|15| The Truth About Logan, A letter and The Dagger.
Read A/N at the end please? :D Even you Paully! ;D
Sorry for the mistakes, I'll fix them later! =]
|Story Start|
Special thanks to: imthisgirl, thank you for the awesome suggestions on who should play Rose!
Favourite Comment: “I am absolutely in love with this book. Its so fun and cute and romantic and full of suspense. In simple words its AWESOME!!!!! Can’t wait for the next chapter. You are a great writer I love your work :-)” –mishal94
Other favourites:
“You are amazing when they kiss or something I get tingles in my belly. It’s like I can feel what the characters are feeling, you have a true talent” –Gizmo45
“Damn/ whistles/ I couldn’t keep a straight face. I just started laughing and my mom gave me strange looks LOL. But yes, please update
I love all your comments [Not just these ones] If I could put all of them here I totally would! I want to burst out in happy tears every time I read them! ♥
|Rosalie Burns|
Once I got the courage to get out of the shower I quickly moisturized my body and threw on the clothes I had brought in the bathroom earlier. I groaned as the burning, itchy feeling creeped back into my skin. I sighed and uncomfortably walked down the stairs, rubbing my arms in the process. When I reached the bottom I found Asher and Derek waiting by the door, I blushed when I saw Asher smirking at me. “Ready to go?” he asked and I nodded my head carefully placing a pair of Toms on my feet. “Let’s go!” Derek cheered as we walked out the door. I felt a warm arm wrap around my waist and instantly pleasurable tingles shot through me. I shivered in delight and pressed myself closer to Asher. I wanted to ask him about the whole ‘going into heat’ thing but I was too afraid to bring it up. Besides, that conversation is not something Derek should hear until he’s old enough.
The arm that was wrapped around me quenched some of the burning feeling. I pressed myself closer to Asher and sighed when some relief hit me. He looked down at me and gave me a questioning look and I shook my head “Later” I told him. Asher nodded his head and opened the car door for me. I smiled and thanked him and watched as he placed Derek in the car seat before walking to the driver’s side. He got in and we began driving towards the hospital. I sighed and watched at the scenery whizzed pass us, from the back Derek was chatting away about something that I wasn’t actually hearing. I was too distracted, what if I was going into heat? That would cause more problems and we really didn’t need at the moment. But what was bugging me was the fact that I wasn’t a female wolf so I didn’t understand why I would be going into heat.
In case you didn’t know, when a female wolf goes into heat it means they are extremely fertile and very, very horny. It’s the time when wolves try to get pregnant so they can start a family, I don’t really know if that can happen to a human… I really needed to talk to Asher. I knew that shifters couldn’t keep their hands off of each other when their mates go into heat. This was probably what the prickly feeling on my skin was and why it felt good when Asher only touched me. It would make sense…
“You okay Rose?” Asher asked snapping me from my thoughts. I gave him a weak smile and nodded my head, he grinned back and placed a hand on my knee. I let out a small happy sigh as he gave my knee an affectionate squeeze and kept it there for the rest of the drive. “Can we have McDonalds after please?” Derek asked and I turned to give him a smile. “As long as you behave we can, right Asher?” I said, said alpha raised a brow at me but nodded his head. “Course we can” he answered, pulling into the hospital. Derek cheered from the back and I couldn’t help but let out a small laugh. He was so adorable, it made me wish I had a younger sibling like him. I groaned when the Asher removed his hand from my knee and the feeling crept back. I think I was going to stick by him like glue today.
When Asher parked I got out of the car and took Derek from the car seat, grabbing hold of his hand as we walked towards the entrance. Asher caught up to us and wrapped his arm around my waist, making me shiver and sigh in pleasure. We walked inside and towards Lena’s room, we didn’t need to stop by the reception Asher practically owned the place. When we walked into the room she was just reading a book, looking completely and utterly bored. Derek squealed and ran towards her, jumping onto her bed. If Lena wasn’t a wolf I would’ve been a lot more worried about him hurting her but by the smile on her face I knew she was perfectly fine. Asher made a move to walk out of them room but I grasped his arm and shook my head. “You are not leaving” I hissed out, Asher gave me a surprised look before smirking and walking over to the chair. He placed me on his lap and I sighed in relief.
