Seeing about Millie
"Now to work on her name" Logan says as he was still looking at her as she was sleeping
"Let's stick with the llie theme we have going and the girls names are still perfect and they all rhyme" Kendall says as he was trying to suggest names for the baby
"Okay the names that stick out to me are Hallie, Millie and Mollie" Logan says as he was looking at the baby that was still sleeping
"I like Millie it's kind of old fashion and no one will have that name" Kendall says as he was thinking of all of the names that Logan had said
"Okay Millie is her name then" Logan says as he looks at the new Millie
Millie moved as she heard a name
"I thinks he likes that name Kenny" Logan says to Kendall
"It fits her well with those curls of hers' Kendall says as he was approaching the hospital so they could get Millie checked out, and see what was going on with her
"Well Millie we are going to get you checked out pretty girl, and see about those bruises" Logan says as he got of the car with her in his arms and they left the car seat in the car since Logan got her out earlier as she stirred a little bit as she slept so Logan thought she was having a bad dream and she needed her comfort from Logan
Kendall was going to explain about Millie and what was going on with her to the nurses
"Logan they are going to take her" Kendall calls to Logan
Logan brought Millie up and handed her off to the nurses
"Bye Millie we will be right outside baby girl" Logan says as he was still holding onto her for dear life cause he did not want to leave her go at all he loved her with all his heart and it was cruel he had to hand her off right that minute
"Logan we got to hand her off now" Kendall says as he tries to get Millie away from Logan since Logan was really loving her and he was not going to let her go at all
Logan was still holding her and he never wanted to let her go at all
"Give me a minute" Kendall says as he was going to talk to Logan little bit to see if he could hand the baby off
The nurses waited for Millie
"Logan i know you love her and you always want to protect her, and i love and want to protect her too right now we got to hand her off so we can see about those bruises that she has on her little body cause i am worried about her bruises that she has
Logan knew he was right and he wanted Millie to be okay and he hated to have those bruises get worse, but he was afraid that when he handed her off she was going to cry out for her papa
"Okay Millie i want you to be a good baby for the doctors and nurses and daddy and me will see you later okay love bug" Logan says as he was still holding her and she was still cooing up a storm for her parents
Kendall looked at her too before the nurse just took her from Logan cause she was getting tired of waiting for the baby to be handed over
"Come on Logie we can wait over here for her" Kendall says as he guides Logan over to some chairs so they could wait to hear about Millie
"Kenny she is so fragile" Logan says as he looks out the window as they were waiting
"I know Logie and i know you want to go back and be with her too. Right now we have to wait and see what the outcome is with her" Kendall says as he comes over to hold Logan close to him as they were going to wait to hear about Millie
Kendall and Logan went for a walk while they were waiting to see about Millie
"Yes how is Millie doing?" Logan asks as he goes to the window cause he wanted to be with Millie as soon as he could cause this was torture on him and he hated to be away from her since he found her he fell in love with her
"Yes she wants you" the nurse tells him
Logan ran to her room cause he was ready to see her again and maybe hold her if he was lucky
"Hey Millie sweetie" Logan says when he sees her for the first time
Millie was happy she saw papa come into the room
"Aren't you a happy girl" Kendall says as he came close to Logan as he was looking at Millie
"I say she is" Logan says as he kisses her on her little nose
Soon the doctor comes into the room to tell Kendall and Logan what was wrong with Millie
"Doctor" Kendall says as he looks at the doctor
Logan looks up at the doctor cause he was ready to hear what the doctor had to say about the bruises that was on Millie and why she looked like that
"I suspect abuse with Millie so she was abused and also she has cerebral palsy too" the doctor says to Kendall and Logan
Logan could not believe that Millie was abused at such a young age already and half of her infant hood was taken from her
"How old do you think she is doc?" Kendall asks as he looks at the doctor
"Two weeks i say cause her weight is way under what she should be weighing right now" the doctor says to Kendall and Logan
"Kenny i want her anyways i don't care if she has bruise marks on her body or if she is special i love her, and i want to help her" Logan says as he looks at Kendall with tears in his eyes
Kendall was not going to say no cause Millie needed them as her parents since her old mom hated her guts and wanted her dead at birth
"Welcome to the family Millie" Kendall says as Logan was holding her like a newborn
"We love you Millie" Logan says as he kisses her on her little nose
'She is almost premature" Kendall says as he saw her in Logan's arms
"I know and she was born way before she was suppose to" Logan says as he held her
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