|1| My Eighteenth Birthday
|Story Start|
|Rosalie Burns|
What a horrible way to start off my eighteenth birthday.
Today was April 3rd. I was turning 18 today, the legal age to start hunting. When you're under 18 you can kill the jailbirds for practice but you can’t go on a real hunt. You see my family comes from a long line of werewolf, also known as shifters, hunters. We are the Burns family the most respected and highest family in the hunter community. I’ve been trained my whole life to kill a werewolf, I knew all the hunting secrets, how to use all the weapons and everything there is to know about the shifter race. Now that I’m 18 my father thought that taking me out for my first hunt would be an awesome birthday present.
He was mistaken.
I hated being a hunter, I didn’t understand why we did it in the first place. I mean I understand if they attacked us first but most of the time it’s us who starts the fighting. My father mostly went after rogues and occasionally a pack. So my father gathered a bunch of hunters together to celebrate this ‘wonderful’ moment by going and attacking one of the strongest packs in the U.S. There had been so much planning that had been involved months before my birthday so things would be absolutely perfect. We were attacking the Lunar Eclipse Pack which was the… I think the second strongest or the strongest pack in the U.S.
I felt like this was going to be a big mistake and that something bad was going to happen. I just didn’t know what. I let out a sigh, this isn’t how I wanted to spend my birthday. I really wanted to get out of hunting world but I couldn’t do that to my father he already lost my mother I don't even want to think about how hard he would take me being gone as well. A few years ago my mother, Esther, had been killed by a rogue wolf and ever since then my father has thrown himself even more passionately into hunting, bringing me along for the unfortunate ride.
I absolutely hated the concept of killing some one even if they were a different species.
I was sitting in the kitchen and my father walked in and began to hand me my freshly polished weapons, there was a gun filled with silver bullets, a small silver knife that had been dipped with a poison that would kill a shifter in a mere 2 hours at most, which would be hidden in my boot, and the last one was hiding in a small leather case. I didn't know what was in here so I raised a brow at my dad and he gave me a toothy grin. I could practically see the happiness that was being radiated off of him, he put a hand on my back and led me towards the living room. I gave one last look at my delicious strawberry-chocolate milkshake before abandoning it on the kitchen counter.
We sat across from each other on the couch and he took out the leather bound item. I let out a surprised gasp; he was giving me the family dagger. I couldn’t believe it, this dagger has been passed down from generation after generation of the Burns hunter line. I thought for sure my father would have kept it until he had a son, but I guess that was impossible since my mother had passed and he refused to have another women in his life, besides me of course.
Even though this was such an accomplishment, in fact this was the highest honor a Burns hunter could get, I didn’t want it. The dagger came with so much responsibility that I just wasn't ready to take on. I would become the head of the family and start leading attacks, I couldn’t do that! I’ve never even killed a werewolf before while other’s who were younger than me have had multiple kills. They killed the locked up rouges as practice, it was such a harsh and horrible way to kill some one and I just couldn’t do it. I usually found a way to get out of the raids but this time I knew I couldn’t and I didn’t know what I was going to do about it.
“Rosie honey I think it’s time you earned this. You are now eighteen, I think you’re ready for the responsibility that comes with this. You're all grown up now, your mother would have been so proud” he said with a smile as he passed me the dangerous weapon. It could kill a shifter in an instant, I couldn’t take this! I wanted to thrust it back at him, I wanted to run and leave this place forever but most of all I wanted to tell him exactly what I thought about their horrible hunting ways.
But I couldn’t bring myself to do it; my father was in his mid-forties with graying black hair and wrinkles on his somewhat young face. My father was physically fit from all the hunting so he didn’t have a huge beer belly, it was there but only slightly. He actually looked pretty young aside from the graying hairs. I had inherited my father’s dark wavy hair but my mother’s bright blue eyes. She had been a blonde haired, blue eyed beauty with such a big heart. It hurt to think about her, and I cherished my blue eyes since it was the only physical feature I had inherited from her.
