guys seriously stop reading this shit im not even kidding its so bad and cringey lol i might have to ask the next person who comments on this if theyre ok bc why
doing some revisions on specific chapters because i reread this today and realized how DARK some shit was therefore i removed it lol
I look up from my feet, a small sigh escaping through my dry lips. I had hoped that my earphones would magically work again this morning, but unfortunately they were broken, the cord completely snapped. I felt like listening to music. I wanted All Time Low's songs blasting into my ears, mixed in with a little bit of Twenty One Pilots. But, I continue to walk in dead silence, the only sound of birds chirping and my flats tapping against the hard sidewalk. I slow my walking down, my footsteps not making any noise. Only; there were footsteps. But, not mine. I stop in my tracks, confused. I look around, my eyes roaming for a sign of any person. I turn my body slightly, and out of my peripheral vision, I see a figure. A person. Standing directly behind me. I stumble back a bit, tripping over my feet as I take in the person. A tall male, dressed in tight black skinny jeans, a long black shirt, and a mask covering his face. Then, his hands reached out to grab me.
I scream for help, but that didn't do me any good due to the fact everyone was hidden inside their safe, toasty homes. The person slapped their hand over my mouth, incoherent words escaping their lips. I tug on their hand, while trying to free myself from their grip. It was useless; I may be tall and not so skinny, but I was definitely not strong. I attempted to scream into the persons hand again, but it was muffled and not loud enough. My throat began to feel scratchy from the screaming, and it hurt to even try. I gave up, knowing this was it. I was being kidnapped, and there was nothing I could do about it.
I notice a white van that we suddenly were approaching — somehow I hadn't noticed it before. As we got closer, I realized there was another person standing guard, just in case anyone tried to do something. They weren't in black; they were wearing grey and black, though. I take a deep breath, and try screaming again. My throat tore and all I felt was pain. My capturer let go of me, making me fall limp into the vans side. I attempted to scramble away, but someone grabbed my arm. It was the other man. He pushed me into the van, and I tripped on my way in. Tears swarmed in my eyes as the van door was slammed shut. This was it. They're probably going to rape me, kill me, torture me; they're teenagers, or young adults, what else would they do?
I got pushed to the side of my seat as the van suddenly roared to life. I didn't even attempt at making an escape. I'd either seriously hurt myself or the person beside me would pull me back. I take a deep breath, letting the tears fall free, small sobs escaping my lips. It looked as if the person beside me felt guilty over what he had done — but why would he? He's the one who took me and shoved me in here; he's the one who did this.
I take a deep breath, tucking my hair behind my ears. I glance behind me, noticing three other seats. With three other boys. They stared at me with wide eyes, their masks taken off and sitting on their laps. So there's five of them; just waiting to take advantage of me. I felt like crying again, but I put on my brave girl face and looked back straight ahead of me.
"You got her," someone says behind me, a thick Irish accent evident in their words. I take more shaky breaths, feeling panic rise up inside of me as I think of all the things they're going to do to me. The man beside me turns back, staring at the three boys. I rest my head back, staring at him.
"Why'd you remove your masks? Our identity is not to be revealed, guys," the man beside me spoke, his voice evident of a British accent. The same Irish accent spoke, "She'll find out who we are sooner or later, we might as well expose our identities now. We won't be able to keep this masks on forever."
"I mean, I guess," the man beside me sighs, pulling off his mask. I try not to widen my eyes as his curly, brown hair falls around his face, a few strands overlapping his gorgeous green eyes. His eyes connect with mine, and I nearly melt right there. He was nearly as cute as the guys in the back of the large van. I kept looking at him. If I'm going to be kidnapped, why not stick me with unattractive men instead?
I look away, my eyes adjusting onto the window. A small plan forms in my head, but I was unsure if it was going to work. I tilt my head to the side, looking at the three men in the back. One had blonde hair matched with beautiful blue eyes, the other had brown hair, shaved into a buzzcut, paired with chocolate brown eyes, and the last one had slightly wavy brown hair with a set of blue – green eyes. They look at me. I felt uncomfortable under their stares, knowing that sometime in the feature one might be hovering over me, taking full advantage of me, or one of them might be pointing a gun to my head, or stabbing a knife through me. I take a deep breath, and utter a quiet, "Hello."
