|8| Well... That Was An Unexpected Surprise...
|Story Start|
|Unknown P.O.V|
“What is the current status?” I asked the female shifter who was video chatting with me.
“Sir the mission is in progress. Phase one has been completed.” She informed me.
I grinned menacingly. “Good, very good” I mused as I pressed my fingers together in thought. The plan was in progress. It would start off slow but soon… soon I would reach my goal.
The shifter gave me a desperate look as she started to plead with me “Sir, I know it’s not my place to say but do you really think this plan is going to work? The mate bond is a powerful thing, all the more because he’s an alpha. Maybe there’s another way we can go about this! I mean-”
I cut her off and gave her a cold and menacing look. I smiled when she flinched, good she needed to learn who was in charge. Those worthless shifters needed to learn just how weak they actually are. We are the hunters, we are in control.
“Silence. I don’t want to hear another word from you Melissa. You only do as I say, do you understand me?” I asked her coldly. She flinched at my tone and I smirked. Melissa nodded her head “Yes sir” she slumped in her chair, submitting to me. I leaned back in my chair and gave her a sinister smile.
“Good, very good. You wouldn’t want me to hurt your mate now would you?” I asked, giving a short nod to my men. He quickly slipped out the door for a minute before returning a minute later with our captured shifter, he looked like a bloody mess.
Well… that’s what silver does to a shifter.
Her eyes widened and tears started to form. “No please! Don’t hurt him! I’ll do whatever you ask me too just please leave Braydon alone” she pleaded as the tears started to fall. I rolled my eyes at her antics. So weak, so naïve and weak.
“......Me-….Me-….Mel…is…sa….” the broken wolf moaned out.
“Braydon! Oh sweetheart, I’m sorry! I love you so much. I’ll get you out I promise!” she sobbed.
Gavin, my lackey I guess you could call him that, pushed Braydon to the floor and pressed a silver knife to his arm “Shut up” he hissed. The shifter yelped in pain, the skin where the silver touched started to sizzle and burn off. “STOP!! STOP IT PLEASE!!” Melissa screeched out while Gavin smiled sadistically. He cut the shifter up a little bit and Melissa started to scream at him. I have to admit this was a little bit entertaining.
The shifter tried to stay silent and look tough for him mate but not even he could suppress the agonizing cries of pain that silver brought along with it.
I sighed; this was beginning to get boring. I had other matters to take care of.
“SILENCE!!” I boomed and of course everyone stopped. “Gavin, enough. Take the mongrel back to his cell, I’m finished with him for now.” I said waving my hand in dismissal. Gavin gave me a nod before dragging the shifter out of the room.
Melissa stayed silent; her eyes were looking at the floor.
“Now Melissa, you better get working on your mission understand?” I asked. She nodded her head in defeat. “Yes sir” she whispered, I smiled in satisfaction.
“Goodbye Melissa. You better keep an eye out, I’ll be contacting you soon for your next update” I informed her. “Yes sir, goodbye sir” she murmured before the screen went blank. I took a sip of my wine, feeling very satisfied with myself.
Everything was going perfectly.
“I’ll have you in my grasp soon enough”
|Rosalie Burns|
When I woke up the next morning I was pleasantly surprised to find myself wrapped up in a warm embrace. I smiled and snuggled further into the warmth, my head was using Asher’s chest as a pillow and his arms were draped casually around my waist while are legs were a tangled mess. I had to admit that even though his chest was muscular, it was the best thing I had ever slept on. Much better than any pillow I’ve ever had, I wouldn’t mind falling asleep like this every signal night. I kept my eyes closed for a couple more minutes, trying to fall back asleep but unfortunately it wasn’t working.
I let out a small sigh before opening my eyes, the harsh sunlight hurt my eyes for a moment and made me snap them closed before I slowly reopened them. Then I bunched my hands into fists and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes. When I was a little bit more awake I placed my hands on Asher’s chest and slowly, trying not to wake him up, pushed upwards so I could slip through his hold and go to the bathroom. I felt like my bladder was going to explode! But of course I forgot the little fact that our legs were tangled and I couldn’t exactly move because of that.
Just as I was about to leave the bed my leg jerked a little bit and Asher’s arms tightened around me, suddenly I found myself falling forwards until I was in my original position. Only this time, I was staring into two beautiful, and amused, golden orbs. I felt myself blush when his lips quirked upwards. Asher pulled me up so we were lying face to face and his arms were securely wrapped around me while my hands rested on his muscular chest.
