I don't know why I like you but I do
Warnings: this turned out way longer than expected, so long stuff. also a bit of very mild smut.
It didn't happen suddenly, like most people claimed it usually did. It was rather a painfully slow and patient development, and in the course of many, many years of knowing each other. One would say that it was about time that he did, about time that finally something had clicked inside him, making him aware of such immense truth he'd been ignoring for most of his life. Actually, what was sudden was the thought. When it ultimately downed on him, when he couldn't run away from it anymore, it was like his brain short-circuited. He could not quite believe it true. But at the same time, for some reason, it made complete sense.
He was in love with Kellin Quinn.
He was in love with his childhood nemesis, his neighbor since he was a baby, his dad's best friend's son with whom he's gotten into more fights over the years than he can count. His unfortunate college roommate, the guy he often said "I hate you" to more than "Hello", the most infuriating and annoying person he knew. He had fallen hopelessly in love with that guy and he had no idea why.
Or how.
Or when.
And Vic knew that was a problem.
Another big problem was living with him. The tragedy about having your biggest enemy assigned as your roommate for four years of college became even more tragic once he realized his feelings for the other boy. He still remembers the day he got the notice of who his roommate would be and he claimed loudly that he would rather go into the army than having to live with that guy for his whole college years. He was obviously exaggerating and his parents would never let him not go to school because of such tiny detail (that's what they said). So he sucked it up and when he arrived at the room with all his stuff, Kellin had already been there and was taping a straight line on the wooden floor with blue scotch tape.
"That's your side loser, and this is mine. Don't even think about touching my stuff." He had said. A permanent crease on his forehead and brows. What a sweetheart.
"Don't worry princess, I'll pretend you don't exist."
Kellin was, for lack of better words, a brat. Vic often thought that if you looked up the word in any dictionary, a photo of Kellin would appear for better reference. He was a spoiled little shit and he had no idea how he could be the child of such a lovely couple like the Quinns. The Quinns are his father's oldest friends. They met in high school and were inseparable from then on. They went to college together, went on trips across the world, were each other's best mans and brides of honors at their respective weddings. They even bought houses right beside each other's, for Christ sake. And to top their perfect unbreakable bond, both of their moms got pregnant with only a few months' difference.
Both the Quinns and the Fuentes believed deeply that their kids were meant to become best friends, it was like they were destined to be inseparable and it was so perfect for everyone. But they couldn't have been more wrong. Vic thinks that at some point in their infant years they kind of got along, for the most part. His mom has shown him tons of baby pictures of him and Kellin in so many gatherings the both families had and they looked like they were having an alright time. But as they grew bit by bit, Kellin started picking on him and annoying him more and more. Vic always chose ignore it and let it slide, not wanting to cause any problems. And then, the incident of the lake happened. In Vic's head, he always believed it had been nothing serious, however, to Kellin it was the day he decided Vic was his sworn enemy. To put it shortly, they were racing in the water with other kids and Vic had supposedly been a show off and made Kellin look like he couldn't swim at all in front of all those people. They were 6 years old. And ever since then, Kellin has been racing in an unconscious competition with Vic. Kellin always resented Vic's way of seeing life, of being the bigger person all the time. He was a goody two shoes who couldn't stand up for anything, so he would make everything to push his buttons until he could get something out of him.
Once they reached middle school it became obvious they were never going to be friends, to both of their parents' dismay. Kellin got his new sidekicks and Vic made his own friends and every recess was a battlefield between the two groups. And the hatred for each other just kept growing. When they entered high school, they were complete polar opposites. Vic was this sarcastic yet introverted band dude who didn't care about what anyone thought about him and would always get the higher ground on any situation and Kellin was the star quarterback of the football team and the most popular guy in the school with clear attitude problems and a superiority complex. And after four years of constant fighting and pranks and getting into each other's nerves, they finally graduated and were static that they'd never see each other again once they went to college. Sadly, and as fate would have it, these two shared a dream university and they were both smart enough to get in and, unlucky enough to end up drawn as roommates. They both wanted to murder each other and the rest of the world.
They ignored each other as much as they could that first semester, but at some point it became exhausting having to be at each other's throats all the time. A year in, they had no choice but to start acting civil around the other. It was bound to happen, Vic ponders. But they still wouldn't call the other a friend. Far from it. However, Vic started learning new things about the other boy and so did Kellin about him, and they had a lot of things in common. They were both fans of the same bands, they liked the same movies, they enjoyed playing the same videogames... Huh.