Lena gave me a questioning look but I shook my head I’ll tell you later I mouthed. She nodded her head and placed Derek in a more comfortable position. “So how are you doing?” I asked her, pleased to see that the IV was gone from her arm but the cast on her arm and leg were still present. Lena grinned, “Much better thanks, my leg and arm should be healed by next week and the doctor said I’ll be released either tonight or tomorrow” she said happily. I grinned and leaned into Asher as he placed his chin on my shoulder. “Great, I really hate hospitals” Asher grumbled. Lena and I laughed and Derek looked at us curiously. “Why you laughing?’ he asked. We laughed and Lena kissed her brother’s forehead “Derek, don’t you have a picture you wanted to give Lena?” I asked. Derek’s eyes widened “I lefted it in the car!” he cried, his eyes tearing up. Asher groaned “Come on squirt, let’s go get it” he said, reluctantly taking me off his lap. Derek carefully got off of Lena’s bed and grasped Asher’s hand in his and began to tug him out of the room. “Come on Ashy!” Derek cried. Asher placed a small kiss on my lips “We’ll be back in a minute” he murmured before rushing after his brother.
Lena and I watched as the door closed before she turned and smirked at me. “So… what was all that about?” she asked, snickering slightly. I blushed and gave her a playful glare, groaning after at the heat that crept onto my skin once again. “Lena… is it possible for a human to go into heat?” I asked, leaning back into the chair. Lena gave me a smirk and nodded her head “Yeah, it only happens with humans who are mated to wolves, it’s got something to do with the whole soul mate thing” she explained. I nodded my head “Have you… have you ever been in heat?” I asked, embarrassed by my question. Lena shook her head “No, I haven’t met my mate yet” she said, sighing wistfully. I smirked, remembering what I figured out the other day with Derek.
“Why do you ask?” she asked curiously. I blushed “I think I’m going into heat…” I mumbled, hoping she wouldn’t hear me but of course with her werewolf hearing she heard me fine. Lena gagged “Yuck! I don’t want to even think about what you two could be doing!” she exclaimed, sounding absolutely horrified. My cheeks blazed but I couldn’t help but laugh “Lena!” I said, hitting her lightly on her uninjured arm. Lena smirked “Does it feel like your skin is too hot with a prickling feeling, you’re body is way too hot, it doesn’t feel right until Asher is with you and that the only way your body will cool is if he’s touching you in some way?” she questioned. I nodded my head, that’s exactly what it felt like. Lena smirked and leaned back against her bed “You are so going into heat” she stated. I groaned “Wonderful” I muttered. Lena grinned “Don’t worry Ash won’t do anything unless you’re comfortable with it but I have to warn you. It’s going to only get a lot worse” she told me. I groaned, I could tell the feeling was already starting to become more than uncomfortable.
I was saved from answering since Asher and Derek chose that moment to walk into the room. I sighed in relief and as Derek rushed over to Lena, Asher came over to me and I quickly tugged him onto the chair and sat on his lap, almost instantly tingles and relief spread through my entire being. I saw Lena shoot me a smirk before paying attention to her other brother. I blushed and rolled my eyes before settling myself against Asher, his arms wound themselves around me and he squeezed my waist affectionately. “Have mom and dad come back yet?” Lena asked, looking at Asher. He shook his head “Not yet, Mom texted me this morning and said that they should be back the day after tomorrow.” He told her. Lena nodded her head “Okay” she murmured, I put a comforting hand on her shoulder and she gave me a soft smile. I saw Lena wince slightly and I saw that Derek was leaning a little too much on her broken arm. I bit my lip “Derek sweetie, careful. You don’t want to hurt Lena” I said. Derek quickly leaned back “Sorry Lee lee!” he cried, tears forming in his golden eyes. Lena smiled softly “It’s alright Der” she said, kissing his forehead. I craned my neck and looked at Asher, I unblocked my mind and mind linked “When are we going to talk about what happened to Logan?” Asher sighed and ran a hand through his hair “Not if Derek’s here” he linked back. I sighed and nodded my head before turning back around and leaning into his chest, I snuggled into his warmth. I felt Asher’s hands slide up my–or his sweatshirt, underneath my tank top and rest on my hips. He affectionately rubbed the skin there and I sighed in pleasure, slowly my eyes began to droop and the next thing I know I’m in the land of dreams.