“Dad… I don’t know what to say…” I trailed off suddenly feeling nervous and shy. My father laughed and brought me in for a hug, I hesitantly returned the embrace. “Rosie it’s fine, just take the dagger and get ready. I know how excited you are for tonight.” He said before pulling away to give me a happy grin. I felt my heart drop and all I could do was force a smile back and walk away towards my room. When I got there I placed the dagger on the desk along with my other weapons before flinging myself on my bed and pouring my feelings into my pillow. Hopefully my father wouldn’t hear me but knowing him he would think I was crying tears of joy.
* * * * * *
|A Couple Hours Later|
“Rosalie are you ready yet?” my father called up from downstairs. I sighed and gave myself a once over, I was wearing my mother’s old fighting outfit. It consisted of black women’s combat boots paired with black short shorts a simple white tank top and my leather jacket. I added a thigh holster to keep my gun in and I put my silver knife in my boot. I kept my hair tied to the side in a fishtail braid and for my makeup I added some black eyeliner, dark eye shadow and mascara to make me look dangerous but still good. I started to make my way out of my room but paused to look over at my pillow where I hid the dagger under.
I wasn’t going to bring it with me on the raid but I was planning to tell my father it was hidden in the holster I kept on my back. I felt bad for lying to him but I had to do it, I wasn’t going to use the dagger that would kill some one in an instant. It made me shiver at the very thought of me doing something like that.
“Rosalie!” my father shouted loudly making me jump slightly at the tone. “Coming!” I yelled back as I trudged down the stairs, before I made it down I paused for a moment to plaster a fake smile on my face so he wouldn’t worry about my lack of enthusiasm. “I’m ready dad” I said once I reached him. He gave me a wide smile and embraced me “You look wonderful, just like your mother did” I smiled genuinely this time until I noticed that a couple people had joined us, actually my male neighbors who were my age were here. I narrowed my eyes at my father who gave me an innocent grin in return but you could see the mischief sparkling in his brown eyes. He wanted me to choose some one to marry or at least date for now so that they can help me with the whole head of the family thing. I was completely against the idea but my father took any opportunity he could to set me up with one of the four boys in front of me.
How wrong is that? A father that sets up his own daughter with guys! Shouldn't he be all angry papa bear on them?
I just had to get the werid dad didn't I?
I looked at who was here and noticed that they were actually really close friends of mine.
Cole Forbes was a 6 foot 18 year old guy with blonde hair and blue eyes, we’ve known each other since kindergarten and we trained together at the academy. Cole was pretty built from all the training but really what hunter wasn’t? Cole was actually a really sweet guy but very, very cocky. He was fun to be around and could always crack a joke.
Matthew Morris was a 6'1, 20 year old man who and had brown hair with hazel eyes. He was built much like Cole but not as buff and he was a lot more humble. Matt was more of a bookworm like me and didn’t really go out and party like the rest of the males I was surrounded by. Matt was the boy I knew I could count on if something was happening, he might not be as confident but he was nice.
Jacob Forrest was a good friend of mine well actually he was my best friend and I thought of him as a brother not some one I would marry. Jake was 6'2 at the age of 19 and my best friend since birth, I’m not kidding we have been friends for as long as I can remember. Jake was the over confident bad boy of our school. He had dark brown hair with green eyes and he was a lot more built than Cole. The only thing is that Jake was such a player but I knew how to put him in his place. Besides the boy could be nice if he wanted to but he mostly chose not to.
The last boy was just like Jake. Well they were twins so I guess it makes sense they were similar, Mark Forrest was just like his brother and looked like him too. The only difference was that Mark wasn’t a player like Jake, he was shorter around Cole's height and he actually had a heart most of the time. This is why he was my other best friend. Without him I think I would go insane with just Jake.