“Where do you think you’re going sweetheart?” he murmured kissing my forehead lightly. I blushed and looked down. Oh god that was a horrible idea, now I am staring at his sexy 8 pack. How am I supposed to concentrate with that in my face? My eyes snapped back to his and I saw a smirk playing on his lips. I started to blush again “I- I was going to go to the bathroom” I stuttered as the need to pee was coming back. Asher chuckled “Without a good morning kiss?” he whispered staring innocently down at me, you could see the glint of mischief that was in his eyes.
I rolled my eyes playfully and reached up to kiss his cheek. “There happy now?” I teased, giggling when a pout formed on his lips. Asher grumbled “That’s not what I meant” he muttered. I laughed and poked his nose “Let me go to the bathroom and we’ll take a rain check on that kiss okay?” I suggested, trying to squirm out of his grip. If he doesn’t let me go right now I think I might just pee my pants!
Asher started to laugh and he brought his head forward to peck me on the lips. “You should’ve said something, I would have let you go to the bathroom” he teased. I widened my eyes “You were listening in?” I asked, gasping. Asher laughed “It’s not hard when you’re practically screaming your thoughts to me” he informed me sounding very amused. I blushed and playfully slapped his chest “Shut up” I mumbled. Asher finally let me go and I shot to the bathroom, faster than a bullet. Only hearing Asher’s laughter carry through the door as I closed it.
Once I finished my business I flushed the toilet and sighed in relief before going over to the sink to wash my hands. When I was finished with that I quickly washed my face and brushed my teeth getting that icky morning breath out of my mouth and replacing it with a minty one. That’s mostly why I wouldn’t kiss Asher this morning, seriously no one wants to kiss some one with morning breath. That is just gross, I’d like to be clean and fresh.
I still had bandages on my arms; Asher changed them before we went to bed. Occasionally my arms would hurt but they were gradually getting better. My curly black hair was wild and tangled, Asher’s shirt was half off my right shoulder and I had small bags under my eyes. You know what I looked like? I looked like a just had… well… um… sex! Thank god no one can see me right now! That would be pretty embarrassing, for me anyways. I bet Asher would just love the assumptions; he would totally make it worse.
Ugh… stupid sex crazed wolf.
Once I thought that I heard Asher’s loud laugh come from the bedroom. Shit… I was thinking loudly again wasn’t I?
“You sure were sweetheart! But hey I wouldn’t mind making the assumptions true…” he called to me. I could hear the smirk that was in his voice as he said that, and I of course blushed as red as a fire truck. “Not going to happen wolf boy!” I called back, he just laughed I response.
Seriously I need to practice how to put up a wall.
I desperately ran my fingers through my hair to make it look somewhat neat and I pulled the shirt up so that I was mostly covered up, there was nothing I could do about my bare legs. Finally I opened the door and found Asher sitting up against the headboard with his arms drawn casually behind his head. I blushed when his gaze snapped over to me and a grin made its way onto his face as his eyes roamed my body and stopped at my bare legs. I shifted uncomfortably under his gaze.
I really need to get myself some new clothes… I wonder if Asher would let me go out and buy some stuff, obviously not alone but Lena seems pretty nice and I’m sure if I asked she would want to come with me. So slowly I walked over to the bed and sat down, all the while Asher was eyeing my pensive expression.
“Asher…” I said slowly.
He cocked a brow “Yes…” he said carefully.
“Do you think I could go out for a bit? To buy some stuff? I have no clothes here and as much as I love wearing your clothes, I really need some of my own” I told him, adding a little pout for effect. Asher groaned and immediately wrapped me in an embrace. “Sorry sweetheart but I am disinclined to acquiesce to your request” he informed. I gave him a confused look “Means no love” he said, winking. I rolled my eyes, I knew that. I was just surprised that he watched Pirates of the Caribbean’s too!
“You just quoted Captain Barbossa!!” I exclaimed with wide eyes while a grin played on my lips. Asher laughed and pecked my lips “Well aren’t you a sharp one?” he teased. I rolled my eyes and pushed away from his embrace. If I wanted to get my way I was going to need to think properly and I couldn’t do that when his half nakedness was pressed against me. That was just way too distracting for me.
“We are going to have a POTC marathon tonight!” I exclaimed excitedly. Johnny Depp is my favourite actor and those movies are amazing! I just loved Captain Jack Sparrow! Ahh… that mischievous, cunning, funny and slightly drunk pirate… Orlando Bloom is pretty awesome as well... and handsome...