* * * * * *
|A Couple Hours Later…|
My eyes fluttered open and I was surprised to find myself still in Lena’s hospital room. I could see that she was sitting on the bed reading a book with Derek curled up next to her fast asleep. I fisted my hands and rubbed my tired eyes. I felt arms squeeze my waist and I turned my neck to see Asher looking at me. “Hi” I murmured, leaning up to peck his lips. Asher grinned boyishly “Hi” he whispered back “Have a nice sleep?” he asked. I nodded my head “How long was I out for?” I asked sleepily, pushing up from his chest so I was no longer curled up and instead sitting upright. “About two hours” he mused shrugging nonchalantly. I nodded my head before looking over at Lena, she read the rest of her page before grabbing her bookmark and placing it on the page.
“So… are we going to talk about it now?” she asked, staring at the both of us. I turned and raised a brow at Asher, Derek was sleeping and now would be the perfect time to talk about what happened to Logan and where he was right now. Asher sighed and nodded his head “Yeah, now would be the best time” he murmured. “Lena do you know why you weren’t hurt that badly?” he asked. Lena shook her head “No, everything is a blur” she murmured. Asher nodded his head “You weren’t hurt because Logan pushed you out of the way and took the attack that was meant for you” he told her. I watched her puzzled expression turn into one of shock as her hands reached up to cover her mouth in surprise. I, already knowing this information, grabbed her hand in a comforting measure. She squeezed my hand in thanks, sending me a small smile before telling Asher to go on.
“Lena, Rose… don’t… freak out okay? I want you both to know that Logan is not dead. He may be in intensive care but he will be okay” he assured us. I felt Lena grip my hand tightly and I winced slightly at the pressure. Asher traced patterns on my abdomen as he started to speak. “He was hit with four silver bullets, smashed through a window and fell from six stories” he murmured. I gasped and gave him a shocked look, and Logan wasn't dead from that? “That’s right…” Lena murmured. “We were in the pack meeting building and I was going up to get some documents for you so you had them when you got back…” she said. I felt tears prick my eyes at her sad expression, Logan probably was in horrible condition and she most likely felt guilty. You could see the guilt that was forming in her eyes. I felt so bad, they were coming after me. No matter what anyone says I know that it’s my fault this is happening and I’ll be damned if I let them get away with this. Family or not.
“So… how is he now?” I asked. Asher sighed “Half his bones are broken, there was trauma to his head, internal bleeding and traces of silver are still in his system” he murmured, I looked at Asher. There was definitely more to the story than that, I could tell by the look in his eyes but I didn’t question it… for now anyways. A broken expression came over Lena’s face and a sob made its way through her throat. “It’s my entire fault, if I hadn’t… then he wouldn’t… I…” she whispered, covering her face with her hands. I shook my head “No it wasn’t Lena, Logan chose to protect you and I’m sure if he had the chance to do it again he would. You didn’t make him do anything, it wasn’t your fault or his. If anything it’s my fault, they were after me but…” I whispered, tears bunching up. It was true, if it wasn’t for me none of this would be happening. “I’m so sorry, maybe it would be better if I–” I said but Asher growled to cut me off. He softly rubbed my tears away with his thumb, “Don’t. It wasn’t your fault either sweetheart. I– we need you here” he whispered, pressing a kiss to my temple. I sighed and squeezed Lena’s hand “All that matter’s now is that everyone is alright and the brave people who lost their lives get a proper burial” Asher said, leaning over me to give her a small kiss on the forehead.
