Part 4
"Kenny I'm scared," Logan says as he looks at Kendall cause he was scared for him and the baby
"Logie it's going to be fine you are getting the best care possible, and the baby is going to be okay as well" Kendall says as he looks at Logan cause he saw that he was scared as well about the whole thing and what will happen in the long run with the baby if they have to deliver the baby later on
Logan was going to be moved up to labor and delivery to stay until the baby was ready to come or if the contractions stop depends on what comes first
"Okay sweetie pie you get to come home with me as sissy stays here with papa," Kendall says as he was looking at the little girl who was a picture of health
The little girl wanted Logan
"I guess she wants me the poor thing," Logan says as he takes her and holds her really close to him cause she was really scared right now, and Logan was her comfort object
"We have to come up with names for them since they are going to be ours," Kendall says as he was looking at Logan cause he could see Logan loved the girls right now and he was glad that Kendall had found them
"Yeah, we do don't we," Logan says as he was looking at Kendall
"Plus come up with a name for this little one," Kendall says as he was looking at the bump that Logan had
"I can't wait," Logan says as he was relaxing a little bit
Logan and Kendall soothed the little girl cause she was quite upset
"What do you think she looks like?" Logan asks Kendall
"Cherish cause we need to cherish her for what she is," Kendall says to him
"I like that name," Logan says as he was looking down at her as she heard a name
"I say it is a keeper," Kendall says as he was going to rock her
"Cherish Henderson-Schmidt it is," Logan says as he looked at her
Cherish put her thumb in her mouth to soothe herself
"I hope to see the baby," Logan says as he was in the bed resting right now
"Me too we have to name her next, and then we can name this little one," Kendall says as he was thinking about the two babies
"I have this one picked out," Logan says as he was rubbing his bump
"What is that name Logie?" Kendall asks him
"Giovanna" Logan says to him
"I love it," Kendall says as he was going to talk to Giovanna for a little bit cause she might be born today
Giovanna loved hearing daddy's voice a lot and she loved hearing papa's voice as well. Logan got hooked up to the monitors to monitor contractions and everything as well to see if she was going to be born today
"I hope Gia stays in there and gets bigger before we meet her," Logan says as he was thinking of her
"I hope so too," Kendall says as he was looking at Logan
Cherish got checked out and she had to be admitted for observation and Kendall and Logan were okay with that
"Can we see the baby?" Kendall asks the nurse
"Sure, she is right this way I will take you to her," she says as she takes Kendall to see the baby
Kendall picked the baby right up and held her cause she was not happy at all
"Can I take her to see Logan?" he asks the nurse
"Sure, you can cause we can give you guys' time to think of a name for her," the nurse tells Kendall
Kendall was on cloud nine as he was taking the baby to see Logan
"Logie look who I have," Kendall says as he was bringing the baby in to see Logan
"Truly is her name," Logan says as he was looking at the baby Kendall had in his arms
"It seems she loves it," Kendall says when he heard the baby coo in response to her new name
"Is she hungry?" Logan asks Kendall
"She probably is here go to mommy love bug," Kendall says as he gave Truly to Logan
Logan tried to feed her, and she started to eat for her new parents
"I guess my milk production is ready," Logan says as he was still nursing her
Kendall was going to burp and change her after she ate since Logan was going to be heading up to labor and delivery to wait for Gia and wait to see what she was going to do and see if Gia was going to be born too cause it was going to be an exciting time right now
Logan was in his suite in the labor and delivery ward of the hospital, and he was trying to relax the best that he could right now cause Gia needed to grow and get bigger before she makes her appearance, and he was hoping it was going to be a bit before she comes into the world, but there was a chance she was going to be small, but that might be normal for a baby of her gestation
"Well, the girls are all settled in and fast asleep like angels too, so you get me the rest of the night my little Logie" Kendall says as he came over to Logan to be with him as he was handling the contractions
"That's good news I know in time the girls will come home," Logan says as he was relaxed a little bit as he was breathing in and out as he was having the contractions right now
"I know they will they are just perfect, and they are our little angels," Kendall says as he was looking at Logan
"I'm scared for this little one now," Logan says as he was relaxing as he was having contractions here and there
"Logan it's going to be okay," Kendall says as he was looking at him right now trying to calm him down
"I hope Kenny, I just hope it will be okay," Logan says as he was trying to get some sleep right now cause Gia might be born or not and he was hoping she wasn't going to be born and she was going to stay inside for a while longer
Kendall dimmed the lights to see if that was going to do anything right now to help get Logan more relaxed, and the contractions can stop on their own right now which would be a blessing for Logan cause he was really scared about giving birth right now
"Better my little Logie?" Kendall asks him
"Much better," Logan says as he was breathing a little bit to see if that helps right now, and it might and Gia was going to wait to be born cause she is too early
"Hopefully, she stays in there a little longer for us, and she will wait to be born," Kendall says as he was looking at Logan
"I hope so too Kenny," Logan says as he was listening to her little heartbeat
Last part is coming the next day off
that part is up and it's been up for a while
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