Anyways… getting back to my current issue…
“Wait… you said I couldn’t go! Why not?” I exclaimed. Asher sighed and reached out for me again, I couldn’t help but let him cuddle with me. It was like an automatic reaction.
“Because sweetheart, I can’t risk you running away again. I have a couple of alpha duties to do so I can’t come with you” he said, running his fingers through my hair. I sighed “I can go with Lena! And you can send um… what were their names… oh right Logan and Joseph!” I said trying to convince him. Asher sighed and spun me around so instead of sitting on him I was straddling him.
“Rosalie I said no” he stated firmly. I sighed; it looks like I’m going to have to take out the big guns for this one. I guess this would be a good time to try and seduce Mr. Alpha…
I raised my eyes from his chest so I was looking into his golden orbs. I made sure to keep a sad look on my face and I started to bite my lower lip. Half because I was nervous and half because I knew it would entice him. Without breaking eye contact I slowly ran my hands along his chest and I inwardly smirked when I heard his sharp intake of breath. I lightly placed them on his shoulders before moving forwards to my body was pressed to his. Asher’s arms wrapped around my waist, trapping me on his lap, I inwardly grinned he really wasn’t helping himself at the moment. I leaned forward and ran my lips lightly over his chest, leaving light and feathery kisses. Asher let out a small moan and I couldn’t help it when the grin took over my face. Slowly I kissed up his chest until I was at his neck.
“Asher… I promise I won’t run away…” I whispered, placing a light kiss on his neck. I felt him freeze and I felt encouraged by his reaction. Huh… maybe I was doing something right…
“I still don’t think it’s a good idea” he muttered in a strained voice. I giggled lightly “But Ash” I started, using his nickname and placing another kiss. Testing it out, I think I liked Asher better though. It seemed to flow much better than Ash. I trailed my lips up higher and started to kiss his jaw, all the while moving my hands up and down his muscular abdomen. He seemed to like this because his breathing started to become a little shaky.
Well, well, well… I guess I did have some moves. Point for Rosalie!
“I already promised you that I wouldn’t leave” I reminded him, placing a teasing kiss at the corner of his mouth before going back to his neck. “But you… you could still try…” he said trailing off slightly at the end, his voice was starting to waver and he sounded slightly breathless. I knew he was going to crack soon.
“Please Asher” I whispered, placing one last kiss on his neck.
His hands twitched and I felt him gripping me tightly through the thin shirt.
“Please…” I asked again, placing a kiss on his jaw.
Finally I trailed my lips over to his ear “Please Asher, I don’t even want to run away anymore… I want to stay” I whispered to him.
And that my friend was his breaking point.
The next second I found myself lying on my back and Asher hovering above me. I gave him a shocked look and he smirked. He lowered his face so it was near my ear.
“You’re good sweetheart. But never underestimate me” he whispered.
Then Asher’s lips crashed onto mine and I was caught up in the same sparks, and lust that I had yesterday. It felt like an electric current was running through my body, I was glued to his body and it seemed like I could never get enough of him.
“You better answer every time you call and no getting any lingerie. We can go get that together after I finish my alpha duties” he murmured, keeping his lips on mine.
I smiled against Asher’s lips.
I could definitely get used to this.
* * * * * *
“You pick up, do you understand me?” Asher whispered clutching me to him. I rolled my eyes “For the last time yes Asher, I promise to call you” I said a little bit annoyed. “Yeah Ash she promises to call! We’ll be back soon plus you’re meeting us there so don’t get your panties in a twist!” Lena exclaimed, attempting to tug me out of Asher’s death grip. Finally, albeit reluctantly Asher unwrapped his arms from my waist and immediately Lena linked her arm through mine. “Finally! Let’s go Rose; the boys are waiting in the car!” Lena said dragging me out the door. “Wait!” Asher called once we were halfway out the door. Lena and I groaned “Ugh what is it now Ash?” she asked. I turned around to hear his response but instead found a pair of lips on mine.
It was only for a couple of seconds but it was still long enough to make my heart beat wildly and head spin in circles.
“EW ASHER NOT IN FRONT OF ME!!” Lena cried. We broke away and I laughed when I saw she ha covered her eyes with a disgusted look over her face. Asher smirked; an amused glint was in his eye as brought his lips down onto mine again. I couldn’t help but wrap my arms around his neck and press my body to his, always wanting a little more than I should.
