First night with two girls
"Well I guess he wanted her mommy" Kendall says as he hands the baby over to Logan to rock back to sleep that night
Logan was able to get her back to sleep in no time at all
"There we go all better now Zoey it's bath time sweetie, and then you can have some supper" Kendall says cause Logan was going to order pizza for supper that night after he had rocked the baby back to sleep cause Kendall or Logan didn't feel like cooking that night
Zoey follows daddy to the bathroom for her bath that night while papa bonded with sissy who was up and wanted to be held
"There we go little one is that better huh?" Logan asks as he puts the baby in her crib for the night until she woke up wanting a bottle again or was just lonely
Logan looks at her as she slept peacefully in his arms
"I think so sweetie" he says as he gets up to tuck her in cause supper was going to be coming soon and Zoey was going to be hungry and they were going to need to feed her supper
Logan looks at the baby as she slept in her crib
"Papa isn't that far away little one" he says as he leaves the room cause supper was on it's way and Zoey was getting hungry and she needed fed as well as him and Kendall
Logan pays for the pizza and takes it to the kitchen and let's it cool for supper that night
"Hey Zoey" Logan says when he sees the little girl come in with Kendall
Zoey waves at her papa as she came in with daddy
"She is all clean Logie" Kendall says as he comes in with the little girl who was a happy camper that she was all clean and she didn't smell like the orphanage cause when Logan tried to bath her yesterday cause she was scared out of her mind
"That's good I love it when Zoey is all clean and she smells good too" Logan says as he takes Zoey from Kendall cause he was going to feed her some supper that night
"Me too she was such a sweetheart in the tub tonight" Kendall says to Logan as he was going to join Logan for dinner that night at the table
"That's good here princess" Logan says as he sets Zoey in her high chair for supper that night
Zoey started to eat her supper like a happy girl
"Is that good Zoey?" Logan asks her
Zoey nods as she has her dinner that night with daddy and papa
"I'm glad you like it sweetie" Logan says as he eats with her
Kendall went to get the baby who woke from her short slumber
"I swear I just put her down not that long ago how can she be up already" Logan says to Kendall
"She seems lonely is all and she wants to be held" Kendall says as he comes with the baby that was quite happy right now in his arms
"Okay I'll hold her" Logan says as he takes the baby from Kendall
Logan loved having the baby as he ate dinner that night
"Eating dinner as a family perfect way to start our first night as a family" Kendall says as he sees the scene that was before him with Logan and their girls
"Yes it is we have Zoey and our newest little bundle of joy" Logan says as he looks at the baby that was sleeping in his arms cause she was quite happy to be with papa that night
"We have to come up with a name for her" Kendall says as he looks at Logan
"Yeah we do we have plenty of time to come up with a name for her" Logan says as he looks at the baby again to make sure she was sleeping as he was eating supper that night
"Not too long i want her name before we take her to get a check-up tomorrow" Kendall says as he looks at Logan
Kendall and Logan finish up supper that night and tucked Zoey in her bed together
"Night Zoey we love you very much" Kendall and Logan say as they tuck her in for the night
Zoey went to sleep cause she had her night lights on as she went to sleep in her big girl bed
"Our door is always opened if you want to come to our room to sleep Zoey" Kendall says to her as they head to the master for the night with the baby who was still sleeping in Logan's arms
Zoey got out of bed and went to daddy cause she wanted to sleep with daddy and papa that night
"Okay Zoey this is the last night you sleep with us and then you sleep in your bed tomorrow night" Kendall says to her as they left her room
"Sleeping with our girls is okay for tonight?" Logan asks Kendall
"Yes it's perfectly fine Logie she wants that bond with us that we can give her' Kendall says to him as they head to the master for bed that night with both girls
Kendall and Logan took turns getting ready for bed and Logan laid the baby next to him and Zoey went next to her sister
"I think these two will get along great" Kendall says to Logan
