chapter 1
Reading is something I love doing but can't do in peace. This area is the roughest of all, but I am always in my room.
The world out there is just too rough.
maybe too rough for me .
Still trying to concentrate on my novel not minding all the loud noises from living and non living things, the way my sister ran into our very tiny apartment was alarming.
"Get the fuck! up and go pack your thing "
Tina always have her back pack ready to run.
she is always running and I am always tagging along without asking any question so maybe that is why she left me this time because I asked a question and it will take too long for her to answers
"Wh-er-e are -yo-u go-ing "
"What are you saying and can you try not to stutter I can't understand you "
I thought of writing it for her but she had the opportunity to go to school and wasted it so she can't read.
"W-Wha-t is hap-pe-ni-ng "
"Oh please, spare me those pathetic question of your and pack your things".
She stopped packing her things and took a very good look at me.
"Don't pack your things dear sister "
I wanted to ask why but did not bother to as I was happy that she called me 'dear'
"Do you know what?"
I shook my head negative still smiling that she called me 'dear'.
"Your name is Kikolita but that will change today your name is now Tina is that OK ? "
I wanted to tell her I don't understand but I don't want to provoke her and so I accepted.
She brought out another silver chain and changed the one on my hand "what is your name now?"
"T-i-na "
"Tina silver that is your name don't forget so when they come knocking your are Tina "
who are they that she is talking about?.
I wanted to ask but she did not wait around for me to ask the question as the very next second she walked out the door with my silver chain leaving me wondering what is happening.
No sooner had I gone back to reading my book that 'they' came knocking .
They came knocking but I was not prepared to face them .
what has Tina done?
With the way the door silently gave way to their intrusion into the apartment one will think that the door was following the command of the high gods but I know better.
The door was just too old that even a child's kick will break the door .
About five men came into the house with guns strapped to their bodies and knife's sparkling like shining silvers and I wonder if they did not pass any police van on the way .
I should have ran away
"P-lea-se do-n't k-il-l m-e "
I know that they will not understand but I have to try my best to save my pathetic life
"Where is the file ?"
What file are they asking for? what has Tina stole again this time.
Funny, she Is always stealing but this time I am taking the blame.
"What is your name?"
The question jerked me out on my thinking and because I know that they will not understand any words I say I gave them my hand so they will see the name on my bracelet but I forgot that it was Tina that was on it and not Kikolita
"We have to take her along"
"But she is not the one. I mean the person boss is looking for is not mute"
"But she can pass off as the one. They look alike"
"The boss will notice"
"Not if her pussy taste just like the one boss is looking for"
They kept arguing within themselves and only god knows what the mean by 'not if her pussy taste just like the one'
I know what the word 'pussy' means. I must have read it somewhere in one of my many romance books
What did Tina do this time. Mother said not to allow a man into my secret garden unless the man is my husband.
Did Tina let another man into her secrete garden? Just how many men has she let into her secret place.
How I wish mother was here maybe then she will be combing my hair and telling me stories about my father.
"She will have to pass off as the girl boss is looking for"
The argument between the men brought me to the present as I continued to stare blankly at them not understanding the terror that is waiting for me.
"Then I hope to God that she can fuck!! as the girl boss is looking for".
They kept quite for some few minutes and I kept hoping that one of my neighbours will come and ask for sugar even if they know that I have non to give.
"Little girl", I was startled as I was not expecting them to ask for my opinion in any way "pick just the necessary things that you need".
I don't have much and so I picked my backpack that contain the few thing I actually cherish most and the one book that matters to me most My mom's diary.
Walking to the van that they brought I missed my footsteps so many times due to fear and almost hitting my head on the floor when one of them pushed me to walk faster.
"Make use of your fat thighs bitch, the boss likes it when a woman is fast especially when she has her legs spread wide riding his cock".
The burst out laughing as what their leaders said sounded funny but to me I could see,hear and smell my doom from those words.
As soon as we entered the van, the journey started the same time the journey of my tears from my eyes started.
Holding tight my mother's diary I prayed fervently to whosoever is willing to answer me to save me from the hands of these men.
The men were laughing to some of their silly comment about 'riding the boss cock' when the van collided with another van on the highway.
Panic settled in the pit of my stomach and all too soon, the van received an a big explosion that sent it tumbling down the road. And I saw death flash before my eyes.
First chapter💖💖💖..don't forget to tap on that little star at the end of each chapter and comment.
Thank you
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