You are in love
Quick a/n: And at last here we are, the last track. Here's my love letter to love and all the stories featured in this book, I really hope you like it🖤 Thank you so much for coming along on this ride with me, your love and support for these mini stories fueled me everyday for the last seven months (insane) and I can't be grateful enough for being there through this whole mess with me ✨ I loved every second of writing all these and I hope you did too reading them.
Warnings: not much really, a lot of love, lots of fluff, some very mild mentions of smut but not really, some drinking, some language. Clumsy Kellin. Smitten Vic. You know, the good ol' things. Long af though, sorry. But this is safe yall, trust me for once.
{Play the song at the end, like the credits of a movie. If you want. I don't rule your life}
Kellin Quinn smiled fondly as he read over the thousands of comments he got on the latest update of his story. He published it barely an hour ago and so many people had already read it, he really didn't have any other option but to smile. He smiled because some of his readers were tremendously funny, but mostly he smiled because he couldn't believe his words had that big of an impact on all of them. Sometimes it all felt so surreal. He loved how they all connected with his imagination and enjoyed the plots he came up with.
He loved that they all loved love as much he did.
It wasn't any secret that Kellin had always been infatuated with the idea of love. Ever since he was a little boy he would obsess over movies and fairy tale books where princes and princesses always found each other and fell in love after overcoming all the odds. He would watch them over and over again, act out his favorite scenes when he was alone in his room, learn the dialogues and pretend that his love interest was his teddy bear or some plushie laying around. Love made him sigh and daydream and wish, for when he got older, to find something the tiniest bit close to what he watched in all the movies.
As he grew up, he kept finding pieces of media that depicted everything he ever wanted to find and he consumed it all. TV shows, anime, books, dramas, fanfiction, you name it. He watched it all, read it all and wanted it all. Romance fueled him like nothing ever could, so much that he couldn't really explain it to anyone. So much that years later he started creating his own stories about love. He started writing.
He found words to be just as fulfilling as everything he liked to watch and read, and he found he enjoyed doing it a lot. He was very good at it too. He often thought his stories were weird or no one would ever want to read them, but after posting his first book on a popular creative writing site, Kellin was thrown into stardom. Anonymous stardom, that is. He made sure his identity was hidden because he didn't want people to know he wrote. He didn't really care for the "fame" the site was giving him but more about the way his stories touched people just like him, people who loved romance and love stories more than anything.
The only person who knew about his writing endeavors was his best friend Jenna McDougall. The blonde girl had been Kellin's trusty companion ever since they were little kids, meeting each other in the third grade and bonding over their shared love for Disney characters. Years and years of friendship made Kellin trust her enough with his little secret. Jenna was his family and he couldn't keep secrets from family. Jenna wasn't even that surprised when he told her and she supported him wholeheartedly by listening to all his ideas and random sparks of inspiration her friend got whenever they hung out.
Kellin thought that once he reached his twenties he would "grow out" of that love he had for writing, but he never let go. It seemed to him that maybe his own true love was writing. Because as much as he loved love, love didn't seem to love him back at all. He couldn't count with his fingers the number of times his heart had been broken, which meant it had happened more than ten times, give or take.
When Kellin was a teen all the relationships he ever had were futile, barely lasted a week or left him confused. The first time he started dating someone, he expected it to be out of a movie screen, since all he ever dreamed of was exactly that. But it was kind of disappointing. He kissed the girl after a few dates and... nothing. Sure he felt something, attraction perhaps, but not love. He wanted love. They broke up not long after and during Junior year of high school he met a boy. This one boy threatened to be that person who would make Kellin finally feel it, getting so close to it as months of dating went by but in the end, still nothing. And the cycle kept going.
Out of all the relationships Kellin ever had he couldn't really tell if he ever fell in love. All the people he dated were nice, good-looking, very into him, but none gave him that feeling of love he saw in the movies, read in the books and wrote about all the time. And that always made him sad. He was so unsatisfied with not being able to feel the real thing that all his partners eventually tired of him and left him.
He tried so hard to fall, to say those three little words back, but something always held him back. He knew it wasn't the real thing, he didn't want to lie to them and pursue something that wasn't there. He knew he was doing the right thing. But another thing he couldn't understand was why, if he didn't really love these people, it ended up hurting as much as if he did. He often thought there was probably something wrong with him, that there was something inside him that prevented him from falling in love.
Or maybe, he just hadn't met the right person yet.
The thought comes and goes through his brain as he starts typing out the next chapter of his book. Whatever, he always mumbled to himself. If he couldn't have love in real life, at least he could make his characters have it.
Maybe he was better off that way anyway.
Vic Fuentes was a smart man. He had gained his position at one of the biggest law firms of the city by working hard and making smart decisions. He was the type of guy that didn't stress out over stuff and things went right for him in the end anyway. It had always been like that for him since he was little. He was kind and laid-back and fun and liked to be the joker at any given moment. His witty sense of humor had always granted him tons of smiles and that's one thing he loved. To make people smile.
But Vic wasn't very smart when it came to love. Yes, he might have dated for a bit here and there all through his twenty-something life, and he might have involved himself in the occasional hook-up when the time called for it, but he always thought he didn't really need love or a relationship with someone.
When he was a teen relationships never interested him much. He focused more on his education and his love for his favorite bands instead of dating like so many other boys in his class did. When he went to college he only ever had one boyfriend who Vic thought he really liked but he turned out to be a total asshole after all. So he stayed away from love for a while after that.
Once he graduated and found his current job (and being as busy as he always was) he never gave that foreign feeling a single thought. He wouldn't even have time for it so what would be the point? And he often thought that having friends was better anyway. And he had a lot of friends.
However, that didn't stop him from laying in bed in the cold hours of the night, wondering how nice it would be to have someone there with him to hold. Someone that would have dinner with him when he got back home from a tiring work day, someone to share stories about what they were both up to, someone to make smile with his dumb occurrences, someone to take out on cheesy dates. It would definitely be nice, but he knew it wasn't meant for him. If it was, it would've happened already.
And he always stopped himself from thinking deeper about it with a tired sigh, brushing off the thoughts and choosing to fall asleep instead. Ignoring the fact that his time to find that someone was just right around the corner.
Kellin Quinn was unaware of all the times Vic Fuentes had been in the same place as him, which had been several by the time they actually met. For some reason, the other man always ended up being exactly right where Kellin was, but neither of them knew that they were each other's to meet. Not yet at least.
The universe worked so hard to bring the two men together but they seemed to be very unconcerned about the things happening around them to really notice each other. Which was truly unfortunate, because they could've met so many times before they truly did.
One afternoon, for instance, Kellin had rung Vic's purchase at the bookstore he worked at during weekends, but he barely paid attention to the handsome tanned man with brown wavy hair buying a copy of The House of the Spirits.
A random Wednesday during the peak lunch hour, Kellin had taken Vic's order of spaghettis while on his shift at the Italian restaurant he worked for three days a week. Kellin had been so overwhelmed with orders that he couldn't really pay attention to any of the customers, not even the brown eyed guy in the blue suit having a business lunch.
One night after his longest shift at the grocery store (he had a lot of part-time jobs), Kellin had been sitting right behind Vic on his bus ride home, but all Kellin's bright eyes could focus on was the urban scenery blurring through the window and the loud music playing from his earbuds.
In line for a concert of a band he liked, Kellin had stood just a few people further away from Vic to get inside the venue, but he was too distracted by Jenna telling him some drama that happened at her office job to even see the hatted man and his group of friends leaning on the bricked wall.
Going back to his apartment after another tiring shift, Kellin had taken the same elevator ride with Vic, among a few other people, but he was busy reading a fic on his phone to notice the person that would turn his world upside down standing just mere inches away from him. He was going to a party just a few apartments down the hall from where he lived while Kellin was ready to sleep the weekend away.
So on and so on.
Kellin Quinn didn't know he was already living something taken out of romance books. And all those missed opportunities only solidified the fact that the raven haired man was about to get his wish come true.
And it wasn't until Jenna's family had their annual fundraiser party that the stars aligned for him.
For them.
