Disclaimer: this will mostly be based off of Markiplier's gameplay.
Freddy Fazbear Pizzaplex
Ken's POV
When both Freddy and Chica disappeared down the escalators, I took a deep breath and faced the entrance to the Fazcade. It certainly didn't look intimidating, as far as video game arcades go. Though one of the many lessons of tonight was that nothing is as it seems in this place. I had to be on my guard, no matter what.
"I guess it's just you and me now, little buddy," I told Music Man, holding up my fist for it to clasp. "Are you ready?" Its cymbals came down around my hand and shook it vigorously for a few seconds. "I'll take that as a yes. Let's do this."
With that, we entered the elevator and the doors closed behind us. The theme song of the Pizzaplex played overhead as the elevator jerked into motion. Earlier today, it must have hyped up some excited party guests as they ascended to the arcade for a fun round of games.
Right now, though, it only served to put me even more on edge.
When the elevator finally slid to a stop, the doors opened to reveal a quartet of golden statues that were perfect replicas of the main mascots. The statues marked a fork that split off into two rooms. The one on the left ascended into an area with several arcade games, and with a flight of stairs in the back that presumably led to a higher floor with even more games. The one on the right descended onto what looked like a dance floor.
A dance floor with a sleeping giant.
I stumbled back a step when I saw it. In the front of the dance floor, in a large neon-lined enclave set into the wall, was a slightly-less-large animatronic. Its eyes were the size of jumbo manhole covers, and its Bey stadium-wide mouth sported teeth the size of my head. It was currently sleeping, with its monster truck-sized head slowly nodding on its car-sized hands.
I could only hope it would stay that way.
"That is one big DJ," I said aloud for Music Man's sake. The feeling of shaking on my shoulder let me know that it agreed.
On second thought, though... I took a longer look at the DJ. To my surprise, I realized that it looked a lot like Music Man, only about ten times bigger. Only the DJ didn't have cymbals on its hands and there were giant headphones where a top hat might have gone. If I got close enough to its side, which I had absolutely no intention of doing, I figured I would see a label that said DJ MUSIC MAN PRO. 1 or something, exactly where Music Man's label was.
"You look a lot like it," I informed Music Man, turning my head slightly to regard it with curiosity. "Maybe it's a cousin of some sort?" My traveling companion stopped shaking and leaned forward slightly to look at its larger double in a new light. Its head tilted this way and that before turning back to me and shrugging its cymbals. "Don't know? Alright - let's keep going."
Before we turned to enter the arcade area, I noticed a small elevated seating space at the far end of the dance floor. Mounted on the wall in that space was what looked like a large light switch, currently illuminated by a steady red light. It looked important, so I mentally marked where it was and continued on.
There wasn't anything that looked like a Security Office on the main floor, so I went up the stairs to the second floor to resume my search. Nothing there, either. And where there were games, there were twice as many security bots, and I found it exceedingly hard to dodge them while also keeping an eye out for the Security Office. I was nearly caught numerous times, but my body was thankfully skinny enough for me to squeeze between the game consoles until the bots with their searching flashlight beams rolled past me.
There were also a lot of neon-lined holes lining the walls. I climbed into one close to the floor to see if it went anywhere important, but there was some sort of wall at the back. What's the point of putting these everywhere if they don't serve any purpose? I wondered as I reluctantly slid back to the arcade floor.
Exasperation filled me when I saw yet another set of stairs leading to an even higher level. "Seriously," I grouched to Music Man. "How big is this place?" Regardless, I climbed the stairs to the higher level and found even more game consoles, though there was also some circular desks and even some bright, open rooms that may have been used for something like karaoke.
Still no sign of Monty or Roxy, and I hoped that the dancing programming bug kept them away like it had Freddy and Chica.
On the third floor, I hit the jackpot. At the far end was a door that led to a brick hallway that appeared to serve as a storage room for game consoles, as it was lined with several colorful arcade machines. It was here that I finally found one of the roll-up doors that I had been seeing all night, much to my relief. Through the door was the Security Office, and I was immediately met with the sight of large machine with glass walls that displayed numerous crane-like arms.
"Thank goodness," I practically moaned with relief, hoisting the damaged bot head in my hand. Thinking that was it, I took a full step into the room.
As soon as the door closed behind me, the lights went out.
"Oh, you've gotta be kidding me," I grumbled into the now dark room as Music Man started to shake on my shoulder.
