The first set enters the picture
"Here we are Logie and each of our babies are in their bassinet with their baby book in it," Kendall says as he was guiding Logan into the room
Logan went to each of the babies and he picked up the reborn doll that resembles them the most right now
"I loved this one the most," Logan says as he was referring to one of the girls that they had
"Yeah she was super special too when she arrived she was too perfect and she belonged with us, and one day she rolled over to the cute bumper that we had in the crib for her and she smothered herself," Kendall says to him
"Hence why I asked you to take the bumpers and move them higher or take them out," Logan tells him
"Yeah and I think we need to use a bassinet for a long while and when we think they are ready for the crib we should get a sleepsuit for them to wear so they don't roll onto their side and they suffocate as she did," Kendall tells him cause he was reading about sleep suites and how they are saving babies lives as well when they are sleeping in their crib
"Sounds like a plan Kenny," Logan says as he was looking at him cause the sleepsuit sounded it was going to be a better fit for them when they have babies and when they move into their crib as well cause it was better in the long run as well
Kendall and Logan were going to go to the adoption agency and see if there were any kids that needed a home cause they had the rooms ready to go if they needed to foster on the fly for a while and if there were multiples Kendall and Logan were ready to go with that for sure
"Should we get a bigger vehicle?" Logan asks him
"It couldn't hurt and you can trade-in your car for a minivan or an SUV" Kendall says as he was looking at him
"Okay if my car gets traded in I'm getting the minivan," Logan says as they headed to the dealership to trade in his car for the minivan
"Okay you can have the minivan my Logie" Kendall says as he was going to kiss Logan cause it was a happy time for them right now
Logan was happy to be picking out the minivan that he was going to be driving when they get their kids
(Much later)
Kendall and Logan had their vehicles and they both went with minivans for their family and they were off to get car seats cause they had to decide who was going to take what group when they go out and Logan had the oldest and Kendall had the babies of the bunch when they did receive their kids in the far future
"I guess we might as well get the car seats installed and see if we got them installed right cause I don't want to have the kids fall out," Kendall says to Logan cause he wanted the kids to be super safe as they went places like the doctors or the mall right now
"Yeah and then we can do some more shopping for toys cause the rooms are ready to go, and all we have to do is get any last minute items that they will need like I don't know right now" Logan says as he was looking at him
"Yeah I want to do the ultimate playroom for the kids as well cause they will deserve this after what they might have been through, and this will give them a really warm welcome into the family that is for sure, and we can get any extra toys that they may want" Kendall says as they were going home then go see about the car seats and then go to the toy store to get some toys for the time being, so the room is set up for them
Kendall and Logan had the seats installed in no time and they were really happy right now and they couldn't wait to have the family they have dreamed about for so long
"Well, should we get toys now or wait?" Kendall asks him
"Wait let's head to the agency to see if there are any kids that need a family-like right now," Logan says to him cause he felt like waiting to get toys and anything else right now cause he didn't know if they were going to have a mix of boys and girls or all boys or all girls right now and he did not want to jump the gun right now on toys and clothes they had a few outfits at the house for the kids right now and for the babies as well cause Logan went crazy with the babies clothes they wanted to use those as well
Kendall agreed there and they went to the agency to see what kids were in need of a family
Kendall and Logan got their spots and they headed in to see what kids needed a family-like super quick right now cause of what they were
"Yes may I help you?" the lady asks Kendall and Logan
"We are here to foster or adopt if possible" Kendall tells her
"Hang on let me get one of our ladies that can help you," she says as she leaves to go get the lady
Kendall and Logan took a sit and they were going to wait for the lady to come and get them and they could see which kids needed fostered and fostered right now
(Much later)
"We have 2 sets of quadruplets that just landed in our care and 1 set is in the hospital right now with croup with a side of strider and one set was just born" the lady tells Kendall and Logan
"We will take both" Kendall says to her
"Okay the first set would like some company right now and I will let you know when the babies are up for visitors" the lady tells them
"Okay thank you" Logan says as he wanted to go to the hospital right away to see the first set
"I have to tell you the first set is all girls and we will tell you the other set when we know more" the lady tells them as they were leaving to go to the hospital and see the girls and get to know them
Kendall and Logan were okay with girls cause that is what they wanted to start out with anyways and then maybe they might have their little boys after this eight are older but they doubt they want any more after these eight wonderful girls that are coming into their life and will be needing them to care for them, love them and anything else right now
"I say I get to have the girls and you have the babies" Logan tells Kendall
"We can take two a piece like two of the older girls and two babies that way there isn't any fighting going on between the girls" Kendall suggest to him
"Maybe that might work we will have to see when we get there" Logan tells him as they were heading to the hospital to see the older ones and welcome them with open arms right now and count down the days until they join their family and then they will be able to see the babies as well and their countdown will be on as well until they join the family as well and they will have their babies
They see the girls is next when I don't know right now I'm trying to save some more fun for the new ones so be patient right now cause that chapter is in fact coming hold tight for sure cause it's going to be good I promise I hope if my schedule isn't playing Russian roulette like it is sometimes cause of injuries
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