Vic worked in a fancy law firm called Moore & Ward. He was surrounded by rich snobby guys all day, but at least he wasn't one of them. He loved his job though and he was his boss Julianne's right hand, and so that's how he found himself going to a fundraiser one Saturday evening. Julianne couldn't make it because of a sudden trip but she couldn't let the McDougall's down by not going to their most important annual event. Whoever they were. And Vic couldn't let Julianne down.
So he went out of his way and dressed up and made all the arrangements to go to this thing, he really would've rather stayed home watching movies and eating take out though. That was mostly his ideal Saturday night.
When he got to the venue, he refrained himself from rolling his eyes. To him, fundraisers were just an excuse for rich people to dress up and show off how much money they really had by donating these extreme sums for all the wrong reasons. He'd had to endure at least two similar events in the last month thanks to his job but as this time it was a personal favor for his boss Julianne, he felt like he could enjoy the party more than the previous opportunities.
So he was there instead, in classy attire and looking for the numbered seat he had been assigned for the evening at the entrance door of the salon. He'd had to tie up his hair to look more formal, he did that most of the time at his office anyway, and had picked some white trousers and a forest green dress shirt, complimenting it with a cream blazer. He thought he looked kind of alright.
When he finally was handed his seating card he went looking for the table he was assigned to. The salon was already filling up with people, all dressed for the occasion, drinking from fancy champagne glasses and talking amongst themselves. It occurred to him then that he would have to befriend someone at the table he would be sitting at, otherwise it'd be a very long and boring night.
His feet led him to section F, seat number 41, in no time and just as he was about to finally take his seat he was taken by surprise because someone else was sitting in it. He frowned, double checking the card again. He was right. But there was another man already sitting there.
"Hey," he spoke up, but the raven haired guy sitting at his supposed seat was too busy typing something on his phone to listen to him. So he tried again. "Excuse me?"
Only then the man turned his head and it was when their eyes met that something weird stirred up inside Vic that he couldn't really explain. He took in the man looking back at him. Green-blue eyes, pale skin, freckles, hair dark as night. Gorgeous. And because of that he couldn't say anything for at least two seconds.
"Yes?" His pale-pink lips moved and Vic finally snapped out of it.
"Uh, yes hi."
Vic couldn't understand why his brain couldn't form coherent thoughts.
"Hello. Can I help you?" The pale man asked again, locking his phone and frowning a bit. Even frowning he looked cute.
"Uh," Vic trailed off and shook his head. "Yes, actually. This is kind of awkward... but I think you're in my seat."
The other man let out a laugh. "What? Why would I be at your seat?"
"Um, well," Vic looked down to his card again. "According to this, you are."
He handed the squared piece of cardboard to him and showed him.
Vic Fuentes. Section F. Seat 41.
"Well," the dark haired man frowned again. "Mine also says seat 41."
He showed Vic his card and he read it over.
Kellin Quinn Bostwick. Section F. Seat 47.
Vic looked from the card to the guy, Kellin, then back to the card. Then he gave him a kind smile.
"Yeah... your card says 47 not 41."
Kellin's frown deepened as he grabbed the card again and read it over once more. His eyes popped open like plates at the realization.
"I guess the font they used wasn't a great choice. That 7 does look like a 1..." Vic tried making it less awkward.
"Oh gosh, I'm sorry." Kellin stood up and grabbed his things from the table. He was blushing a little and Vic found it adorable. "I'm so dumb, I'm so sorry."
"Don't worry about it." Vic rubbed the back of his neck. He wanted to tell the guy to sit beside him anyway, that he would like to chat a bit more, if he'd like to. But there were people already sitting there. He cursed the assigned seating like never before.
"No, seriously. I'm sorry. I guess my table is the one over there." He pointed to a close table occupied by a few other people, two seats still available. "No wonder there wasn't an extra seat for Jenna..."
Vic didn't know who Jenna was but he didn't want to assume she was a girlfriend.
Kellin turned to give Vic another apologetic small smile and Vic shrugged him off again. They looked at each other for a little bit more than two stranger's should've and it was only when Kellin's phone vibrated in his hand that they looked away. That same blush still decorating his pale cheeks.
"Um, hope you have a nice evening." He said with a smile before turning away and heading to the other table.
"You too..." Vic said softly, smiling to himself and not really being able to look away just yet.
Kellin Quinn hated the McDougall's annual fundraiser, but he had attended them since he had a memory. When they were around 7 years old Jenna convinced her parents to invite Kellin's parents to attend the event so she could hang out with Kellin instead of being bored all night like she had been doing before. Kellin's parents were thrilled by the idea and they've attended the event ever since.
Back then the adults always sat amongst themselves and the children had their own section so that they could hang and play without disrupting the "important adult things". Now that they were both adults, Jenna and Kellin had their own assigned seats in the grown up section, which was a bit pointless since neither of them considered themselves truly adults.
Kellin knew he couldn't ever bail from the party though, mostly for moral support. The McDougall's weren't so thrilled with Jenna's "life choices" as they constantly put it and being there for his friend made the night more bearable. Kellin didn't mind much anymore, he still didn't see the point of having the fundraiser but at least they could enjoy some free drinks and good food.
That year though Jenna was running late. The previous Friday night she had gone out with her girlfriend (of whom her parents knew nothing about) and she might have lost track of time and went home at 8am the next day. So she had slept most of that Saturday and now Kellin had no idea if she was even awake to come to the event.
Kellin was avoiding running into Mr. and Mrs. McDougall so he didn't have to explain their daughter's absence and it was working so far. He hadn't even seen them at all, and maybe that's why his brain turned to mush and confused the numbers on his seating table which led him to an embarrassing encounter with a very attractive man.
He had been furiously texting his blonde friend asking her to please let him know if she was even alive when this beautiful tanned man approached him and made him feel more things than only confusion and mortification at his lack of reading skills. But yeah, the font choice on the card was pretty awkward.
He didn't want to get any ideas whatsoever but that guy was, he was, Kellin couldn't even express it in words. He was stunning. His brown hair tied in a knot behind his head, his eyes hid a playful glint behind those gold specks, he was dressed to die for and he had such a soothing voice. Don't get ahead of yourself Kellin, he thought. He's only a stranger you'll never see again.
Once Jenna decided to let him know she was in fact alive through a text, Kellin headed to the right table and started talking about her whereabouts. He was still angry at her for ditching him but she assured him she would go. She was getting ready as they spoke. He didn't tell her what happened with the guy, Vic, and instead got into his writing app and posted a new entry on his message board.
"Why is it that when a cute guy is around everything is bound to be embarrassing for you."
Users replied and liked his post in no time and he started chatting with some of them. It was a nice distraction from said cute stranger, who kept stealing glances at the dark haired man from seat number 41. But Kellin was none the wiser, too busy laughing at what his readers were replying to his post.
It was as if the universe had finally won, at least only a little bit.
A couple hours later Jenna still hadn't arrived and Kellin was even more bored than before. I underestimated traffic Kell. I should be there soon x. That's what Jenna's text said and Kellin refrained from groaning out loud when he got the notification. He was forced to make small talk with the rest of the people at his table but all the time he was looking for any excuse to go home. He could be writing so much with that time. And without Jenna what was the point of being there? His parents were probably around somewhere, that was enough representation for his family. He should just leave.
The second this old lady at the table started playing matchmaker telling him all about his amazing granddaughter and how cute of a couple he would make with her, Kellin decided he'd had enough. He cleared his throat and politely excused himself from the table, telling them he had to go and take a call, and stood up. In his mind he went looking for more champagne, that would certainly fix things a little bit. And he would definitely think better about whether to leave or not with a taste of the bubbly drink.
So he spotted one of the staff members giving away the drinks and walked over to them, grabbing two glasses and thanking the person. He was mindlessly drinking the first one and walking aimlessly through the salon when suddenly he saw Mrs. McDougall over one of the tables talking to a couple. Shit. If she saw him now she would definitely ask about Jenna and he didn't want to get into some unnecessary family drama.
His mental alarms went off and he turned around quickly to flee the scene and hide somewhere else, but his plan backfired instantly because he didn't see where he was going or who was around him and when he spun around he bumped into someone, and he couldn't stop himself from soaking whoever it was with the two glasses of champagne right over their chest.
