood up to help Jordan up. He stood, a little wobbly. I let him lean on my shoulder until Isaac took him. "Bethany, take Isaac home. Felix, grab Jordan." They both did as they were told, Bethany because she was forced to and Felix because he wanted to please Maria. Jordan struggled in Felix's grip. I started towards them when the chain started burning my ankle. I screamed in pain and fell to the ground.
"Rose!" Shadow shouted, running towards me. The pain intensified. I screamed louder.
"Ah, I finally get to see that happen. She was supposed to stay where the chain starts. She didn't, causing the chain to punish her. And because it doesn't work on you, my dear girl, it hurt her worse." Maria laughed. The pain stopped, and I laid on the floor, sobbing my eyes out. Bethany had gone but she was back by then. Jordan still struggled in Felix's grip. Cierra was wise and stayed by the wall.
"Let...Jordan...go..." I whimpered. "Use me instead."
"Fine. Bethany, take Jordan home as well. Felix, grab Rose." Felix took a step towards me as he let Jordan go. The chain around my ankle vanished. Shadow was close to tears.
"Rose, no!" she shouted. Cierra remained silent. Bethany led Jordan away and Felix helped me to my feet. He knew I was doing it willingly, so he just helped me balance.
"Felix, Rose, follow me." Maria turned and walked away, Felix and I following. I turned to watch the door shut to the prison I had been in for three days. I turned back around and kept walking. Maria stopped outside a closed door. She opened it and stepped inside. I followed, as did Felix. The door shut behind us. In front of me sat a machine and a cage. Felix guided me to the cage. The door was shut after I entered it. A hum started coming from the machine and a rainbow colored light surrounded my cage. I grew weaker and I fell to the floor. A bubble of rainbow colors appeared. The machine shut off when the bubble looked about to burst. "It worked! I now have my sister's powers!" Maria shouted.
That's when I realized why I was weak. My powers were gone. She had been planning to take Jordan's! "No..." I gasped, and I passed out.
A/N If this is too much, tell me. I wanted to write it, however, so I did. Eat chocolate, smell roses, and kill squids!
Rose out!
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