Chapter 10
A/N I don't know. Um...butter! Save Sky! Sky: Really? You had to say it? Me: Yep. I had too. Now get back into the story! Sky: YOLO SWAG!!!! I TAKE ORDERS FROM NO ONE!!! I'M UNTAMABLE!!! (5 minutes of me hitting him over and over) Sky: You win! I am tamable. Sorry. (enters story) Me: Now on with da story! This was written after me reading a different story and I had woken up right before getting on, so, yeah.
Catherine ran into battle with her butter sword held high. "Charge! Kill every squid you see!" she yelled. The people beside her were Koarse and TC. The ones behind split up to kill the squids. Catherine ran up to a recruit getting overwhelmed by the squids. She killed 5 squids and the recruit managed the rest.
"Thanks." he said while attacking more. "Catherine, where's Sky?"
"He's at my base getting help for his wounds." she replied. "It's safe there." A squid that I was attacking heard and ran to the leader. I shot him, but not before he had told the leader of Sky's whereabouts.
"To the Flower Army Base!" Squid yelled. Catherine growled and gathered everyone who had been fighting.
"Listen, because I am next in control of the Flower base, I know all of the easy routes there. The squids are taking the longest route. We shall take the shortest. Just follow me." Catherine whispered at TC. They told everyone around them and all of them ran back the same way Catherine had come. She sent a messenger ahead to tell her mother.
~Meanwhile, at the base ahead~
Catherine's mother, Ginger, paced the floor in front of the entryway. She heard the sound of her daughter's favorite messenger saying "Catherine and Koarse sent me!" Ginger opened the doors. The messenger slipped in and fell to the floor in exhaustion. "Trouble is coming." he panted. Ginger gasped.
"Where's Catherine?" she asked. He motioned towards the woods. At that exact second, Catherine and the reinforcements, plus everyone who was fighting the squids at Sky's base, came bursting out of the woods.
"Jerome, Ty, Ian, Quentin, Mitch, and Jason! Talk to my mother! She'll take you to Sky!" Catherine yelled. They nodded and came up to Ginger. She led them through the halls to the hospital wing.
"Excuse me, ma'me, but what is Sky's condition?" Jerome asked.
"He's doing fine, um.." Ginger started to reply.
"Jerome. And this is Ian, Mitch, Jason, Ty, and Quentin." he answered for her, and pointed at each one as he spoke.
"Mr. Jerome, your friend is getting a lot better. He's in here." Ginger pointed to a door that had a little glass in it for a window. In the window, you could see Sky laying on a bed with his arm and leg wrapped. Ginger opened the door. "Sky, your friends are here to see you." she whispered. Sky looked at them, and smiled.
"Thank you, Mrs. Ginger." he said, and all of the TC people walked in with smiles on their faces.
"I'll leave you seven alone." she said, closing the door behind her. "So sweet." she whispered to herself.
A/N No battle yet. Eat chocolate, smell roses, and kill squids!
Rose out!
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