The announcer voice came over the loudspeakers to explain what was happening: "The West Aracade was not shut down properly. Some data may be corrupted. Initializing startup sequence. Before proceeding, reset the audio manager circuit breaker, located next to the dance floor."
"I'm sorry, what?" I asked the ceiling.
"Ken," Freddy's voice came from my FazWatch. "The security system knows you are here and has locked you out. Reset the breakers and restore power to the West Arcade, then you can repair the S.T.A.F.F bot head."
"Of course," I growled, my fingers shaking around the bot head. "Because NOTHING IS EVER EASY, IS IT?" Music Man placed its cymbal on the back of my neck in consolation, though it did nothing to soothe my present fever.
Lucky for me, the announcer had told me where the first one was - next to the dance floor. The illuminated light switch I'd seen. I opted to leave the bot head in the machine slot so I wouldn't have to lug it around as I dealt with whatever THIS was. Glancing around the shadows of the Security Office - which would probably be the last safe space I'd have for a while - I whipped out my flashlight and headed back out into the arcade.
It wasn't any easier dodging the security bots on the way back to the main floor, but at least it was easier to go down stairs than up stairs. I was able to get back to the dance floor and tiptoe my way past the DJ, though I doubted it could hear me over the sound of its snoring. I finally made it to the elevated seating area and found the illuminated circuit breaker. When I pulled it, the light turned from red to green.
"Great job," The announcer congratulated me. "Safety protocols deactivated. Pram zapped. Brun DJ protocols. Reticulating splines. Please reset circuit breakers to all three zones. Three zones remain. Janitorial service. Arcade. Arcade."
"Okay, that was just gibberish!" I yelled towards the high ceiling. "I'm not even sure most of those were real words!" The only thing I'd gathered from that announcement was that there were three more switches to pull, and the fact that I had no idea where they were was already getting to me. However, Music Man repeatedly tapped my temple with its cymbal to draw my attention to a much more serious matter.
The DJ was gone.
My panicking reaching tenfold, I raced to the center of the dance floor to check if the DJ had simply taken a backstage break. No use - I couldn't see it anywhere on the stage. Somehow while my back was turned, the giant of an animatronic had practically disappeared into thin air. I hadn't even heard it move from the stage.
"Seriously - HOW do you loose track of something THAT BIG?" I scolded myself, running my hands frantically through my gritty hairline. My fingers hit something hard and circular; Music Man was tapping my temple again. When I glanced at it, it vigorously jerked its other cymbal upwards. I looked up and my stomach immediately dropped.
The DJ was climbing directly over my head.
As I watched, slack jawed, the DJ used its many hands to crawl spider-style up the wall and disappear into one of the neon holes.
So THAT'S what the holes are for, I mused before saying aloud, "HOLY SHIT!"
A loud gasp emanated from my FazWatch. "KENNY!" Chica admonished me. "We are in a pizzeria meant for children - watch your language!"
"SORRY!" I amended hurriedly before hightailing it out of there.
I ducked through the closest door I could find, which turned out to be the men's room, and curled into a fetal position against the wall, hoping that it was enough to hide me. The DJ had gone into one of the holes - those things were all over the walls! I already had enough on my plate with the security bots and the constant possibility of either Monty or Roxy showing up - what was I supposed to do with THAT thing crawling around? "Music Man - what are we gonna do now?" I asked my only friend at the moment, hiding my face in my hands.
Music Man didn't speak; I'd figured out by this point that it simply couldn't. For a while, we just sat there in stony silence, my fingers trying and failing to rub the stress out of my head. Then, slowly, it began to clap its cymbals. First it sounded timid, like it wasn't sure what it was doing was a good idea or not. As it continued, however, it gained confidence and speed until it was creating a marching band tune. The sound was firm, stern, progressive. And I knew what Music Man was trying to do.
"Thanks, little buddy," I told it, lifting my gaze to give it a slightly teary smile. "I really needed that." Music Man clapped its cymbals again, this time with something akin to joy.
I stood up to get my bearings. I had to flip three more switches in order to get the power back on, and I still had no idea where they were. Well, I don't know where they are, I reminded myself, looking down at my wrist and the device strapped to it. But they might know. I lifted the FazWatch to my face and spoke into it, "Freddy, Chica - I need to flip three more switches. Any idea where they are?"