“OKAY I’M GOING TO THE CAR, ROSE YOU BETTER HURRY YOUR ASS UP!!” she screamed before I heard her running away. Asher kissed me for another moment before pulling away and letting out a breathless laugh. I on the other hand was trying to control my wild heart and not fall over from the amazing kiss we shared. Now I didn’t really want to leave, I was tempted to drag Asher inside the house and keep him there for a little bit longer.
I wouldn’t mind… he mind linked to me.
I blushed “Shut up” I murmured pulling away. Asher grinned and brought me back for one more mind blowing kiss before pulling away and giving me a smirk.
“Something to think about while your out” he said, and then with a wink he began to walk away.
Well… he just rendered me speechless.
I quickly turned on my heel and walked over to the car, blushing when I saw the smirks Logan and Joseph were sporting. I slipped into the backseat where Lena was giving me a perplexed look and desperately tried to hide my blushing cheeks by making my hair fall over my face. Joseph started the car and Logan turned around from the passenger and laughed “Next time save it for the bedroom” he teased making me blush a deeper red. I scowled “At least I’ve got some one to go to bed with” I retorted. Joseph and Lena laughed while Logan gave me a dirty look.
“Oh yeah? Well-” Logan opened his mouth to retort but Joseph cut him off. “Okay kids cut it out, we don’t need to hear what you guys do in the bedroom” Joseph joked while giving me a grin through the mirror. Lena decided it was time to pitch in “I can’t believe I saw my brother making out with you” she muttered making a face and adding a shiver. I blushed “I did not make out with him!” I exclaimed, using my hair as a curtain again. “I was so sure that Ash was just going to take you right there” she continued, giving me another disgusted look. I rolled my eyes “Lena! Shut up!” I exclaimed after she started to make gagging noises. Lena stopped and gave me a grin “I’m kidding, it’s good to see him happy” she told me. I smiled back, Lena seemed to be really nice and I had a feeling we would be good friends.
“OH MY GOSH! You are going to just love this mall! It has everything, and when I say everything I mean everything!!” she exclaimed throwing her hands up in excitement. I laughed and she continued to blabber on about the mall. “It has, Aerie, Forever 21, American Eagle, Hollister and of course Victoria’s Secret” she said finishing with a wink in my direction. I swear these people got a kick out of me blushing! I don’t think there was a moment I hadn’t been a bright red tomato!
Logan turned around and gave Lena a suggestive look “I can always help you in there Lena, I’ve heard that their stuff is hard to get on. I am more than willing to step up to the plate and help you…” he flirted while sending her a suggestive wink. Lena made a face “I would rather poke myself in the eye with a toothpick then get mauled by a bear” she said flatly. Logan made a face before smirking again “Come on baby cakes you know you want me” he teased her. Lena rolled her eyes and slumped in her seat “Of course I want you… dead that is” she muttered.
I couldn’t help but laugh as they continued to bicker, those two… if I didn’t know any better I would say they were mates.
I looked down and played with the hem of the shirt I was wearing. Lena had allowed me to borrow some of her clothes, but I had to admit they were a little bit tight. Lena was only 16 and she was a pretty small girl, the jeans I was wearing stuck to me like a second skin and the shirt well it was tight and it made it a little bit hard to breathe. I was so glad to be able to get some of my own clothes and some new underwear too. Lena gave me a pair that she had bought but never wore and the bra was a little too tight. Thinking of the lingerie I was immediately reminded of Asher…
And his promise to meet up with us…
And our kiss…
I sighed and pressed my head to the window and sighed quietly. This was going to be a very long day…
* * * * * *
Once we entered the mall Lena immediately started to pull me towards Victoria’s Secret. I dug my heels into the ground “Lena!” I hissed, “I can’t go in there!” I exclaimed. Lena turned to give me a confused look “Why not?” she whined. I blushed “BecauseAshersaidnotto, hewantstodothatwithme” I mumbled out quickly hoping she didn’t understand what I said. Joseph, curse the old guy gave me a smirk and shook his head. “That Alpha…” he murmured. Lena and Logan gave us confused looks. “What? Rosalie repeat that and this time in English please” Lena said. I sighed “I said I can’t go in there because Asher told me not to” I explained in a low voice. Logan gave me an amused voice “And why not?” he asked. I blushed “Because he said he wanted to do that with me” I mumbled, embarrassed.