Kellin startled and gasped at what occurred and it took him a second to react because the person he collided with was the guy from before, the good-looking man from seat 41. He wanted the ground to swallow him whole. Kellin almost lost balance of his body and if it wasn't for Vic's sharp reflexes the both of them would've fallen to the floor, creating a scene that no one wanted to happen.
"Oh my God, I'm so sorry! I didn't see you there. I didn't mean to, oh no. I'm sorry." Kellin rambled on, nervously trying to dry the guy's shirt with his hands which he was now realizing was useless.
He peeked around and thankfully no one had noticed the disaster he created for this guy's outfit. And he looked so good in it, he felt like he ripped a painting or something.
"It's just a shirt, it's fine," Vic tried to reason with him but Kellin was still mumbling to himself. "Are you okay? You look stressed."
"I..." Kellin looked up at him and shook his head. "I'm fine. Aren't you pissed?"
Vic smiled. "It's just a shirt."
"I am so sorry," Kellin said again, pretty sure he was blushing like crazy.
The pale man looked around again and noticed Jenna's mom getting closer to where he was standing with this dude.
"Are you hiding from someone?" Vic asked with a grin.
Kellin snapped his head towards him and bit his lip. "Maybe."
Vic chuckled and motioned for Kellin to follow him. "Then come help me get this stain off."
Vic Fuentes thought he would never run into the gorgeous guy named Kellin again during the night. He had been mingling around the party getting to know all these people that knew Julianne and chatting about their jobs and the charity auction that would close off the entire event. He thought he was doing a pretty good job at filling in for his boss. Though he would've loved to go sit on the empty seat beside the dark haired man with gleaming eyes and talk to him for a bit instead.
But then he ran into him. Literally.
To be perfectly honest Vic had been distracted too. He didn't see where he was going either and when the one and a half glasses of champagne dropped on him, normally he would've been annoyed. Yet upon realizing who he had bumped into, well, he couldn't really complain.
And when the both of them walked into the restroom Vic went over to the paper towels and soaked one in lukewarm water, then he started patting it in the fabric around his chest and stomach.
"Let me," the dark haired man walked closer to him and grabbed at the paper. "It's my fault I should clean up the mess."
"I wouldn't call it a mess, really. At least it wasn't red wine..."
Vic didn't mean to but his cheeks burned a bit as those pale and bony hands got closer to his body. He looked down at them and saw how they worked slowly all over the green fabric, dabbing it carefully and precisely. He gulped down.
"Kellin isn't it?" He asked, to break the small silence that fell upon them.
The other man looked up and smiled bashfully. "It is... And you're Vic right?"
Vic grinned, glad that he remembered. "Correct."
"Nice to meet you, Vic." Kellin said, eyes looking down at the shirt once more.
"Nice to meet you too, Kellin." Vic smiled widely.
Kellin's smile never faltered as he finished cleaning the cloth as much as it was possible.
Vic looked at himself in the mirror once Kellin told him he finished. The shirt had to dry still but it'd be fine, he really couldn't care less. Not when such a striking human being stood beside him. Kellin was wearing this smart pair of silky lilac pants and a black shirt with a pattern of white leaves, tucked in and the first button undone. He looked so perfect. Vic hadn't felt this attracted to another person in forever and it was making him crazy.
"What?" Kellin asked and it broke Vic out of his thoughts.
"Nothing," he chuckled. "You're just..."
It dawned on him that Kellin felt really familiar for some reason, even when they first talked not many hours ago.
"Have I met you before?"
Kellin grinned because the question sounded so silly, but to him it felt like he had met Vic before too, he couldn't place from where though.
"I don't think so," he let out a small laugh. "Who could forget someone that looks like you?"
Vic gave him a smirk and Kellin blushed deeper realizing he said that out loud. His gaze fell to the tiled floor, suddenly finding it so interesting.
"Hey don't do that," Vic said, making Kellin look up again. "Don't hide your smile."
That only made Kellin smile wider and roll his eyes. He unconsciously started playing with his hair a bit, a habit for when he got nervous. He didn't know why he was so nervous. There was something about this guy that made his stomach feel a million things. He didn't even know him.
"I should... I should go back out there. To see if my friend Jenna arrived." He said. "I'm... I'm sorry again for the shirt and all."
"You apologize a lot don't you."
"Sorry," Kellin replied immediately and Vic gave him an amused grin in return.
"Fine. Yeah... okay. I'm gonna," It was as if Kellin forgot how to speak. "I'm gonna head back then."
"Wait," He was almost near the door when Vic called out for him and he turned around again. "Would it be weird if I asked for your number?"
Kellin didn't know what was cuter, the fact that he asked or that he looked really shy all of a sudden.
"Um... No, not at all." He chuckled. "I was kinda hoping you'd ask."
"Yeah? We could go for some coffee... sometime. If you'd like." Vic smiled right back and Kellin thought he could see that smile for the rest of his life and not get tired of it.
"Yeah, coffee sounds nice... I like coffee."
"I like coffee too."
And so they exchanged numbers and shared more flushed smiles and said they would set a time for their coffeeshop date and walked out of the bathroom with nervous glances and silly "see you laters".
And it seemed like the universe finally got away with it.
Kellin Quinn hadn't dated in a while. Vic Fuentes hadn't really dated anyone ever. Both men were eager but nervous about seeing each other again in a coffee shop downtown. They had been texting non-stop ever since they met that Saturday night though, so neither thought it'd be weird or awkward, but the nerves were still there. It was all new and exciting and they both felt like there was something there. Something they couldn't really explain but that they both already liked.
Both Kellin and Vic felt like they hadn't smiled quite that much in a very long time. On his part, Kellin often smiled at his phone thanks to his writing app and the friends he'd made through his books, but this was different. He felt like life was giving him a present or something. A very handsome and funny present.
In the few days that they'd known each other Kellin had found that the tanned man truly resembled a breath of fresh air. He kept finding things he liked about him, he kept getting to know him little by little, he really believed he'd never met anyone quite like him. And everytime he got a text notification from Vic it was as if his heart lit up.
Kellin told Jenna about what happened that very same night (when she finally arrived and looked amazing despite the huge hangover) and the blonde woman was thrilled for him. She'd known who Vic was thanks to the fundraiser's guest list change and she had nothing but praise for the brown haired soon-to-be lawyer.
"He's definitely single, he's like one of those guys who only work, work, work and thinks that love is a luxury they can't have." She'd said, sipping from a glass of wine. "You can definitely change that up for him."
But Kellin was scared. He was tired of getting into pointless relationships so he had been successfully avoiding getting involved with people for a while. But he couldn't deny that Vic gave him that fluttering feeling inside and that talking to him had become the best part of his day. And he was all he could think about. And he was too flirty for his own good. Kellin thought he probably didn't even notice he was so flirty but it drove him insane anyway. He liked Vic. He liked him so much he didn't know what to do with himself.
And when they finally met each other for that coffee, he knew he was in big trouble.
Vic was there first and his wavy brown hair was down and he was wearing casual clothing that should in no way be considered casual and he looked so fucking good Kellin felt himself already swooning. He felt so stupid, he felt like he was a high school kid. He didn't care though. A date wouldn't hurt, he thought to himself. He wanted to see what could happen. He wanted to see how it'd go.
It went extremely well.
And soon one date became two and two dates became three and three dates became four. They went together to watch a movie and have dinner, they went together to the observatory to see the stars, they went to the arcade and bet who would win in the Pump It machine (Kellin did).
By the fifth date Kellin couldn't believe how he ever went about his day without Vic Fuentes in his life. Vic really had a way of making everything better. He had become his friend above it all and he loved every moment he spent with him. He loved going out with him and texting him and talking on the phone whenever they could. He liked him. A lot.
For their fifth date (Kellin was really counting them) they went to the pier fair. They watched a firework show and their shoulders brushed as they gazed up at the beautiful lights exploding above them. Kellin wanted to hold his hand so bad. He felt like he really could. They hadn't really talked about what they were but he knew that the way Vic looked at him was special. He felt special whenever Vic's eyes were on him.
