Stay young, go dancing
Warnings: none! Kellic in their mid 40s and the most domestic thing you will ever read.
"Okay kids, you know the plan." I say to the two little boys nodding and smiling eagerly in front of me. I give them each the bouquets of flowers and while they smell and gawk at the pretty colors I take the neatly wrapped box from the kitchen counter. "Alright, let's go."
We start for our room upstairs, but before I take another step, I remember the old camcoder I found on the basement last night. I take it and then proceed for the stairs, following Eli and Lukas who were impatiently waiting for me to go up with them.
When we reach the door, Eli wraps his small hand on the handle and opens the door to mine and Kellin's room. He is, as expected, sprawled on the bed still sound asleep completely unaware of his surroundings. Our children being 6 and 7 years old don't care about that at all so that's why in a heartbeat they jump towards their sleeping dad and plop down on top of him with a burst of giggles and yelling and muffled groans, those mostly coming from Kellin.
I turn on the old camcoder, which by grace of whatever higher power above us still works, and start filming the kids jumping around the bed while Kellin tries to hide away with the covers. I laugh as I sit beside him and give his pouty face a bright smile.
"What are you guys doing..." Kellin groans, his voice still getting used to being awake.
"You sleep too much daddy!" Eli throws a pillow into his face and I let out a laugh.
"Ow, come on." Kellin is laughing too, but I know he's trying to come off as the mature one at the same time.
"Yes, daddy. Do you see us sleeping in all the time??" Adds Lukas, taking away the sheets from Kellin's body.
Kellin turns to glare at me and I give him my most innocent smile. "Oh I know you're behind this."
I shrug feigning ignorance and keep recording the moment. In a few years he's going to adore this video, I'm sure.
"Boys, aren't you forgetting something for your dad?" I tell the kids and at the sound of my words they immediately remember the flowers and show the bouquets to Kellin. All annoyance fades away from his face as he takes them and smiles.
"Guys..." He says in amazement and smells the dozens of his favorite flowers.
"We're happy you and Papa have been together for 20 years," says Lukas throwing his arms around Kellin and my heart literally warms up. I certainly did not tell him to say that.
"Aw, honey come here." Kellin kisses the top of his brown locks. "I'm very happy about that too."
He glances at me and I shoot him a wink.
"Wait, I'm happy too." Eli cuts in, clearly feeling left out, and Kellin grabs him as well to give him a hug.
"Come here big guy," he says.
"Okay but what about me?" I tease and the boys giggle and grab me too, making me topple over the three of them. We laugh loudly and I even almost drop the old camera but grab it tightly before it drops, and while the kids make room for me to lay more comfortably besides Kellin, I hold it above us and keep filming.
"What is that thing?" Kellin laughs looking at the device.
"Oh, come on. I know you're old, but don't tell me you've forgotten about camcoders." I joke and he gives me an annoyed look. Lukas snuggles into his side and Eli to mine.
"Let it be known that I've had to put up with this for the last 20 years," Kellin says into the lens, pointing to me and I burst out laughing. He grins too and I shake my head.
"He's completely lying; it's been the best years of his life only he doesn't want to admit it." I say to the camera next and Kellin lays his head on my shoulder.
"Whatever you say," he says idly and closes his eyes, getting comfortable again. He's so cute in the mornings. Don't worry I'm not saying that sarcastically, even though he can be a bit grumpy when we wake him up like this. But today is very special and it has to be from the beginning. He absolutely loves it too, only puts up the annoyed facade to get a laugh out of the kids. The boys actually had the idea of waking him up with flowers which surprised me since most of the time they're little devils.
"Don't fall asleep daddy! You have to take us to aunt Fiona's and you have to go to your thing." Lukas shakes Kellin making him groan again. These kids will never let him sleep again until they're probably 18. I shudder at the thought of them being so grown up and quickly erase that from my brain.
"Alright, alright." Kellin sits up and ruffles Lukas' hair. "Go get dressed then, we leave in 5!"
Lukas bolts out of the bed and runs out of the room.
"Hey! We're not leaving in 5, your dad takes forever to get ready!" I shout as he runs out the door and Kellin smacks my arm.
"See what I'm talking about," he tells the camera.
"Eli come help pick the toys we're taking!!" Lukas comes back into the room to yell excitedly at his brother and the younger blonde boy jumps out the bed too, following with a bit less excitement but calling out the names of all their action figures and cars they must take to their aunt's house.