“Now, don’t worry about Logan he’ll get better. Just focus on listening to what the doc has to say alright?” he told her. Lena nodded “Do you mind if Derek stays here for tonight… I don’t want to be alone” she whispered as she hugged her little brother closer. I immediately nodded my head “Of course we don’t mind.” I said, standing from Asher’s lap. Lena smiled watery at me “Thanks” she murmured. Asher nodded his head before the both of us stood up. “Can… could we go see him tomorrow?” Lena asked timidly. Asher shook his head, an apologetic expression on his face “Sorry Lee but the doctor said he’s still too fragile to see” he said. Lena sighed and nodded her head “Alright, Asher do you think I could talk to Rosalie before you left? Alone preferably” she requested. Asher nodded his head “Sure, I’ll be outside the room. I promise not to listen in” he said then gave her one last hug and Derek a small kiss before leaving the room.
I turned to Lena and gave her a questioning look “What did you want to talk about?” I asked, sitting back down in the chair and trying to ignore the burning feeling that was slowly creeping back onto my skin. “I know you’re probably feeling really uncomfortable because of your, you– know– what but I just… I wanted…I…” she trailed off. I smiled at her and brought her in for a hug “I know, you’re worried about him and I know you’re confused about everything you’re feeling but trust me. Everything will work out in the end, I can feel it. All we can do is hope for the best and I know you’re strong enough to do that.” I said encouragingly. Lena smiled “I think… I think… I might have feelings for him” she whispered, sounding afraid. It took everything in me not to squeal in excitement so I settled with giving her a happy grin. “Don’t worry” I repeated, “Everything will be fine” Lena smiled and squeezed me one more time before letting me go. “Thanks” she murmured before lying next to Derek and curling up with him. I grinned “Sleep well” I whispered before joining Asher in the hall.
It was about four in the afternoon and it was still really bright outside. “I know you were listening” I said as we walked down the parking lot. Asher gave me a sheepish smile as he grabbed hold of my hand and interlaced our fingers. “Sorry, I couldn’t help it. But I’m curious what was the you– know– what Lena was talking about?” he asked curiously, with a hint of knowing in his eyes as we neared the car, there was a hint of… knowing in his voice and a twinkle in his eyes that made me slightly suspicious. I blushed a deep red and scratched my heated skin “Err… it was nothing don’t worry about it” I whispered. Asher smirked and the next thing I know I’m pressed against the car door, “Really?” he whispered, dragging his nose along the side of my face and towards my neck, I could feel the smirk that was etched onto his face. My breathing went ragged as my knees buckled and if it wasn’t for the arm that was holding my waist I’m pretty sure I would have fallen down.
Heat coursed through my veins and I felt Asher lightly kiss the spot he would mark later on in life. I let out a breathless moan and I felt Asher purr in delight. “Because earlier today–” he kissed along my jaw line “I heard–” he whispered sensually as he dragged his lips towards mine, they were only a hair widths away. My eyes seemed glued to his lips and a quick peek at Asher told me that his were trained on mine. “That a certain sexy some one–” each word he spoke made his lips lightly graze mine and it was making me go absolutely crazy. My head was spinning and my hands reached up to tangle themselves in his hair while my body felt like it was on fire. Pleasure was coursing through my entire being and I looked up to see lust clear in Asher’s eyes, his wolf was also making its self known. His usual golden eyes were turning a beautiful Amber colour and he smirked at me before talking again.
“Was going into heat…”
I gasped and my eyes snapped to his “How did you…?” I asked, sounding surprised. Asher smirked and pecked me lightly on the lips “You were thinking quite loudly in the morning” he said. I blushed and unlocked my fingers from his neck. “I still don’t understand how this is even possible” I muttered as he opened the car door for me. Asher smiled before closing the door and walking over to the driver’s side “It’s something that happens with mates. It’s like a part of my soul is in you and a part of yours is in me” he tried to explain as he turned the car on. I nodded my head “Alright…” I said, completely not understanding how in the hell that worked or even happened for that matter. “Is that how you know who your mate is?” I asked curiously. Asher nodded “The eyes are the window to the soul” he said and I nodded my head in acknowledgement. Oh, so that’s why when they looked in each other’s eyes they just… knew. That really made a lot of sense now that I think about it.