"Hi," they replied, their different voices perfectly harmonized. It weirded me out a little, but I sat back, acting as if I were calm to the situation. I might have looked like it, but inside my heart was racing and my head was pounding. My mind kept running over what they were going to do to me. It scared me, but I had to put on an act. So, I remained silent, trying to calm myself down. They didn't realize I was pretending. They probably even forgot I was there. They were screaming at each other loudly, creating a hustle of noise in the van.
I took it as the perfect opportunity to set my plan into action.
My seatbelt wasn't strapping me in, so I quickly sit up. Again, I remain unnoticed. I crouch down a little, eyeing the man with curls. I take a step forward, and that seems to gain their attention. Their eyes stay set on me, wide with fear. So, I leap at the man, straddling his lap as I punch him in the face aggressively. I grab a curl of his, yanking it downwards as if that'd do something. A groan of pain falls from his mouth as I continue to hurt him.
He deserves the pain, he's the one that took me. Not only that, but I couldn't help but want to touch his curls. I suppose yanking on them — not sexually, more like forceful, hurtful and stuff along those lines — will do.
"Harry!" The man with slightly wavy hair with a pair of blue–green eyes cries, fumbling to take off his seatbelt. Once he succeeds, he jumps onto me, making pain tingle throughout my body.
"Louis, get off her! You're not only hurting Harry, but you're hurting her!" The man with an Irish accent cries out.
"No!" Louis — I am guessing — cries.
"Fine then," the man with the Irish accent smirks, taking off his seatbelt. "Doggy pile!"
"No, Niall!" Harry and Louis cries as Niall attempts to squeeze himself on top of Louis. It was probably tight up there, as for his chest seemed to be pressed up against the roof of the car. Almost.
"Niall, Louis and the girl, please get back to your seats before we get pulled over by the cops!"
I had a clear sight of the man who yelled. It was the guy with the shaved head. He looked pretty upset, and angry. I felt less weight on me, and noticed that Niall was now back in his seat, and Louis was struggling to get off me. They both looked guilty as to what they had done.
"Sorry, Liam."
His eyes held the anger, but he looked away as he saw me climb off Harry. I glare at the curly haired boy, then quickly flipped him my middle finger. He frowned, and looked away. I sigh, sitting back down in my seat gently, my back throbbing with pain. I eyes the door suspiciously. I could leap out of the car, but it's moving pretty quickly. But, not fast enough for me to break a bone. I try to get an idea as to where we were, but I couldn't quite figure anything else, other than the fact nobody is around.
"Where's Zayn?" Louis asks. I recognize all their voices now, and can identify all of them. I suppose Zayn is the last person, the one who is driving the vehicle.
"Driving?" I suggest, staring down at Niall who was wedged between Harry and I's seats. All of them shrug, then continue to talk to each other. None of them were currently looking at me, which meant it was the perfect opportunity. I look down, making sure I did not have a seatbelt on, and smiled when I noticed I didn't. I quietly sit up, hoping none of them notice me. They didn't. I smile, and reach out for the door handle the same time Niall looked up.
"For Narnia!" Niall cries, crouching as he leaps onto me, bringing me down so I'm flat on the ground. I groan as the wind knocks out of me, and I groan louder as my head smacked hard against the door.
"Niall, please do not start this again," Liam cries, throwing his head back. Niall sighs, getting off me to wedge himself back between the seats. I sit up, rubbing my head. I plop back down in my seat, feeling tears sting my eyes as I look back at the boys
"Why are you doing this to me?" I ask, my voice cracking at the end. Louis, Liam and Harry look down, shame, regret and guilt crossing over their faces. Niall continued to stare at me, all three emotions mixed on his face, along with hunger. I suppose he's hungry.
"Well, um, we wanted to kidnap someone?" Louis asks, gritting his teeth together. I rest my chin in my hand, blinking back the tears that were soon to come. Me, out of all people. Why me? Why'd they kidnap me?
Liam rolls his eyes, nudging Louis with his elbow. "Well, we were playing truth or dare, and some things led to another, and it ended up with someone daring our poor boy Harry to kidnap someone."
"Have fun explaining that to the judge," I hiss at them. "Plus, who the hell kidnaps someone for fun? It's a game; this is serious."
"Well, I guess we do?" Harry asks, forcing a smile on his face. I put my face into my hands, now letting tears stream down my cheeks. I just want to go home. I don't want to be here.
"Let me go!" I cry, clawing at my seatbelt. I struggled to take it off, my fingers shaky and numb. I wanted to get up, jump out or tackle each of them and hurt them for what they're doing to me. Unfortunately, my plans were crushed when Niall plops himself on my lap as if I were Santa and he were the little child.
