I looked at sapphire who walked in "I hope you feel better mommy" she said and I hugged her "I will honey don't worry" I said and I looked to see years in her eyes "is daddy going to be ok?" "He'll be ok honey don't worry please don't cry" I look at her with a smile and she stopped crying and i kissed her I had to survive this it was like rope walking with rolling skates as I walked down stairs I saw mikasa playing with ash I looked at her and she looks at me smiling I just look the other way and I looked at the picture if Levi I already miss his gentle sweet succulent touch I sat down
I hope he's ok
Levi's prospective
"YOU DAMN BASTARD ILL KILL YOU IF YOU HO TO EREN I SWEAR ON IT ILL KILL YOU YA LITTKE FUCK NO!" "Agent Levi Ackerman is it why do you think I will kill him I told you we will use him as a weapon to destroy the agency and if he doesn't obey you will kill him or you will both be tortured till you die " "YOUR BLUFFING YOU BASTARD YOU STAY AWAY FROM EREN!" I growled at him "YOU BITCH ILL KILL YOU DAMNIT SONT YOU FUVKING WALK AWAY!" I broke the cell door only for him to throw me against the door and close it "DAMNIT YOU DASTARD OF YOU OBEY WE WONT HURT EITHER OF YOU!" I crossed my arms "you son of a bitch" "goodbye" "I HOPE YOU CHOKE PN MY DAMN GUN BITCH!"
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