Kendall and Logan talk
"Sorry we have been busy moving babies around cause we don't have much room for any more babies right now" the nurse says to Kendall and Logan as
"I understand where is Millie going to be?" Logan asks as he held her close to him so she was kept warm as they headed up to the NICU
"In one of the warmers right now since we had another baby come into the NICU as well and they had to take the last incubator that we have" the nurse says to Kendall and Logan
"Isn't there anymore she needs to be kept warm at all times" Kendall says as he was checking back to make sure Logan was okay since he had to adjust Millie a lot right now so his arms don't give out
"We will try our best to keep her warm" the nurse says as she was being paged back to the NICU cause another baby was coming in and that baby was getting the warmer and Millie was getting a crib
"This is a waste" Kendall says as they were taken back to the room to wait again
"I know i wish i could just carry her so she was warm and toasty or take her home" Logan says as he was looking at Kendall as they walked back to the emergency room where they were going to see what was plan b to get Millie warm and get her taken care of as well
"Maybe we should just take her home and we can keep her isolated and away from the others as well" Logan says as they were still waiting to have Millie get admitted
"I want her too though so if something happens she will get the care she needs Logie" Kendall says as another nurse came into the room and Millie was going to go to a different hospital not that far that had the room for her and they had a incubator waiting for her too
"Kenny i have been thinking about little Millie" Logan says as he looks at Kendall after a while cause he has put a lot of thought into this, and he hated to have a hospital reject her again like they have already
"Yeah Logie?" Kendall asks him
"I kind of want to carry Millie like a makeshift womb until she is ready to be born" Logan says as he looks at Millie as she was sleeping like an angel
"Are you sure?" Kendall asks him
"I'm sure Kenny i want to do this but not for myself for her too" Logan says as he looks at him
"Okay if that is what you want we can do this" Kendall says as he looks at Logan as they share a kiss
"I want to do this I want to save her life" Logan says as he was seeing how this was going to work with Millie since her stump fell off and she could not have an umbilical cord
Kendall was going to talk to the nurses and let them know what the decision was with Millie
"I think I am ready for this" Logan says as he looks at Millie cause he needed to think about her and if she could get sick as well while she was in the hospital too from the machines and everything
Millie was going to go to sleep for her papa and Logan was loving it since she was little and just the perfect one
"Sleep sweetie papa will be right here for you if you need him" Logan says as he looks at her as she was sleeping soundly on his chest
Kendall came back with the nurses a little bit later on how they were going to do this with her since she is premature
"Logan there is something called an artificial womb that we can try" Kendall says as he looks at him
"How will that work?" Logan asks as he lays Millie down for a little bit cause his arms were getting tired from holding her so long and he was glad to set her down for a little bit and he was going to stay close to her
The nurses tell Logan about it and what will happen, so she can grow and develop properly until she is fully ready to come and this will be her real birthday
"Okay i think i can do this" Logan says as he looks at Millie
"Logan let's sleep on it i do't want to jump into anything right now with her i want her to be here until we talk this over" Kendall says as he looks at Logan
"Kenny I want to seriously do this I don't want to talk it over more i want to get this done and over with" Logan says as he tries not to fight in front of the nurses he wanted to have Millie with him at all times and not in the hospital for much longer
"Logie come one let's go home to want to weigh our options on this matter before we do anything with or for her" Kendall says as he escorts Logan out of the room so they could go home and talk the matter over more
Logan saw his view but he wanted to take Millie with them since he wanted to have her close by that night and he was going to take care of her through the night
"Can Millie get release?" Logan asks the nurse as they were leaving the hospital
The nurses went to get the paperwork so she could get release to go home cause they stopped the squad from coming since Millie wasn't going to be going anywhere anytime soon either
"Okay Millie you are coming home with daddy and me" Logan says to her as he picks her up since Kendall was signing her out
Millie still slept like an angel as papa held her
"She is out that's for sure" Kendall says since Millie had to have her equipment with her as they left the hospital to go home with Millie who was fast asleep like a little angel in her car seat
"She might sleep through the night" Logan says to him as they left to go back tot he car to head home
Logan buckled her in and got in next to her so she was safe the whole way to the house where she was going to live at for the rest of her life, and Kendall played music for her too
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