Disclaimer: this will mostly be based off of Markiplier's gameplay.
Freddy Fazbear Pizzaplex
Ken's POV
Luckily for me, the vent from the Lost and Found office was short and singular, so I had no run-ins with the spider bot. I quickly reached the opposite vent cover and rammed my entire body weight into it, eventually being able to pop it open without having (albeit painstakingly) to use the screwdriver I'd gotten. I absently tucked said tool into one of my ever-growing pockets before placing my feet on the floor and full-out sprinting away from the Lost and Found.
The farther I got from the office, the better my vision got until I was able to see clearly again. To my surprise and much to my delight, I was back on the main floor of the Pizzaplex, with the golden statue of Freddy and his microphone a welcome sight. I was also relieved, because at least in this room, I knew my way around. Not daring a glance behind me in case the rabbit lady was following close behind, I made my way up the stairs to the balcony, then dove into the photo booth in front of the elevator.
Freddy... I need Freddy, I thought as I tried to catch my breath. Freddy can help me get out of here. I tried the FazWatch: "Freddy? Freddy, are you there?" Nothing came back. I checked the security cameras instead, but I couldn't see Freddy anywhere; he had to be stuck in a blind spot. He was heading towards the third floor fire escape - best chance scenario is he's still there, I reasoned.
My hand pulled back the curtain of the photo booth so that I could see a slice of the space outside; I peeked up and down the balcony to see if I was alone, then I hurried over to the elevator. Grabbing the Daycare Security Badge from my pocket, I was able to open the doors and shop inside without anything coming after me.
"Ken... Ken..."
My breath caught in my throat and I all but jerked my wrist toward my face. "Freddy!" I exclaimed excitedly. "I need help! That rabbit lady found me!"
"If you get this message, come to the Roxy Raceway entrance on the second floor." I frowned. It didn't seem that Freddy could hear me, and he didn't sound too good - his voice kept glitching through the FazWatch. He continued, "I piled up some boxes so you can hop over the construction fence and find me. Something is jamming my communications signal. Come to the Roxy Raceway..."
His voice faded out and I nodded firmly. "I hear you, Freddy!" I told him, hoping at least some part of my message made its way to him. "I'm on my way!"
I punched the button for the second floor, and I was stepping onto the balcony I'd come to earlier. Then, I was trying to find a way out. But now I had a new mission - find Freddy and help him.
"Are you having fun yet?"
I froze at the sound of the rabbit lady's voice and my eyes went looking for the source. Fortunately, I didn't see any sign of her, and I knew she wasn't near because my vision didn't blur like it did before. "It's fine - you're just paranoid," I told myself, rubbing my temples. "Just keep an eye out for her, and you'll be good."
Somewhat sure of myself, I took a look around the large room. Freddy had told me that he was in an attraction called "Roxy Raceway", which was accessible through an entrance on the second floor. I was currently on the second floor - and there was Roxy Raceway in the far left corner!
The discovery gave me a second wind, and I found myself sprinting along the sky deck to the entrance. Along the way, I took care to take note of other attractions around the main stage - Fazer Blast, something suspiciously called "Sodaroni", among other venues. All good to know in case I ever needed to come back here.
When I got to Roxy Raceway, I found out not only was it closed, but the entrance was blocked with a wall of construction blockades. A warning sign with the cartoon bear Helpy done up in a construction uniform proclaimed: THIS ATTRACTION IS TEMPORARILY CLOSED - PLEASE FIND ANOTHER ATTRACTION.
Recalling the chirpy CLOSED sign in front of Monty's room while he quite obliviously wrecked it, I wondered what was the real reason why this attraction was closed.
I still had to get into Roxy Raceway, though I was obliviously not going to get in this way. Freddy had said something about a construction entrance. I looked back at the Sodaroni advertisement - to my surprise, I realized it was a roll-up door with a electronic screen. A good pull on a handle located near the bottom revealed the beginning of a maze of styrofoam walls. The wall nearest to me had the same Helpy warning sign as the original entrance, so I assumed it was the construction entrance Freddy had told me about and entered the maze.