Logan laughed “Ooooo some one’s getting lucky tonight!” he teased loudly, making some of the people to turn and give us amused looks while the ones with children gave us disgusted ones. I blushed and slapped Logan’s chest “Shut up! People are staring!” I hissed. Lena rolled her eyes “You are such a perv Logan” she stated. Logan grinned “You secretly love it Lena, don’t deny it” he teased as he followed us into American Eagle. Lena rolled her eyes “Not even if you were the last man on Earth” she retorted. “Oooo! Go try this on! It’s beautiful!! Oh and this! Oh this is definitely a must have!” Lena shouted excitedly as she thrust a dress in my face along with a couple of shorts, pants and shirts. Bewildered at the amount of clothing in my hands I slowly walked into the change room.
First I tried on an AE denim shirt dress. I had to say it actually looked pretty good, it ended just under mid-thigh and it clung to my figure in a way that made me have a sort of casual sort of feel to it. I opened the door and saw Lena smiling at me “You look amazing! We have to get that one! Now go try on the white one!!” she said before shooing me back into the room. I took off the dress and placed it off the side. Then I took the AE dotty corset dress off the hanger and slipped it on as well, when I stepped out of the change room Lena reacted the same way before sending me back in to change.
I sighed while slipping off the dress, this was going to be a long process if she keeps handing me piles of clothing after we enter a store!
“Hurry up in there!!” Lena demanded. I groaned, I wish Asher was here…
“Too young too dumb to realize…
That I should’ve bought you flowers, and held your hand…
Should’ve gave you all my hours, when I had the chance…
Take you to every party because-”
Well, speak of the devil…
Seriously I am in love with that song! It was so sad but so beautiful!
Bruno Mars’ voice poured into the change room and I scrambled to grab my phone from my purse. Asher was calling me and I didn’t want to get in trouble because I couldn’t find my phone in the massive pile of clothing. Finally I found it and with a small smile I slid my finger over the little green button.
“Hello?” I answered.
“Hey there sweetheart, how’s the shopping?” his sexy voice traveled through the phone and I shivered just at the sound.
“It’s fine, just in the change room” I answered as I dug through the pile to find something other than a dress or a skirt.
“What are you wearing right now!?” he asked sounding a little bit too excited. I of course rolled my eyes.
“At the moment a dress” I replied. I shook my head when I heard his groan.
“Damn, if only I called a couple of minutes earlier…” he murmured sounding disappointed.
I rolled my eyes “You have such a dirty mind” I mused. Asher laughed and I knew he was smirking.
“Oh sweetheart I don’t have a dirty mind, just a sexy imagination” he teased and I had to laugh, that was a good one.
“ROSE HURRY!!” Lena shouted while adding a pound to the door for effect. “Just a minute!” I shouted back.
“Got to go Asher, I’ll talk to you later. Lena is getting a little too impatient” I explained.
Asher grumbled and sighed before saying “That girl… Fine, I’ll see you soon. Then the real shopping can begin, don’t miss me too much sweetheart”
I scoffed “Please we both know who’s doing all the missing” I retorted. I heard him laugh and I could imagine him shaking his head at me.
“ ‘Course, I can’t wait to have you back in bed where we can s-” Asher started to say but I quickly cut him off.
“Don’t finish that sentence!” I shouted.
Asher laughed “I was going to say snuggle, get your head out of the gutter babe” he teased. I blushed.
“Whatever, bye Asher” I muttered. Asher laughed.
“Aw don’t be mad princess, I’ll see you soon. I can’t wait to have you back in my arms” he replied before hanging up the phone. I sighed and leaned against the door. The things that boy does to me…
* * * * * *
“Oh come on Lee, let us eat!” Logan whined as he parked himself on the bench. He had about 11 bags while Joseph had around the same, give or take a few. I felt slightly guilty but Lena reminded me that this was a way of paying me back for kidnapping me. Not that I really minded anymore but really who buys a pair of shoes for almost $300? I sure as hell don’t but of course Lena didn’t listen and just bought them anyways.
I had enough clothes that I could fill a closet and that still wouldn’t store half of them! I had some many pairs of leggings, jeans, shorts, tops, dresses and skirts that I was beginning to get dizzy with all the different colours that had been thrust to my face.
