|4| Mission "Escape the Alpha", Status: FAIL!
|Story Start|
|Rosalie Burns|
“Oh come on Rosalie! Please open the door? I’m really sorry!” Asher pleaded once again as he banged on the bathroom door.
“No! Go away!” I shouted back. I was too slow to lock the door of the bedroom so I had to settle for locking the bathroom door. Currently I was lying down in the dry bathtub, why? Well this bathtub was one of those fancy ones that you see in rich people’s homes. I don’t really know how to describe it so you’re going to have to use your imagination. Think big and think cool.
“Please! Sweetheart, I’m really sorry!” he tried again. I groaned “Just go away! I don’t want to talk to you right now!” I heard him growl before stomping away. I thought I was in the clear until I heard the T.V in the bedroom turn on. I groaned again and pressed my face into the side of the tub. It felt cool against my warm skin.
I felt the tears start to bunch up and I let them flow freely. I took my leather jacket off and hung it on the side of the bathtub and I also took my combat boots off and dropped them onto the floor. My wrists stung slightly from the burns but I ignored it and wrapped them around my legs.
I buried my head in my knees and began to cry. As each second passed my sobs grew harder and louder as they wracked my chest. I don’t know why I was crying, I mean I don’t usually break down easily.
Okay that’s a huge lie, I am probably one of the most emotional people you could ever meet. I was crying because of my family and how worried they would be. I could see their reactions now.
Matt would be silently grieving, thinking up numerous ideas of what happened to me and how they could find me. He most likely is at the library, sitting at the circular table in the back. His face would show nothing but complete concentration.
Knowing Mark he would be in his room strumming on his guitar, feeling guilty about the whole thing. He probably felt like he didn’t do enough to keep me safe, like he should’ve been holding me the whole time so we wouldn’t split up. He would cry silently as he played.
Jake and Cole would be acting in almost the same matter. Both angry and frustrated but would take it out differently. I know Cole would probably get drunk and start sleeping around with any girl with legs, that’s how he dealt with guilt. He did the same thing when his mother died last spring in a car accident. Now Jake, he was the one I was most worried for, aside from my father of course. Jake is the most protective of the four and will take his anger out by fighting; he broke the wall one time when I got so mad at him and refused to talk to him.
Fresh tears came to my eyes when I thought of my father. He would be heartbroken, he just lost my mom and now I was gone too. He was most likely a mess, probably getting drunk. I never told anyone but he was a violent drunk. I shivered at the memories. That’s not something I want to think about right now. I just felt so guilty, why couldn’t I be a normal hunter? Why am I so different?
I continued to sob into my knees and let my emotions run free.
“Sweetheart? Rosie? Open the door! Are you okay? Rosalie if you don’t open this door right now, I’ll do it myself!” Asher’s worried and frustrated voice demanded through the door. I was too emotional to do anything else other than yell back a sob filled “I’m fine! Just go!” as my voice cracked in several places.
Suddenly the door smashed open and I snapped my head up to see Asher was standing there. He took in my disheveled self and immediately his angry features turned soft, he rushed to my side and scooped me into his arms. This time I didn’t try to pull away and just grabbed fistfuls of his shirt and cried in his chest.
He whispered sweet nothings in my ear and brought me over to the bed where he sat down but kept me cradled to his chest. He continued to whisper comforting words while softly running his hand through my tangled black hair.
After a couple minutes of tears, I gradually found myself calming down until I was just softly whimpering. As much as I hated to admit it, Asher was having a great affect on me and we’ve only known each other for a couple hours.
My grip loosened on his shirt and I used my hands to wipe away the leftover tears. I thanked the lord once again for waterproof makeup, but I knew my hair was probably a rat’s nest right now. I sighed and ran a hand through it and winced when it got caught in a knot and pulled at my scalp.
My hand was suddenly snatched into a larger, warmer one and I heard Asher curse. “Dammit, I forgot about these burns.” He muttered. I winced when he lightly touched one, “Sorry, I’ll be right back” he murmured quietly, he took me off his lap and placed me on the bed. He gave a light kiss on my forehead before rushing into the washroom.
I felt myself blush when he kissed me and I didn’t really know how I felt about that.
