Waiting for you
Warnings: all the feels, in a good way.
{Kellin's POV}
youboyvic just posted a photo
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💭 thinking about chicken nuggets 😋
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jenna.mcdougall 😍😍😍
jaimenotjamie told you it was the best caption
awgaskarth now I want some chicken nuggets
kellinnnn vic fuentes if you're reading this i am free on thursday night. if you would like to hang out i am free on thursday night when i am free to hang out. i am free to hang out on thursday night so if you want to hang out on thursday night i am free.
yourboyvic @kellinnnn you crack me up😂
"If I crack you up then you should come crack this ass," I groan as I roll into my pillow with my phone clutched inside my hand. A snort comes out of me at my own joke and I giggle like a dumbass to myself. I mean, I'm joking but at the same time not at all. I sigh as I stare at the selfie he posted on his page and can't help the huge smile that covers my face. God, he's so cute. Why is he so fucking cute all the time? It's honestly a bit unfair. Whenever he posts a selfie I just die.
Cristal: your comments are getting out of hand man
I tap on the iMessage notification I received from my best friend and grin even bigger.
KQ: i crack him up 😌
Cristal: yeah I'm aware
KQ: i can't be more obvious can i?
Cristal: pretty sure everyone knows
Cristal: except Vic
KQ: 😩😩😩
Cristal: he's probably just waiting for the right time to confess his undying love for you
KQ: stop don't even joke about that
Cristal: idk but that comment was pretty straight forward
KQ: i am a meme master after all
Cristal: but he's as dense as they come
KQ: still cute tho 🤷🏻♀️
Cristal: how long did it take you to think of that comment
Cristal: you know what, don't answer
KQ: you're so mean Cris
KQ: did you see he only replied to me
Cristal: I can hear wedding bells
KQ: and to think this time i made it clear
Cristal: don't
KQ: as crystal
Cristal: aight imma head out
I laugh to myself and send her a heart emoji before I lock my phone and stare at the ceiling and let out a second sigh.
Sometimes I really don't get it. I have definitely not been subtle about my feelings for Vic in the slightest, but he won't ever awknoledge the fact that I'm into him. I've liked him since the first moment I saw him during the school assembly that first day of freshman year, he was laughing with a group of kids and I remember I thought he had the most beautiful face I'd ever seen in my short years of live, that and I was also new in town and didn't know anyone, but looking at him gave me hope that I could someday be friends with someone as fun as him. And I really thought it would be a fleeting crush, just a tiny infatuation with the cute guy with the gorgeous smile who liked to wear snapbacks to class every day and that it probably would be over once the first semester was done.
Turns out two years later it's developed into a full grown case of unrequited love.
And even if he's never right down rejected me (I've never given him the chance to), none of my advances have ever worked either. Sometimes I wish he would just do it and get it over with breaking my heart, telling me he's not into me or into guys in general. It shouldn't be this hard. After all this time I have no idea for what team he even swings for. And I know speculating about someone's else's sexuality is not cool, but when you're as deep in love with someone as I am, you can't help but to dream a little. He's only ever dated one girl, that I know of, and that lasted like a month in sophomore year. And he's never claimed to be strictly straight either. So I don't know what to tell you.
Cristal always says I should just tell it to his face, but that's too scary. I cover everything with humor and confessing your feelings to a guy like Vic seems like a totally serious encounter I'm 100% not ready to have. I just wish he was psychic or something, that way he'd know what I want.
"Kellin! Dinner's ready." I hear my mom shout from downstairs, interrupting my train of thought.
"Coming!" I shout back, getting up from my bed and leaving my daydreams behind.
"Guess what," Cristal asks besides me as I load my books into my locker the next day at school.
"You're dying your hair fire orange?" I throw in the most random thing I could think of.
"No silly," she laughs, typing something on her phone. "We're going to this."