I chuckle at the sight and close the camcoder. They're so different yet they get along so well. I seriously love those kids to death.
It was 8 years ago that Kellin and I decided to finally add new members to our little family of two. And it's still the best decision we've ever taken. We had already spent a bit more than a decade with just the two of us, and we thought it was the right time to finally think about children. We considered every possiblity for it, and in the end we contacted a surrogacy agency. And after a lot of thinking and planning and discussing and getting into pointless fights over it, we decided to have two kids with the same surrogate mother. That way they would be siblings by blood too. And in the span of two years we were the parents of two beautiful healthy baby boys. First came Lukas, who is biologically mine, and then came Eli, who is Kellin's. We never think about it like that, though. They're ours. Our amazingly bright and crazy children.
Parenthood has definitely been a wild journey, but we don't regret it one bit. Sometimes it's so hard it feels like we're in the belly of the beast, but life can be very sweet there too.
"Hey," Kellin drags me away from my thoughts and I turn to look at him.
"Hi," I say as I stare into those gorgeous eyes of his. He grins at me and turns to take something out of his bedside table and I smile as I grab his present from where I left it in mine. For some reason I feel as if this is our first anniversary and not our 20th. I hope he really likes his present.
"So you're probably going to laugh with this one," he chuckles as he hands me a rectangular white box with a neatly done red bow wrapped around it. "Got the idea online, it's s bit cheesy, but... Just open it."
I do, taking out the fabric first then lifting the box. And I gasp out loud and then laugh incredulously. "Babe... this is, this is amazing."
"We just went platinum baby." He gives me a wide grin and I shake my head because he's a genius.
Inside the box is a framed metallic record plaque, like the ones artists get when their songs top charts or whatever, and inside it reads our wedding date with our names and,
"After a thousand rainy days lost in a maze, your voice led me to the end." I read out loud the engraving of the plaque and I can already feel the tears prickling at my eyes. I said that to him in our vows. I look at him and can't help the huge smile on my face.
"It's been a while, but you led me to the end too, you know." He says and I bring him into my arms, kissing him over and over again.
"I love you so much you know that, right?"
He laughs as I keep my assault. "Well, I sure hope so because I love you too."
I join in his laughter and dry my eyes, shaking my head. "Now my present will seem dumb."
"Is it China?" He smiles cheekily and I shake my head.
"At least we both thought platinum," I laugh and I hand him my gift.
When he opens it I can feel all the emotion run to this face as he looks from the necklace to me and then again to the necklace. "...I can't believe you."
"I take it you like it?" I ask.
"Holy shit Vic, are you kidding it's beautiful!" He cries as he holds it in his hand. The pendant is a knot of three silver rings intertwined with each other, creating an infinite bond between them.
"Good, because you're definitely stuck with me forever."
"I wouldn't have it any other way." He smiles and leans in to capture my lips in a kiss. I take his face in my hands and move my mouth against his, and I swear I'm just as in love with him as the first time we kissed.
"Gross!!" We hear a tiny voice squeal and we laugh as we pull apart and see Lukas at the door, already (very wrongly) dressed and holding a backpack full of toys. "Stop smooching and hurry up, people! We have things to do!"
"Did they eat breakfast?" Kellin asks and I nod my head, getting out of the bed.
"They made us pancakes too. Don't worry, with my help. So maybe we do need to hurry up." I chuckle.
"Say no more," Kellin beams and heads to the bathroom to change his pajamas.
After we have breakfast and get the kids ready for their day with their aunt (packing the things they will actually need and not only their toys), we all pack up in the car and drive towards my sister's house.
On the way there Eli and Lukas decide to play "I spy with my little eye" with the stuff around in the car. Right now it was Eli's turn and I already caught up with what it was he was "spying", Kellin's watch, but Lukas was still asking for more clues. Eli was really clever with them I was actually surprised. It would take Lukad a while to discover the object.
"So they just confirmed our arrival at the Inn, we even get a courtesy lunch because I told them it was our anniversary." Kellin tells me from the passenger seat making a little happy dance with his shoulders and typing some stuff into his phone. "Also, please tell me you remembered the insect repellent."
I chuckle and nod. "Of course, you would kill me if I forgot."
"That's true," Eli calls from the backseat.
"Hey! Keep playing with your brother." I call out looking at him from the rearview mirror.
"He gave up already, I'm the king of this game." He gives me a peace sign and I snort. This kid, I swear.
"Shut up Eli," Lukas interrupts him.