"Even if we don't have one of our own we have the best daughters on the planet that love us for who we are" Logan says as he looks at Kendall as he got comfy that night
"Yeah Zoey and baby girl are so perfect" Kendall says as he looks at him
"Yeah they are aren't they?" Logan says as the baby started to cry again
"I think she is hungry this time" Kendall says as he gets in with Zoey
"Luckily while you were in the bathroom i heated up a bottle for her so I can feed her right now" Logan says as he picks the baby up to hold her as he fed her meal that night
The baby started to root for food and not go to the bottle
"Sweetie I can't do that" Logan says with a chuckle as he tries to give her the bottle that he had for her so he could feed her
"Logie cut a hole in your shirt for the bottle and do it that way she doesn't know that she is only a baby for crying out loud she doesn't know you can't feed her " Kendall says to Logan
Logan does just that and the baby started to suckle the formula
"I like the name Madison for her" Kendall says to Logan as he looks at the baby that was eating happily for her parents
"Ginger or Sadie could work for her too" Logan says to Kendall as they continued to talk baby names as Logan fed the baby
"Stella sounds pretty" Kendall says to Logan as Zoey slept
"She looks like a Stella let's keep that one on the list" Logan says as he continues to feed the baby still
"Caelia is different" Kendall says to Logan
"Add that too" Logan says to Kendall
"Mignon is different too" Kendall says as he comes up with names
"Anneliese is on my list" Logan says to Kendall as the baby moved a little bit
"I thinks she likes that name" Kendall says to Logan when he saw the baby move
"Stella can be her middle name" Logan says to Kendall
"Annaliese Stella sounds pretty" Kendall says to Logan
"Yes it does and we can call her Anna for short" Logan says as he props the baby up to burp her
Anna let's out some burps for papa
"Good girl and papa will change you" Logan says as he lays her down to change her diaper
Logan was quick and got her swaddled in her blanket again
"There we go all fresh" Logan says as he comes back in with her in his arms after she was changed and in her jammies for the night
Logan laid her down as he got into bed with her for the night
"It's okay baby I'm here" he says as he comforts her cause she started to get fussy
The baby was okay when mommy got into bed with her
"That's my girl" Logan says as he kisses her on the head
The baby drifted off to sleep within minutes
"Well I will take the first feeding" Kendall says to Logan as they got comfy with the girls that night
"Okay that's fine with me" Logan says as they switch kids before going to sleep that night
Anna doesn't wake as she was being passed off to daddy that night cause she wasn't sleeping with mommy, but she was sleeping with daddy for a change
"Night girls we love you to the moon and back" Kendall and Logan say to the sleeping girls that was between them sleeping like little angels right now
Kendall and Logan kissed each other good night before they went to sleep that night cause Anna was going to be up in a little bit to eat again so they won't get any sleep for a couple of months until she sleeps through the night on her own
"Okay Anna daddy will get you a bottle" Kendall says when he hears Anna wake up from her slumber wanting to be fed her meal
Kendall went to the kitchen and got the bottle that Anna wanted
"Here we go little one" he says as he feeds her the formula that was warm for her
Anna took the bottle happily for her daddy as he fed her
"One in the morning and you are awake it''s okay daddy doesn't mind and papa doesn't either" Kendall says as he feeds her some more
Kendall burped her before taking her up to change her diaper
"It's okay daddy is going to be gentle" he says as he changes her quickly
Kendall swaddled her and rocked her back to sleep
"There we go daddy going to put you back with papa cause I know you love papa" Kendall says as he puts Anna in the bassinet that was on Logan's side of the bed
Kendall covers her up so she doesn't get cold
"Night little one" Kendall says as he kisses Anna before going to sleep
"Hey Anna" Logan says when he hears her wake again from her slumber
Logan got her out of the bassinet and carried her to the kitchen for her formula
"Mommy knows your hungry sweetie" he says as he feeds her the bottle once it was heated
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