She shows me a picture of a flyer on her screen. But it's not a random flyer. I get close to the screen and start reading it. It's an invitation to a musical showcase... held in our favorite diner... this weekend... and it's promoting a newcomer artist called–
"No, no, nope, we're not going to that." I shake my head and close my locker.
"What!? Why not?" Cris asks in disbelief.
"He's going to think I'm stalking him now," I say, probably getting a bit flustered.
Cris shakes her head. "Nah, we go there every weekend, it'll be coincidence, it'll be fate."
"Well then you shouldn't have told me and we should've just gone if you wanted to play fate." I start to walk and she falls into step beside me.
"Come on Kellin," she continues. "He could feel flattered that you showed."
"Or creeped out."
"If he's not creeped out by everything you do to impress him, he shouldn't feel creeped out with this."
"It sounds so wrong when you put it like that." I whine and shake my head.
"Plus, he probably knows The Balance is your favorite restaurant," she ignores me completely. "And why would he choose that one specific place to perform, huh?"
I look at her and my insides get all warm at the thought. "Whatever. Not many others offer open mics, you know."
"Kellin, my dear, I thought you'd be more excited for this. Don't you want to hear him sing? What if he serenades you or something." She asks and I roll my eyes at the idea. That would never happen. But you know what, hell yeah I want to hear him sing. Of course I do. I know he likes to sing, he always posts pictures of the music he's into and him playing around with guitars and I would be lying if I said I wasn't curious. And maybe it won't be weird to coincidentally eat at my favorite place the night he's going to perform.
It doesn't take much for me to give in, really. "Fine, but we'll sit in the back."
Cris beams just as the bell rings and she says a quick goodbye before going to her class. Oh, boy. What did I get myself into.
My story with Vic goes a bit like this.
During freshman year we had most of our classes together and me being the bold disaster that I am decided to sit next to him in all of them. We became sort of friends in time, sort of is the key word. We said hi whenever we crossed each other in the hallways, went to the same parties, hanged out in the same circles. Stuff like that. I think we could've become best friends, but that spot was already taken by this dude Jaime who he knew back from middle school. And I mean, whatever. I didn't want to be his friend anyway.
In all of our encounters I tried to make it obvious that I had a thing for him, light flirting here and there, small touches to the arm, sitting close enough for our knees to meet, sending him funny memes. You know, he usual. It was all in the details. But Vic is not so much of a details guy, turns out. Not even when we were a bit tipsy in the parking lot of the bowling alley with people from school and he almost fell off the sidewalk and I grabbed him and ended up holding his hand for longer that two dudes would, did he realize I had a crush on him. Nor when I gifted him a mixtape for his birthday that year with literally all my favorite songs. He just smiled really widely and told me I was the coolest.
Yeah, I know.
I really believed that by sophomore year my feelings would've calmed down a little or ceased to exist, but instead they even grew stronger. And so I did the best next thing and started treating it like a joke. I guess everyone thought I was only messing around to get a laugh, but I was starting to fall for real, and hard and I didn't know what to do. Every new fact I learned about him just sent me even deeper into my pit of despair.
He was just too perfect. He was so smart and among the best students of our year and he was into music and skateboarding and that year he started working out too, which. Yeah. You can imagine. And on top of that he was gorgeous as hell. Just looking at him left me breathless and I was definitely miserable during that month he got himself into a relationship because I couldn't keep my flirty banter with him anymore. But we all know how that turned out. She left him for another dude that was way older than her and that was that. And I don't think he was all that heartbroken after it happened either, he was just like his usual self. Either way when I saw him eating alone in the cafeteria the next day after his breakup I sat in front of him and told him he was way too good for her anyway and that earned me one of his laughs, "welcome back Kells" he said and my insides tied in knots. I just loved to make him laugh.
Fast forward to this year and I'm definitely in love with the guy, but won't do anything about it until he wakes up and finds out that I'm the one he's been looking for this whole time. Which is harder than I expected. And a bit hopeless. Until then though, I'll stick to my recurrent daydreams (and night dreams) of holding his hands and kissing his fingers, and then more than just his fingers, finally breaking down all the walls and tension built between us after all these years. He would melt so easily into me and we'd swim together into this unknown place people call love...
