Final part
"Not too bad this food and dancing will make it feel like I am in paradise right now cause the contractions aren't that bad right now so I am going to ride it out the best that I can right now and hopefully when the pains start to get a little more intense I can do some type of medication alternative that way if that works I am going to stay with it and if that does not work then I am going to have them interfere with the medication and give me something a little bit stronger that I can handle and the pains are not as bad at all either" Logan says as he was still eating and he was going to put the heating pad on his legs cause his legs were throbbing from dancing and moving to the music in the hallway with the others as well and some of the moms that were in labor were fans of the band so he signed autographs too for them to make them feel special as well too and they loved it that a favorite member of their favorite band signed their autograph and took a picture with them while they were in labor as well and they didn't know he was pregnant at all either and he didn't tell them either that he was pregnant and was in labor at the same time as well cause he did not want to be called a freak and lose their fan base that they had build up and then had to build back up after the long hiatus
"That's awesome Logie hopefully it won't be too long" Kendall says as he was going to make his bed cause he was going to get a shower and change his clothes cause he won't be able to get a shower after the baby had been born and he was going to need to help Logan out as much as possible with either feeding or changing the baby and staying with the baby while Logan takes a shower or does a load of laundry or gets dinner ready for the other kids or takes a little nap or goes out
"Yes hopefully and we can be done having kids cause this is too much" Logan says to Kendall cause he was going to go to sleep cause he was going to get some sleep right now and just relax for the time being
"I agree Logie then if we have baby fever again we can always foster or adopt" Kendall says as he was going to get some sleep as well cause he was going to take advantage of it right now cause once the baby was here he was going to be able to get sleep off and on again and when Logan was napping he was going to be watching the baby and they were going to be taking shifts during the night as well after the baby is born
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