Chapter 13
A/N- Please vote, comment, and share this story!!!!!! It would mean a lot. I encourage you to point out any grammar/punctuation errors. I hope you enjoy it!!!!! Please follow me!!
A couple of weeks passed as Cas taught me how to teleport.
It was really hard to get the hang of. The teleporting in and of itself was easy.
However, teleporting to the right place, well, let's just say that part was a little more difficult.
Anytime Cas and I trained I had to make sure I had my phone with me so I could let Cas know where I ended up if I got it wrong. Luckily, I managed to land in normal undangerous places but it was still nowhere close to where I was supposed to be.
But, finally, a couple of days ago, I managed to go to the right place.
I practiced a little more over the past couple of days since then and I've gotten it perfect. Don't ask me how I did it, I don't know. The point is, I managed to get it.
I think Cas was even starting to get fed up with me. It was kinda funny though. Of course, it was kind of hard to find it funny when I was so frustrated myself, but when I look back on it now it was definitely funny.
But now that I had gotten the hang of it, I made my final plea for Sam and Dean to take me on a hunt. I brought up all of the old things that I had told them before, plus two new things. Dean was just about to tell me no again when I interrupted.
"Dean, just listen. I know basic self-defense now, thanks to Sam, so if I get into a tough situation, which I won't, I'll be able to do more than throw lightning or an object. It'll be hard for anything to hurt me. Plus, I've been reading all of the lore books that we have and your own notes, I know how to kill anything we could come across."
He still looked unsure, but closer to saying yes, so I continued.
"And one more thing. Now that I have complete control over teleporting, if I get into trouble I can just go back to the bunker. If you let me go on this next hunt, I'll go back to the bunker as soon as things look dangerous. I promise. Even if you so much as think it will be dangerous, you can tell me to go back and I will."
I let all of that information sit in his head and just sat there. If Dean didn't say yes with all of this, he would never let me go. However, the look on his face told me he was leaning towards letting me.
We were currently in the library alone. Sam had been off on a supply run and Cas said someone in heaven was calling him. I figured that it would be the best time to try something.
I stared at all of the shelves and books, most of which I had read by now, as I waited for Dean's answer. I figured that trying to rush him or continue to argue at this point would only make him angry or think I wasn't mature enough to go. Finally, I heard him sigh.
"As soon as I say go back you will?"
I nodded eagerly.
"I promise. As soon as you say the word, I'm gone."
He nodded, but I didn't get excited. Not yet.
"You will stay with at least one of us at all times. Should you get separated you teleport straight to the bunker and call someone to let us know that you are there. If someone tells you to stay in the car, you stay. No if, and, or buts, you stay. If anyone tells you to go home, you do. You do whatever we say and if you complain or disobey you will never go on another hunt again."
As soon as he started his mini-rant I realized what that meant. I could go.
I was beyond excited to get out of the bunker, but contained it and listened. Once he was done though, I nodded eagerly once again.
"I promise."
"We leave as soon as Sam gets back."
Immediately shooting out of my seat, I ran over to Dean, throwing my arms around him and screaming thank yous. He smiled and patted my arms with one hand.
"Okay, okay, go pack, he won't be long."
I took off down the hallway and into my room, grabbing my suitcase and starting to pack.
In the time that I've been here, both Sam and Dean have taken me on multiple shopping trips to get anything I might need. They got me the suitcase in case I ever wanted to stay at Jody's or they had to take me somewhere else for safety reasons.
Ten minutes later, I was done with packing and I heard the door open and close.
I ran out into the bunker's entrance area and stopped right in front of Sam.
"Dean said I could go with you!!!!!!"
Sam's face immediately lit up. He didn't really want me to go either. He was worried that I would get hurt and, well, I kinda was too, but he knew how much I hated being stuck in the bunker.
He ruffled my hair, a habit he had formed, and said, "That's great! Did he tell you when we were leaving?"
"Yeah, he said as soon as you got back, but I'm sure you can do a couple of things first. Last time I saw him he looked kinda busy."
He nodded and started picking his bags up again.
"Alright, thanks."
Nodding, I grabbed half of the bags, Sam giving me a nod of appreciation, and I followed him to put everything away. Some of it was food and other stuff was to replenish hunting supplies, like salt.
Once everything was put away he thanked me and then left to pack his own bag. I followed him back the hallway and went into my room to grab my suitcase.
To Be Continued...
A/N- This is a pretty boring chapter, sorry! Should I double update???
Thanks for reading!!!! I hope you liked it! And if you did, maybe you could check out some of my other stories? Don't forget to vote and comment!!!!!!! Let me know what you think!!!!
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