He was just about to reach his left pinkie to attempt to hold his hand when Vic beat him to it and in a better way than he could have ever imagined. Vic wrapped his arm around his shoulders and Kellin felt his entire body tremble with the way Vic's warmth embraced him. It took him a second to react but when did, he leaned his head in the crook of Vic's neck and closed his eyes feeling the fireworks exploding above them inside him instead.
"Is this okay?" He heard Vic ask him and he could feel himself smiling like an idiot.
"Yes." Kellin nodded and embraced the tingles that filled his heart. It was definitely more than okay.
Later that night when Vic drove Kellin home in his black BMW, the dark haired man couldn't stop thinking about how bad he wanted to make Vic his, officially. They had gone on dates and known each other for a month now and all he wanted was to be able to call Vic his boyfriend. He started thinking that maybe Vic didn't like labels and this was just some casual thing he was doing. He begged the stars above that that wasn't the case. It would break him like no other thing could.
Vic was singing to a song playing from one of his playlists. Kellin liked Vic's taste in music, he liked a little bit of anything. And he seemed to know every lyric to all of the songs he ever played. They were listening to a song in what Kellin knew was Spanish but he couldn't understand much of it. But Vic knew every word and that alone was cute as hell to him. He couldn't help smiling at how adorable the tanned man looked with his facial expressions as he hit the high notes of the song. He also had a nice voice. Kellin told him he should've been a singer instead of a lawyer. Vic only laughed.
Once the car parked on the curve outside Kellin's building, the dark haired man was about to get out of the car but he forgot he still had his seatbelt on, so the thing got stuck. Vic laughed and Kellin covered his face with his hands, he seemed to be bound to do embarrassing things around Vic all the time. He was already getting used to it. He laughed along too because of how silly it all was.
"Your car is holding me hostage," he joked, still blushing like crazy.
"Maybe he took a liking to you already." Vic teased back.
The brown haired man had to help him unfasten the seat belt because the pulley got stuck and while he did that Kellin couldn't stop thinking about how close he was to him and how easy it would be to kiss him. Kissing Vic wasn't a strange thought that crossed his brain, he had been dreaming about the moment ever since they started going out and being so physically close to the other man was speeding up his heartbeat considerably and making the thoughts unbearable.
It would've been so easy, like holding his hand before, he just had to lean in, maybe take his chin with his hand, maybe ask for it in a whisper. He didn't do any of that though, and once Vic got him free of the seatbelt, he gave Kellin one of those charming smiles that made him want to scream.
"There, you're free." He said.
He was still so close to him and he gave an embarrassed smile in return. "My hero."
Vic grinned and just as Kellin thought he was going to do it, leaned into him and took a breath, Vic playfully booped his nose instead.
"You're such a dork," Kellin rolled his eyes but couldn't help the giggle that escaped him.
Vic kept up his proud grin. "Saw the chance and took it."
"You're still a dork."
"But you like me," came Vic's reply.
Kellin's face turned red. "Who says I like you?"
"Your blushing cheeks."
Kellin rolled his eyes.
"Fine," he mocked an exasperated sigh and opened the car door once again. "I'll see you, then."
"Wait, are we watching that show on Netflix I told you about?"
Kellin smiled. "I have Sunday off."
"I'll make the popcorn." Vic smiled too and saw as Kellin climbed off his car and waved him goodbye before making his way to the entrance of his building.
Safe to say Vic felt like an idiot. He could've kissed Kellin right there. But his brain got in the way thinking that maybe Kellin didn't want him to and he got scared. He rubbed his hand over his face and shook his head.
"Come on, Vic." He groaned to himself.
Kellin was everything he never wished for and yet life put him in his path. The guy was growing so much in his heart he didn't exactly know what to do with all the new feelings he kept finding every day. He didn't know how to do any of this, all he knew was that he truly believed Kellin was it for him. He knew it deep down and he always trusted his gut. So with that thought in mind he opened his door and got out of his car and yelled at Kellin to wait up.
He ran towards the front steps of the apartment complex and when the other man turned around just as he was putting out his keys, Vic took his hand and brought him closer to him. Kellin gasped at the sudden gesture and felt his face flush at the closeness once again.
"What are you doing?" Kellin let out a surprised laugh.
"I forgot something," Vic was pretty sure he looked on the verge of having a nervous breakdown, but he didn't care. Not when he had the man of his dreams in his arms and he was looking at him like that.
And he kissed him, pressed his lips into Kellin's and inhaled deeply as all the feelings bursted inside his chest. He didn't know a kiss could turn the world upside down, he didn't know a kiss could feel like that. He felt like he was dreaming, like someone took reality away from him and suddenly he was in some other dimension where he found his soulmate in the most random way and he was finally kissing him.
He moved his mouth against Kellin's in the softest, most innocent way, and held his hand tightly and felt Kellin grab at the front of his coat to bring him even closer. He couldn't help smiling in between the small kisses. He could feel Kellin smile at the same time and that made him smile bigger, breaking the kiss to gaze at each other's flushed selves.
Kellin chuckled and kissed him again, not ready to let the moment go. Kellin had written about kissing so many times, infinite times, but nothing could have ever prepared him for the fire that Vic's kiss ignited inside him. He felt like he could fly at any moment and Vic was his only anchor. The way he held his hand tightly as their mouths moved against each other was the only thing keeping him in check. Kissing Vic was everything he never knew he needed.
How did he ever breathe without him around? How was it possible to have been missing him without even knowing he existed?
When air finally became an issue they pulled away and Kellin grinned at the same time that he felt tears form in his eyes, he didn't even know how to explain all the things he felt through a simple kiss. Vic lifted his hands to Kellin's burning cheeks and smiled at him, the beat of his heart going insane.
"Vic..." Kellin whispered, still holding on to the coat tightly. "Vic, would you be my boyfriend?"
Vic laughed, not believing how happy he felt. "Only if you accept to be mine."
Kellin gave him a toothless grin and nodded his head. Vic kissed his face over and over again, making Kellin laugh and giggle and feel like walking on clouds. Kellin gave him one last kiss before Vic went back to his car and said goodnight.
"Drive safely." Kellin called out and Vic nodded his head.
"I'll see you on Sunday."
"I'll call you tomorrow."
They smiled at each other with the car and the sidewalk between them but both of their happiness could light up the whole town, the whole continent.
When Kellin finally entered his apartment and dropped his jacket on the couch, he walked over to his room like he was in a daydream. He couldn't wipe the smile off his face. He went to his bathroom and looked at himself in the mirror. He couldn't really see what Vic saw in him but he liked how his kisses made him look. He bit his lip for a second and then pressed his thumb over his bottom lip. He could still feel the pressure of Vic's there and it made him take a deep breath and smile widely.
He sighed and proceeded to go on his night routine. And before he went to bed he spun around and danced alone in his room, as if he was living a fairy tale book and Vic was his prince charming. Was it really happening? Had he really found the guy that would make his life feel like the movies he loved when he was a little kid? He didn't know. But he already felt he might've. He felt like nothing was real anymore.
He wrote about his feelings and the night in his journal and afterwards fell asleep replaying their first kiss in his head, and in his heart, over and over again.
Suddenly, time moved too fast.
Once they became an official couple Kellin Quinn forgot about the concept of time altogether. Days weren't days anymore and hours and minutes and seconds lost all meaning when he spent them with the best boyfriend in the world.
Suddenly he had been in a relationship with Vic for six months and he only realized it when Vic sent him a present to the bookstore he was working at that morning. He sent him his favorite breakfast comfort food and flowers and a book. And a note with a quote.
"We always think things like that only happen elsewhere," said Miguel, "until they happen to us too." – Isabel Allende.
He read the note over and over again and felt himself smiling so big his eyes started tearing up. On the other side Vic had scribbled in his neat handwriting that he hoped he enjoyed the treat, and that he couldn't wait to see him later. For someone that claimed he didn't know what he was doing, Vic certainly knew the way to Kellin's heart.
Vic Fuentes didn't know he had it in him. To be a romantic. But Kellin let his romantic side bloom. He wanted to give Kellin everything, he found he loved to give him presents all the time and surprise him with special dates and random midnight escapades. He found he wanted to tell the whole world about the man that was turning him into a lovesick mess. He spoke about Kellin with his brother, with his parents, with his friends, coworkers, even Julianne. He couldn't help it. He wanted to explore the universe with Kellin and do everything and anything with Kellin by his side. He felt like he could take on the world as long as his raven haired boyfriend was beside him, if it was alright with him.