Yes, the dreams are definitely better than anything I could ever do in real life. And even when it does get a bit frustrating, waiting for him to realize, I don't really mind. I would wait a thousand years if it came to that.
So Saturday night I find myself at The Balance, our favorite indie restaurant and Vic's venue for the night. Cris was already sitting at our usual table when I arrived, which is not in the back like I had so kindly suggested.
"You're such a traitor," I groan as I sit down and Cris gives me a smirk.
"You'll thank me someday."
We order our usual meal which is chicken wings and pink lemonade. And extra bacon cheese fries for the lady. But as much as I tried to enjoy the food, I had this anxious feeling growing in my chest. I don't even know why I'm so nervous. I'm not the one singing in front of all these people.
"Calm down Kells," Cris says, clearly noticing my current status. "He's going to do great."
I nod and suddenly the lights dim a little and a woman takes the stage. My brain starts filling with a million omgs.
"Evening everyone! I hope you're having an amazing time here at The Balance. We have a special performance tonight by one of our own..."
Oh Lord, here he comes. I take a gulp of lemonade and fix my hair on the napkin holder. Don't judge me. Cris just snorts beside me.
"... So without further ado, Vic Fuentes!" The woman ends her speech and everyone claps and cheers.
And then he walks into the stage, his guitar hanging from his neck and the brightest smile plastered on his face, probably mirroring my own. Christ. He looks so good. But I mean, so good. He's wearing these dark fitted jeans ripped at the knees, a low cut black shirt with red floral patterns, at least two buttons undone and tucked into his pants, and black ankle boots. I almost drop from my chair. I was pretty sure his closet consisted only of t-shirts, board shorts, plain jeans and caps. What the hell. He looks out of vampire movie.
"How're you doing tonight!" He says into the microphone and I swear I've never wanted to be an inanimated object so bad in my life. "I'm Vic and I'll be playing yall some tunes tonight." He strums his guitar and the crowd cheers making him smile again. "This one's an original of mine, it's called Circles I hope you like it."
He then starts his song and when he opens his mouth to sing I feel the whole world vanish around me. God, I'm so fucked. His voice is to die for. I'm pretty sure if this was a cartoon my eyes would be filled with a million little hearts right now. And his songs are also amazing. How the hell does he write stuff like that? By the time he performs his third song I forget where I even am. I think I smile the whole time he's on stage and I don't even care if he sees me anymore. I just want to listen to him sing for the rest of my life.
But then he does look at me from the stage and my heart does a flip inside my chest. Oh, no no no. And then the most unexpected thing happens. He winks at me and gives me a little nod. I flush instantly and Cris gives me a little nudge in the arm. Oh. My fucking. God. I take a sip of my lemonade to hide my face but I'm smiling so big I probably look crazy. By the end of that song I start imagining things like he's singing right to me, not taking his eyes off mine. And then I realize that it's not my imagination and he's actually singing to me. Like he's literally looking at me and smiling through his words and I have no idea how I haven't had a heart attack yet. When he's done we all clap and I avoid looking at him by sipping on my almost gone lemonade. I'm probably dreaming. Yeah. That makes more sense. This isn't happening.
"Alright, this will be the last song for the night, it's been a pleasure singing to such a beautiful crowd," everyone cheers again and I blush deeper because did he just look at me again? Did he just call me beautiful? I'm losing my head. There is no way. I'm definitely losing my head. He starts playing a soft tune and sings a song about finding paradise and changing the world. And I love it. When he's done he bows down and leaves the stage with a last wave and I swear I've never stood up faster.
"Where are you going?" Cris asks and I quickly murmur, "bathroom." And when I get there I go into a stall and close the door, shut my eyes and try to breathe in and out and then I start giggling like a moron. I cover my mouth with my hand and shake my head. Oh my God. Was he giving me signs? Or am I just seriously losing my mind even more than usual?