"Oh my," Freddy said first. "W-Well, if memory serves me correctly, one is located in the closet of the men's room."
"And another is located in the second floor arcade area!" Chica added helpfully.
"The announcer should inform you of the location of the last switch once you have thrown the other two," Freddy finished. "I'm afraid that information was never disclosed to us."
"Men's room, then second floor arcade - got it!" I replied, then turned to the door back to the arcade. With a start, I remembered where I was and turned back around. The room was double sided - marking the divide between the two sides was a typical janitorial door.
It was so simple, I almost laughed. Instead I lifted my FazWatch again. "I'm IN the men's room - why is one of the circuit breakers in a place where literally anyone with a bored mind could get to?"
"Don't ask us - ask the maintenance workers who take more bathroom breaks than assignments," Chica replied in a snarky tone.
Rolling my eyes, I ducked into the closet and found the circuit breaker mounted on the wall. The light turned green when I flipped it and the announcer came over the loudspeaker: "Two consoles remain."
"This is getting easier!" I yelled in exhilaration, racing out of the closet to find the other circuit breaker.
And promptly stopped in my tracks.
The DJ was staring at me through the open doorway. A second later, its giant eyes disappeared and its even more giant hand took their place, groping along the bathroom floor.
Oh, shit, I thought as I hid in the other side of the bathroom.
I made my way around the stalls and peeked around the corner to see if the DJ was still there. It was, though I spotted another door that was possibly another exit. Taking a deep breath and praying that the large animatronic wouldn't see me, I made a break for the other door. I almost ran directly into its giant body, but I sidestepped at the last second and ran around it.
The security bots were swarming the arcade with a new ferocity now, but I was able to make my way towards the stairs. As soon as I made it past the third stair, though, I heard an all too familiar voice from behind me: "Hey - little guy!" Then a crash came from where I just was a second ago. I didn't dare check who it was because I already knew; the sound of Music Man shaking on my shoulder told me it knew, too.
It was Monty.
At the top of the stairs, I slid between the first two arcade consoles I saw and brought my wrist to my face to inform Freddy and Chica of the situation. "Guys - Monty's here! I thought you said that you all had the programming bug!"
"W-What? We do!" Chica insisted, sounding confused. "We usually break down dancing the second we're close to the dance floor! The malware virus must be keeping the bug from taking effect!"
I groaned, but ducked even further behind the consoles when I heard the sound of something large moving behind the walls. "It gets worse," I told them. "Now the DJ is hunting me, too!"
"Really?" Freddy asked, sounding surprised. "He is usually very docile - he would not hurt a fly."
"Well, I flipped the dance floor circuit breaker and he suddenly started chasing me!" I told him heatedly.
"The diverted power must have incidentally activated Bouncer Mode," Freddy explained calmly. "That can be the only explanation. When in Bouncer Mode, the DJ can become hostile and predator-minded."
"WHAT?" I asked, then cursed myself for being so loud. "Why is THAT a function?"
"You'd be surprised how many kids try to sneak past the Party Bot in order to play free games," Chica admitted.
"Ken, you simply need to throw the last two circuit breakers," Freddy told me evenly. "That should restore power to the arcade and shut down Bouncer Mode. And keep in mind that the FazerBlaster will not work on Monty because of his sunglasses. It will also not work on the DJ because his eyes are too big for it to possibly do anything - you will simply need to do your best to avoid them."
I eyed the green alligator stalking between the game consoles on the other side of the arcade and grimaced. "Easier said then done, Freddy."
That being said, I still tried my best. With the security bots still everywhere and Monty still prowling somewhere, I went to great lengths to keep myself hidden. Luckily for me, a lot of people had the decency to leave several storage bins and large strollers strewn around the arcade floor, which I dove into an awful lot. When I couldn't hide in the bins or strollers, I slid between the game consoles; my stomach was starting to hurt from sucking it in so much. I spotted the DJ crawling overhead a few times, but as long as he came nowhere near me, I paid him no heed.
But what was really important was that whenever I slowed down, Music Man would clap its cymbals quietly to cheer me on, or alert me when a security bot was closing in. The only reason I was able to get through it was because of it, and I was exceedingly grateful.
A few minutes into my search, I finally got lucky. I'd hidden in a storage bin to bypass a security bot, and I'd taken the opportunity to check the cameras on my FazWatch. I watched the security bot I'd hidden from roll away, then checked the others for the third circuit breaker. Disheartened at finding so sign of it, I flipped back to the first camera to check if the security bot was gone.