When he came back he was carrying a towel, a bowl filled with water, gauze and polysporin. Without saying a word he began to fix up my injuries while I sat there numbly, just staring at him. I had the sudden urge to apologize and before I could stop it the words were out of my mouth before I could process my actions.
“I’m sorry” I blurted out.
Asher paused for a moment and brought his gaze to mine, giving me a questioning look. I shook my head “Nothing never mind” I whispered softly. He looked like he wanted to say something but thought better of it and continued to fix my cut. I winced when he rubbed the polysporin on and he gave me an apologetic look.
When he was finished I retracted my hand and he we sat in an awkward silence. “Thank you” I muttered gratefully. “You’re welcome sweetheart” he said with a playful grin. I rolled my eyes “I said not to call me that, doofus” I informed him. “Don’t call me doofus” he demanded, the playfulness was still there but you could see he really meant his words. I rolled my eyes “You’re not the boss of me” I replied childishly, while crossing my arms.
He gave me a look before rolling his eyes. “I still want to go home” I informed him after another minute of silence. Asher sighed and ran his fingers through his hair “You can’t do that sorry sweetheart” he apologized, not sounding the least bit sorry. I groaned “Can’t I at least call my dad? Or one of the boys?” I pleaded. Asher shook his head “Not an option, sorry sweetheart” he said.
I flopped against the bed “You’re such a jerk” I muttered, getting an idea. I grabbed a blanket and pillow from the bed and stormed into the bathroom, once again locking the door. I placed the blanket and pillow in the tub before getting in after. To be honest it was actually pretty comfortable.
“Sweetheart what are you doing in there?” Asher’s confused voice asked. I sighed “I am staying away from you!” I replied. It was silent for a moment “You know I can easily get into the bathroom, it is my house” he pointed out. I groaned “Well that’s just peachy isn’t it” bit out.
After a moment of fiddling Asher came back into the washroom and crouched down by the bathtub. “I’m not that bad Rosalie” he told me quietly. I sighed and ignored that comment “Why aren’t you killing me. I’m a hunter, for all you know I could have killed hundreds of your kind” I informed him.
“I know you didn’t, a couple people know who you are. You’ve saved many from the Lunar Eclipse.” He told me with a casual look. I shrugged my shoulders “I saved a few, now can you please leave? I’m tired.” I informed him.
Another lie, I wasn’t tired. I actually really wanted to stay here with Asher, but I wasn’t going to do that. I need to make my escape, there was a window in the bathroom and I was going to use that to sneak out. I know very risky but wouldn’t you do the same if you needed to get home?
Asher sighed and gave me a sad look, which made me feel slightly guilty. But I shook the feeling off and wrapped myself in the blanket and turned so my back was facing him. “At least come in the bed” he said. I shook my head “Not if you’re there” I muttered icily. I felt kind of bad for being an utter b with an itch but there was no other way to get him to leave.
Asher sighed and that made my heart drop slightly. Not even a whole day and this guy already had me falling for him! I heard him stand up and mutter a quiet goodnight before walking out the bathroom. When the door closed I heard him stomp down the stairs and the front door slammed.
I felt a shiver when the broken howl of a wolf pierced the silence. I sighed and closed my eyes; a wave of sadness came over me when I remembered Asher’s sad face. I shouldn’t have been so mean to him. I shook my head, focus Rosalie. You’re getting out of here and going back home, you need to get some sleep so you have enough energy.
I forced myself to relax and in a few minutes I was sleeping.
* * * * * *
When I woke up I calculated it to be roughly 3 or 4 in the morning. Groggily I rubbed my eyes and stood up from the bathtub as quietly as I could. Then I slowly opened the door and looked out, Asher wasn’t there. I didn’t know if I should be relieved, worried or upset. So I settled with a mutual feeling, something in me told me not to leave but I knew I had to.
Closing the door I slipped my shoes and jacket back on and made my way to the window. With my training I was able to make it out of the window silently and I jumped onto the ground without a scratch then quickly hid behind a bush. I held my breath for a moment and scanned the area, a few of them were surrounding the property but I was fairly sure I could get past them.
I silently crept towards the forest and made sure to keep my steps light and airy, I breathed deeply and became one with the shadows. I moved to the edge of the forest and let out a breath of relief when I made it between the trees.
