Peyton's first night home
"Peyton tonight you get to sleep with me and papa since you are still sick, so you get the special treatment" Kendall says as he was looking at her as she was still looking at daddy and papa and she saw her sisters close by in her hospital room
The doctor comes with the papers that Kendall and Logan needed to sign so Peyton can go back home
"Okay girls let's head back home with Peyton" Logan says as he was going to carry her out to the van so they could go home that night with all the kids
"Yes, i guess we won't have to come back here for a while only for appointments" Kendall says as he was helping with the babies that were in the stroller and Zoey and her sister holding hands as they left
"Nope only to check on these two" Logan says as he looks down at his small bump where the girls were
"Yup in other words we can be home with the girls and enjoying life as we know it with our beautiful daughters that need us" Kendall says to Logan as they left the hospital to go back home with little Peyton cuddle on Logan like her life depended on it
"I guess and taking care of her and getting her better, and back to her normal self which we will get to see" Logan says as they approached the mini-van so they could go home once again and get settled in with all of the girls and see what trouble they could get into before bed and research conjoin twins and the birth as well cause Logan wants everything to go smooth when he has to deliver the twins in a couple of months and he was scared of what might happen with them on delivery day
"Plus the rest of the girls as well Logie and get a set of conjoin twins so we can see what life is going to be like when these cuties come into the picture and we have experience as well with them cause i want to get the diaper changing and the clothes down to a science before they come in a few months of that is okay with you Logan" Kendall says as he was getting all of the girl in the van so they could go home
"That's fine i don't mind a little practice myself with all of this" Logan says as he looks at Kendall and looks down at his bump that was starting to form since the girls were growing
Kendall helped Logan into the van and got him buckled in since they were going home with Peyton their little cutie who was in her car seat
"Welcome home Peyton this is where you are going to grow up at pretty girl" Logan says as he brought her in the house as Kendall had Anna in his arms and Zoey was with Caylean getting her used to her new home where she was going to be living for the rest of her life
Peyton was fast asleep in Logan's arms
"I think we should get the others bedded down and then take care of her" Kendall says as he looks at Peyton who was snuggled as a bug in papa's arms
"I think so too I am going to put her down for the time being, so i can help you with the others and then we can take care of her" Logan says as he was going to put Peyton in her little swing for the time being until he could hold her again
Logan put it on, and she was still sleeping well
"We have to feed her every hour tonight" Kendall says as he was looking at the bottles that Peyton had for that night
"We won't sleep tonight for sure" Logan says as he was going to see when Peyton was fed last cause it was going to be getting close to her feeding once again
"We can take turns tonight feeding her so each of us gets some sleep tonight" Kendall says as he was going to get the others ready for their bath and putting them to bed for the night since it was going to be a long night with Peyton
"Sounds good to me and we can leave a feeding slide cause we will be on top of it tomorrow all day with her that way we aren't too tired cause we got the others to take care of as well" Logan says as he was going to bath Anna that night since she wanted mommy to hold her
Kendall did the older girls while Logan had the baby
"Hey, Peyton, you awake huh sweet girl?" Logan asks when he heard her wake up from her slumber
Logan stopped the swing and got her out
"I think it is time for her feeding" Kendall says to Logan
"I think so too" Logan says as he was going to change Peyton before she ate for her parents
The bottle was cooled by the time Logan returned with her
"Here we go sweetie eat up baby girl" Logan says as he was going to feed her while Kendall made supper for the two of them and Kendall was going to make sure Logan was taken care of this pregnancy like he was during the last ones
"Thank Kenny" Logan says as he started to eat as he was feeding Peyton her supper too
"Welcome Logie" Kendall says as he was eating, and he was going to take care of Peyton once she was done with her bottle and Logan could eat a bit more before going to bed that night
Peyton didn't eat much so Logan burped her, and she snuggled on his shoulder
"I'll take her" Kendall says as he took the baby from Logan
Logan handed Peyton to Kendall, and he was going to do the dishes while Kendall was with Peyton
"Hey Peyton" Logan says as he got into bed with her since Kendall was getting ready for bed
Peyton cooed up at him when she saw him
"She sure is happy" Logan tells Kendall as he played with her
"After i changed her i fed her the rest of the bottle and she almost finished it" Kendall says as he got into bed with Logan and Peyton
"That's good" Logan says as he kissed Peyton and she loved it as he rubbed her tummy to help her sleep better that evening
Peyton loved her papa and her daddy with all her heart
"This is just the start of our journey together with our kids" Logan says as he looks at Kendall
"I know and i love it already and i cannot wait to see where this takes us" Kendall says as he kisses Logan
Peyton interrupted their kiss cause she wanted the attention from her daddies as well
"Sorry Peyton" Logan says as he was going to hold her for a little bit before she goes to bed that night
'We will never do that to you sweetie" Kendall says to her
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