And I saw the circuit breaker mounted on the wall behind the bin that was hiding me.
I blinked a few times before lifting my head enough to peek over the rim of the bin. Sure enough, there it was in its red-light glory. "Looks like Lady Luck's finally smiling on us!" I told Music Man brightly, reaching out to pull the switch.
As soon as the light turned green, the announcer came over the loudspeaker once more. "Rerouting encryptions. Almost done. There is a software update available. Reset the final circuit breaker located at the south end of the arcade maintenance hallway."
"Maintenance hallway?" I asked Music Man. "Where the heck is that?" It shrugged its knobby shoulders in dismay.
"Maintenance hallway!" Freddy butted in on my FazWatch. "You have been there before - it is the hallway with the Security Office! Quickly - restore the power!"
"You've got this, Kenny!" Chica added.
"Hallway with the Security Office," I repeated before whipping my head towards the ceiling. "That means it's on the third floor!"
I quickly checked to see if Monty was anywhere in sight before climbing out of the bin and heading towards the stairs. Once on the third floor, it was an easy matter of dodging security bots on my way to the maintenance hallway. Through the door and into the brick hallway. There wasn't a circuit breaker on these walls, so I went to the very end and discovered that it veered sharply to the left, leading to a space filled with even more arcade consoles.
Still no sign of the circuit breaker, which compelled me to go further down. My hope was all but depleted when the end of the hallway came up in my flashlight beam. Then I realized that one faint glimmer on the wall didn't happen because of my flashlight passing over something shiny. And that glimmer was distinctly RED.
"Bingo!" I cried in relief, my hand already reaching out for it. "After this, we should be able to fix the Driver Assist head!" When my fingers touched the smooth metal of the switch, I immediately pushed it down. Once that was done, the announcer came over the loudspeakers one last time:
"Well done. The arcade has successfully rebooted. Return to the security office."
"Don't have to tell me twice," I sighed, but it was drowned in the sudden noise of something very big approaching. I looked over my shoulder at the way I'd come, though whatever it was certainly didn't sound small enough to fit through that tiny door. I was wondering just what could make so much noise when Music Man repeatedly tapped my temple and drew my attention back to the brick wall. I hadn't noticed before, but there was a considerably large hole built into the wall.
A hole that a familiar face was peering through.
A familiar GIANT face.
My brain vaguely registered that the DJ was now in the maintenance hallway with me before sending a single signal: RUN. I turned around and pushed my legs to run as fast as they could back through the hall. I mentally cursed whoever had put so many game consoles in this space - they'd made a maze that made escaping more difficult than it should have been. What's worse the DJ seemed dead set on catching me, as he kept flinging some of the consoles in my way in an attempt to dissuade me. I simply vaulted over them and kept going; that seemed to encourage him to throw even more in my path.
My legs started to cramp from the running and jumping, and I was pretty sure I was going to get epilepsy from staring at my bobbing flashlight beam, but I pushed myself to keep going. I was around the corner now. There was the Security Office door. Just a little further... please...
Finally, the door rolled up and I bolted through. As soon as it slid shut behind me, the lights came on in the office, and presumably the rest of the arcade.
I didn't move. I didn't move when my tight grip on my flashlight loosened and caused it to drop on the linoleum floor and roll away from me. I didn't move when the heavy sounds just outside stopped suddenly. I didn't move when the sounds started up again, this time sounding like they were moving away from me back down the hallway. I didn't even move when Music Man tapped me slightly to check if I was okay.
I spent three whole minutes simply standing there, hands on my knees, trying to catch my breath. I didn't move until Chica's worried voice spoke up from my wrist, "Kenny? Are you there?"
With a groan, I straightened and took a moment to pop the crick in my back before answering, "Yeah, I... I'm here."
"In one piece?" Chica clarified.
I pulled both legs up to my chest in an attempt to stretch out the tired muscles, wincing. "Hard to say. Give me a minute, I still need to repair the bot head."
I opened and closed the machine slot to get it working, then stood back as metal shutters closed over the windows and listened as the machine got to work. By the time the sounds stopped and the slot opened again, most of my energy had returned, though I still found my hands shaking as I picked up the bot head. "Alright - got it."
