"Hurry up." My sister yelled from downstairs. She was dropping me and lily off at school and lily wasn't even ready.
"There's no need to wait. Lily isn't ready." And with that we both waved goodbyes.
"Where is your makeup kits?." Lily questioned.
"Never mind I forgot you're an old school. No lipstick, no lip balm. Nothing. That's why no boy ever ask you out "
I didn't say anything. I just looked at her with amusement in my eyes knowing that Roger asked her out. I guessed this was her way of telling me.
Christopher's pov
"Christopher, Christopher." My little sister called. Immediately she sighted me, she continued
"Christopher,mum insist you should come downstairs for breakfast. She also said she won't take no as an answer."
It's been a while since I joined my family for breakfast. Ever since my step brother came back, I felt reluctant to dine with him and the family in general.
I don't harbor any resentments towards him or anything of that sort, it just that the word 'step brother' hasn't quite settled within me.
My mom and dad were pretty close and they loved each other but everything changed rapidly. My dad always bruised my mom physically, mentally, emotionally.
I was always hurt seeing my mom in such a state. But I couldn't do anything. I was just 10 years old then. I just cry every time I see them fighting. I don't know where it went wrong. Or how two people who were deeply in love break so easily. My little sister Doris was four.
When my parents finally separated. Right now it's separation not divorce. While in the period of separation, my mom met a man and she started dating him. It kind of pissed me off when Doris called the man 'Dad'.
When I was twelve, my parents marriage were dissolved. My Dad got married to a woman. Surprising, the woman used to be our cook. Miss D.
I could remember vividly. It was raining and my mom was beaming with smiles as her and mr Robinson
Harrison exchanged rings. I just stood there holding Doris in my arms.
My step siblings were a boy and a girl. Damien and Davis.
I flowed with Davis more. Though my parents marriage was dissolved and my father was wrong. I couldn't loathe him. I still beared my father's name Aiden.
Seeing my parents love broken to pieces, made me, Christopher Aiden Tall to stop believing in love or having a crush. I just never had such feelings. I never had such feelings not till I met Kelly. Am not saying am in love with her. All am saying is that I think I might like being around her.
"Am so hungry. Please let's stop somewhere to get something." Lily said.
"Its so funny because if you dressed up a little bit early and you stopped fooling yourself y..." I was cut short by lily who dragged my hair in an attempt to hit me.
"You watch your mouth. Am older than you with 2 years. Now say sorry for being rude or I will pull out every single strand of hair."
"Okay, okay am sorry." I said with a serious expression and she let go. I just glared at her and I took few steps ahead of her.
"Why walk too fast." And I turned and said
"If you stopped fooling around, maybe you could have had breakfast." and with that being said. I started running far from her and she just started yelling.
"Hey, hey am older with two years. You have no right to be rude. If I catch you. Consider yourself gone." While yelling she pursued me with a greater speed.
What a fun way to start a day.
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