☆on the open road☆
((Continuation of ♧going to Disney world♧))
You've been driving for a hour and your boys where very quiet, you assumed they went back to sleep since well they both woke up before you did which was like at 5 in the morning. They just couldn't sleep cuz of how happy and excited they where, not to mention that oswald jumped on your bed to wake you up and mickey made noises with pots and pans at 6:30 am when you went back to sleep.
You don't blame them about all that though, you where like that during every Christmas and Easter night when you where a kid. Though you have to admit that you where kinda worse then them.
You giggled to yourself at the thought keeping your eyes on the road.
You turned up the radio a bit, not to loud to wake them up just enough for you to hear it. You noticed a sign that shows your current destination... 3 more hours till you get to the hotel. That's pretty much what you get when you live far away to the nearest Disney world.
You hummed along to the song that is playing which would be (f/s) ((favorite song)).
You should stop by some fast food place to get something to eat, the boys could be hungry when they wake up and all they ate was a pop tarts.
You let out a yawn... you also need to get yourself some coffee.
Your favorite song finishes and your second favorite song plays.
You lightly hum noticing that it started to rain and lighting struck.
You turned on your windshield wipers, continuing to hum.
The radio started to static, you turned down the volume with a sigh. The only sound that filled the silence was the sound of the rain drops hitting the car.
The radio is gonna be out till the rain stops... you started to just sing the 1st song that came to mind.
Thunder boomed throughout the sky and you heard a whimper behind you. You did a quick glance behind you to see mickey shaking with a blanket over his head and Oswald also shaking with his ears lowered. The poor things hated thunder storms, a little rain is fine but thunder and lighting really scares them.
You can't really comfort the poor boys cuz you are driving in the rain. You then whistled a happy toon "do you need a break from modern living~?" You sang, going into traffic. "Do you long to shed your weary load~?" You sang looking back at them, mickey peaks out from under his blanket and Oswald looks at you his ears still lowered.
"If your nerves are raw and your brain is fried" you ruffled Mickey's fur earning a little giggle from him "just grab a friend and take a ride, together on the open road~!" You sang, Oswalds ears goes back up and he smiles a bit. Non of you noticing that the rain has stopped.
It sure cheered them up a bit and you smiled at them, you looked back on the road. Non of the cars even moved you just know that this adds another hour or 2 to get to your hotel now... at least the rain has stopped and the boys are happy.
For the rest of the time in traffic you and the boys sang the rest of the song having a good time.
When you finally got out of traffic you stopped somewhere to get the boys something to eat,you got yourself a cup of coffee and (f/f) ((favorite food)).
Then you both went back on the open road.
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