And together they kissed on sidewalks taking random walks around the city. Together they danced at country bars, something neither of them had ever done before and that made them laugh for most of the time they were there. Together they went rollerskating to those disco rinks that only played the 80s hits in the background. Together they went to see each other's favorite bands play live. Together they went for drinks to bars, together they cooked dinner at either of their apartments, together they visited the amusement park and went on the scariest rides. Together they made silly videos and took polaroid pictures that Vic liked to keep in his office downtown and that Kellin liked to put up on his bedroom wall.
Together they went on small trips to the beach. Together they watched Netflix shows. Together they talked on the phone for hours. Together they sang silly songs in Vic's car. Together they rode aimlessly through the streets at night. Together they went for coffee at midnight. Together they read books. Together they talked and argued and made up and kissed things better and– Kellin was finding it hard to imagine the rest of his life without Vic. Which of course was terrifying for the pale man. He didn't want to grow so attached but his feelings for Vic only intensified the more they spent together.
Kellin found himself more inspired than ever before thanks to the brown eyed man. He never thought he would be able to write so much but he was posting new chapters for his books almost daily and his readers were elated. One night he decided he would tell them all he was in a relationship with the dreamiest guy ever. He got bombarded with tons of messages congratulating him and sharing all these kind words to him. It filled his heart with so much joy to see that people were happy for him. He felt happier than he'd ever been in months.
He replied to his messages for a couple hours, and then one of them really caught his attention. A person was asking him if he was in love. He blinked twice and stared at the words on the screen, feeling his heart speed up at the thought. He thought of how happy Vic made him and how much fun they had together, about how he trusted him and he trusted him. Is trust love? What is love?
He typed his response with calm fingers. I truly have no idea yet. I've never been in love before. But I might be on the way.
A couple months later Kellin started getting scared. He started thinking things were going too well and that terrified him. He felt like something was bound to happen. That usually things started going sour once a certain time had passed. Kellin started thinking theirs was up already. He'd never been in a relationship like the one he had with Vic before, he had never made it that far. And he was scared.
He really tried to suppress his fears and insecurities though. And for a few weeks it worked. He successfully ignored the nagging anxious feelings and buried them in the depths of his brain. And during those weeks where Kellin last felt things were okay, he met Vic's parents and closest family.
It was never intended for him to meet them really, it wasn't like Vic planned a dinner specifically for Kellin to be introduced to Mr. and Mrs. Fuentes. It was Vic's birthday and he organized a little party with his friends and family and, of course, Kellin. The dark haired man already knew most of Vic's friends, as Vic knew most of his. Kellin had met his brother not long after they started dating and they got along pretty well. Vic had also (officially) met Jenna and the two of them instantly hit it off. But meeting parents was different.
Kellin knew they already knew about his existence but he had never met anyone's parents before. Except in high school when he had to ask for his different partner's parents permission to go out with them, but that didn't exactly count.
"You have nothing to worry about, darling." Vic told him that whole week prior to his birthday. Darling sticking as his favorite pet name for him already. "It's going to be great. Plus, they already know everything there is to know about you."
Kellin snapped his head. "Do they know about my writing?"
Vic laughed and kissed the top of his dark hair. "Well, not that. You would kill me if I told anyone."
"Absolutely right."
Kellin told Vic about his books a little after their semi-anniversary. He never meant to, not really, but the second it was out there he felt so relieved. Vic had asked him what he was up to one night and Kellin blurted out that he was trying to come up with some dialogue. He didn't realize what he had said until he looked at Vic's frowning confused face through his phone's screen. That had been a very interesting conversation they had the rest of the night.
However, Kellin found he loved to share his love for writing with Vic. The tanned man didn't mind listening to his endless ideas and he was glad he could finally share them with someone other than Jenna. And when Vic finished reading all the books he had published on the site, he called Kellin and started another long conversation about how amazingly outstanding they were. Kellin was embarrassed and blushing the entire time but at the same time it felt amazing that the one person he cared about the most thought so highly of the things he created.
Anyhow, meeting Vic's parents wasn't as bad as he thought. Afterwards he felt he had been nervous for no reason. They were so lively and nice and kind and there was no doubt that Vic was his son. And they ended up loving Kellin too. Everyone he met that night did. Making conversation with Mr. and Mrs. Fuentes was easy, and Vic's mom had complimented his outfit choice and Vic's dad patted him on the shoulder and told him he better take care of his son's heart. Always, he had said. And he really meant it. He just didn't know if anyone was going to protect his own.
A month after Vic's birthday the doubts came back. They were getting so close to a year of being together and he was once again questioning everything and getting anxious over nothing. Kellin felt like he was waiting for the inevitable, like he always did in every relationship he ever had. He really couldn't help it, it was all he ever knew about love in real life. In the books he wrote everything was easier and everything was always meant to have a happy ending. But he couldn't possibly know if he was going to have one. And he started sabotaging himself at the same time.
He started picking longer shifts at the places he worked at, he started missing calls and leaving messages on read. He was rejecting date ideas and making up dumb excuses to not got out with his boyfriend. Which felt shitty but he thought it was the right thing to do. He was giving Vic reasons to get it over with and dump him before things got ugly.
As if Vic could ever do that.
Vic didn't know about what Kellin was going through, but he felt that giving him some space would help him clear his head about whatever it was that he didn't want to share with Vic. He didn't know that he needed to fight for Kellin and that the enemy were his thoughts. It never even crossed his mind.
It was only when the dark haired man finally accepted an invitation to get some drinks at the bar that Vic really realized what was going on. They were having an average night. Kellin was quiet and Vic held most of the conversation. They barely had drunk anything good and the whole ambience of the bar he chose was already annoying him. Vic just wanted Kellin to have a good time but apparently it wasn't happening.
And it only got worse when the incident happened. Vic never meant to look back at that guy. He truly was just looking around when somehow his eyes locked with a man sitting at the bar, who was clearly giving Vic the look. It took him by surprise and because he was slightly shocked (and amused at how he was clearly with someone already and that man had the nerve of trying to get with him) that he stared for two seconds longer than he should've.
And Kellin saw the whole thing go down right before him. And all his brain could think of was I told you so. And he felt like something heavy fell on his shoulders and that he had to get out of there and let Vic have his fun. And he did just that.
Vic turned his head again to look at Kellin and make fun of the whole thing but his boyfriend had already stood up and was slumping his way out the bar. That made him frown and he stood up quickly and followed him outside.
"Kells?" He called out, but Kellin kept walking down the sidewalk. "Kellin!"
Kellin wasn't listening though, he kept walking ignoring the many calls for his name and kept his eyes on the ground. He made a turn around the corner and felt furious at the tears running through his face. It was finally happening, just like he expected. Vic was going to leave him for someone way better than him. He had to accept it.
Vic caught up with the sulking man and grabbed at his shoulder and only then did Kellin stop walking, but he pushed Vic away as if he had been electrified.
"Don't touch me." He said, scowling and Vic felt taken aback.
"I'm, I'm sorry. Darling, what's wrong?" Vic didn't like the feeling of his erratic heartbeat at all.
When Kellin didn't reply and kept gazing at his shoes he tried again.
"Baby, what happened?"
After a small silence Kellin said, "Just get it over with Vic."
Vic couldn't understand what was happening. "Can you please explain to me what is going on?"
Kellin shook his head in disbelief. "Why were you looking at that guy?"
"What guy?" Vic frowned but then he realized. "Oh. I wasn't looking. Kells I was literally going to make fun of him with you."
"Please. You don't have to lie to me, just–"
"I'm not!" Vic defended himself but at the same time he was so confused. He didn't understand where it all was coming from.
"Why are you even with me Vic? Why are you with me when, when guys like that exist." Kellin rubbed at his glossy eyes and took a deep breath. "I'm nothing compared to that. You could do so much better than me. Anyone would be so much better."
"Why are you with me Vic?!"
Vic raises his eyebrows at the outburst. "Fine, you want me to make a list? Because that will take a while."
