|11| These Are My M&M's, Not Yours. So Don't Touch.
I've been meaning to ask... who do you think should play Rosalie? I have no idea at the moment and would really appreciate your feedback! =)
|Story Start|
|Rosalie Burns|
My head was pounding.
The last thing I remember was…
Then the events of yesterday came flooding back all at once and I felt myself become overwhelmed in sadness, anger and hurt. My eyes started to water until the hot tears started to flow down my cheeks and plop silently onto my bare legs. I brought my legs to my chest and wrapped my arms around them while burying my head in my knees. I started to sob, hard. I cried for myself, I cried for what I was putting Asher and his pack through, I cried for Jake and the other’s of my family and I cried to get everything out of my system. I don’t think I’ve cried this hard since my mother’s death, there wasn’t even a body found that I could cry over when it happened. At least this time I had Asher with me. Where was he anyways?
Not even five seconds later I heard someone stomping up the stairs and the door suddenly burst open. I abruptly closed my mouth and sobbed quietly, looking up at the door. Asher was there, his hair was disheveled, he was out of breath and he had this crazed/ worried look in his eyes. He looked around the room until his eyes landed on me and I saw him let out a breath of relief. I guess he felt something from the mate bond and thought something bad was happening. Looking at him I felt myself overcome with fresh tears and I couldn’t help it when I started to sob out loud again.
Instantly I was scooped up into a warm embrace and Asher’s musky smell overcame all of my senses. He didn’t say a word and just hugged me, stroking my hair as I let everything out. I couldn’t be more grateful for him. He was letting me have my time but still comforted me, I was glad that he was staying quiet. I don’t think I was ready for any questions or for pity glances, although I don’t think Asher would ever give me one of those.
Blood laced with poison called Mitonemia and silver
I have another unknown substance in my body
“It also affects your ability to have children”
I could kill Asher without meaning to
I have put the entire pack in danger
He could leave me…
Jake, Mark, Matt, Cole… my father…
Mom… why aren’t you here when I need you the most?
Each thought pierced my heart over and over again, making my inner pain increase with each tear that fell from my eyes. I knew Asher was dying to figure out a way to calm me down but I guess there are some things that a mate just can’t help you with. They can easily lessen the pain but they can’t fully take it away.
Eventually my sobs decreased until I was just hiccupping. That’s the one thing I hated about crying, I always hiccupped after. It was so embarrassing. I turned so I was looking at Asher and I saw the pain in his eyes as he watched me suffer. I closed my eyes and took a deep, calming breath. That was enough crying from me. I need to be strong and I need to calm down so I don’t worry Asher too much. When I opened my eyes I saw Asher looking intently at me, I brought my hand up and cupped his cheek letting my hand caress his rough skin. He had a five o’clock shadow and had small bags under his eyes, did he not sleep last night?
I felt myself become guilty, was it because I had fainted that he hadn’t gotten any sleep?
“I’m sorry” I whispered.
Asher’s face softened and he placed a light kiss on my head. “You have nothing to be sorry for” he murmured. “I’m sorry that this happened to you. You don’t deserve this” he said, making me smile slightly. I reached up with both hands and cupped his face. “Thank you” I said quietly before bringing his face closer and kissing his cheek. Asher gave me a disgruntled look and laughed “Food first, I’m hungry” I stated. He rolled his eyes and smirked at me before flinging me over his shoulder and walking out of the room.
“Asher!” I exclaimed through my laughter. “Put me down!” He grinned and lightly tapped my ass. “Not a chance sweetheart” he replied and I could feel the smirk that was on his face. I pouted and crossed my arms. “Jerk” I muttered as we walked down the hallways and stairs, he just laughed. “You know you love it” he teased turning his head to give me a wink. I tried to fight the smile that threatening to come out but it was hard. Asher seemed to make me happy even when I was feeling down.
Wow that sounded so sappy.
I gave him a playful glare when he set me on the countertop. “Finally, I thought my shoulder was going to break from all that weight” Asher teased as he opened the fridge. My mouth popped open and I looked around to find something to hit him with. “I don’t weigh that much!” I defended, taking a green apple from the fruit bowl and chucking it at his head. Asher turned around just in time and caught the apple, taking a giant mocking bite from it. Damn his werewolf abilities. Asher laughed at my glare “I’m just kidding sweetheart, no need to go all fruit ninja on me” he joked once he swallowed.
I pouted “Your mean” I sniffed, crossed my arms. Asher smirked and walked over to me, placing both hands on the counter next to my bare thighs. “I know what will make it better” he murmured, his delicious appley breath hitting my senses and making me want to wrap my arms around him but I kept them crossed over my chest. “And what is that?” I asked warily, seeing the mischievous glint in his eyes. But instead of answering Asher connected his lips with mine.