I took no chances - I kept my flashlight out and on the entire time, aiming it at every corner I rounded so I wouldn't be caught off guard. If I heard something coming, I turned off the flashlight and crouched against the wall until my ears told me that the coast was clear. Now would be a great time for Orochi to be here, I grouched as I paused in my advances for the third time.
Eventually, I came to a slightly larger space between the walls. A couple of forklifts currently resided in the space, along with a roaming security bot...
And a stack of boxes in the corner that looked suspiciously like stair steps.
Those must be the boxes Freddy told me about, I realized, remembering that he had told me that he had stacked some boxes to help me reach him. I waited for the security bot to be clear on the other side of the space before making my way to the stack and climbing the boxes like I would a flight of stairs. Beyond the wall was a slightly lower platform with steps that lead down to what seemed to be a makeshift storage area, with more forklifts, plastic blockades, and traffic cones.
Freddy told me to meet him here - now I just have to find him, I told myself. Placing one hand on the box below me and using it as an anchor, I swung my feet over the wall and landed on the platform with a noise I prayed wouldn't alert the rest of the pizzeria. From my vantage point above the storage space, I swung the beam of my flashlight across the floor to see if I could find any trace of Freddy.
I ended up landing the beam on his body, sprawled with limbs akimbo underneath a table.
My hand flew to my mouth to stifle my gasp. "Freddy!" I tried calling out, then stiffened when I registered how loud it was. I left my place on the platform and hurried over to his side. "Freddy! Are you okay?"
"There you are!" Freddy exclaimed weakly when he saw me. My worry increased tenfold - he looked awful. His exterior was filthy from running around the basement of the pizzeria, his jaw refused to move with his words, and his eyes kept twitching erratically. One of his large hands was laying on the center of his body as if he was in pain. His voice was glitching, too, and he stuttered slightly on every other word. "I was so worried. I waited and waited for you. I missed the hourly recharge and have been trying to get down to Parts and Service. I think something is wrong."
Guilt gripped me with its iron claws. "I'm so sorry I made you worry, and that I made you miss the recharge time!" I told him truthfully, kneeling down and taking his free hand in both of mine. "I'm here now, though - is there anything I can do to help?"
"Help me get to Parts and Service," Freddy told me, trying and failing to focus on my face.
"Of course I will!" I said readily, then realized I had no idea where that was. "Eh - quick question, though... how do we get there?"
"It is down under the main stage," Freddy instructed in his unhealthy glitching tone, then added sheepishly, "Normally, the stage lift takes me down there after every concert. It is really the only way I know how. Use the door behind me." He made a weak gesture with his chin to the left, and I saw a door at the other side of the space. "It will take you to the Rehearsal Room on the other side of the building. Look for a Backstage Pass, then find a way to turn on the lift.
"Good luck, superstar," Freddy encouraged me, giving my hands a weak squeeze. "Entering rest mode."
His voice faded and his grip on my hands slackened. I sighed and nodded firmly at his limp body. "Okay. I won't let you down, Freddy!" I told him definitively. "You can count on me!"
I gently laid his hand next to his body, then set out for the door. It was obviously not a door guests were supposed to go through, according to the sign that loudly said BACKSTAGE: STAFF ONLY.
But when have I followed the rules this night?
There was another flashlight charging station next to the door. I stuck my flashlight in its mouth, waited for the top hat to light up, then held it at the ready as I cautiously pushed the door open.
Immediately the question "Are you lost?" floated out.
I hurriedly closed the door and bit my tongue to keep myself from screaming. Roxy was in there. Roxy, who was supposedly the fastest of all of the animatronics. If I went in there and I was seen, I would most likely be caught. I can't do this.
Then I caught sight of Freddy out of the corner of my eye. Poor, kind Freddy, who'd done nothing but help me all night, and now needed my help.
I sighed. I had to return the favor.
Besides, I had survived being hunted by Chica, who was borderline crazy by my opinion. Compared to her, how bad can Roxy be?