"Good job!" Freddy chimed in cheerfully. "Take the repaired head back to Roxy Raceway."
"We'll meet you there," Chica added.
Before I left, I noticed another Freddy security head on a desk in the corner of the room. Inside, I found a Level 6 Security Badge and pocketed it for safekeeping. I also found a flashlight charging station mounted on the wall and took the time to charge what had to be a nearly depleted flashlight. With that done, I finally slipped back out into the brightness of the arcade.
With the lights back on, I didn't have to carry my flashlight around. That lightened my load some, though I still had carry the bot head under my arm like a football. Dodging the security bots was better than it had been with the main lights off, and I noticed with delight that Monty was nowhere to be seen. He must've taken off when the power came back on.
I eventually got back to the main floor and was making my way over to the elevator when the theme song of the Pizzaplex reached my ears. Confused, I looked to the elevator - the doors weren't open, so it wasn't coming from there. This music was also much louder than what I'd listened to while coming up here. And somehow louder in my left ear...?
I glanced to my left and nearly fell down (again). The DJ was back on his stage, though he'd apparently chosen not to go back to sleep. Instead, he'd fired up his turntables and currently had one hand to his headphones while the other was bobbing up and down as it pointed at an invisible crowd.
Seeing the DJ again reminded just how much I wanted to get out of here, but something stopped me from getting in the elevator. The lights were on - Bouncer Mode was off. Maybe I could talk some sense into him now.
Like a mouse entering a lion's den, I timidly stepped onto the dance floor and headed towards the DJ. He didn't pause in his jams for a single second, even when I was standing right in front of him. I waited for a few seconds but he didn't even glance down at me. I tried stretching on my toes and waving my hand in his line of sight, and he finally stopped bobbing to stare down at me. His hand came down from his headphones to press a button on his turntable and stop the music, giving me his full and undivided attention.
"Um...hi?" I said with a small wave, feeling shy beneath his large eyes. Music Man waved one of its cymbals in greeting and its larger cousin waved down at us with his thick fingers. "Um, you probably don't remember this, but you've been chasing me for, like, the past twenty minutes." One of his fingers curled back to point at himself and his giant head shook slightly. "Don't worry, it wasn't entirely your fault. The power in the arcade went out, so I threw one of the circuit breakers to turn it back on, and I think the diverted power accidentally turned on your," I held up my fingers to make air quotes, "'BOUNCER MODE'."
The DJ tipped his head back and then nodded it understandingly. I nodded in return and continued, "Well, now that you're back to normal, I just wanted to let you know what was going on and that everything's fine." I added under my breath, "Mostly, anyways."
The DJ nodded his head again in appreciation, then pointed at me and shrugged. "As to why I'm here? Still not clear on that, but just know that I'm working on getting out of here and out of your hair." One of his large hands lifted to pat his shiny head in good nature, and I snickered. "Yeah, good point."
The hand that had been on his head lowered to point beseechingly at the turntables. I understood his meaning and nodded. "Right, I should probably let you get back to it," I said, raising my hand again to wave goodbye. "Okay - see you around." The DJ waved back at me and then pressed the button to start the music again.
With that, I turned around and left the dance floor. Past the golden statues to the elevator, then pressed the Freddy-head button to send it into motion and leave the arcade behind.
I left the place behind, but the memory wouldn't leave me.
Once the elevator stopped and its doors opened, I was pleasantly surprised to see Freddy and Chica waiting for me; the latter spoke up first, "Kenny! Did you get the Driver Assist bot head fixed?"
"Sure did!" I answered, holding up the item in question. "Good as new!" Music Man clapped its cymbals triumphantly.
"That is great news," Freddy said. "Did you talk to the DJ afterwards?"
"Yup," I told him, tucking the bot head under my arm. "And you were right - he IS pretty nice. You know, when he's not trying to..." I coughed quietly. "Crush me in his fist."
"Like I said, it is simply his Bouncer Mode," Freddy claimed nonchalantly. "Otherwise, he is as gentle as a kitten. Or... so I have been told."
"Alright, enough about that," Chica said, flapping her hand in Freddy's direction. "Kenny - are you ready to get back to Roxy Raceway?"
I hoisted the bot head higher under my arm and made what I hoped was a determined expression. "You know I am - let's snap Roxy out of it!"
4720 words.
Slightly shorter than my other chapters, but I figured anything else with this boss fight would just look weird.
And also...
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