“Erm… hello boys” I said in a shy tone. They each gave me a killer smile and I swear I almost blacked out, four hot boys in one room all giving you a dazzling smile should be illegal. I was almost blinded by their pearly whites. “Hey Rosie” they chorused, each of them giving me a wave while Jake gave me a wink which I rolled my eyes to. I turned towards my father and gave him a small glare before asking “Not to be rude but what are they doing here?”
“You are going to be riding with them, Marty and I have to work something out when we get there so I will be with him.” he replied before slipping out the door. Marty was the Forrest twins' father, I glared at his retreating form before sighing and facing the boys. “Alright so how are we going to do this?” I asked. “I’m driving” Matt said as he held up his keys. I nodded and began walking towards the door only to feel stares boring into my back. I turned around and saw they were all staring intently at me. “What?” I asked, starting to feel self conscious about how I looked.
Of course Jake was the first one to snap out of the trance, so he walked up to me and slung his arm around my shoulders. “We were just admiring the view Rose, nothing to worry about” he said with a cheeky grin as he led me out of the house and towards Matt’s car. I rolled my eyes "You guys are too much sometimes" I said. The other boy’s trailed behind us except for Mark who came and wrapped another arm around my waist. “Hey you can’t steal my Rose!” Jake complained as he pulled me closer. Mark pulled me over to him “She likes me better” Mark said while sticking his tongue out at Jake. I rolled my eyes as I became their tug of war toy; they acted more like toddlers sometimes.
As they began to argue about who I liked better I quickly slipped from their grasps and walked the rest of the way to the car. “ROSALIE!” they called out just as I made it to the car. I didn’t say anything and glared at Cole who took shotgun. I groaned, I would be stuck in the back with my two annoying best friends. “I hate you” I said before sliding in after Jake. Cole just gave me a cheeky grin as I became squished between the twins.
“This is going to be a long ride” I stated which earned a laugh from Matt. “Don’t worry Rose the territory is only 6 hours away. You’ll be fine” he said with a wink before starting the car.
Fine my ass.
|Six and a Half Hours Later|
“Thank god!” I exclaimed once I was out of the car. Matt and Cole laughed at me while Jake and Mark pouted, “Come on Rose we’re not that bad” Jake said as he and Mark threw their arms around me. “Yeah Rose we’re your bestest friends don’t be mean” Mark told me in a childish tone. I rolled my eyes and ran out of their grip. “You guys are such losers” I said with a shake of my head but a smile was playing at my lips so they knew I was just joking. “Mark did you just hear what she said?” Jake asked in a playful appalled voice. Mark put a hand over his heart before giving me an evil grin “I think we’re going to have to punish her for this” he tutted as the twins moved closer to me.
My eyes widened and I ran behind Matt. “Matty! Save me please! It’s my birthday” I pleaded with a pout. Matt laughed and began towing me towards the meeting place, which was my summer cabin. “Boys you can punish her later we have a hunt to go on” Matt said with a smile. Instantly my good mood faded as the boys cheered with so much enthusiasm. “Yeah! Let’s take down those mutts!” Cole shouted with a grin. I tried to give him one back but I think a frown came out instead, “Aw is wittle Wosie nervous?” Jake asked in a baby voice. I glared and scoffed “Of course not” I said before stomping away from the laughing boys.
“Don’t worry Rose as long as you don’t trip you should be fine!” Mark called out with a teasing tone. It was no secret that I was a huge klutz and I wouldn’t be surprised if a shifter was able to get me because of a klutzy moment from me. I groaned before turning around to face them “Shut up would you? You’re just annoying me now!” I called back. Then I started to ignore their taunts and pleas for me to slow down even though they could easily catch up if they really wanted to. Finally I reached the cabin and stepped into the homey threshold.
I was shocked to find about 80+ people in the large cabin. All these people were here for my birthday raid? I don’t think I even knew half of the people here! “Ah Rosalie there you are sweetheart, you and the boys are the last to arrive” my father said as he appeared right as Cole, Jake, Mark and Matt stepped through the door. They looked just as shocked as I did, I turned to Jake and he gave me a grin Hot Girls! He mouthed with a thumbs up while he waggled his eyebrows. I rolled my eyes and ignored his pervish ways.