Taking a deep breath, I opened the door again, though at a much slower pace than how I'd opened it before. My eyes struggled to adjust to the sudden light change, but I was able to make out the beginnings of a long and wide hallway that was lined periodically with shelves and other items. The lights that moved in and out of sight let me know that there was also a number of security bots here. I couldn't see Roxy.
"Nobody will miss you."
I groaned at a low volume. I could hear her, though. I stepped fully into the room and closed the door softly behind me. No turning back now.
I wondered if this hallway had any cameras, pulling my wrist to my line of sight and lighting up my FazWatch. A few taps against the screen revealed that there was indeed a handful of cameras in the hallway, though they didn't do much in terms of showing me the way out. I was able to find Roxy; she was making rounds at what seemed to be a far corner of the hallway.
Now or never, I told myself. With a breath that fully filled my lungs, I started my trek to the Rehearsal Room.
A skirt along the perimeter nearest to where I started revealed nothing - no doors leading out. Wishful thinking, anyway. So I started making my way through the shelves, praying all the while that Roxy couldn't hear or see me. I thought I was making good process, but then I heard "You can't outrun me!" The steady sound of heavy footfalls reached my ears, and I realized my worst fear had come true.
Roxy had spotted me.
My heartbeat quickened as my eyes went straining for anything, anything, that could hide me. I noticed a storage bin a few paces - not very practical, but I had nothing else at the moment. I dove into the bin and clamped my hands over my mouth to keep any unwanted sound from escaping. I listened as Roxy's footsteps came closer and closer until she was practically right next to my hiding place.
Don't look down don't look down don't look down, I begged her over and over in my head.
Roxy seemed to look around for a while, and I dared not raise my head out of fear that the simple movement would alert her. Finally, she growled. "Keep searching!" She said, mostly to herself. "He can't hide forever." The sound of her footsteps echoed in the dark hallway as she walked away, muttering to herself, "You're the best. You will find him first."
It sounded like she was being way too hard on herself. I'd feel bad for her if she wasn't trying to kill me.
After I was certain that Roxy was far enough away, I slowly unwound myself from my fetal position in the bin and lifted my head. No sign of her. I carefully swung my body out of the bin, took a relieved breath, then started my trek again, making sure to take extra care in keeping myself under Roxy's radar.
I eventually came across a smaller hallway within the large hallway. Either side was lined with doors - I tried all of them, but other than a pile of plastic blockades in one room, there wasn't really anything interesting behind the doors. At the very last door, though, I lucked out. The room it opened into was bright and colorful, a welcome reprieve from the dark hallway, and it was lined with couches.
This had to be the Rehearsal Room. All of the other doors had led nowhere, and I really didn't want to go back through the hallway and past Roxy again to double check.
"Alright," I said out loud as I stepped into the room and closed the door behind me; I was privately reveling in the fact that I could speak without fear of Roxy hearing me. "Freddy said I could find a Backstage Pass around here somewhere."
A thorough search of the room revealed nothing. There was another door, though, and it lead to a room with a much higher ceiling and a small stage. In the corner was a whiteboard with the names of the animatronics written in various spots. Large foam squares that you'd usually find on the walls of a music studio hung on the walls. Drily noting that this must be the Rehearsal Room and the room I just came from must have been a lounge of some sort, I continued my search for the Backstage Pass.
There was a pile of the large foam squares in the corner; a precarious climb to the top revealed another of those music-present boxes. Excited, because the boxes had been helpful so far, I placed one hand on the top and one hand on the handle and started to turn. A few seconds and a few creepy music notes later, the top came off and the springs came out; a black rectangle of paper with the white words BACKSTAGE PASS printed on it was hooked on one of them.
"Yes!" I said victoriously, gently prying the pass from the spring. "Got it! Now I should be able to find the lift controls." Sliding down the foam squares, I started looking for a way out that wasn't the way I'd come in. There was another door against the far wall; it lead to a small room (waiting area?) with cartoon renditions of the animatronic mascots painted on the bright orange walls. The procession went Chica, Freddy, Monty, then Roxy around the perimeter of the room, seemingly exiting out through another door.