"Stop with the jokes. I'm serious."
"And I also am serious," Vic replied. "I wasn't looking at that man at all. I could never look at anyone else ever again. I just want to look at you. No one would be better than you, Kellin."
At this point the tears that were running down Kellin's face were impossible to stop and all Vic wanted was to walk closer and dry them with his handkerchief but he knew Kellin would push him away if he tried.
"Just break up with me, please."
The words broke Vic's heart into tiny little pieces and he could feel panic rising in his stomach. The thought never ever crossed his mind. He couldn't believe what he was hearing.
"Why would I do that?"
"...You're going to eventually just please do it now before it hurts more and it's worse for both of us."
Those words made Vic tear up. He couldn't ever fathom the thought. He didn't know what was happening but he wasn't going to give up just like that.
"Well, no. No. Okay? Hey, look at me." Kellin did look at him. "I can't know everything that goes on in that head of yours, but listen to me: I'm not leaving. I'm not leaving you Kells. Mainly because I don't want to and well, because you're literally the best thing that's ever happened to me.
"You're beautiful and brilliant and so fucking talented. If anything I should be the one wondering what someone as amazing as you is doing with someone as dull as me. You're a light in the dark Kellin Quinn. And I'm not going to give you up–"
"You're the furthest thing from dull Vic," Kellin mumbled an interruption.
Vic chuckled. "I am, but I don't care because I have you and you make my life so much better just by being there. Everything is light when you're around. You're my best friend. You don't even have to try and you already are everything to me... but if you want me to break up with you, then as much as it kills me I can't hold you back."
Kellin dried his million tears with his sleeves and shook his head. He felt like such a mess. He didn't know what to think at all.
"I don't want you to," he said quietly and looking at the few cars passing by the street. "God, it would kill me to break up."
"Then what is this baby?"
Kellin sighed and walked closer to Vic. "I can't help all these thoughts I have. They make me doubt everything and I hate them so much."
"That's okay... it's completely normal." Vic lifted his hands. "Can I?"
Kellin nodded his head and upon approval Vic took his face in both his hands. "We can talk about those thoughts all you need."
He dried Kellin's tears with his thumb and gave him a small smile. "And if you need reassurance every ten minutes that I'm not leaving I can do that too. I'm not leaving."
Kellin cried and shook his head, feeling a bit dumb but then choked out a little laugh.
"I'm sorry. I'm so ridiculous."
"You don't have to be sorry. And you're not ridiculous. Is that why you've been distant lately?"
Kellin nodded his head, embarrassed at what he'd been doing. "I'm an idiot."
"You're not," Vic assured him. "I'm sorry I didn't pick up on it sooner."
"It's not your fault Vic, my brain can't comprehend you're real."
Vic laughed and kissed him softly. "I'll make sure to make him understand then."
Kellin laughed too and smiled at him. What did he ever do to deserve someone as great as Vic Fuentes?
"You can tell me anything, you know that right? Anything Kellin. I can't promise that I'll always understand, but I'll always be here. I'm always here for you, okay?"
So many things ran through Kellin's head as he nodded and leaned into his boyfriend's touch. In his mind he could imagine a thermometer of the feelings he had for Vic and at that moment the bar was reaching a fever pitch. And he didn't know what it meant. Though he didn't feel scared anymore. Not really. Maybe Vic was really it for him. Maybe Vic was going to be his happy ending.
And as he looked into those pretty brown eyes and leaned in to kiss his mouth again, Kellin finally believed him. Vic wasn't leaving him. And he wasn't leaving either. There was no reason to. And for the first time he felt his walls tear down, all his fears and his ghosts fade away slowly. One small step, but it meant enough.
"Do you want to go watch movies? Or write for a bit? Clear your head?"
"We can watch movies."
"My place?"
He nodded and hugged him close, burying his head in the crook of Vic's neck. He always smelled so good and he was always so warm. He didn't understand it but he wasn't against it either. It made cuddling that much more enjoyable.
And that's what they did for the rest of that night, while Kellin's favorite romantic comedies played in the background. The thermometer only got higher and higher. But he felt okay. He felt like things would only go up from then on. They laid on Vic's couch and eventually fell asleep, tangled in each other. And the next morning they had breakfast and laughed at how Vic burned the toasts he made for them.
The second time Vic Fuentes attended the McDougall's fundraiser was so much better than the first. For one, he wasn't forced to mingle around because he didn't know anyone. Secondly, he didn't owe any favors to his boss. And thirdly, he had a smoking hot date.
He went to pick up Kellin at his place and waited for him to finish getting ready on his red couch. He really liked Kellin's apartment. It was so... him. Art and posters covered most of the walls of the living room, he had two colorful couches and a stand with a record player, tons of vinyl records and candles. He had a bookshelf near his small dining table for two and it always smelled of cinnamon there. Fairy lights adorned most of the space too, giving it this warmth that Vic had grown to adore.
He had gone to his room a few times, but when he was over they mostly hung around the living or dining space. Either way he loved Kellin's room just as much. The decor was similar to the rest of the apartment, his duvet was this black and white pattern that was comfy as hell, he had a small stand full of thick writing journals along with more records and quaint pieces of decorative ornaments. A desk with his sacred laptop and random pieces of paper sprawled around. And a wall full of polaroid pictures which had more photos of him and Kellin than he expected.
The pale man he'd grown to adore so much was doing a lot better after that night at the bar. They'd been talking more about their feelings and thoughts and insecurities which was only strengthening their bond that much more. He was glad they could do that so easily now and be on the same page with each other and what they were dealing with personally. To be able to share all that trust between them was so new, but so good at the same time.
His thoughts were interrupted when Kellin came out of said room, looking absolutely ravishing.
"Alright I'm ready." Kellin called out nonchalantly while Vic stared at him with his mouth hanging open. "What? Is it too much?"
Vic shook his head and stood up, shamelessly still checking his boyfriend out. "You look... wow. You look stunning. Wait, is that eyeliner?"
Kellin blushed and nodded yes. "It is too much isn't it?"
"No!" Vic looked closer to the pretty sleek blue lines over Kellin's eyelids and grinned widely. "You look so perfect. How did you do that?"
Kellin smiled, glad his boyfriend didn't think it was weird that he put makeup on. "YouTube and tons of practice. I've always liked it."
Vic really couldn't wipe the smile off his face. How was he so lucky?
"You're so beautiful, darling."
Kellin blushed deeper, he thought he would never get used to Vic's constant sweet compliments. And then he got an idea.
"Hey what if I do your eyes too? You'd look so hot with some eyeshadow."
Vic laughed. "You suddenly have all this makeup stuff, huh?"
Kellin grinned mischievously. "I do."
"Right then."
And they showed up at the event arm in arm. Vic in navy blue pants and a flowy satin dress shirt, blue and purple eyeshadow in his eyes; Kellin in faux leather black skinny jeans, this tight aquamarine top under a cropped black jacket, and his sharp eyeliner in matching teal tones. Kellin wished someone recorded their entrance because he was sure they looked incredible as hell.
The evening went as the fundraiser usually went. If you'd asked Kellin years ago if he would ever have fun at one of these gatherings he would've laughed until his ribs hurt. But he was having fun now. He had Vic to have fun with. And he felt like he was dreaming. He met up with his parents and they were less than impressed with his looks, Vic felt just a tiny bit embarrassed because it was Kellin's parents, but then he shook it off and assured himself he looked great. Mr. and Mrs. Bostwick were very keen on him anyway, ever since he met them not so many weeks before.
Jenna also finally brought her girlfriend Taylor for everyone to meet. She had finally told her parents to get over it and that she would live her life as she pleased. Kellin was so happy for her best friend too. The two couples spent the evening together joking around, having drinks and chatting about anything. Kellin was glad that he didn't spill any champagne on anyone or sat at the wrong seat. But wasn't he glad he did that a year ago?
Kellin did end up back in the restroom with Vic though, this time for way more fun activities than the last time: making out with him inside a stall. Not the most glamorous place, he knew, but Kellin found Vic so incessantly hot with eyeshadow that he really couldn't help himself.