"Boys..." Kellin warns without even looking at them. This is a typical morning for us.
"Dad, tell us how you met Papa." Lukas changes the topic quickly and this sparks Eli's interest too.
"Yeah, tell us." He says, his blue eyes opening up in curiosity.
"I asked first!"
"If you don't quit fighting I won't tell you," Kellin turns in his seat to look at the boys. They instantly sit upright and give us angel faces. I snort out loud.
"That's better," Kellin says and turns back again. "So... Where to start?"
I give him a quick glance. "What? You forgot already?"
He pinches my arm. "Well if you know it so well why don't you tell it?"
I chuckle and my head plays the moments like a movie reel. And I tell them the story from the beginning. Being a kid, a bit older than the boys are right now, and moving to a new city with my family, starting at a new middle school. The pale boy with blue eyes and bronze hair sitting beside me on my first class that turned out to live near my new house as well. Us becoming best friends in an instant. Us growing up together, going to school, spending our time with each other any way we could. Getting into so much trouble with our friends during our years of high school. That part of course I leave out. But I tell them when Kellin decided to have black hair. They really get a laugh out of that, but honestly, his black hair is everything.
"Your dad fell in love with me during the summer before our junior year," I say, taking a turn on the street. "But I had no idea until one night."
"As if you hadn't been in love with me already," Kellin chimes in with a scoff and I give him a smirk.
"Well if you want to put it like that," I chuckle.
"Being in love is for dorks!" Lukas interrupts and we both laugh out loud.
"Wait till it happens to you Lukey," I tease and he groans out loud because he hates that nickname.
"Yeah Lukey you're going to be kissing girls," Eli makes a bunch of kissing noises pursing his lips in a very exaggerated way. Lukas crosses his arms and frowns, glaring at his brother.
"No! I'm never kissing anyone ever!"
"Mhm, I like that attitude. You're right, you're not kissing anyone until you're at least 25 alright?" Kellin tells him and I laugh loudly. "Same goes to you Eli, 25."
I feel like I can't breathe with all this laughing.
"So anyway..." I check if they still want to hear the story and they do, since they put their eyes on me again. And I tell them about how we confessed our feelings to each other after so many failed attempts and bad timing in both our parts. That year trying to tell him I wanted him to be mine was excruciating. I was even starting to lose hope because the timing was never right. Something was always going on with either of us. Until we finally got it right just as we were about to graduate. And the rest, as they say, was history.
We were that kind of couple that could get through literally anything. And I always thank my lucky stars for putting this amazing man on my path. I don't ever want to think about my life without Kellin by my side.
"And then I asked him to marry me because he was taking too long," Kellin adds at the end and the boys giggle.
"Hey you're making me look bad here," I say in mock offense.
But it's true. In my defense, I overthink a lot, and well, it was very difficult to choose a right a way to finally ask him. So I'm glad he did. It was beautiful, really. He took me on a road trip to the Grand Canyon and on the last day he got on one knee and popped the question with an amazingly stunning view behind us. We got married the next spring. Our wedding is still my favorite day ever. We had it in a barn with our close friends and family, spring high in the air. I wore a blue suit and Kellin a red one, and after the ceremony and the reception was over we stayed dancing all night, without a single care in the world and our whole lives ahead of us. And here we are, 20 years later.
Kellin takes my hand and holds it over the middle console of the car, giving my knuckles a kiss.
"You know they're not listening anymore, right?" He says and I nod my head, looking at the them through the mirror playing with their figure toys on the seat. They got distracted after the Grand Canyon.
"I really like our story you know," I glance at him and squeeze his hand, rubbing my thumb against his skin.
"I like it too."
When I finally pull up outside my sister's house, the boys run off to the door where they meet their cousin Rosie and Fiona walks out to greet us.
"Hey guys, happy anniversary! Big 20 huh?" She grins and takes the boys' backpacks I'm handing her.
"And counting," Kellin says and gives her a kiss on the cheek. He walks into the house, probably to check on the kids one last time before we go.
"It's crazy, how long it's been already." She adds.
I put my hands on my pockets and shrug. "Doesn't feel like that much, really."
"That's because you've been attached at the hip since you were like 12." She chuckles and I laugh too.
"You might be onto something there," I grin. It's a wonder really, how we ended up being so lucky.
"Everything ready for your trip?" Fiona asks and I nod.
"Seriously, thank you for watching them today, call us if they burn the house down or something," I joke, but not at the same time.