When I went out the new door, I had to do a double take. I was back in the large hallway where all of the animatronics' rooms were, where I'd first met Freddy. The neon lights that depicted the mascots beamed merrily down at me. It was easy, in that light, to forget that they were hunting me at that very moment.
There was something nostalgic about coming back to the place where this entire... adventure began. Leaning against the doorframe of the waiting room, I took a moment to go over the events of the evening. I'd been abducted by a psychotic rabbit lady and taken to a mall-sized pizzeria... made friends with an animatronic bear who agreed to help me get out... was hunted through the basement of the pizzeria by the other mascots of the pizzeria... was told to get out before closing time and failed... made friends with an animatronic that switched personalities depending on whether the lights were on... was chased by a spider bot through the vents... baked a pizza for a twitchy chicken mascot... got kidnapped again and brought to the Lost and Found... was nearly killed in the same place...
And now I was looking for the lift controls in order to help my new animatronic bear friend. And it was only... I glanced at my FazWatch and groaned. It was only 2:30am. The doors opened at 6:00am.
Oh boy.
It vaguely occurred to me that the same crashing sounds that I'd heard my first time through the hallway were currently echoing through the empty space. To my shock, I realized that Monty must be back in his room, and he was back to his angry rampage. At first, I tried to make myself smaller and quiet my breathing, but then I relaxed as two things occurred to me:
1) If he was in his room, and it was as dark as I remembered, he wasn't likely to see me.
2) If he was continuing to loudly destroy whatever was in his room, it was even less likely that he would hear me.
So with resolved worries, I to explore the hallway. I wasn't really sure what I was supposed to be looking for regarding lift controls, but I thankfully came across a door with a sign that answered that question: TO STAGE CONTROLS: AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL ONLY.
Well, tonight at least, I am authorized personnel, I thought ruefully at the sign before pushing the door open and slipping inside.
The door lead to the bottom of a metal staircase, that of which lead to a high catwalk. At the top of the stairs, I found two doors: one was marked with Chica's guitar while the other was marked with Monty's bass. The one with Chica's guitar was closest to me, so I pulled out the Security Badge I'd gotten from the Kitchen Office and flashed it at the door; with a pleased sounding beep, the door slid upwards. I stepped into a small room that had doors with the same instrument symbols as the outside doors. A little confused at the layout, I flashed the Security Badge at the second door, and it slid up as well.
Beyond was a Security Office, though a much bigger one than the others I'd seen, with many desks and monitors both large and small. Many of them showed snow, though several others showed clear visuals of places in the pizzeria. I saw the door that I had left Freddy through, and even the catwalk I had just came from. "Wow - they really do have eyes everywhere here," I noted as I eyed the monitors.
It also occurred to me that these many eyes, and probably more, allowed the rabbit lady to watch my every step.
That thought unnerved me, but I forced myself to keep calm and search the Security Office for something that resembled lift controls. I discovered that the office consisted of two connected rooms, and there were two other doors on the opposite side of where I'd entered; they were marked with Freddy's microphone and Roxy's keyboard. Other than the possible exits if things went South in here, nothing looked promising - nothing, that is, except for another Freddy security head on one of the desks. Figuring that I might as well, I pressed the nose to open the mouth. Inside was another Security Badge: Level 3. But there was something else...
"Huh? What's this?" I wondered out loud when I caught sight of something underneath the badge. It looked like a computer chip of some kind, with strangely purple circuitry; it was also large and chunky, and looked quite dusty. It obviously wasn't from recent years - Naoki would have turned his nose up at such an outdated chip.
Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a small CD lying on the desk by the Freddy security head. Figuring it might be important later, I added it to my already heavy pockets before turning my attention back to the weird chip. Curiosity compelled me to take the chip out to get a better look at it. I reached in, secured the edge of it between my forefinger and thumb, and gently pulled it out.