“Could I have everyone’s attention please?” my father called out. I groaned “Dad” I hissed grasping his arm and digging my nails into his arm. He didn’t even acknowledge the pain I was giving him as the room quieted down and everyone turned their attention to my father and me. “Now as most of you know it’s my baby girl’s eighteenth birthday today” I gripped his arm harder when he called me his baby girl, I was not a baby anymore but of course my cheeks turned red as the twins, Cole and Matt all gave me amused looks. My father just pretended nothing was happening and continued on with his speech. “I just wanted to read a letter your mother wrote for you for this day specifically.” He said as he pulled out a worn out piece of paper from his pocket.
My grip on his arm fell limp and I stood with shock written all over my face. My mother had written me a letter for my birthday? I felt the tears starting to form in my eyes as I realized just how much I wished she was here with me. I felt someone come up from behind and wrap their arms around me in a comforting way. From the cologne I smelt I knew it was Jake but I didn’t turn to look at him and just stared at my father as he began to read the last thing my mother left for me.
“My Dearest Rosalie,
Happy Birthday baby girl! I can’t believe you’re all grown up, I remember when you, Jake and Mark would all run around in diapers together playing Castle. They claimed to be princes and you of course being the beautiful princess they saved. Those were the good old days, but now you are no longer a little girl you’ve grown into a smart, confident and beautiful women. I am so proud of how you’ve grown and even prouder to be able to call you my daughter.
I know the next few years are going to be hard while you being the next head of the family but always know that your father and I will be with you every step of the way. You will have to face hard decisions but always chose with what your heart tells you. I just want you to be happy sweetie, live your life how you want it.
Just remember that no matter how old you get you will always be my baby girl. I’m so glad God gave me the gift of you; you are such a blessing to your father and I.
I love you baby girl always remember that and if I can’t be there to actually wish you happy birthday just remember that I will be watching over you from wherever I am.
Be safe and live happily.
Esther Rosa Burns, Your mother.
I felt the tears I was holding back start to flood over my cheeks and I turned into Jake’s chest and began to sob quietly. I was stunned and I just didn’t know what to say so I kept my head buried in Jake’s chest while my arms wound themselves around his neck while my body pressed closer to his seeking his comfort. From behind me I could tell a couple people shared my pain and happiness since I wasn’t the only one blubbering. I felt Jake start to caress my back and gradually my sobs started to lessen until it was just sniffling. “Are you okay Rosie?” Jake whispered once I fully calmed down. I nodded slightly and pulled away so I was looking at his concerned face “Thank you” I whispered as he rubbed a hand over my cheek to catch a stray tear.
“Anytime” he whispered back. I took a breath before turning back around and facing the audience, I noticed that Jake kept his hand on the small of my back and I was grateful for the comfort he was giving me. I looked at my father who even though had glassy eyes was giving me a sly smile and a look which was directed at Jake and I just rolled my eyes. I turned to the group of people and gave them a dazzling smile, well at least I hope it was anyways. “Thank you all for being here, I really appreciate all of you coming. I hope everyone has a good time tonight” I say with a small wave as cheers begin to ring out from all over.
“Dad I’m going to wait outside for a bit, call me when you need me” I said before walking away from the group and into the setting sun. I walked a little bit away from the house before plopping down on the ground. I so wasn’t ready for this, I just wanted to be normal for once.
Is that too much to ask?
I sighed and laid in the grass. Only a few more hours to go and we would officially be attacking the Lunar Eclipse Pack.
I can't wait. (Note my sarcasm)
* * * * * *
Yay! A new story! This idea had been burning in my mind since forever and I couldn't focus on anything else. Now that I have this out I can focus on other things! Please tell me what you think! I would really appreciate it!
Shall I continue this?
Vote? Comment? Pwease and thanks! :)
Xoxo- Shar
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