Logan's birthday
Okay since two weeks ago was Logan's birthday I am going to do a special chapter dedicated to Logan's birthday and who knows what surprises are in store for Logan as he celebrates his birthday with Kendall and the girls
"Okay Ellie daddy is coming" Kendall says as he gets up so he could tend to little Ellie who was up and ready to start her day with her parents
Kendall decided to let Logan sleep and he was going to be taking care of the girls while Logan sleeps in on his birthday cause Kendall had a fun filled day plan for Logan and the girls were going to feel included on the celebration with papa cause they really love their papa a lot especially Ellie right now since Logan was teaching her to speak English and her Italian was still there, and that was okay with Kendall and Logan
"Morning Ellie girl" Kendall says as he came into the room so he could get Ellie ready since Allie was sleeping in her room still
Ellie was happy as can be to see daddy that morning
"Come Ellie let's make papa some breakfast cause today is his birthday and I am sure he will want to spend it with his favorite girl" Kendall says as he picked her up from her crib so he could get her ready for the day and ready to head out for Logan's birthday as well
Ellie was excited for papa's birthday
"Okay let's make papa his breakfast and then all of us can eat breakfast with papa" Kendall says as he carries her to the kitchen for breakfast that morning
"Okay Ellie can you carry the flower for papa as well as his card?" Kendall asks her as they head for the master so Logan can have his breakfast with his girls
Ellie nods as she toddles over tot he stairs with her walker while she holds the card and the flower for papa
"Okay go slow up the stairs sweetie" Kendall says as he was behind her with Logan's breakfast in bed for him so he has a great day with Kendall and his girls
Kendall was watching her, so she didn't fall as she was heading up the stairs with the flower and the card for Logan
"Hey Allie" Kendall says when he sees Logan holding the baby in his arms
"She woke up a little bit ago, and i fed her of course" Logan says as he was rocking little Allie in his arms as she was snuggled with papa
"Hppy brthday papa" Ellie says as she came in holding the card and pushing her walker
"Thank you Ellie" Logan says as Kendall gave Logan his breakfast that morning
Kendall, Logan and Ellie had a great breakfast together
"What would you like to do today Logie?" Kendall asks Logan
"Take the girls tot he park and maybe have picnic, and just spend time together" Logan suggests to Kendall
"Okay I can make that happen for sure" Kendall says as he picked up the tray while Logan was with the girls
Logan put something on for the girls while he got ready for the day and once he was ready he took care of the girls and got Allie ready for the day as well and did Ellie's hair in pigtails which she loves cause she loves papa's pigtails the best
"Ellie you want to learn some more words?" Logan asks her
She nods as she joins papa on the chair since Allie was napping right now. After her lesson Ellie fell right to sleep so Logan fell asleep with the girls
"It's a beautiful day out" Logan says as he was pushing the stroller that had the girls in it through the park so they could play and have a great picnic
"Yeah it is" Kendall says as he was carrying the basket full of goodies for the picnic as well as the milk for little Allie
Logan helped Kendall with the blanket as they were going to be in the shade with the girls
"Okay I'll get the food out" Kendall says as he unloaded the picnic basket
"Okay I think Ellie wants to play" Logan says as he took the young girl to the playground to play
"Take her i can stay with Allie" Kendall says as he picked Allie up to hold her in his arms as she slept like a little lamb
Logan and Ellie played and once Ellie fell down and scrapped her knee Logan knew it was time for a break
"Here Ellie" Kendall says as he handed her her sippy cup filled with water so she could stay hydrated
Ellie took the sippy cup and started to drink as papa took care of her owie that she had on her knee
(Much later)
"Ellie where you going sweetie?" Kendall asks since Logan was busy with Allie
Ellie started to toddle away on her own from her parents cause she was loving the new found freedom that she had
"Logan, Ellie wants to play hide and seek" Kendall calls to him
Logan joined in after he had changed Allie's diaper
"Ellie daddy and papa can find you easily" Kendall says as he finds Ellie first before Logan since he had to put the sling on to protect Allie a little bit as he walked cause she was really little, and he wanted to keep her close since she was clingy to papa
"Kenny look" Logan says when he sees a baby with a scrunched up face and it looked like it had been crying for the past hour or so on it's blanket
"The poor thing it looks like it's mother abandoned it once she had found out that the baby was going to be mute" Kendall says as he picked the baby up and hold it in his arms to comfort it as it cried still silently as Allie came back to see daddy and papa
"Well this is one great birthday I am never ever going to forget ever" Logan says as he was holding Ellie's hand since Kendall had the baby in his arms, and Allie was sleeping with papa
"I know little one your probably hungry and for sure need a change" Kendall says as they head back to the picnic blanket to eat some birthday treats and maybe Ellie could play some more before going home for nap that day
Logan helped Ellie with her birthday treat while Kendall was taking care of the baby since they packed enough formula for the day for Allie, so Kendall decided to feed the baby some formula and maybe change it's diaper and see if they had a boy or a girl in their mist, and he saw the baby was a little girl, and she was not that old either
V & C
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