A large buzzing emitted from the monitor after I had done so, causing me to accidentally drop the chip. As I watched in amazement, the screen in front of me, which had previously shown snow, lit up with Freddy's face, and his voice came through the FazWatch: "Ken?"
"Freddy!" I cried in both relief and excitement, rushing to the monitor and holding my wrist close to my face so he could hear me.
"What did you do?" Freddy asked me, sounding confused. "Something happened - I can communicate again. I think you fixed my signal. His tone turned grateful, "Thank you."
"All I did was pull out a weird looking chip in the Security Office," I admitted modestly, but I once again felt myself flushing under his praise. Freddy sure knew how to make a guy feel special...
"'Weird looking chip'?" Freddy repeated quizzically. "What did this chip look like?"
I looked down at where I'd dropped the chip and blanched. In my excitement to see Freddy, I had stepped on the chip and it was currently a pile of shattered chip-parts on the floor. "W-well, it's sort of damaged now," I told him truthfully. "But it looked really outdated and dusty, and its wiring was purple."
Freddy made a thoughtful noise. "I do not know of any chip used in the Pizzaplex's main programming that is purple," He informed me. "And everything that is used is of the highest quality - everything outdated is confiscated and kept in storage."
"Well, however it got here, it was jamming the communication channels," I noted, staring down at the shattered chip in disgusted approval. Turning back to the monitor and Freddy, I attempted to change the subject, "I can see you on the monitor! I didn't think you could stand up."
"Consider it a second wind." Freddy said, sounding proud of himself.
I snickered and was about to ask him what I should do next when a flicker of color caught my eye. The monitor that showed the catwalk outside the office was showing movement - Monty was coming to the door! I opened my mouth to tell Freddy, but another flicker of color caught my attention - Roxy was coming towards the opposite doors!
"Freddy!" I cried into the FazWatch. "I see Roxy and Monty on the monitors. They're both coming to the office!"
"Do not let them in," Freddy said calmly.
"Wasn't going to do that anyway!" I shot back.
"The security doors are equipped with electrical deterrents," Freddy continued, apparently choosing to ignore my comment. "If you see them banging on the door, hit the appropriate button. The shock should stun them."
I double checked that the doors were locked and secure before getting back to him, "Okay, but how do I get out of here?"
"Do you see the large vent in the floor? You are probably standing right on top of it." I looked down - he was right, and it was a large vent. "If I can reach the room under you, I should be able to force it open and let you out." I was feeling slightly better before he added, "All of the doors appear to be on lockdown. Hmm... look for me on the monitors. If you see me waving, push the button in front of the corresponding monitor to open the door."
"Why does everything have to be so complicated?" I asked in dismay, squeezing my eyes shut against my growing headache.
When I opened my eyes again, Freddy's face was gone from the screen. In his place were the glowing red eyes of the rabbit lady. "There you are," She said in her glitching voice; I could have been imagining it, but she almost sounded thrilled to see me. "See you soon!"
"Hurry, Ken!" Freddy shouted through the FazWatch. "I cannot stop her!"
For the next twenty minutes, I turned the Security Office into my personal track as I chased Freddy's image around the monitors. Every time I saw him waving in front of a door, I pressed the button in front of the screen to grant him access, then ran around the office to find him again. And each time I saw Monty or Roxy banging on the doors as I passed them, I pressed the button beside the doors to shock them, turning the metal into rectangles of blue electricity that would have made Valt proud.
Part of me felt bad for shocking them, but survival was key in this game, and I intended to win.
Especially if the rabbit lady was on her way.
Finally, I heard rattling coming from below. Looking over my shoulder at the floor, I was overjoyed to see Freddy's blue claws wrap around the bars of the vent and pull it out. Rushing over to the new hole, I saw Freddy gaze up at me with his glowing eyes, stretching out his arms for me. "Jump down!" He called up.
