Part 4
"This ought to be a fun night" Logan says as he goes to his room in question cause his room was a ways down cause he was a special case of course
"It should be a fun night for sure we should of wore our costumes too but I figured we didn't have time to put them on and come in and we would have to change anyways for the delivery and I'm sure scrubs won't fit over my costume anyways I'd rather wear street clothes to the hospital for this thing anyways" Kendall says as they entered the rom where Logan was going to be staying at
"Yeah it should be and if they play Halloween tunes on the speaker I'm going to bust a move or too" Logan says as he was going to get into his hospital gown and he might put on the props of his costume to get in the spirit maybe and he was going to go and walk the halls as well cause he wanted to speed labor up a little bit cause he wanted this to be over with as fast as he could cause he had to get the baby into the mix at the house and he knew he was going to take it easy once he has the baby as well which was not going to be easy for him cause he was always on the go and he knew he was going to have an easy delivery cause he has been working out and making sure he didn't put on a lot of weight either which was not easy with the cravings that he had with this pregnancy in general cause he made sure he ate them in moderation so he didn't gain that much weight either and he had the other kids to keep him active as well so when it was nice and it kept him in shape as well cause they went on family walks to the park or around the neighborhood or they played in the backyard most of the time as well
Kendall and Logan got in on the dance party that was going on their floor and the hospital was going to let the patients go without their masks or face coverings for the night cause cases were going down and there were no new cases either which was a good thing right now anyway, but they had to put the mask and face covering back on when they were done dancing and having fun
"This is a way to get labor to progress" Logan tells him as he starts dancing a little bit to the tunes that were playing right now on the p a system and he was digging it so far cause he wanted to dance and move as much as possible too to help with labor cause he was going to walk and dance at the same time as well to help it along cause he was going to sleep later on in the night if he was in the early stages of his labor
"Yeah, and it looks like everyone is going to be out and dancing and moving to the music tonight" Kendall says as he was looking at the ones who were in labor and they were moving with the music as well
Logan was going to go to his room, and he was going to come out and join the Halloween party that was going on the floor cause the whole hospital was having a Halloween party for everyone from the staff to patients, so this was going to be a very night for everyone involved
Logan and Kendall went with avocado and toast so they were avocado toast with their costume together cause with Logan's belly it was perfect for the two of them to be and they had another pair costume for when they took the girls trick or treating earlier in the evening cause trick or treat was from a certain time to a certain time so once Logan started to feel pains Kendall knew the time has come to go to the hospital and they could have their own Halloween party with the parents that were going to be parents that night or early the next morning or the next day and Logan was going to be apart of the next day bunch that was going to be delivering their newest baby so he wanted to get some use out of his avocado costume before he has to put it away until the next time he gets bit by the baby bug and he wants to have another baby during Halloween season and he knew this time was going to be the first and last time for a while at least
"Kendall, you look good in your costume" Logan says as he was looking at Kendall cause Kendall helped Logan into his costume first then he was going to put his costume on as well and they were going to go out in the hallway with Logan and go to where the refreshments table was and he was going to get snacks for himself and drinks for Logan cause he won't be able to eat for a while until he had the baby at least
"Thanks, you too" Kendall says as they left their room to join in on the festivities that was happening outside of their hospital room cause it was going to be a very fun evening slash night in the hospital as Logan was in fact in labor and he was at the beginning stages of labor right now so this was going to help him out a lot cause he was going to need it and if he felt awkward he could head back to the room and party there as well so he did not feel so awkward as well as he was in his costume that night for the labor process as well too
Logan was going to get some food and enjoy himself right now for the moment and he was going to dance and move a little bit as well to move things along in his labor process as well cause he wanted to enjoy the moment for as long as he could as well cause this could be the only time he could wear his costume while he was in labor as well too cause that could be the only time he could get out of his hospital room as well and celebrate with the other parents to be as well cause there were quite a few of them that were there having fun while there while they were labor as well as well like Logan was as well cause Logan was in the beginning stages of labor cause he could party all night and go back to his room where he could continue the party with just him and Kendall as well in the room and he could get in the birthing tub as well so he could labor there as well and he was going to do that as well after the party was over cause of his muscles too cause they were going to be sore from all the walking that he was going to be doing as well as the dancing as well to help with labor as well cause this was going to be a marathon on him as well cause he wanted to see how long he could last before he asked for the drugs cause he wanted something if the pain got to be too much on his body to handle cause it was going to lead to exhaustion and and he was going to need to get some sleep
Part 5 sometime I'm thinking today cause next week I'm on vacation
Next part is coming on my next day off when my wrist isn't in a brace or if there are ties at all either again
Part 5 is up and I hope to continue again
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