The baby
"The crowd was on fire tonight" Kendall says as he leaves the stage after the show was over
"Yeah I'm pretty sure I heard Kogan over and over when i was on stage with you cause that must be our ship name or something" Logan says as he was taking his ear piece out after the show had finished for the night, and the fans were slowly leaving the venue
"Want to get a coffee or something?" Kendall asks Logan as he got his gear off too so they could just hang out
"Sure then let's go to bed cause tomorrow doesn't the tour continue?" Logan asks Kendall
"No we got the day off tomorrow so we can sight see a little bit or we can head to the next city a little early, and sight see there" Kendall says to Logan as he puts his guitar away after he took his ear piece out
"Can we do both?" Logan asks him
"Yeah we can if you want Logie" Kendall says as he puts his guitars on the truck that was going to be going to the next city on the tour
Once everything was loaded up they got their jackets and their hats and headed out of the venue
"It's a nice night tonight" Kendall says as he looks up at the stars that were in the night sky
"Yeah let's get that coffee and something to eat so we can catch up" Logan says as they start to leave the venue to go to the local cafe that was in town that was still opened at this hour
As they were leaving there was a cry
"Logan do you hear that?" Kendall asks him as they stopped in their tracks
"Yeah I do I wonder where it's coming from" Logan says as he tries to see in the direction of the crying so they can see who or what was crying
Kendall turns his flashlight that was on his phone on and they start to search for the crying
"Logan look" Kendall says when he notices a baby that was wrapped up in nothing but blankets and was in a basket crying it's lungs out
"It's a baby" Logan says when he looks inside the basket behind the blankets that was trying to kill the baby
"Pick it up Logan" Kendall says to Logan
"With or without the blankets?" Logan asks him
"First without and once we see what the baby is you can wrap it back up after we see what the baby is cause i am wondering if it'a little boy or a little girl. There has to be a note in this basket explaining about the baby and who left it here, and how old it is" Kendall says to Logan as the baby still cried wanting to be held by one of the two gentlemen
"It's okay little one Logan wants to hold you is all, and see if you are a little boy or a little girl, and see if you were just born" Logan says as he unwrapped the baby so he could hold it gently in his arms
Logan was gentle as he picked the baby up from the basket
"It looks like the baby is a little girl Logie, so we have a little girl in our mist" Kendall says when he sees the baby that was in Logan's arms as he rocked it in his arms to soothe it cries
The baby started to root for food from Logan's shirt
"Baby girl I can't feed you" Logan says as he gives her his finger to suck instead to help her out until they got her some food
"We will get you some food okay little one" Kendall says as he looks at the baby that wasn't happy at all
"I think she is really hungry Kendall" Logan says to him as the baby went back to Logan's shirt and she started to suck
"Wrap her up and we can take her to get something to eat and we can look for the note later about her" Kendall says to Logan
"Okay little one we are going to wrap you back up, and we are going to get you something to eat and probably cut your cord" Logan says as he wraps the baby girl up in her blankets so she was warm again as they headed out
The baby was cooing up at Logan as he was wrapping her up
"Are you talking huh baby girl?" Logan asks her
"I take that as a yes" Kendall says as he talks to her
Kendall uses one of the blankets that was on the bottom of the basket as a sling for Logan so he could carry her comfortably as they were walking
"There a homemade sling" Kendall says to Logan
"Perfect now to get her fed and settled" Logan says as he walks with Kendall
"Yeah then we got to get her checked out and go from there I guess" Kendall says to Logan
"Sounds like a plan to me" Logan says as he walks with the baby in her sling as she sucked a little bit
Kendall stops and gets the supplies that was needed for the baby. He was going to see if he can get an outfit for her to wear someplace
"First let's cut her cord, get a diaper on her and then we can feed her" Kendall says to Logan
"Let's do that at the hotel since the air is getting colder for her" Logan says to Kendall
"Okay sweetie let's get your cord cut and get a diaper on you while your bottle is being made" Logan says as he lays her down to put a diaper on her, and cut her cord
Logan was quick with cutting her cord and getting the diaper on while Kendall did her bottle so Logan could feed her
"Okay sweetie here we go" Logan says as he feeds her as Kendall searched for a note in the basket