I lean back into the door and look at the ceiling. Vic Fuentes do you like me back? Could it be possible? After all this time? And now I can't stop smiling. Which sucks because I'm probably making this whole thing up and I'll let myself down like always. And alright I might actually need to pee after all that lemonade. And Cris probably just confirmed I'm literally insane.
When I'm done I go out of the stall and head for the sinks, but stop dead in my tracks when I see the reason of all my struggles washing his hands before me. He looks up to the mirror and I lock eyes with his reflection. I grin widely despite my heart giving erratic beats.
"I didn't know you could sing," I say smoothly and walk towards the counter.
He smiles and shakes his head. "Hello to you too, Kellin." He closes his tab and takes a paper towel from the display to his right and while he dries his hands I make such a show of taking some soap from the dispenser beside it, lightly brushing my elbow against the uncovered parts of his chest while I do so. I swear if my life was a movie I directed we'd already be inside one of those stalls doing some R rated stuff with each other. But I have to settle for this.
"Hi, Vic." I say casually, rubbing my hands with the soap before I open my tab and start washing up. "I gotta say, this style definitely suits you." I compliment his extremely hot attire and he actually blushes a bit, and I love how I can still see it despite his dark complexion.
He chuckles lightly. "Thanks, I was chanelling my inner rock star. Enjoyed the show?"
"I did, yeah." I nod and bite my lip, taking a towel like he did and dry my hands, leaning against the adjacent wall. "Who do you write your songs for?"
He looks at me and raises his brow, I shrug. Come on, he shouldn't be surprised I'm asking.
"Well, it depends. Some songs are about my family, like my parents perspectives and stuff like that, some are for girls I've liked, some for boys, others about my dog." He laughs, trailing down. "I write a bit about everything, really."
But I'm. Did I hear that right? Did he actually say–
"Boys, huh? Anyone I know?" I smirk raising an eyebrow and he gives me this knowing look. Like of course I'd fixate on that. And oh my God. Oh my God. It's honestly taking everything in me not to explode right now.
"What are you doing after this?" He avoids my question with his own, taking a step towards me and I forget how to form words. My whole act drops at once.
"Oh, um, Cris is probably taking me... somewhere."
"Somewhere?" He tilts his head and I swear I could just reach out and grab that shirt if I wasn't such a coward.
"I'm not sure yet."
He smiles. "What if we go for a ride?"
Did I ever imagine I'd be sitting in the passenger seat of Vic's car riding through town on a Saturday night? Well, yes. Quite often. But did I actually think it would happen? Absolutely not. Yet somehow that's exactly where I am right now.
After the bathroom Vic went to get his stuff and I ran to Cris to tell her that I stepped into an alternate reality where Vic writes songs about boys and wants to take me for a ride in his car.
"What?!" She screamed for the whole restaurant to hear. "Babe, it's happening. I told you he picked this place on purpose! Holy shit. I can't believe it worked. I want to be the maid of honor, okay. Here." She fixed my shirt and green jacket and then my hair and I swatted her away with a laugh. "Also, take a mint. No wait, take two."
I couldn't stop smiling.
I am still smiling.
"Where are we going?" I ask looking at the streets blur as we pass by.
"It's a surprise," comes his reply and I turn to look at him. I wish my brain could take pictures, because the way Vic looks right now is magnificent. "Eyes on the road." He says and I have to laugh.
"That's your job." I say, but I turn anyway, not wanting to make him uncomfortable.
After some minutes we pull up outside of what looks like a park and we walk towards a tennis court. Most of the lights are off except for the street lampposts, so it's pretty dark. And also why I almost trip and fall over some rock on the ground I couldn't see.
"Easy there," Vic grabs me by the shoulders and I chuckle loudly.
"Damn rocks," I shake my head and roll my eyes and Vic keeps laughing at me but I don't care as long as I hear that laugh. And he keeps his hands on me.
