|3| You Gave Me A What?!
Dedicated to pandacocochocolic for being such a wonderful person, thanks for all the votes, comments, and lovely conversations, and of course following, I really appreciate it!
|Story Start|
|Rosalie Burns|
I stared at the golden eyed boy that was standing on the other side of the jail cell looking absolutely livid. His toned body was shaking and his eyes held pure and complete anger “WHY THE FUCK IS MY MATE TIED UP?” he seethed out, turning his gaze to the man next to him who looked scared shitless, even Lena looked slightly afraid of her brother. The guy visibly gulped but kept his gaze on his alpha “Well… um Alpha Asher, she’s a Burns-” the guy started off but Asher cut him off “I don’t give a shit, give me the keys to the cell now Noah!!!” he alpha ordered.
Well at least I can stop calling Noah ‘the guy’ and call him… well Noah.
Noah quickly scurried away to grab the keys I presume. Asher’s shaking stopped slightly and he turned to face me again. As much as I wanted to look away I found that I couldn’t, his gaze was addicting. His golden eyes were so alluring and breathtaking and oddly enough I didn’t want to look away. “Beautiful…” he breathed out as his eyes drank up my form. I blushed and averted my eyes; I noticed his hands were turning white from holding the bars too tightly.
The jangling of keys snapped us from our reverie and I noticed Noah had come back and with trembling hands was opening the jail cell. Once it was opened Asher shoved him aside and was in front of me in a mere 5 seconds. He quickly started to unbound me from the chair and tingles spread through my body as his hands brushed my bare skin. I heard him growl when he saw the rope burns and cuts on my wrists.
As soon as I was unbound I found myself engulfed in his warm embrace. Asher’s head nuzzled into my neck and I swear I heard him purr. I stood as stiff as a statue as his arms tightened and he inhaled my scent. “Mine” he growled pressing a soft kiss against my neck, I shivered. His touch sent sparks through me and I really had no idea what to do so I just stood there and let him embrace me. I breathed deeply and immediately a woodsy masculine scent attacked my nose, I immediately fell in love with the smell and pressed my face deeper into Asher’s chest.
I heard him growl and suddenly I was swept off my feet and in his arms bridal style. My arms immediately wrapped around his neck, afraid that I might fall. I heard him chuckle and the sound made me shiver in delight “Don’t worry little hunter, I won’t let you fall” his husky voice whispered. I gulped and shook my head “Are you going to let me go home?” I asked, keeping my eyes straight but my tone firm as he started to walk out of the jail cell with Lena and Noah trailing behind.
“Now why would I do that?” his alluring tone asked. I shivered when his breath touched my neck; I almost melted in his arms. Key words being almost, I shook my head and made myself focus; I was a hunter, maybe not a very good one, but still a hunter. I didn’t belong here, we came from totally different worlds. “Because I need to go home” I told him. He chuckled “I don’t think so sweetheart, you are mine.” He said possessively, putting an emphasis on the word mine.
I huffed, I was not a possession and I didn’t belong to anybody.
We reached the door and once we stepped outside I was immediately hit with the night’s cool breeze. I squirmed in Asher’s arms and made him put me on the ground. He raised a brow and crossed is arms, letting a smirk play at his lips. Daring me to make my next move, I released an annoyed sign. How the hell am I supposed to leave now?
“Okay Number One: Nobody OWNS me, I own myself. And Number Two: I am going to go home” I stated in a defiant tone before starting to walk away. I paused for a second and turned back to take in their shocked faces, I gave a small smile and called out “Thank you for not killing me, I appreciate that but I really have to get going. Goodbye.” Then I turned back around and continued to move closer to the forest.
Just as I made it to the edge, I heard growling come from behind me; I froze for a moment and stole a quick glance behind me. I saw Asher stalking towards me with an angry and hurt expression plastered on his face. His golden eyes made me feel slightly guilty and I wanted to turn back and smash my lips to his. I shook my head to get rid of those thoughts; I was not going to be mated to a wolf. I turned back around towards the forest and did the only thing that came natural to me since I had no weapons.
I ran.
I instantly regretted that decision because shredding was heard from behind me and paws slammed onto the ground. A wolf, I’m pretty sure it was Asher howled loudly and the sound slightly scared me. I felt myself pale, he had shifted. Oh dear lord I was being chased by a wolf, but not just any wolf no of course I had to be the one to be chased by her alpha mate. I pushed my legs harder and willed myself to go faster. I wouldn’t be caught that easily, wolves my have better abilities but I was better than the average human.
I felt myself go faster and I began to lose Asher. I beamed; maybe I would get out of this forest and back home without anymore complications. I passed a couple more trees before pausing and listening. The forest was quiet, and I didn’t hear the pounding of paws anymore. I released a breath and sank down to the bottom of a tree, trying to catch my breath.
I closed my eyes and let myself relax for a minute before getting up and bolting again. I couldn’t risk getting caught, I grinned when the tree’s started to thin. That means I was close! I could see the end coming up and I had a burst of adrenaline and raced to the trees. I grinned and threw my hands up over my head and jumped. “Freedom!” I shouted happily and started to dance in happiness.
A chuckle brought my dancing to a stop and I froze, slowly turning around. You know what I saw? A very attractive but very naked Asher leaning against a truck that was a little ways away from the forest, behind him were a couple wolves that were looking at me with curiosity evident in their wolf eyes. I gave an annoyed sigh and flopped onto the ground, escaping was hopeless. I knew that now.
I saw Asher nod his head and the wolves bounded into the forest, making us the only people here. Asher started to walk towards me and I blushed, he wasn’t even trying to cover up. I pressed my hands in front of my eyes “Stop! My poor virgin eyes!” I cried as I was engulfed with darkness of my hands. I felt myself being thrown over his shoulder and I uncovered my eyes.