I took one last look towards the house before I ran, ignoring the pains in my chest and the tears that sprung for my eyes. I kept telling myself this is what I needed to do, that this is what my mother would have wanted.
But then why did this feel so wrong?
* * * * * *
I’ve been running for a while now and I think I’ve managed to get myself lost. I groaned and leaned against a tree “Just my luck, why couldn’t I be born with a good sense of direction?” I mumbled out. I sighed and began to walk, there’s no point in running if I’m just going to get even more lost.
As I walked I saw an opening up ahead and a smile came to my face. I broke into a run and burst through the trees with a giggle. But instead of the way out I found myself in the middle of a secluded meadow. But that’s not what caught my attention, I wasn’t alone here. No drinking from the small pond was a wolf.
This wasn’t just any wolf, this was a shifter. His fur was a beautiful midnight black and by his size I could tell he was definitely an alpha. The weird thing was that I wasn’t scared but still I began to back away back towards the forest. But of course with my luck going back as silently as I came wasn’t what happened.
No I of course stepped on a twig.
With a loud crack the wolf immediately turned around and started to growl at me. His golden eyes were mentally killing me with its territorial gaze.
Golden eyes… Asher.
My eyes widened in realization and I began to back away faster. “Asher…” I whispered out. The wolf immediately dropped its scary persona and I could instantly tell he was angry and upset.
With me.
I gave a little hysterical giggle before waving. “Erm… I’m just going to… um go now… okay bye!” I stuttered out before booking it.
And of course just like before Asher was hot on my heels. I groaned knowing I wouldn’t be able to get away but I tried anyways.
But in mere seconds Asher had pounced on me and we were skidding across the ground. Somehow during his pounce he had changed back to human form and had switched us so I was lying on his naked chest.
We finally made it to a stop and I was too afraid to do anything. So I just lay on his chest and waited for him to day something. Luckily I didn’t have to wait long.
“Where do you think you’re going?” he demanded with a growl. I tried to wiggle from his arms but his grip became like steel and I couldn’t move. “Um… just looking for a… I was just…”
I stuttered out. By the look on his face Asher was not amused and I was in heaps of trouble.
“Well?” he growled impatiently. “I was just going for a walk” I mumbled pathetically, I couldn’t exactly focus. Asher was stark naked under me and he wasn’t doing anything to hide his erm… excited little friend. I felt myself blush and I squirmed even more to get out of his grip.
“Rosalie, if you don’t want me to claim you right now I suggest you stop what you’re doing” he murmured between clenched teeth. Instantly I froze, oh god that was embarrassing!
“Don’t think you’re off the hook yet, you’re in big trouble for trying to escape” he whispered against my neck. I felt my body shiver and I let out a small moan, instantly I slapped a hand over my mouth. Oh god, please tell me I did not just moan.
Asher chuckled and I felt his teeth graze my neck. Passion and lust hit me like a tonne of bricks, Asher’s skin on mine was making sparks fly between us and I started to feel hot as he moved his tongue along my neck.
“Asher… stop it” I groaned out. His chuckle was breathy “You don’t want me to stop” he teased lightly. I shivered “Please” I whispered, Asher sighed and reluctantly let go of me. Instantly I scrambled to my feet and began to slow my thumping heart and control my breathing.
Once I finally caught my breath Asher scooped me up and we began to walk back towards the house. But this time I didn’t fight it, I let him carry me back. I sighed and rested my head against his chest and got comfortable.
“I’m sorry Asher” I mumbled before drifting off to sleep.
“Goodnight sweetheart, sweet dreams” he murmured back, then placing a light kiss on my forehead.
Maybe I should give him a chance… because Mission "Escape the Alpha" was a complete fail.
* * * * * *
Hey guys hope you enjoyed this!
Really sorry for how short it is but I've got a science quiz to study for!
I feel bad for leaving this off so... bleh so maybe on Saturday I'll try and update again!
Sound good?
Next chapter should be loads better!
So... comment? vote? follow? pwease? If you want the update on Saturday!
I would appreciate it <3
First one to comment get's the next chapter dedicated to them!
Until next time!
Stay B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L-!
Xoxo- Shar
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