Millie gets admitted
"Okay Millie you are going to eat soon princess" Logan says as he was calming her down as he waited to see if it could be done and he was waiting on the doctor to check on Millie more
Logan got a shot and it started to work immediately and they had to take a sample to see if it was safe for Millie to have
"Well the milk is safe so she can eat" the nurse says as she came back from the lab
"I might as well start to feed her" Logan says as he was going to feed Millie for the first time
Millie latched on and started to suck right away
"Good girl Millie" Kendall says as he saw her start to eat
"Kendall please i have to get use to this with her" Logan says to Kendall as they continue to wait on the premie doctor to come in to check on Millie
"Oh okay" Kendall says as he admired Millie as she was eating
"I think she might have digestive issues or that she hasn't ate anything in days" Logan says as he looks at Kendall as he still was feeding Millie her meal cause she was quite hungry for her papa and her daddy
"I think it might be both" Kendall says as he was going to change Millie after she had her meal and was a happy girl once again
Logan burped her after she was done and Kendall was going to change her
"Here we go precious daddy going to change you" Kendall says as he laid her down so he could change her diaper
A nurse brought in one of the premie diapers for Millie since she was smaller and the regular diapers were not going to fit her much right now
Logan was going to hold her again since she wanted her papa to hold her
"Here we go to papa" Kendall says as he handed Millie to Logan once again which he was glad he was going to hold hold her in his arms
"Hi Millie" Logan says as he was holding her again
Millie coos up at her papa since she was a happy girl around her papa
"Our small princess" Logan says as he looks at her as he was holding her
"For sure we can't wait to have you home baby girl" Kendall says as he kisses her on the forehead and she loved daddy's kisses
Logan loved being with Millie and he wishes that he could carry her until she had to be born but that was not possible
"Millie daddy and me can't wait to bring you home when you are fully grown" he says as he was holding her close to him
"Hi Millie you with papa?" Kendall asks as he looks at her
"She is I am waiting for her to go up so some cuddles will work for now" Logan says as he was going to sit down with her
"I hope we get to get her settled soon" Kendall says to Logan as he was looking at Millie since she was a happy camper right now
"Me too i want to go home and see the other but Millie needs us right now" Logan says as he was rocking her in the rocking chair since he was in a hospital gown
"Yeah she does" Kendall says as he was going to kneel next to the rocking chair as Logan held her close to him and was very happy with
Carlos came by to say a prayer for Millie since Logan had asked just in case she doesn't make it and he wanted her to make it since she has her whole life ahead of her
"Kendall i think she needs a change" Logan says as he felt her become more heavier then normal
Kendall was going to change her and put in one of the outfits he had went out to buy for her so she was warm still
"There we go back to papa now Millie" Kendall says as he was swaddling Millie for Logan so she was comfy
Logan accepted her from Kendall
"I think you are happy now that you have a clean diaper on" Logan says as he was holding Millie since she was wide awake
Soon a nurse comes to take them up to the NICU where Millie was going to be staying
"Finally" Kendall says cause he was getting annoyed that no one had come to get them and take them up to the room
"Sorry we have been busy moving babies around cause we don't have much room for any more babies right now" the nurse says to Kendall and Logan as
"I understand where is Millie going to be?" Logan asks as he held her close to him so she was kept warm as they headed up to the NICU
"In one of the warmers right now since we had another baby come into the NICU as well and they had to take the last incubator that we have" the nurse says to Kendall and Logan
"Isn't there anymore she needs to be kept warm at all times" Kendall says as he was checking back to make sure Logan was okay since he had to adjust Millie a lot right now so his arms don't give out
"We will try our best to keep her warm" the nurse says as she was being paged back to the NICU cause another baby was coming in and that baby was getting the warmer and Millie was getting a crib
"This is a waste" Kendall says as they were taken back to the room to wait again
"I know i wish i could just carry her so she was warm and toasty or take her home" Logan says as he was looking at Kendall as they walked back to the emergency room where they were going to see what was plan b to get Millie warm and get her taken care of as well
"Maybe we should just take her home and we can keep her isolated and away from the others as well" Logan says as they were still waiting to have Millie get admitted
"I want her too though so if something happens she will get the care she needs Logie" Kendall says as another nurse came into the room and Millie was going to go to a different hospital not that far that had the room for her and they had a incubator waiting for her too
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