Next city
"I'm glad she's okay" Logan says as they walk to the bus so they could get on and head for the next city
"Yeah me too she's a healthy little girl" Kendall says as they approach the bus to get on and head for the next city on tour
Logan gets on with her and Kendall follows with the stroller that was folded up
"Here we are sweet girl" Logan says as he places her by the window to help just in case she had jaundice
The baby girl slept as Logan placed her down by the window
"Logan we should make a toast" Kendall says as he approaches the bar that was on the bus
"To what?" Logan asks as he sets the diaper bag down under the baby just in case he was going to need it later for her
"To us becoming parents to that sweet angel" Kendall says to Logan to have it make sense
"Okay I'll drink to that" Logan says as he joins Kendall to celebrate the baby that came into the picture
As they drank they talked names on what to call the baby, and they came up with a pretty good list on what they wanted to call her
"She looks contented" Kendall says when Logan gets the baby out to hold cause she started to get fussy a little bit
"Yeah she must of had a bad dream or something" Logan says as he rocks her back to sleep in his arms once again
"Oh sweetie it's okay" Kendall says to her as he gives her his finger to squeeze to make it all better for her
"Yeah daddy got you" Logan says as he continues to rock her in his arms to have her settle down a bit better on the bus
The baby settled down and looked up at Logan with her pretty eyes
"There we go sweetie" Logan says as he places her in her car seat so he could play with her as the bus was moving cause he couldn't play with her right cause the bus was moving to the next city on the tour
Logan played with her until she started to get fussy again
"You must be hungry peaches daddy will feed you" he says as he gets a bottle out for her to have
Logan fed her as he admired the view as they headed to the next city
(Next city)
"Here we are Logan the next town" Kendall says to Logan when they had arrived in the next city
"Not a moment too soon either cause i have to change her and i didn't want to stink up the bus" Logan says as he gets the baby that wasn't a happy camper right now cause she has a full diaper
"That sounds like a plan I will see what room you are in and we might head to the stage fast so we can see the venue" Kendall says to him
Logan headed to the restroom to change the baby
"It's okay precious daddy will change you" Logan says to the baby as he took her to the restroom to change her
Logan was gentle as he change her cause she was so small
"There we go all clean sweetie" he says as he picks her up and carries her out to meet Kendall who had the stroller ready for her cause her car seat was there and he wanted to keep her safe
"You have your own room Logan" Kendall says to him
"That's fine" Logan says as they head up to the rooms and then they were going to head to the venue to take a peak of the place
Logan gets settled and headed out with the baby that was wide awake
"She is wide awake" Kendall says when he sees the baby that was awake in the stroller
"Yeah and she is looking up at me and her papa" Logan says as they were heading back out to go to the venue
"You want to play sweetie" Kendall asks her
"We'll play on the bus cause i want to spend time with her and see what name she likes better and see how I am going to perform with her tomorrow night" Logan says to him
"Yeah that will be best cause I think she will need her daddy to be there for her" Kendall says to Logan
"That's for sure" Logan says as he gets on the bus with the baby
Logan and Kendall played with her during the ride to the venue and she loved all of the attention that she was getting from Kendall and Logan
"My pretty girl" Logan says as he moves the hair from her face
"She has pretty hair" Kendall says to Logan
"Yeah i can't wait to make it pretty as she grows up" Logan says as he continues to play with her
"What are we going to call her?" Kendall asks Logan
"Let's look at the list and go from there cause since she is awake I want to see what name she responds to the most, and whatever name she likes that will be her name" Logan says as he looks at the list that Kendall had out that had the names that they have came up with for her
Logan and Kendall went through every name and they stopped at Alessandra which was different for her, and she liked it
"She likes that name" Kendall says when the baby cooed up at the both of name when she heard her name
"Okay Alessandra what?" Logan asks Kendall him cause they needed to do a middle name for her
"Alessandra Elena Schmidt-Henderson" Kendall says to him as he puts the whole name together for the baby that Logan had in his arms
"I like that name" Logan says as he thinks of the name that they just called her
"Okay I'll tell the translator what name we came up for her, so she can get out of Italy" Kendall says as he looks at Alessandra who was wide awake now
Logan continues to play with her and give her some loving as they continue to head for the venue
"Okay sweetie we are going to go in and daddy will hold you" he says as he picks her up to carry her into the venue for a quick look and come up with their game plan
Logan rubbed her back as he was holding her as they went over how everything was going to go since she was in the picture now so she had to be included in everything
"Someone going back to sleep" Kendall says to the baby that was falling asleep as Logan rocked her in his arms
"Yeah she is" Logan says as he dances with her to help soother her a bit better since they didn't want to use paci's all of the time right now with her
Soon Alessandra was fast asleep on Logan's shoulder which was how Logan loved it with her
"Daddy will sleep with you at the hotel sweet girl" he whispers to the baby that he had in his arms at the moment that was sleeping softly
Alessandra was okay with that as she slept in daddy's arms
"Logan go sleep with her on the bus and I will tell you everything later" Kendall says to Logan cause Logan needed the sleep right now
Logan doesn't object he heads to the bus with her in his arms cause he loved that time that he had with her
"Mommy going to sleep with you pretty girl" Logan says as he gets on the baby with the baby
Logan laid her in her car seat for now as he got comfy with her cause he needed the sleep right now since she was still a newborn
"I'm right here Alessandra" he says as he comforts her cause she got a little fussy cause she wasn't being held by mommy like she liked
Alessandra went to sleep on her own as she squeezed mommy's finger tight as she slept
"There we go little one" he says as he looks at her as she slept in her car seat
Logan couldn't believe that her mom gave her up like that out of the blue, but was glad he was his little girl forever and for always
Kendall came on to the most beautiful sight he saw
"Night mama Logie" Kendall says as he covers him up
"Night little one" Kendall says as he kisses Allie's cheek as she slept in mommy's arms
Kendall sat across from Logan and Allie as they slept peacefully as they headed back to the hotel to get settled in
"Allie did you have a bad dream?" Kendall asks as he takes Allie from Logan
Kendall rocked her back to sleep and she settled down after a while
"Is that better huh?" Kendall asks her
"Who could give a sweet innocent creature like you up" he says as he continues to rock her in his arms as the bus moved and Logan slept peacefully
Allie cooed up at him when she felt the bus move
"You talking huh sweet girl?" he asks her as he looks into her eyes
"Is she up?" Logan asks as he woke up
"Yeah want to hold her?" Kendall asks him
"Of course i do" Logan says as he takes the baby from Kendall's arms
Allie knew when mommy was holding her
"Once we get back to the hotel mommy will change you" Logan says to her as he looks at her as they were moving back to the hotel
Allie started to get a little fussy
"Oh sweetie it's okay" Logan says to her as he rubs her back to soothe her cries
Logan kissed her and that helped a little bit before she started to wail
"We are almost there love I promise and once the tour is over I will take you home" Logan says to her as he tries to calm her down as she still wailed
"Logan after we get done it's best we get her visa and get her home" Kendall says to Logan
"I think so too she isn't happy here at all" Logan says to Kendall since Carlos was doing her nursery for her at Logan's house while Logan was with Kendall
"No she isn't she wants out of here" Kendall says as he strokes her hair to help soothe her
"We will doesn't my leg end soon?" Logan asks Kendall
"It does and I will say you got sick and went home" Kendall says as she settles down cause both parents were with her
Once at the hotel Logan took her, and got her changed and take a nap with her
V & C
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