It wasn't often that their make out sessions became steamy. They had been taking it slow on the physical department of their relationship ever since they started going out and they were both okay with that. But lately Kellin had been thinking about it constantly and he didn't know what to do with that newfound desire he felt. It's not like he was a stranger to sex, it was more like he felt that doing it didn't define a couple. And it certainly didn't define Vic and him whatsoever.
However, as his mouth and tongue moved feverishly against Vic's, his head was going insane with want for his boyfriend. And he couldn't help wondering why they didn't do that more often. Sure they had the best moments together, but feeling so close to him was also great. Feeling the skin of Vic's neck in his hands, the fabric covering his shoulders, his sides, breathing heavily against his lips, was great. He was so into it he couldn't help himself and pressed himself further into his boyfriend, making Vic pull away with a surprised gasp.
"Woah there." He chuckled at Kellin's flushed face. He looked so beautiful with his mouth swollen from his kisses, hanging open and his tinted cheeks. His eyes, dazzling.
"Sorry." He looked down basfully.
The tanned man brushed a strand of hair behind Kellin's ear and smiled. "You really do like apologizing."
Kellin pouted even more, reminiscing that night he spilled champagne on him and how he couldn't stop saying sorry.
"Hey, it's alright. I just... I don't want... this to be here in a hotel restroom, you know."
Kellin went redder in the face. "Right... I didn't mean to get all worked up. But... you'd want to? With me?"
Vic lifted his boyfriend's head slowly and kissed him again. "Don't be silly. I want to do everything with you."
Kellin looked at him and felt breathless.
"Everything?" He smirked. "I'll take your word on that."
Vic laughed and his eyes crinkled. Kellin was too cute for his own good. And he liked that so much about him. He shrugged and nodded his head, because he wasn't lying. He'd love nothing more than to try everything with Kellin.
They kissed a bit more in the corner of the stall, In the same restroom they had their first conversation. If you could call it that. The very first place they felt those tiny little feelings that neither of them expected to develop into what they had now. Kellin really wouldn't change anything though. He thinks their meeting was funny and out of a dream. And he still couldn't believe his luck.
The first time Kellin woke up in Vic's room the sun was shining brightly outside the big window opposite the bed. He thought it must've been pretty early since everything was so quiet, and he confirmed his suspicion once he glanced at the digital clock on Vic's bedside table.
He smiled and buried himself deeper under the covers, the soft fabrics feeling amazing against his bare body. Small flashes of their night still clouded his mind. He had a bit of expectation, as anyone would when sleeping together with their long-time partner for the first time, but he never thought it would be so... beyond explanation.
They had gone to one of Vic's friends' birthday party and they drank margaritas and danced and played goofy party games and as the night grew so did the desire they felt for each other. Ever since the night at the fundraiser things were slowly leading to the moment. And that party had been the perfect setting to tease each other so much they really had no other choice once it ended.
When Vic called for an Uber ride to get them both to his place, Kellin felt the excitement fill him whole.
They stumbled into Vic's apartment while sharing messy and wet kisses. Vic's hands were rough against his skin, gripping tightly and knowing exactly where to touch. They fell into the white sofa in no time, feverishly making out, both their steady heartbeats speeding up. Kellin ran his fingers through Vic's hair, loving the pressure of his weight above him. He gripped the hem of his black shirt and he took the hint. Vic discarded the clothing and let it drop somewhere, then helped Kellin out of his and desperately kissed him again. And they probably forgot they were on a couch and Kellin pushed Vic to roll them over but they fell to the floor.
Vic groaned and laughed as his back collided with the cold marble and Kellin laughed too on top of him. "Whoopsies."
But Vic didn't mind, not when he had the most beautiful man smiling at him like that. He brought him back down to kiss him again.
They made it to his room in no time, both of them agreeing that, while hot in concept, having sex on the floor was probably a bad idea as a first. Maybe another time they would. Definitely another time they would. And so they fell on Vic's made up bed and discarded more clothing and kissed and bit and licked and Kellin felt his heart blazing inside his chest the whole time. Vic was so good to him and he tried to be the best for him too. He asked the right questions and was so careful with every touch and every kiss and every movement.
And when they laid side by side panting and smiling and not believing that being so close could be so magical, Kellin couldn't form coherent thoughts anymore. All through his life he had never experienced something quite like their night together. And even though it wasn't exactly the defining moment for him to come to terms with what he really felt for the tanned man, he had a while ago he just never dared finishing the thought, it certainly served as the last push he needed to finally admit it to himself.
And as he watched Vic's sleeping body breathe soundly while the stillness of the morning surrounded them both, he knew that he had finally found it. He could hear it in the silence, loud and clear as the morning sky.
He reached out a finger and took out some strands of hair that were falling in his boyfriend's eyes. He bit his lip and smiled widely to himself, burying his face further into the soft pillow.
He was in love with Vic Fuentes.
True, genuine love that coursed through his veins and pumped up his heart, making him feel like he could float off any minute. He smiled again and closed his eyes, ready to rest some more until it was absolutely necessary to get up.
He wouldn't care if he floated away really, not anymore, not as long as Vic was with him.
Writing about love while being in love was something Kellin Quinn never expected to happen to him. He always got most of his inspiration through all the romance media he consumed, he found ideas and created scenarios based on everything he read, watched and listened. But now he found that same inspiration in a man, a man that he could call his and that he'd called that for a little bit more than a year. He couldn't believe he had finally found that right person he often thought about and that he thought he'd never meet.
For their first anniversary Vic took Kellin for coffee in the morning. It was his plan to take Kellin for coffee on their anniversary every year because that's what they did the first time they went out and he considered that first date to be the best decision he ever made in his entire life, he hoped Kellin felt the same way. He actually loved the idea. And after they finished their breakfast Vic drove Kellin to his shift at the Italian restaurant and while on the way there he held his hand over the console the entire time, rubbing his thumb against his soft skin in small circles. He didn't need to see his boyfriend to know he was smiling and blushing while looking out the window and that made him smile too.
When he dropped him off, Kellin looked at him and took out a small gift box from his bag. He handed it to Vic and Vic smiled widely.
"What's this?" He asked.
"Your first present."
"First?" He chuckled and took the box. "I feel special."
"Well, you are."
Vic's cheeks warmed up and he opened the box. When he did, his grin couldn't get bigger.
It was those personalized M&M's chocolate boxes. They were heart shaped and red, purple and pink and each of them had something written on them. Vic could already read some of them and it warmed his heart.
You are my moon. You are my sun. You are the stars.
"I'll see you for dinner." Kellin called with a grin before leaving. Vic watched him go with a smitten smile. He couldn't wait for Kellin to see his presents too.
When they met for dinner at Kellin's place, Kellin gave Vic his second present which was a bucket hat. Because Vic liked hats. Vic laughed and put it on, not caring if it didn't go with his outfit. It was perfect because it had a little otter embroidered in the front and it made him happy that Kellin remembered otters were his favorite animals. Vic also gave Kellin his first present which was a star map with the constellation that witnessed their pier fair date and their first kiss. It was wooden and when Kellin saw it he felt so incredibly happy. He put the frame on a stand near his records and grinned at how well it fit with his stuff.
After they had dinner, which they cooked together, they settled on the living room floor where they watched a movie while they played silly board games. Whoever lost first got to see their next present and when Vic won Kellin gave him his last present with a pout. Vic kissed it to go away, making Kellin blush. And when he opened the small box he looked at Kellin with the widest grin on his face.
He'd mentioned once that he'd loved to wear Kellin's initial around his neck, because he felt like that way he'd always be with him everywhere he went. He was mostly joking around like he always was, but as he held the necklace in front of him he realized how much he actually had wanted it and he couldn't believe Kellin took his word on it. The small K pendant was gold and perfect and he felt so spoiled. He wasted no time in putting it on. Kellin took a picture of his neck with his polaroid camera and they kissed some more and Vic really couldn't stop smiling.
"It's so perfect Kells, just like you."
Afterwards Vic gave Kellin a pair of vintage sunglasses that he knew the pale man would love, the kind that were small and made one look straight out of a 90s poster. Kellin had wanted to find that specific pair for months and when Vic saw them at a store on his way home, he had no option but to get them. He'd wanted to get them for his birthday but back then he hadn't been so lucky to find them. It didn't matter though because Vic spoiled him that day with a surprise party and basically another million gifts. And Kellin loved the sunglasses as much as he expected.
