Morgan's POV
I let out a small sigh. Why do they have to go on tour now? Why can't they bring me along? I've read all those stories about them going on tour and what not and they bring a girl along. But those stories are fictional, and the situation I am in, it's not fictional.
I close my eyes, getting tired. I might as well sleep, even if it is only nine o' clock at night. I cuddled up with the blanket, letting sleep engulf me.
• • •
The next morning I woke up to the five boys in the room. They all smiled at me, then Louis said, "We're going to the amusement park, get ready!"
Liam, Zayn and Louis left the room, Louis skipping out though. I looked at Harry and Niall. Harry said, "their girlfriends are coming, they probably are going to pick them up."
I nodded, and kicked the covers off me. I yawned, and waited for both the boys to leave. Harry left, but Niall didn't. I stood up, and walked over to him.
"I'm sorry we might not be able to take you on tour with us," he whispers, then kisses me on my lips. I mumble an it's okay. He smiled at me weakly, then left for me to get ready.
I went to my dresser, and got out black leggings, a simple white t-shirt, and some fuzzy socks. I put those all on, then went over to Niall's dresser. I grabbed a black hoodie, and pulled it on over my clothes.
I put my hair into a braid, a very messy one because I haven't brushed my hair, then went downstairs. Harry was eating breakfast, and Niall surprisingly wasn't eating his. I walked over to him, and took a piece of toast off his plate, leaving the other two for him.
"You can have these pieces, you're probably more hungry than me," he says. I shake my head, and slowly eat my piece of toast. I notice Zayn, Louis and Liam were gone, and like Harry said, they're probably picking up their girlfriends.
I finished my breakfast, and so did the other two boys. I got up, excited. "Let's go," I shout, and to where the shoes were. I pulled on my uggs, and waited for the boys to get their shoes on. Once they did, we left to go to the amusement park.
We arrived moments later. I held Niall's hand, while Harry walked in front of us. What a loner.
I looked around, and Niall asked, "any rides you want to go on?" We stopped beside Harry, and I nodded.
"I want to go on a roller coaster," I say, looking over at a blue one. Niall and Harry saw what I was looking at, and they nodded. We rushed over there, and didn't need to get in line. That's when I noticed something.
"Where are all the people?" I ask, now noticing the empty park, the only people were a couple of employees.
"We rented out the park for the whole day," Harry spoke, getting into a cart. Niall and I sat behind Harry. We sat there, waiting for it to start. Niall was drawing circles on my arm with his finger, then the cart lurched forward. We started going uphill, like most roller coasters do.
"It's not that big of a drop," I mumble to myself as we start going downhill, the wind whipping at my face. I tried not to scream, but I couldn't help a small scream to escape my lips. As we started to do more things, I spotted Louis, Liam, Zayn, Eleanor, Danielle and Perrie. They turned around, looking at us. We did another uphill, this time it was longer than the other one.
"Niall," I whisper, "I'm scared."
He chuckled, and started to draw circles on my arm. I look down, realizing he wasn't drawing circles, and he was actually writing words, but I couldn't make out the words as for we started going downhill, super fast.
• • •
It's night time now, and I'm tired out from all the rides. So all nine of us sit at two separate tables, eating. At our table, we had Niall, Perrie, Zayn, Harry and I.
I take a bite out of my sub, finally able to eat. I look up as I chew, locking eyes with Perrie. Perrie was extremely pretty, and I'm happy she's with Zayn.
"So, fun day?" Zayn asks. I nod happily. Niall put his hand over mine, and nodded too. Perrie bit her lip, looking between Niall and I.
"You guys look so cute together!" She gushed. I blushed, and took my hand away from Niall, and grabbed my sub and took a bite from it.
"Thanks," Niall said, taking a bite from his cookie. He already finished his sub. I look up, and over at Harry who was simply crossing his arms and looking at us, "I hate being the third wheel here. You both have girlfriends and I'm here with my darn phone."
"You can easily get a girlfriend Harry, there are millions of girls who drool over you, I'm sure one of them would love to be your girlfriend, if not all." Zayn mutters, then looks over at Perrie and smiles.
I look over at Niall, "can all of us puh-lease go on the Ferris Wheel? I love the Ferris Wheel so much!"
Niall sighed, and looked up at Zayn. He and Perrie agreed to it, and so did Harry. I pouted my lip at Niall, and he simply nodded. "Yay!" I shout, and wrap my hands around Niall's waist.
"Can we go now?" I ask, taking a side glance at my food, "I'm not that hungry anyways, and Harry doesn't have food, Zayn and Perrie shared their sub and they're done, and so are you."
"Fine, let's go guys. Text Louis and Liam, tell them to meet us there." Niall said. We all got up, and I got a shoulder ride from Niall because I claimed that my feet hurt.
We got to the Ferris Wheel, and all the others were already in carts. We all quickly got in three separate ones (Harry alone). The ride started, and I smiled.
"Thank you for bringing me Niall," I say, looking over at him.
"Well you might not able to come on tour with us. This is my gift for you, the other boys each have their own gift to you." He says.
"Well I love gifts so," I shrug, then smile. We rounded the top, and Niall sat next to me instead of across from me. I looked over at him, to see that he looks really nervous.
"What's wrong?" I ask.
"Well there's been something I needed to say for a while now, and this is the perfect place to tell you," he mumbles. I instantly got worried, "what do you need to say?"
He looks up, his blue eyes locking with mine. He leaned forwards, and kissed me on the lips, softly and passionately, and I kissed back. He parted, and our foreheads touched, and we stayed like that, until he finally said what he needed to say.
"I love you."
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