Part 4
"Papa is going to get you girls your own pool for sure and this will be from Millie it will have pool toys and everything you want with it and daddy will blow that one up for you girls since you girls have been a big help for papa and you guys started to hook the hose up so we can try it out to see if there is any holes or anything before sissy comes " Logan says as he was looking at the girls right now cause they wanted to get in and test it out
Logan got it filled up and the girls came in to test it out and he saw that the pool was going to be okay for him when he has Millie and he wanted to make sure it didn't leak, and it wasn't leaking and he wanted to test out the seat chair that was in the pool cause that where he was going to be sitting when he has Millie cause he wanted to be comfortable when he has Millie and the chair was the most comfortable
"Papa is coming in" he says as he was going to join the girls in the pool as well
The girls were excited to have papa join them in the pool, and they were having a blast and Logan was going to soak it in as much as he could right now before Millie decides she wants to be born and be in the world and meet her sisters as well
"Be gentle with papa okay girls" he says as he was going to join the girls in the pool right now and he was going to have some fun before Millie takes that over
The girls were gentle with papa as they were testing out the pool and seeing if it was going to hold him moving around and all that stuff when the time comes for Millie to be born
"Okay girls I think it is time to get out and dry off and change clothes" Logan says cause he had a blast with the girls, and the girls had fun with papa as well and they could not wait until they got their pool, and they could splash around as well and just have fun and be kids as well
The girls got out and they went to their bathrooms to change clothes like in their pajamas cause Logan and the girls were not going to be going anywhere anytime soon and Logan was going to order dinner as well that night since Kendall was out of town right now on business and it made sense as well and they were going to watch a movie or two and maybe write their Christmas list and letters to Santa as well cause Christmas was coming up and Logan wanted to get it out of the way before the chaos begins at the house cause with Logan's due date and the holidays it was bound to be nuts as well with all of the kids waiting for Santa to come and pay them a visit as well
(Weeks later)
Logan started to feel off like something wasn't quite right like Millie was going to be making her grand entrance into the world
"Kenny you here somewhere?" Logan asked him
"Yeah, Logie what is it?" Kendall asks him
"I think it's time" Logan says as he had another contraction go through him this one was gentle the one, he had before
Kendall remained calm he was going to see if James and Carlos could take the girls when the time came for Logan to deliver cause Kendall did not want the girl's home when that time came cause it was not going to be a pretty sight cause Logan is going to be evil and not nice like he has been with the pregnancy
"I have James and Carlos coming to get the girls and they are going to watch them while you are in labor" Kendall says as he was going to get everything ready cause Kendall had the girls pack a suitcase like an overnight bag with some extra clothe sin case Logan was in labor for a few days cause he could be in labor for a couple of days and he was hoping that Logan could deliver quickly and it could be over with and they cold have their little one in their arms as well
"That's good I don't want the girls home for the whole time I am in labor cause I don't them to see me like this" Logan says as he was going to go for a walk to help get things moving
Logan was going to take the girls for a walk while they waited for Uncle James and Carlos to come and pick them up for a few days away from the house cause Kendall and Logan wanted that extra time to bond with Millie and get her on a schedule a little bit cause she is going to need a lot of attention as well from both Kendall and Logan as well and they wanted to give that to her before the kids come back from their small getaway cause Logan explained what was going to happen when he does go into labor with little Millie
"Papa is Millie going to come today?" one of the girls asks him as they were on their walk
"Hopefully if everything goes right she will be here by the end of today or tomorrow sometime and that depends on her as well cause we are ready for her" Logan says as he was walking with the bunch a little bit cause he wanted to have a quick labor
Logan spots an empty playground and he was going to let the kids play a little bit and he was going to play with them cause he was going to try anything to have a quick labor with Millie cause he wanted to give birth under the stars as well
Part 5 will come if I don't work a ten hour shift the day before so in the meantime going to wish everyone a Happy Easter
Part 5 is up
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