Part 5
Logan started to feel off like something wasn't quite right like Millie was going to be making her grand entrance into the world
"Kenny you here somewhere?" Logan asked him
"Yeah, Logie what is it?" Kendall asks him
"I think it's time" Logan says as he had another contraction go through him this one was gentle the one, he had before
Kendall remained calm he was going to see if James and Carlos could take the girls when the time came for Logan to deliver cause Kendall did not want the girl's home when that time came cause it was not going to be a pretty sight cause Logan is going to be evil and not nice like he has been with the pregnancy
"I have James and Carlos coming to get the girls and they are going to watch them while you are in labor" Kendall says as he was going to get everything ready cause Kendall had the girls pack a suitcase like an overnight bag with some extra clothe sin case Logan was in labor for a few days cause he could be in labor for a couple of days and he was hoping that Logan could deliver quickly and it could be over with and they cold have their little one in their arms as well
"That's good I don't want the girls home for the whole time I am in labor cause I don't them to see me like this" Logan says as he was going to go for a walk to help get things moving
Logan was going to take the girls for a walk while they waited for Uncle James and Carlos to come and pick them up for a few days away from the house cause Kendall and Logan wanted that extra time to bond with Millie and get her on a schedule a little bit cause she is going to need a lot of attention as well from both Kendall and Logan as well and they wanted to give that to her before the kids come back from their small getaway cause Logan explained what was going to happen when he does go into labor with little Millie
"Papa is Millie going to come today?" one of the girls asks him as they were on their walk
"Hopefully if everything goes right she will be here by the end of today or tomorrow sometime and that depends on her as well cause we are ready for her" Logan says as he was walking with the bunch a little bit cause he wanted to have a quick labor
Logan spots an empty playground and he was going to let the kids play a little bit and he was going to play with them cause he was going to try anything to have a quick labor with Millie cause he wanted to give birth under the stars as well cause that seemed to be perfect in his eyes right now cause giving birth while under the stars seemed perfect besides the sunrise and the sunset
"Kids go play" Logan says as he was going to workout on the fitness equipment that the park had put by each of the playgrounds so the parents could get in a workout as their kids played or help with labor in Logan's case
Logan watched as the kids played on the playground and he got labor more underway as well cause he wanted to have a quick birth cause the first night was going to be a long one as well and a busy one with little Millie
(Much later)
James and Carlos came to get the kids while Kendall took Logan home cause Kendall could see Logan was in a lot of pain as well from the contractions that he was having right now
"Logan you are a warrior" Kendall says as he came to take Logan home and get him ready for the marathon that he is going to be taking part in
"Kendall not another word" Logan says as he was giving Kendall a look that could kill right now cause he was not in the mood for it at all and Kendall knew that was the pain talking and not the real Logan
Kendall was going to keep Logan calm, cool and collected the whole way home and once they got home he was going to make Logan something to eat as well so he had his strength for the delivery as well cause he was going to need all the strength that he could to have little Millie and the two of them were going to bond before the rest of the kids came home to meet Millie and see her in person as well
"Logan you are so tough" Kendall says as he was talking to him in a calming voice to keep him relaxed as he was in labor right now cause he wanted to be Logan's rock as he went through this cause Logan needed him to be tough as well and stand behind him all the way too and support him in the decision to have a home birth and not go to the hospital unless he really needed to go to the hospital and have the baby there where it was safer for him and for the baby as well cause Logan could have problems delivering and he would need help as well
Logan moans as he was having another contraction cause they started to get close together a little bit
"I think Millie is going to be born before too long" Kendall says as he was looking at the clock and he was still timing the contractions as well
"I think so too" Logan says as the contraction was easing up as well and he was calm and collected and just trying to get comfortable in the car cause he could not get comfortable for anything right now
Kendall helped Logan in the house and to the bathroom to bounce on the labor ball while he filled up the pool for delivery cause the kids were with Uncle James and Carlos having fun and they were going to come and get the overnight bag as well cause it looked like it was going to be a long night for Kendall and for Logan as well cause this was Logan's first delivery as well and he was going to be in a lot of pain as well as he had hard contractions as well cause he was not use to this at all
"I hope nothing goes wrong is all I can say" Kendall says as he was getting everything set up as well
"Me too I don't want to go to the hospital and have her there I want to have her here at home where we can do it in private as well cause if the paps see this we are done" Logan tells him cause he wanted to keep this under wraps as much as he could right now and if something goes wrong he was going to sneak into the hospital in secret so no one knew he was going to be there as well and he was going to be listed as a different name as well
Kendall was going to stand by Logan and help him with his labor as much as he could cause if Logan wanted to have a home birth he could have a home birth no problem there and how Logan wanted to deliver was part of his plan as well cause he wanted to catch Millie as she was being born as well cause he wanted everything to go as planned and nothing was going to stop his birthing plan either cause he was going to stand his ground cause he didn't want his only chance at having a baby backfire on him
"Logan let me know if it's gets to be too much on you or your doctor tells you we need to go to the hospital to have Millie cause your doctor is going to check you throughout the process" Kendall tells him cause the doctor was going to stop and check Logan to see where he was at as well and when he could actually deliver little Millie as well cause Logan felt safer with his own doctor then a midwife
Logan moans cause the contractions were picking up as well, so he was hoping this will be over with soon cause he was getting tired a little bit and Kendall was going to help Logan with anything that he could as well to help the process speed up a little bit so Logan was not in all that pain as well from labor cause it was taking it's toll as well
"Logan you are doing good why don't you go lay down for a while and let your body do it's job" Kendall says as he was talking to Logan as well cause he had to keep him motivated as much as possible
Part 6 will come in time when I don't work like i have been
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