“The next couple of days are going to be hard.” He commented, I nodded my head and bit my lip. I should be fully in heat by tomorrow afternoon, a female’s heat lasts at least a week. But because Asher’s an alpha it could go on for longer and we all know how much control horny wolves have. It’s like setting an alcoholic in a room full of alcohol and telling him not to drink any, totally impossible. I sighed and leant my head against the window “What are we going to do?” I asked, Asher sighed and placed a hand on my knee, causing me to shiver. “Don’t worry, I think I can hold back but I don’t know about you. Females usually go crazy for their mates” he teased, sending me a wink. I rolled my eyes but let the smile fall onto my face “I’m pretty sure resisting you will be easy. I’ll be too afraid about the consequences if we did mate” I informed him. Asher let out a growl as he remembered the poison that was currently flowing through me.
I smiled weakly at him “You’re going to have to stay far away from me” I said. Asher shook his head “No way sweetheart. There are other things we can do to relive you from your heat” he smirked, giving me a suggestive look. I blushed and lightly smacked his head “Pervert!” I shouted causing him to laugh at my embarrassment. “All I meant was a cold shower” he said innocently, sending me a grin as we pulled up to his house. I blushed darker and stuck my tongue out at him “Were thinking of something dirty? I would be more than happy to oblige with your thoughts” he said. “Asher!” I shouted as he laughed. “I’m just kidding sweetheart” he said, kissing me on the cheek before we both got out of the car. I rushed towards the door and quickly got inside. I squealed when a pair of arms wrapped around my waist.
“Asher!” I laughed as he walked us over to the couch. Asher sat down and tucked me into his side and I curled up next to him smiling happily. “You make it so easy to forget about everything bad that’s going on” he murmured. I gave him a curious look “What do you mean?” I asked, Asher smiled a real smile and it made my heart flutter. “Even after all that’s happened you have so much light in you” he murmured, bringing a hand to cup my face. I smiled at him “Well I believe that we can’t dwell on the past. What’s happened happened and I know that we can’t change it. All we can do is hope for a brighter future, together. Because if we don’t have that… then we have nothing to live for” I finished. Asher gave me a look of adoration before crashing his lips onto mine, it wasn’t raw and lust filled like you would think. It was more of a soft and passionate kiss, it was full of love and security. It made my heart flutter and my head spin, when he pulled away a couple minutes later my head was still in the clouds. “How did I end up with someone like you?” he murmured. I was still too intoxicated by his kiss to actually reply and just stared at him, probably looking really stupid as I did.
“Err… uh…” I said dazedly, Asher chuckled and pecked me once more. “Want some pizza later?” he asked and I nodded my head before resting it on his chest. “Sure” I answered, “Perfect, are you ready to meet my parents?” he asked. I shook my head as I realized something “I’ll be in heat” I whispered, horrified. Asher froze “You won’t be leaving the room” he growled after. I rolled my eyes but decided we would argue about that later. “Hush, why don’t we just enjoy the peace while we have it? I have a feeling the next couple of days are going to be really hectic.” I said. Asher nodded and we just sat in a comfortable silence for a while. I took a breath before pulling away slightly “Asher…” I started. “Yes sweetheart?” he questioned, “What’s wrong with Logan? Don’t lie to me please, I know there’s something else” I said. Asher sighed and kissed my forehead “I can’t hide anything from you can I?” he teased lightly, letting out a hard chuckle. I frowned and cupped his face “Tell me” I murmured softly.
Asher sighed “Logan’s in a coma” he whispered. I gasped a… coma? “What?” I asked, completely shocked. He nuzzled his face into my neck, I could feel the sadness radiating off of him. Logan was one of his best friends, I could tell he was taking this horribly. “For how long?” I asked, Asher shrugged against me “I don’t know, the doctor said it could be weeks, months or even years. He was too badly injured and they don’t know if even the wolf gene will be able to heal him quick enough.” He murmured, his voice breaking slightly. Asher squeezed me tightly and I embraced him back. "Don't tell Lena, it will break her heart" he murmured. I smiled a bit, that's why he didn't say anything earlier. He didn't want Lena to know, he was such a good brother. Asher breathed in my scent and nuzzled my neck with his face I knew, he just wanted to hold me so I tried to whisper soothing words to him, hoping that I was making him feel at least a little bit better.