He takes my wrist softly and leads me to the bleachers, using his phone as a flashlight. I bite my lip because I have no idea what's going on in his head. Just say that you like me too, Vic. It'd make everything easier.
"Are we going to watch a match?" I tease once we reach the top sits and he shakes his head.
"Look up," he says, turning his phone off and I do. And-
"Wow," I gasp. Without any light coming through the court, you could see millions and millions of stars in the dark sky.
"Pretty, right?" Vic says and I smile so widely my face should hurt.
"Yeah," I hear him say and when I look back at him he's smiling at me. And I return it gladly.
"You come here often?" I ask him and he nods.
"Usually when I need some peace and quiet."
"And you need peace and quiet now?" I tease again and he laughs.
"Not really, I just wanted to show you." And if my heart wasn't bursting before, it certainly is now.
We end up laying on the bleachers to look at the sky more comfortably. Our feet facing opposite directions of each other, so his head was right next to mine while we spoke. And we spoke a lot. It wasn't unusual for us to keep conversation, what's new is how we're all alone, and in the dark, and on a Saturday night. And the air feels charged around us with endless possibilities.
After a while Vic turns his head to me and asks, "why?"
I frown and turn to him too. "Why what?"
His face is peaceful and calm. "Why me?"
And suddenly I understand what he means and I return my eyes to the sky, feeling my face and entire body get warm.
"I... I dunno," I say truthfully and try to think of possible anwers but I can't come up with any witty remarks. "It just happened," I dare myself to look at him again, and after a beat "I just do."
He doesn't say anything at first, like he's toying with the idea. Then he looks away from me and sits back down. But I'm willing to put up a fight. I mirror his movements and sit beside him. Close enough for our legs to touch. He doesn't pull away. "Vic?"
"What's on your mind right now?" He asks me and I have to hold back a laugh.
"Truthfully..." I grin, "that I think you know what I want. And I'd like to know... If you want the same thing."
He looks down to his hands and chuckles nervously. "I'm not sure how to do this, Kell."
"You've been thinking too much, don't overthink it." I offer him a smile and he finally looks at me again. "So was that a yes or a no? I mean you weren't so clear with–"
I couldn't finish what I was about to say because in a flash, Vic leans into me and kisses me with so much force I have to hold myself with my hands not to fall off the bench. Now that would've been tragic. But this, this is everything I've ever dreamed of. After my initial shock wears off I close my eyes and move my mouth against his, getting into his rhythm and losing myself in him. I often imagined how it would feel like to kiss Vic, but nothing would've prepared me for the real thing. His lips are so soft and fit so perfectly against mine. He moves with such ease and my heart starts to catch fire. I bite his bottom lip lightly and he groans into my mouth. My eyes roll in delight at the sound.
I put my hands on each side of his face as I pull away to catch my breath. He's breathing heavily too and I let out an exasperated laugh. "I'll take that as a yes?"
He gives me his golden smile and leans his forehead against mine. "Yes, Kellin. I know what you want and I want the same thing. And I know it's taken me a lifetime to finally tell you, but... I didn't know what to say."
I feel like I could die.
"You don't have to say anything." I whisper and I pull him in for another kiss.
And that's how right here in this empty bleacher seats Vic Fuentes finally became my boyfriend.
(A/n): yay for one-shot number 1!! Honestly I didn't plan on this one being so long, but all these stories may vary in length idk idk.
So what did you think about this one? I'm extremely excited to keep working on these stories and I would love to hear your thoughts.
Song fact! I've always wanted to write something around this song because it's so dreamy and I'm all about the pining stages of relationships so of course when I first listened to this one I was like holy shit. And I also included the character of Cristal inspired by The Aces vocalist Cristal Ramirez (she's the best). I started listening to them in 2019 and ever since then they've become my fav girlies out there. Highly recommend their music!
Anyways thank you so much for reading and don't forget to vote :) I'll see you in the next one.
- g
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