"Like father, like son." She shakes her head just as Kellin walks out again.
"They're going to play in the pool, apparently they made up some game the other day and it can only be played in a pool, I don't know. But don't let them soak in the sun too much. I packed them some extra sunscreen in case three hours pass and they're still out there. There's also snacks and their own towels. Two changes of clothes, their pajamas. Oh, and we brought that blanket Rosie left at ours her last visit. Also, how is she so tall already, what are you feeding her??" Kellin rambles on and I hold back a grin. He's such a good dad, I'm always amazed at how good at taking care of the kids he is. He worries a bit too much sometimes, sure, but at least he has me to help him level it out.
After Fiona and him finish talking about the importance of nutrition and constant exercise during children's key growth years, we're finally ready to go. Once we say our goodbyes, we get back into the car and Lukas and Eli surprisingly come to the front door and wave at us until we're gone down the street.
"They're definitely plotting a way of staying longer at Fiona's," Kellin chuckles and I completely agree. "So, Acadia National Park?"
"Buckle up Mr. Fuentes." I nod my head and press on the engine.
We went on a short trip to the Acadia National Park for our first anniversary as boyfriends during the summer after our first year of college. It was the best weekend because of so many reasons and now that it's been so long, we wanted to reminisce our favorite weekend together, all these years later. We each planned activities for the two days we'll be spending there, but I'm mostly excited to finally be completely alone with him for more than a couple hours. A thing so difficult to find once you have children to take care of.
On the way there, I played our road trip playlist on the car and Kellin sang most of the way there. I have to admit, when he sings, I swear I hear symphonies. I always tease him about how he should've been a rockstar or something and he always shrugs me off telling me he's not good at all. I know, this guy. Anytime he sings it's like I'm transported into another time and space. I feel so alive hearing his voice. Renewed. And I love to get lost in its sound. I could hear him sing till the world ends.
Once we finally get to our destination and get out of the car, I stretch my limbs and Kellin meets me on the other side of the car with our bags. I take mine from him and take his hand as we head for the check-in at the Inn where Kellin made the reservations. After we settle everything, we head towards our first location, a hike through Sand Beach.
"It's so pretty here this time of year," Kellin says admiring the coastline and all the scenery when we reach the top of the highest cliff. Fluffy clouds hang above us and the blue of the sea saturates with color.
"Still nothing compared to you," I say smoothly and, as expected, he rolls his eyes but charms me with a smile anyway, cheeks flushed from the sun and my compliment. No matter how much he complains about getting old, he will always be the most beautiful person in my eyes.
"You know what we should do?" He then takes my hand and I know exactly what he's going to do next.
"We should dance," a 19-year-old Kellin said after taking my hand and I snort, looking around.
"Kells, there's no music and we're literally in the middle of nowhere."
"Makes it all more fun, Vic! We can make our own music." Came his reply as he extended his arm and still holding mine twirled around it until I had no other option of wrapping both my arms around him and hold him.
"Dancing keeps you young, you know." He added as he started swaying side by side. He turned around to face me again and I smiled as I looked into his pretty eyes. "So we should dance for the rest of our lives."
He wrapped his arms around my shoulders and I kept mine at his waist as we moved side to side, waltzing only to the sound of the waves crashing somewhere under the cliff. I felt awkward at first but Kellin had a way of always making me feel so at ease with everything we did. And I knew then that this boy in my arms was the only person I ever saw myself getting older with.
The memories overlap the present and I smile at the parallels we're living. But this time we dance more easily, our bodies swaying to no music but as if we're listening to a band play somewhere. One foot in and one foot out. Left, right. Moving as one. I even dip him down for a second there and he bursts out laughing as he comes back up and holds me as he giggles. I give him a kiss on his dark locks and he sighs contently into my shoulder. I know what he's thinking, because I'm thinking the same thing.
No matter how many years pass us by and how much things change, we'll always be Kellin and Vic, Vic and Kellin. For life. And even when things get tough and rocky, we'll always find a way to get through it all. And one thing will always remain. We'll stay young, and go dancing.
(A/n): I'm literally so sorry this took so long!! I got hit with the worst writers block again, but I hope you enjoyed this nonetheless 🖤 (also Idk why but I have a thing with older Kellic)
song fact! This one explains itself really, I mean it's only the cutest song ever written and the music video just breaks me everytime. I'm happy I could somehow put all that into a few words, sometimes you just gotta let the happy love stories get to you ya know.
Thank you so much reading and I'll see you on the next one!
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