“Want to play some video games?” he asked after a couple minutes of quite. I knew this was just a way to get his mind off of things and I was happy to comply. Everyone needed a break every now and then, even an alpha. I bet that tomorrow he’s going to have a crap load of work to do. I grinned and pulled away slightly “Game on Mr. Alpha.”
* * * * * *
“Tomorrow your ass is mine Rosalie!”
I laughed and waved a hand “We’ll see! Hurry up, you don’t want me to snuggle with the pillow again do you?” I teased. I heard Asher growl playfully “You better be far away from that pillow when I get up there!” he called, I giggled and continued to make my way to the stairs. After the seriousness of Logan’s condition, I spent a [mostly] blissful afternoon with Asher, kicking his butt at everything we played. Thank you Cole! I made my way up the stairs to get ready for bed. Thoughts of Logan, Lena and the rest of the pack still hung over our heads but tomorrow would be the say when Asher, and possibly me, were to deal with anything.
One thing was bothering me, I couldn’t shake off the feeling that something was going to go horribly wrong. I sighed and walked into the closet to grab a pair of sweatpants and a tank top. I quickly stripped before slipping them on. I began walking from the room until something shiny caught my eye. I stopped and turned my head curiously, it seemed like something was hiding between my sweaters. I slowly walked towards the dresser, I stopped when I was standing directly in front of it. I took a breath before gently moving my sweater off the hidden object.
It looked like the object was metal, it was wrapped up in beautiful cream scarf. I picked it up and a sense of familiarity surged through me. Slowly I peeled back the scarf, layer after layer until I reached the object. I gasped when it was finally uncovered, my hands dropped both the scarf and the object while a small piece of paper floated out and landed near my feet. My hands started to feel clammy and my knees buckled from underneath me,I fell to the ground, wincing slightly when my knees banged on the floor. I felt fear course through me, How did that get here? It made no sense, I never had it with me when we left…
The dagger, it was there underneath the cloth. The one thing my father gave me that I really didn’t want.
I let out a shaky breath and slowly grabbed the piece of paper, slowly I began to unfold the parchment before beginning to read the familiar sloppy scrawl.
My dearest Rosalie,
Looks like you forgot something you silly girl. I must admit, I am disappointed in you. You should know better than to disobey me. But no matter, now you have it and I think you know exactly what you need to do… you know the consequences of disobeying me. We all miss you here, especially Jake. He told me about your little… encounter, don’t worry we’ll get that silly alpha out of the way. You better not fall in love with that wolf, there will be some serious consequences. Oh, and tell them to take good care of Matt, I’ll know if anything happens to him. Remember, don’t do anything stupid, see how easy it was to get this in here? I have eyes everywhere my precious daughter, and when I say the word you will be back faster than you can blink. And that worthless alpha will be dead, along with his disgraceful pack.
You’ve been warned.
I will be seeing you soon.
Your father– Jared Burns.
* * * * * *
Hey look! I updated! Yay! I hope you guys liked it!
What did you think? Tell me about it!
Kind of what the dagger looks like... except smaller and without those things sticking out... I'll find a better picture after.
OH BEFORE I FORGET… If I made a poll for who should play Rosalie would you take it? Let me know please!
But now I’m tired so I shall go take a nap…
But first!
Dear Paula and Lucy, Aha I tricked you! I didn’t actually kill Logan off! I love him too much! :P [For now anyways ;D] Oh and the ‘real’ Logan knows that, I told him when you weren’t paying attention Paula! Muahaha! ;D
Now, for my other beautiful followers!
Exams are this week so this will be the last update until after the 25th, since that’s when exams finish! YAY! So… yeah, the plot is beginning to pick up and I finally decided what I want to happen in a couple chapters! YAY!
Thank you, to everyone who has stuck by me even though I am crap at updating, but as soon as summer hits I promise they will be a lot more frequent. Did I tell you that I loved you guys yet? No? Well I do, so thank you once again! You guys are AMAZING!! I reached 300 followers because of you and I couldn’t be more thankful you rock!
So… Comment? Vote? Follow? Please?
Can we get at least 50 votes and 30 comments?
Don’t forget that best comment get’s the dedication!
Have a great week!
♥xoxo- Shar
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