Oh my sweet baby peaches did that feel amazing.
Asher pulled away far too soon and a frown came over my face. He laughed “Better?” he asked. I nodded my head, still slightly dazed from his intoxicating lips. Asher grinned in triumphant and turned back around so he could finishing making breakfast. I peered around his shoulder and smiled when I saw he was making waffles with fresh fruit. One of my favourite breakfast foods!
I happily raced over to the table and sat down. Asher laughed at my eagerness and placed a plate in front of me with some syrup and a glass of orange juice. I eagerly took the syrup and drowned my waffles before taking some strawberries, kiwis, bananas, blueberries, blackberries and raspberries and placing them there as well. Asher looked at me in amusement as I began to stuff my mouth, I didn’t realize just how hungry I was until I saw all the yummy food. I blushed and swallowed “Thank you” I said before resuming my frantic eating.
Asher laughed “Slow down, the food’s not going anywhere” he commented as he got his own food. I blushed again and started to eat slower. We began to eat in a comfortable silence and I found I didn’t mind. I was in complete heaven as I tasted the sweet taste of the waffles and syrup exploding in my mouth along with the delicious fresh fruit. It reminded me of home and how I used to do this with my father and mother every Saturday morning. I pushed the sad feelings away and relished in the happy ones that Asher was giving me.
“Hey sweetheart…” he started.
I made a face, “My name is Rosalie remember?” I said. Asher ignored my comment and kept talking “Well I was thinking…” he started, I was a little shocked when I saw he looked slightly nervous. “You’ve been through so much lately and I thought you might enjoy time to get away from it all for a little while. You know like a vacation?” he asked, nervously as his eyes looked everywhere but me. I smiled softly, he was such a sweetheart. A vacation is something that I would love but what about the pack? Wouldn’t they need him?
“The pack will be fine for a little while, plus I’ve got my beta to work things over while we’re gone. Don’t forget there are such things as phones and computers” he teased. I blushed but smiled “I would love to go on a small vacation, but promise me we’ll be back soon? I don’t feel too comfortable leaving the pack without there Alpha for too long…” I said. Asher grinned and stood up from the table and scooping me up into his arms. “You’re already thinking like a fantastic future Luna” he murmured as he placed a chaste kiss on my lips. I blushed and turned away “I wouldn’t say that…” I muttered not sure how I felt about becoming a Luna to an entire pack.
So much responsibility…
“Don’t think about it too much, come on we’ve got a lot of packing to do.
* * * * * *
I actually ended up taking a shower and changing into a white floral high low dress before Lena whisked me from the room and demanded that she was to pack my clothes. I gave her a wary look but nodded my head. She could be real scary when she wanted to be, so while Asher and Lena did all the work for the trip, I found myself in the annoying company of Logan for the remainder of the day. Now don’t get me wrong, Logan was a great friend and usually fun to be around but when he was bored… boy was that annoying.
“I’m bored” he whined for the umpteenth time, sitting upside down on the couch. I groaned “Would you stop saying that!” I snapped, completely annoyed with him. “Asher and Lena have been running around all day. It’s not like you guys are leaving for a month! It’s just two weeks” Logan muttered moodily. I sighed and threw one of my peanut M&M’s at his head and laughed when it hit his forehead. “Hey!” he exclaimed, rubbing his skin. I giggled and popped a candy in my mouth “What?” I asked innocently.
Logan glared “You’re lucky you’re Asher’s mate” he muttered, sending me a playful glare. I grinned cheekily “Nah you won’t do anything to me, I’m too awesome” I stated. Logan rolled his eyes “Getting cocky there Burns?” he teased. I laughed “Course not, I’m merely stating the truth” I stated, sending him a playful wink. Logan laughed with me and I ate another handful of M&M’s. “Can I have one?” he asked. I shook my head and scoffed “No! These are mine, so don’t touch them! Besides I already wasted one when I threw it at you” I told him as I slowly placed another one in my mouth. He glared at me enviously.
“You are one mean girl Rosalie Burns” Logan fake cried.
I rolled my eyes and stuck my tongue out at him. “Sucks for you then, doesn’t it?” I replied. “You are so immature” he muttered, sending a longing look at my candy. I laughed and threw a candy at him “Fine here, I hope your happy now, I am one M&M short now” I said dramatically, throwing my hands up for effect. Logan ignored me and ate his candy with a happy grin. I couldn’t help but laugh, he looked like he had died and gone to heaven.
Hm… maybe now is a good time to ask…
“Hey Logan… do you have a mate?” I asked. I’ve been meaning to ask him this for a while but I never had the courage or it just wasn’t the right moment. Logan froze for a moment before he relaxed again and sent me a smile. “No, not yet at least” He said, I think he sounded a bit bitter about it. “Oh… why not?” I asked, he was older than seventeen wasn’t he? Don’t mates usually find each other when they turn seventeen? That’s what I’ve read anyways.