Vic gave Kellin his last present after the bottle of wine was empty and the candles they'd lit were blown. Vic was staying over that night and he went to Kellin's room to get the neatly wrapped box from his bag where he'd left it. Kellin was doing something on his phone, still sitting on the floor and leaning against the couch, when Vic stood in front of him with his hands behind his back.
"What you got there?" He grinned and put his phone away.
"A last little thing." Vic grinned right back.
He crouched down and handed it to his boyfriend. He tore away the paper and smiled teasingly as he opened the box, but it soon died down when he realized what it was. He took out the bulky journal out of the box, which had both their names on the cover. Kellin looked at Vic and bit his lip, a small frown on his face and a look that possibly held all the feelings of the universe.
"What's this?" He said as he put away the packaging. He caressed their names on the cover softly and smiled again.
"I made a little something for you." Vic replied softly. "Open it."
It was a journal where he'd written and pasted pictures of everything they'd been up to since they became a couple, even about things before that. Kellin read over the first handwritten line of the first page along with a slip of the photo booth pictures they took from that time they went to the amusement park, and felt himself already crying.
"Kellin. My darling. I'm not much for writing, you and I both know that's more up your alley. But here's how you've brightened up my life over the last year. I hope you like it..."
"Vic, I... I don't know what to say." Kellin wiped the tears off his face and smiled at him. "You're everything to me, did you know that?"
Vic sat beside him against the couch and leaned his head on his shoulder. "You're everything to me too."
Kellin kissed the top of Vic's head, which was still covered with the bucket hat, and Vic kissed his shoulder lightly in return. Kellin then put his arm around him and looked down to the beautiful man and smiled, Vic looked up at him and leaned in to kiss his lips eagerly. Kellin kissed him back just as much.
Both their hearts on fire.
Time slipped away again and Kellin found himself falling more in love with Vic every day. He hadn't said it yet though, He didn't know how to. Maybe he just needed to blurt it out the next time they hung out, but he didn't want to drop that bomb on Vic and force him to say it back without meaning it. That would kill him for sure.
Either way, he didn't mind not saying it. Instead he thought about it, constantly. Any time he looked at him while they talked, any time they kissed, while he slept by his side, while he was doing his daily tasks. All he could think of was how much he loved Vic. And how lucky he felt to have him in his life.
However he had the slight suspicion that Vic might've felt the same, but he didn't want to get ahead of himself just yet.
And it happened one night not long after their anniversary. After having gone to a bowling alley date and dinner, Kellin stayed over at Vic's because he didn't feel like going home and cuddling with Vic was always way more fun than being alone in his apartment. He even had a drawer there that belonged to him now, with a few items of clothing and other stuff. There was a spare toothbrush in the bathroom and a mug for him in the kitchen. The tanned man's apartment already felt like home to him.
Kellin always thought Vic's place had something special, it was always so tidy but at the same time so welcoming. He had this black and creamy white theme going on with his furniture and decor and even if it was probably the literal opposite of what Kellin's place was, he still loved it just as much. Vic also loved to keep plants everywhere and he took care of them so well, they made the whole place look so much more inviting. But his favorite thing about the apartment was probably the small library corner he had near the living room window. He had so many books. To Kellin that alone was hot as hell.
They had fallen asleep almost immediately when they got there and it was possibly way past midnight when Kellin felt himself wake again. He didn't know why but when he opened his eyes slowly he realized what had woken him. Vic was lying on his side and he was looking at him with this odd look on his face that he couldn't quite figure out. Kellin was also on his side, facing him, and he frowned a bit.
"What are you doing?" He groaned lazily and chuckled a bit.
"Admiring." Vic's reply came in a whisper.
Kellin blushed, but smiled anyway. "Don't you have an early meeting super early tomorrow?"
"Then go to sleep you creep." Kellin closed his eyes, still tired, and sank further into his pillow.
"I can't. Did you know... that you're my best friend Kells?" Vic sounded nervous but Kellin couldn't really pick up on it because he was still half asleep.
He nodded his head though, and blindly grabbed Vic's hand in his. "Of course. And you're mine."
Kellin squeezed his hand on his own and brought it closer to him, feeling himself slowly drift off to sleepland again. And that's when Vic said it.
"I love you."
His eyes snapped open in a millisecond. He didn't know if he'd heard him right. "...W-what?"
But Vic smiled fondly and said it again. "I love you, Kellin Quinn."
Kellin looked at him in disbelief, his mouth hanging open slightly and his heart skipping a thousand beats. "You... you do?"
Vic chuckled and shifted closer to his boyfriend, he started littering kisses all over Kellin's face making him giggle and gasp with every touch.
"I love you, I love you, I love you." He said repeatedly as he got on top of him and Kellin felt tears forming in his eyes along with his laughter.
Everything felt like a dream.
When Vic finished his attack he smiled at the man underneath him, even with the lights out and only the faint moonlight illuminating the room, he knew Kellin was the most beautiful person in the entire universe. And he knew that he loved him with everything he had. He could feel it everywhere. He didn't know why it took him so long to finally say it, but he was so glad he did. His heart was about to burst. Just one smile from the man he loved and he felt like it was enough.
"Vic. I love you. I think I've loved ever since I met you. I've waited my entire life for you." Kellin put Vic's hair behind his ear and smiled at him adoringly, looking deeply into his eyes that were watering just like his own.
All those times he ever thought something was wrong with him for not being able to say those words flashed through his head at that moment. And he was so glad that he waited to say them once he truly meant them, because the way he felt while saying them to Vic wouldn't ever have compared. The first time he ever said it. He laughed in disbelief again and Vic did too, softly wiping the few tears that left Kellin with his thumb.
"You're my favorite person in the entire world."
And as Vic kissed him, Kellin finally understood the feeling he'd been trying to put into words his whole life. He got it now. He got the reasons why, the wars fought, the desperation held in just one look, the endless longing, the want, the loss of sense. Love. Such a small word that held so much. To him it wasn't just an idea anymore. It was real. As real as it could get.
Kellin Quinn didn't know how the book of his life would end. It was definitely not like the stories he loved to write where he knew he wanted his characters to have a happy ending even before writing the first sentence of the first chapter. He didn't know if he would have a happy ending, but he liked to believe that he'd already had it. With Vic.
Life went on after the last line of a book though and he often liked to think that even if he didn't know exactly what would come next for him, he would have his arms open for any possibility.
Like maybe he would move in with Vic soon, or maybe they'd get their own place somewhere new. Maybe as years went by they'd get married. Maybe marriage wouldn't be for them and they'd stay together without the need of a paper saying they loved each other. Maybe they would adopt a dog, or a cat. Maybe (many, many years from now) they would have a kid.
Maybe, once Vic finished law school, they would move to another continent. Maybe they would go on a Eurotrip. Maybe they would go to South America. Maybe he would publish a real book if he wanted and put his mind to it. Maybe he could finally live off the beautiful words he wrote. Maybe, maybe, maybe. The possibilities were literally endless. But he didn't know. No one really did. He'd just have to wait and see.
He only knew one thing for sure though, and that was Vic Fuentes.
He would be there with him for it all.
(A/n): Did you play the song?
The end!
Once again, thank you so much for reading!! It's been my pleasure making you all feel stuff during this whole book through words and the songs I've loved for so long🥺
Last songfact! This one doesn't even need an explanation. Taylor Swifts governs my heart and my feelings and whenever this song comes on I want to scream at how beautiful it is. Of course I had to write this for these two. And I wanted to close off the book with a story about love, because this whole thing is about love. (gab you're such a sap)
Anyways, putting all these short stories out there was definitely a huge challenge but I'm so glad I embarked myself in it, even when it took me long weeks to update and I had big writer's block at times or just didn't see the point. Writing is beautiful and this reminded me of that.
Which story was your favorite? I'd love to know 🖤🖤
What did you love about this one?
Take care, friends. I'll see you soon in other writing adventures!
(also maybe, maaaaybe, we could get some bonus tracks eventually, but I'll leave it at that 🤭)
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