Wanting to be anywhere but in that room, I immediately complied and fell into Freddy's surprisingly soft arms. "Freddy, you saved me - thank you!" I told him gratefully as he set me down gently. My relief lost some of its wind as I remembered why we were even here in the first place. "I'm sorry... I couldn't find any lift controls. All I found was this..." I took the small CD out of my pocket and held it up for him to see. "Disk thing. It's probably not that important..."
"Quite the contrary!" Freddy shot me down, sounding much more energetic than he had when I'd found him on the floor in Roxy Raceway. "Follow me to the atrium. That is a program disk for the stage show. If you use it in the sound booth, you should be able to run a showtime program which will activate the lift."
I took in Freddy's physical state, with his slouched stance, dirty exterior, and concerning holding of his middle. "Are you sure you don't wanna rest first?" I asked him, gingerly touching his shoulder with one hand. "You may be able to stand, but you still don't look so good."
"Everything wrong with me now can be fixed when we get to Parts and Service," Freddy told me, waving off my concern. "Do not worry - I can hold out until then. For now, we must hurry!" With that, he turned away from me and hobbled down the hallway he'd probably come from. His erratic limp only increased my worry for him.
Unable to see any way to talk him into resting, I followed close behind him. As we got farther and farther away from the Security Office, I couldn't help but think about the rabbit lady. Twice now she'd nearly trapped me in a corner - twice now she'd nearly killed me.
It wasn't the first time this night that I'd narrowly escaped death.
And I got the creeping suspicion that it wouldn't be the last.
Somewhere in Downtown Japan
No One's POV
Now that the boys knew that Ken had been running from something or someone, they all started to panic. Whoever or whatever had been chasing him probably had him right now, and they still had no idea where he was.
"I swear, once we find whoever took him..." Valt said menacingly, tightening his grip on Keru and Besu as his eyes shone a frightening turquoise. "I'll fry their brains until you can cut their skulls open and eat them like oatmeal."
Everyone winced. "Didn't need the visual, buddy!" Honcho called out to the blue haired blader, making sure to keep a safe distance.
Shu kept his arm around Valt in an attempt to calm him down and turned to PIXAL. "So what do we do now?" He asked her.
PIXAL held a curled pink finger to her chin in deep thought. "We need to check the businesses at both ends of the street again," She said after a few moments.
Everyone stared at her. "We told you - everyone says that they didn't see him," Jin informed her.
"Just because no person saw him doesn't mean no camera saw him," PIXAL said firmly. "We need to check the businesses to see if they have security cameras."
"It's midnight!" Ukyo protested, running his hand over his eyes tiredly. "Most of the businesses are closed, and those that are still open at this ungodly hour are probably going to lock up shop pretty soon!"
Naoki got a hungry look in his eye. "I mean... we can break into the businesses and I can hack the security system so we can see for ourselves," He proposed hopefully.
The others groaned and Jin elbowed his boyfriend sharply. "We're not going to hack anything at the moment, Naoki," PIXAL told him. "Ken was abducted using illegal means - we're going to find him using legal means. We'll save hacking as a last resort."
Naoki pouted while the others nodded their approval. "There's still the matter of the businesses closing soon," Lui pointed out from where he was leaning against a wall.
PIXAL casted a look at the streets beyond, appearing to chew her cheek. "You're right - we'll have to split into two groups so we can cover equal ground," She decided.
"WHAT?" Kit burst out, suddenly looking scared. "No offense, PIXAL, but the first time we questioned these places was in broad daylight. Now that the Sun's gone down, things are a little... spooky. M-Maybe we can do one big group and go fast?"
PIXAL stared at him. "You're telling me that you're going to risk Ken's safety just because you're afraid of the dark?" She asked heatedly.
Kit squirmed under her gaze; luckily Jin stepped forward before things progressed any further. "It might be better if we have an adult with us - an adult who's headstrong and won't let anything happen to us."
PIXAL turned her spotlight gaze on him. "An interesting offer, but who do you know that would be up at this hour and is completely willing to come all the way out here?" She inquired.
Jin sighed. "My mom."
5255 words.
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