“She hasn’t turned seventeen yet so she doesn’t know” he mumbled.
I gave him a shocked look “So you do know who it is!” I exclaimed, bouncing up and down excitedly. Logan sent me a smirk “Ah now that is a story for another time, I can hear Asher and Lena coming down the stairs” he said before standing up and bolting out of the room. I frowned and followed him “LOGAN!” I shouted. “TELL ME!!”
I heard Logan laugh as I turned one of the corners but found myself hitting a wall. I bounced backwards and started to fall but the wall caught me. I rubbed my forehead “Dammit that hurt” I mumbled as I opened my eyes. I blushed when I saw that the wall had actually been Asher. He raised a brow at me and there was a smile playing at his lips.
“What exactly are you and Logan doing?” he asked. I opened my mouth to tell him but closed it again. This was Logan’s business not Asher’s, plus I wanted to find this out by myself. “Well… Logan took an M&M from me so… I started to chase him?” I lied, it came out more as a question. I sucked at lying. Asher gave me a suspicious look before shrugging “You’ll tell me eventually” he said before taking my hand and walking me back towards the living room.
“So are you going to tell me where we’re going?” I asked.
Asher shook his head “Sorry sweetheart but that stays a secret.” he winked. I sighed and crossed my arms “What if I don’t like it?” I asked. Asher laughed and kissed the side of my head “I already know you’ll love it” he said cockily. I rolled my eyes but let the grin slip onto my face. I usually hated surprises but this vacation one didn’t seem too bad.
When we reached the living room Lena shot up from her seat and gave me a huge hug. “Have fun alright Rose? And make sure to call me everyday!” she said. I laughed “Yes mum” I said sarcastically. Lena grinned and turned to Asher, giving him a serious look. “You better take care of her, or else” she warned. Asher laughed “Whatever you say little sister” he mocked. Lena rolled her eyes before grasping Logan’s shirt and dragging him from the house.
“BYE!” they shouted before the door slammed shut. Well Lena said bye all you could hear from Logan was “LEE LET GO OF ME! YOU MAD WOMEN!!” followed by a loud smack.
We stood there for a moment in silence before bursting out laughing.
“Those two…” he murmured. I nodded my head, those two indeed.
“Ready to go sweetheart?” he asked. I nodded my head “As ready as I’ll ever be” I muttered, looking up at him. Asher grinned and pulled me out of the house and over to his orange Lamborghini. I whistled lowly, that was one nice car. “You like it?” he asked. I nodded my head “Good, we’re going to be in here for a couple of hours” he said. I groaned when he opened the door for me. “I hate long car rides” I muttered. Asher laughed before closing the door and walking over to his side.
“Trust me sweetheart this one is going to be worth it, besides you have me as company. What more could you ask more?” he asked, giving me a wink before starting the car.
I rolled my eyes and playfully punched his arm. “You are way too cocky for your own good” I mumbled. Asher grinned “All part of the charm babe” he replied. I chuckled “I’m sure” I mumbled, pressing my head to the window and watching the beautiful scenery pass by us. A long car ride was the perfect time to take a nap…
“Sweet dreams sweetheart, we’ll be there before you know it”
Then my eyes started to close and I fell into a deep dreamless sleep.
* * * * * *
“Just give me a reason, just a little bit’s enough. Just a second we’re not broken just bent and we can learn to love again…!”
I belted out the lyrics to Pinks song, obviously I had woken up from my nap and because there was nothing else to do I decided singing would be a good way to get rid of some of my boredom.
“It’s in the stars, it’s been written in the scars on our hearts. We’re not broken just bent and we can learn to love again…!”
Asher turned down the volume and I turned to glare at him. “Hey I was singing!” I exclaimed. Asher laughed and pecked me quickly. “KEEP YOUR EYES ON THE-” Oh… we stopped moving, I guess I was too into the song to notice. I opened the door and gasped.
It was beautiful.
I heard Asher open his door and I felt him come and hug me from behind.
“Welcome to the Valentine Lake House sweetheart”
* * * * * *
Ta-Da! Another update!
Well this was more of a filler chapter and I apologize for that but they are necessary! Especially with what’s going to happen in a couple chapters. *Insert wink and nudge here*
Thank you so much to everyone who voted, commented, followed and added to their reading lists. I appreciate each and every one of you and I couldn’t be more thankful for all of your support! <3 You are my inspiration!! Love you all! =D
Can we get 50 votes and 20 comments please?
Right-o I don’t really have anything else to say here so… Happy Easter! I’m going to go and do some homework now… blah… or maybe sleep… yeah that sounds like a much better idea… ;D
So… Comment? Vote? Follow? Please?
Xoxo- Shar
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