“But there’s this pair of shoes at-” she began to say but I cut her off. As much as I loved shopping even I was beginning to get tired and hungry. I was having a sudden craving for pizza and I could practically smell the cheesy goodness that was a couple of feet away. “Lena can we please eat, I think I might die of starvation” I exclaimed, plopping down next to Logan. Lena groaned “But-” again she got cut off but this time it was Joseph. “I’ll take Lena to get her shoes and Logan you can take Luna Rosalie to eat. We’ll be right back, alright” Joseph practically demanded, he was the only one who thought calling me just Rosalie was weird so he decided to add on the ‘Luna’ part. I think he was getting a little bit annoyed with us.
“Great idea! Let’s go!” Lena exclaimed as she dragged Joseph away. I in turn grabbed Logan’s arm and towed him towards the food court. “I want pizza!” we both exclaimed once we reached the court. Logan and I laughed and I shook my head “Well then what are we waiting for? Let’s go!” he exclaimed grasping my hand and pulling me towards the line to Pizza Pizza.
As we were standing there Logan thought it would be a great idea to tell me all of his pick up lines. I swear to god that boy’s mind is dirtier than a pigs pen. But I had to admit that some of them were pretty funny and if any girl actually fell for them, I would have to question their sanity.
“Hey Rosalie…” Logan started.
“What?” I asked.
“Do you come here often? Because I’m about to come here right now” he said winking suggestively.
I rolled my eyes and made a disgusted face. “That actually made me want to run away screaming! Do girls really go for that?” I asked shocked. Logan nodded his head “Of course, it’s all about the charm. I can tell you some of the best ones” he offered and I immediately shook my head. “No way! I would like to keep my appetite please!” I replied hastily. Logan grinned, “Too bad Luna” he said cheekily. I groaned and covered my ears as he started to list them off, too bad that it wasn’t enough to block out his crude humor. I bet these don’t actually work; he just likes to bother me.
“You bring a whole new meaning to edible”
“Would you like to try an Australian kiss? It’s just like a French kiss but down under”
“I’m not drunk, I’m just intoxicated by you”
“If I received a nickel for every time I saw someone as beautiful as you… I'd have five cents.”
I rolled my eyes, could he get any stupider. “Those seriously won’t work on girls Hayes, trust me” I said. Logan gave me a smirk “I bet you it will” he challenged. I grinned “I’ll so take that bet” I said putting my hand out for him to shake it. “Haha you are so going down Rosalie” Logan exclaimed with a grin. “What’s the wager?” he asked, I shrugged “50 bucks if you can get a girl by the end of the day?” I suggested. Logan nodded and grasped my hand in his. “We got a deal Luna” he exclaimed as we shook on it.
“We can start after lunch though because-”
Is what I started to say but my eyes zeroed in on a figure in the distance made me cut my sentence off short. Logan turned and gave me a confused look “Luna? What’s wrong?” Logan asked instantly sensing my change of mood. I didn’t answer him and continued to stare, I was too shocked to say anything. My mind was going a mile a minute as I tried to figure out if I was seeing who I thought or if my mind was playing tricks on me.
The person turned around and his emerald eyes locked with mine. I saw his eyes widen and a shocked look came over his face. I probably looked exactly the same, what was he doing here? I didn’t know if this was a good thing or a recipe for disaster. “Luna! I need to know what is going on!” Logan exclaimed from beside me. I tried to tell him I really did but at that moment I was way too shocked to form sentences and only one word was able to come out of my mouth at the moment.
* * * * * *
Intense eh?
Just kidding, it’s probably not.
Anyways! I hope you guys liked this chapter! It’s like 11 pages on word.
THANK YOU TO ALL THE WONDERFUL PEOPLE WHO HAVE VOTED, COMMENTED, ADDED TO READING LISTS AND FOLLOWED!! You all mean the world to me and I can’t thank you enough for doing so! <3
So yeah… I don’t really have much to say in this chapter, mostly because I am so tired that I think I am going to pass out while writing this! =P
Whooo! It’s March break this week and I hope that I can upload more, but for that to happen I need you all to do me a big favour! Pwease! =D
Vote? Comment? Follow? Pretty please! They keep my passion for this on an ultimate high! =D
Can we get 20 voted and 5 comments? Please <3
First comment get’s next dedication as usual!!
Question: Do you have any favourite pick up lines? If so comment them! I'd love to hear them!
So yeah… hope you all have a wonderful weekend and week!
Until next time!
Stay Beautiful! <3
Xoxo- Shar
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