I gave a small shriek and felt myself blush as I recovered them. “Would you put on some pants!” I yelled out as I continued to squirm so he would let go of me. He laughed “Well if you hadn’t run away than I wouldn’t be naked right now” he countered and held on tighter. I groaned “Would you just let me go… please?” I asked in a small voice, my body going slack. Asher sighed and placed me in the truck without a word. The door closed and I reopened my eyes and let a pout form on my lips.
Well this is just great, I was getting kidnapped by a bunch of wolves and I had no idea where I was anymore.
Asher opened the door and I saw he had put on a pair of pants. I glared “Why couldn’t you have done that before!!” I exclaimed. Asher gave me a devious look “I forgot I had them in here” he answered with a shrug. I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms “Whatever” I murmured before turning towards the window. The scenery passed by and it was mostly a green forest, I looked down and saw that the door was unlocked. I slowly reached for the handle, so what if the car was moving? I learned how to carefully jump out.
Just as I was going to open the door it clicked and I knew it was locked. “Don’t even try it” his hard voice muttered. “You are not to run away anymore, you are now my mate. You are staying here” he demanded. My glare turned icy “You cannot tell me what I can and can’t do, you are not the boss of me” I spit out. Asher started to grip the wheel tightly “I am now your alpha sweetheart, you’re going to have to learn to listen” he growled out.
Is it wrong for me to think he sounded absolutely sexy while saying that?
I shook my head “You can’t just kidnap me! My father will come looking, along with my brothers!” I told him. Matt, Jake, Cole and Mark may not be blood related brothers but I still considered them as family. “Don’t worry sweetheart, we have everything under control” he told me. I rolled my eyes and huffed “Stop calling me sweetheart!” I exclaimed.
“Oh? Then what should I call you sweetheart?” he asked while turning to give me a grin. I narrowed my eyes “By my name jackass” I muttered through clench teeth. “What’s your name then sweetheart?” he asked, I could see the smirk that had formed on his face. I glared, now he was just doing it to spite me.
“Rosalie” I hissed out. I looked out the window and saw we had stopped “This is my house, I live here alone. The pack house is about a half an hour drive from here” he informed me. I didn’t respond and kept my arms crossed, my eyes forward and a pout on my lips.
Asher sighed and got out of the truck, he made his way over to my side and yanked open the door. “Get out” he muttered. I slumped in my seat “No” I bit back. Asher groaned and ran a hand through his hair “Fine if you want to play like that, I’ll play right back” he growled out.
“Wha-” I started to say but I was cut off when he swooped in, unbuckled my seat belt and swiftly carried me towards the house. I started to smack at his chest and tried to injure any part of him that I could while screaming profanities at him. “Ow sweetheart, you actually have some force to that punch” Asher told me as he kicked open the door. “GOOD!” I screamed furiously. He had no right to take me to his house. He had no right to capture me either, I was beyond mad. I was flipping furious.
“Let me go right now!!” I shouted. Asher sighed and dropped me on the couch “Your wish is my command” he sarcastically said with a mock bow. I glared “Would you just let me go?” I asked, you could hear the desperateness in my voice. Asher sighed “I’m sorry sweetheart but-” I cut him off “ASHER WHATEVER YOUR LAST NAME IS, I TOLD YOU TO CALL ME BY NAME!!” I screamed out.
Asher smirked and in seconds he pounced on me so that I was lying down on the couch and he was caging me in with his arms. My eyes widened in shock and my mouth dropped open. “Get off of me!” I cried trying to shove him off. All I did was smack a rock hard chest, I think I hurt myself more than I hurt him. I sighed and stopped fighting, I needed to calm down and think of a new plan.
All coherent thoughts were thrown out of my head when he leaned down and licked my ear. “I like the way you say my name” he whispered, making me shudder with pleasure. My breathing became labored and all I wanted to do was reach up and kiss him with everything I had.
But of course I didn’t do that.
“Sh-shut u-u-up” I whispered, my voice sounded breathy and I inwardly cursed myself for it. He chuckled lowly and trailed his lips over my neck. I ran my fingers through his soft hair and released a small moan when his tongue traced over my neck then his lips began to suck gently. “Rosalie” he whispered against my neck, which sent my body into spasms. I didn’t think you could love the way someone said your name but when Asher said it, oh god did it sound pretty damn good.
He groaned into my neck and I suddenly felt something poke my thigh. My eyes widened in realization and I came back to reality. “Asher you need to get off of me” I said trying to force him to let go. Asher sighed but complied with my wishes, he sat up and I followed suit but moved closer to the edge of the couch.
Asher was about to say something but he cut himself of and a proud look came over his face as his eyes stared at my neck. I suddenly felt very self conscious and I had to use everything in me to keep my hands from reaching up and fixing the mess I called my hair. “What?” I snapped, his eyes traveled to mine and a smirk grew on his face.
“At least people will know you belong to me now”
I gave him a wide eyed look before bolting up the stairs. There had to be a bathroom around here somewhere! I ran into the first room I saw and did a mental happy dance when I saw that it had a bathroom. I raced into the room and went straight to the mirror. I groaned when I saw my neck.
That stupid wolf gave me a hickey.
* * * * * *
Yay! It has been updated!
I hope you all enjoyed this chapter!
Thanks so much to all of you who voted, commented and followed
That really means a lot to me! You rock! <3
Sorry it's shorter than usual but I have no time this weekend! Tomorrow is my grandmother's birthday and on Monday it's family day so my mom is insisting we do something together. Oh and did I mention I need to make my course selections?
But anyways I shall try to update soon!
In the mean time...
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Until next time!
Stay beautiful!
Xoxo- Shar
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