"Niall get off me!" I cry, my tears stopping, my mood now replaced with anger.
"Nope," he laughs, resting back. His back was in my face, and it was hard to breathe. I could barely do anything, but I managed to let out a small yell;
"Niall, I cannot breathe back here due to your fatness."
Which was a half lie. I couldn't breathe, but in no way was Niall fat. He wasn't anywhere near that point. He sighs, leaning up a little, giving me a little breathing room. I inhale a deep breath, smiling as the air hit me.
"Do not insult the leprechaun again, okay?"
"Leprechaun?" I snorted, making fun of the nickname he gave himself. Niall went to lean back again, but I somehow managed to put my hands out the tiniest bit so he didn't. I sigh, looking over at the other men. They were laughing.
"Just so you are aware, I am not afraid to scream," I state. Louis giggles, "then do it."
"If that's what you want."
I let out a loud, blood curling scream, words mixed in with it. I screamed about how I was being kidnapped and how the men were going to take advantage of me.
"Okay, okay!" Louis cries, making me stop. "We get it, alright? And anyways; we're not here to hurt you, or to take advantage of you. We won't touch you like that."
I sigh, eyeing each boy. I highly doubt that was true, but I'll play along. I'll act like everything is okay, then I'll escape. I freeze, my eyes stopping on Harry. Harry — oh my god I am so stupid.
"I can not wait to tell the press that One Direction kidnapped me!" I yell, pointing my finger in Harry's face. Niall falls off me, now laying on the ground with his hands up in a ninja position, as the other boys just stare with their mouths wide open.
"No, no, no. Don't do that," Louis cries, hiding his face in his hands. Harry looked mortified, and Liam just looked scared.
"Please," Harry begs, pushing his palms flat against each other as if he were praying. I take a deep breath, "then let me go."
"Well, um—" Harry stops, his eyes flickering onto Louis. Louis catches his stare, then glances at me.
"We have to keep you for a couple months."
"A couple months? Why?" I scream. Niall opens his mouth, his body again, wedged between the seats. I pull my chin back, confused as to when he got there. As he was about to answer, the van stopped abruptly, causing us to all lurch forwards.
"We've arrived to our destination," Zayn calls, pulling the van door open. As Liam began to climb out, he looks at me darkly. "Do not run away, or else."
Niall smiles, pushing Liam aside as he jumps out of the van. Liam looks at me, then follows Niall out. I sigh, beginning to stand up. Maybe I could run away. Nobody is watching me at the moment. Harry then walks up the door, sending me a cheeky smile. "Let's go, M'Lady."
He held his hand out, and I slap it away. I step out of the van, and onto the rough cement underneath my feet. I see a couple people down the road, and smirk. Perfect opportunity to scream.
Right when I went to scream, Harry slapped his hand over my mouth, muffling the noises escaping my lips. I felt tears form in my eyes as he drags me up the sidewalk. This really is it. One Direction have kidnapped me, and are going to take advantage of me. Harry pushes me into the house, slamming the door shut behind me. I start crying.
They all sat on some couches, staring at Harry and I. I follow Harry into the living room, tears still running down my face, making me look like a complete mess. Louis pulls me down between him and Niall, cautiously wrapping his arm around my shoulder.
"Please just let me go," I whine, staring up at Louis who held his eyes down on me. He sighs, his breath hitting my face, invading my nostrils with a disgusting scent. I try not to cough, or gag. Maybe I could get him a toothbrush before I escape.
I shake my head, focusing back on the situation I am in. Another tear falls down my face as I look at the other boys. "Please?"
"I'm sorry but we can't," Harry whispers, making me look down at the hardwood floor. I briefly shut my eyes, thinking about my parents who never tell me they love me, my brother who never seemed to give a shit and my cat, who snuggled with me every night and is probably wondering where I am.
I look back up, staring at each boy individually. I see the guilty look on their faces, and the sad looks in their eyes. I sigh, looking down at my feet. Maybe they do regret it. Maybe they won't hurt me. After all, they are One Direction. They seemed like good guys; up until now. But, maybe they won't take advantage of me, or hurt me.
I look back up.
And maybe they'll give me free food.
• • •
Sorry for a short chapter but I wrote this pretty quick so I could have it up for the world to see! Hope you enjoyed! :)
EDIT: it's not short anymore. It used to have around 1,500 words and now it has 3000+ words. If you have not read the previous version of this chapter, whereas it was not edited, you should be happy, because you are saved from carroty, childish moments.
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