🎉winner winner winner🎉
Sorry that it took a while to announce the winners of the contest, just havent been up to do much lately.
There was so many good answers but sadly i only had to pick one for each character(and it was really hard to pick a few). To the people who hadnt won dont feel bad ^^ theres still some bosses and other characters that havent been added in the story yet :3
Now for the winners!
Question: Hilda berge (age:9) - she always stays up all night and sleeps all day, often climbs on the roof to see the stars more better. One night you caught her climbing on the roof. ALMOST SLIPPING.
How do you react and deal with the situation?
Best answer -
Congratulations @drjaslaine u will be hilda burges parent!
Question: Cagney carnation (age: 2) - its winter and since its cold outside he has to stay inside, he tries to go outside or open the window. Eventually he got sick from the house being to cold.
How do you help him get better?
Best answer-
Congratulations @hiddengem_98
U will be cagney carnations parent!!!
Question: Beppi (age:6) - kids often make fun of him for acting and dressing up like a clown, saying that its stupid.
It made him cry.
How do you make things better?
Best answer-
Even tho undertale stuff like that probs wont happen in the story it was still a great answer ^^
Congratulations tho MayatheSkeleton for becoming beppi the clowns parent
Question: Djimmi the great (age:4) - he loved playing magic tricks for you and tried to make your carpet fly. You gave him a puppet on strings for his birthday and someone (accidentally) broke it making him cry.
What do you do?
Best answer-
Congrats @gelotophobic ull be djimmis parent!
Question: Rumor honeybottoms (age:7) - she loves to read but has read almost every book you owned, so she tried playing a queen from a book she read and wanted you to play.
Would you play along or not?
What do you do?
Best answer-
Congratulations @arieschong9 ^^ ull make a great parent for rumor honeybottoms :3
Question: Sally stageplay (age:10) - she always told you that someday she will be on broadway, she took your advice on doing something small like doing a school play.
What do you do when she dosent get any part in the school play?
Best answer-
Congratulations @aisanevaH_seIA for being sally stageplays parent!
Thank u for being a part of the contest and i hope u all will enjoy the future chapters that will involve these kiddos!
The winners of the contest shall need to put only a few things for me. Gender, a name, and what ur child will call u. Nothing super detailed at all ^^ just those 3 things and ur all set!
Thanks again and i hope u have a nice day/night!
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