Part 4
"Okay one at a time go wash your hands and I'll let you hold your baby sister cause I want to get some pictures of her with you girls" Logan tells them cause he wanted pictures of Gia with her sisters when she came home from the hospital then he was going to want a family picture with her
The girls went to wash their hands except the little girls cause they were too little to hold their baby sister so they were going to need daddy or papa to help them hold her since she was little and she might fall out of their arms as well since she was a tiny baby
"Gia you are going to get to know your siblings right now" Logan says to her as he was going to change her diaper cause she felt damp and Kendall was going to unpack the suitcases and transfer the car seat to the other vehicle for the professional pictures that they were going to have done in the next few days as well too
Gia didn't care all that much cause she was asleep for the moment cause she was with papa in his arms and she felt safe with him and he was hoping that she stayed asleep as her sisters were going to hold her in their arms and he will get up and stretch too cause he was sore still from the birth as well so it was going to take his body time to go back to normal as well after the birth and he was going to take something for the pain cause he had to get into a routine with Gia in the mix cause he had to balance her needs and the kids needs as well too and that was not going to be easy either, but he knows he will be able to handle it in the end and Gia will mix right in with the routine and the kids will slowly get used to having her around and they will have to learn to use their indoor voices when she was sleeping cause she will hate really loud noise when she is sleeping peacefully and when she is woken up and whoever wakes her up will have the pleasure of putting her back to sleep once again cause they will love to hear her screaming in their ears as they are putting her back to sleep or they will have to settle her down again to a point where she is not screaming anymore in their ears
(Much later)
The littlest one accidentally drops her luckily the oldest one puts a bean bag chair as well as a pillow under her so if she would to fall land on something soft and Logan knew her arms were too short to hold her baby sister and her older siblings did not want to help her cause of the birth defect that she had cause Logan wanted to adopt a girl that was different and this one caught his eye and he knew she belonged with them and they were going to make her arms longer when she was old enough to have that surgery
"That's okay we know your arms are too short to hold Gia and if you want a second chance I can help hold her as you two bond" Logan says as he was looking at her cause he could see that she was hear broken that she caused her baby sister to fall out of her arms and onto the bean bag chair
Montana smiles greatly up at him cause she had a birth defect that made her arms be shorter then the other kids so she was going to have help later on in life and Kendall and Logan were going to have her fitted for longer arms later on in life and that was going to help her with school and everything when she has to go to the potty she needs helps lowering her pants down and needs help pulling them up again and she uses sanitizer for her hands cause she can't wash her hands the best at all either so any help that she got from her parents or her siblings she appreciated and was glad that they were there for her especially when she goes to school
"Is everything okay?" Kendall asks as he came on the room cause he heard the baby cry and he was worried
"Yeah little Montana here was trying to be like the other kids and hold her baby sister all by herself and her arms weren't big enough for the baby and the baby slipped out and luckily one of the big kids put some cushions up so the baby had something soft to land on" Logan says as he was looking at him right now cause they remember the story how they got Montana and what made her stand out from the other kids as well and that is what made them adopt her all those months ago cause they was looking for a child who was different and Montana fit the bill and she was all by herself in one corner of the orphanage looking out the window that was by her at the moment and Logan saw tears coming down her little cheeks and he went over to her to comfort her and make it all better once again cause she was feeling left out cause everyone was passing her up again for the other kids that wanted to be adopted as well but Logan saw her and she was perfect in his eyes
"Montana it's okay we know you want to feel like you belong, and we will help you in anyway we know how" Kendall says ash he was going to hug her as well to make it all better for her as well until she feels comfortable holding something that can fit in her tiny hands
"I think papa can take you out for some little one on one time what do you say pumpkin?" Logan asks her cause she needed some one on one time with papa right now cause she was feeling like an ugly duckling
Montana was excited so she went to get her shoes and see if one of the older kids could put them on for her cause she could not put them on herself at all and one of her siblings were more then happy to do it for her cause her arms couldn't reach her tiny legs or feet at all cause she was the special one of the bunch as well and that was fine with Logan and Kendall that they had some special kids in their family as well cause she was their first one that they adopted that was special and she was the special baby of the bunch and she loved that attention that she was getting as well from everyone else as well and she wanted to feel included if she could and they tried to include her as well and that was not at all hard either especially with her being so little still and having little limbs on her
Happy Thanksgiving
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