The baby took the bottle happily from Logan
"Any note Kendall about why she was left and who left her?" Logan asks him as he feeds the baby her formula
"Yeah and your heart will go out for her" Kendall says as he starts to read the note that was in the basket
"To whoever finds this stupid baby can have her. She is a mistake, and I don't care if she lives or dies. She has ruined my life completely and my life will never be the same again after what that baby had done for me she is a complete nightmare, so I don't care what happens to her or who adopts her, and cares for her. Do not try to find me at all to ask who her father is. Cause that baby is a low life like her father is. Since she is out of my life I can go back to having a normal life without her in it
The mother"
Kendall says to Logan after he had read the note that was left in the basket about the baby
"My word" Logan says as he feeds the baby her formula still
"I don't want to take her to the orphanage where she will be an outcast" Kendall says as he calls room service, so they can unwind after the show
"Me either we have the tour to finish up and we will go back to our lives after this" Logan says as he burps the baby after she ate for him
"Yeah what do you want to do Logan are you going to keep and raise her or give her up like her mother did?" Kendall asks as he makes some more bottles cause she is going to be up through the night wanting fed
"Keep her and raise her as my own daughter. She is too precious not to keep, and she is too little to be out there on her own" Logan says as he looks into her eyes cause he had fallen in love with her, and he didn't want to leave her go either
"You sure about this Logan?" Kendall asks Logan
"I'm sure about this Kendall I am going to need some help raising her though and I would like her to have two parents in her life instead of one parent" Logan says as he sets the baby down to change her diaper once again
Kendall came over to help with the changing and he was able to pick up an outfit for the baby some place and he puts it on her
"There we go sweetie you look vry pretty" Kendall says after the baby was dressed in an outfit
"Much better" Logan says as he picks the baby up to rock her to sleep
Kendall and Logan sang to her and they tucked her in for the night
"Night sweetie pleasant dreams" Kendall and Logan say to the baby that was sleeping peacefully in the basket
'We have a lot to discuss don't we" Logan says as their room service comes up
"Yes we do and I don't know if I want to be in her life cause it is a lot to take on right now" Kendall says to Logan
"Take your time Kendall I know I am going to be there for her no matter what since she has no parent that loves her" Logan says as he sips his coffee on the balcony
"I know you will Logan, and I don't know right now cause parenting is a big step right now" Kendall says to Logan as he has his beverage
"I know it is and I am taking it for her so I am there for her and she isn't a orphan" Logan says when he heard her wake from her short slumber
Logan gets her from her bassinet and takes her to where they were
"What's wrong little one huh can you tell Logan?" Logan asks as he gets her from her bassinet to hold her in his arms once again
Logan rubs her back as he goes back to where him and Kendall were hanging out at
"It's okay little one" Logan says as he talks to her as he calms her cries cause she was very upset right now
"It seemed she was just lonely and she wanted company" Kendall says to Logan as the baby cries started to go to cooing sounds after a while
"I think so too" Logan says as he rubs her back to get her to go to sleep cause they wanted to get her check out before they left for the next city
Logan rocks side to side with her and she settled down on her own again
"There we go" Logan says as he sits with her after she had stopped crying and was falling back to sleep in Logan's arms
"I can't imagine how long she was out there" Kendall says to Logan
"I can't either and now she is safe and sound with us right now" Logan says to Kendall as he rocks her back to sleep as she lounged in Logan's arms
Logan and Kendall decide to split for the night, and Logan takes the baby as well as her formula and heads for his room right now
(Next day)
"Hey Logie" Kendall says as he comes into Logan's room
"Hey" Logan says as he was feeding the baby
"She looks tired" Kendall says to Logan
"Yeah she is the poor thing didn't sleep well last night at all" Logan says as he yawns a little bit
"I guess daddy Logan didn't either" Kendall says as he got the sling ready for her
"Nope" Logan says to Kendall as he burps the baby
Kendall was going to carry the basket cause they were going to go shopping for her and then get her checked out
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