By their junior year things had settled down a bit. They still hated each other deeply but they learned to adapt. Kellin was still a cocky bastard. Vic was still down to earth. And one afternoon while Vic was walking on campus going back to his dorm, a coffee in his hand and homework on his mind, he saw Kellin with some of his friends at the training court. He didn't think much of it then but in that exact moment, just as the dark haired boy laughed about something some other person told him, he got distracted and didn't see where he was going and tripped with a tennis ball that had gone off course from the court. The storyfoam cup with his coffee flew out of his hand and the rest of his books landed loudly somewhere around him. He didn't know if dying of embarrassment would be better than dying from the hit he got in his head. And maybe that hit he got in his head was the reason his chest filled with warmth when he opened his eyes and saw Kellin above him asking him if he was okay. The rays of sunshine from the beautiful day outside illuminated his snarky smile and eyes as he said "You should really watch where you're going dumbass". And Vic, well Vic didn't even know what to reply.
That was the first sign he decided to ignore, and the moment he knew he was fucked.
That day Kellin had helped him back into the dorm, laughing at him all the way there, but he had been sort of nice, and it was weird. The upcoming days were a mess in his head because he wasn't sure what was going on. Why was he suddenly thinking about Kellin being so... handsome? Why was he suddenly thinking about Kellin at all? Since when did his hair look so flawless all the time, since when did his eyes shine like that in the light, since when did his body look so absolutely fit and in shape and so terribly appealing to him. He couldn't help it. They've lived together for a bit more than three years and they've both seen each other without much clothing, but now seeing Kellin walking around shirtless was just painful. He was getting more flustered each day and he believed he was going crazy.
He fought it for the longest time, he really did. He avoided the thoughts and the boy and he was doing alright. He couldn't possibly have feelings for the kid that made everything so impossible since he had memory. He couldn't. But the thoughts were there. Sometimes when you start thinking about something you don't want to think about, your brain has a way of making you think about it even more and then you're not able to think about anything else and your days are consumed around those unwanted thoughts over and over again. And that's exactly what was happening to Vic. Everything led back to Kellin.
So a few months later he accepted it. He was fucked, but he was in love with the kid. It was a hard realization, one that would probably come to cause him way more problems in the end. But he had accepted it. It made sense. In its own ironically way. He's literally known the other boy his whole life. He knows everything there is to know about Kellin. He knows his fears, he knows what he likes, what he doesn't like, he knows his dreams. Hell, he knows how he takes his coffee and how he loves the color yellow and how much he hates country music. So yeah, it started to make sense. And from the moment he accepted it, he saw Kellin everywhere.
He was in the cherry cake from his mom's birthday party when he went home that summer break. He was in the wine he liked to drink up with his friends on the weekends. He was in the textbooks from the most interesting classes of that next semester at school. He was in the orange juice he had spilled on the floor at halftime of the school's football game in the fall. He was in the phone calls he received from people offering him stuff he didn't need. He was in every single molecule of his being. And he didn't know why.
He doubted the other boy felt the same way for him. There was no way in his head that Kellin felt the same way for him because he clearly despised him, and it's not like there was going to be a sudden shift in their dynamics and Vic was sure as hell he would never say a word about his feelings to Kellin. So he'd accepted it, but he'd also accepted that it felt like trying to fire a cannon from a canoe. Impossible. Pointless. Dangerous. Entirely futile to even try.
One day, a few weeks later after discovering his situation, life decided to laugh at Vic again. In the only class they shared together, History, they were paired for one of the most important projects of the semester. Their professor assigned each pair a research topic which they had to investigate thoroughly and prepare a presentation for the next week. Vic would've rather drop himself into a pool and live underwater for the rest of his life, but whatever. He'd tried to get Kellin to talk about the project that same day. He had other things to work on and of course, he needed to plan his schedule. Kellin shrugged him off though, and claimed he was late for practice. Charming as ever.
He texted Kellin the next afternoon.
To: Spawn of Satan
Are we going to work on the project today?
To: Dicktor Fuentes
Sorry man, coach wants us to practice longer.
Tomorrow definitely.
But Vic had to study for a test tomorrow. And that is how the week went by and the history project got delayed more and more each day. Two days before the deadline Vic basically lost it.
"Look you lousy ass goblin, we need to work on that shit today, we have less than 48 hours for the presentation and I sure as hell am not going to fail because of you and your goddamn mess of a life."
Kellin was amused to say the least. So he cancelled his practice of the day and went with Vic to the library to work on the damn project. It went well for the first few hours, then it got late and they realized that it was way more work than they expected. But Kellin had a night class he couldn't miss and Vic had to finish another assignment, so they agreed that they would work on it during the whole day the next day at the 24-hour library the school had.
When Vic got out of his morning class Kellin texted him he was already in the library. Oh, so now he's worried. Vic knew they would have a long day ahead of them so he went by the coffee shop first and bought two lattes for them. He tried not to cringe too much at how well he knew the other boy's order.
"Did you poison this?" Kellin asked once Vic sat down with him and handed him his coffee.
"I wish; they ran out of venom." Came Vic's reply.
They started working in silence for a few hours. Then they shared his ideas and findings. They still had a lot of work to do and Vic wanted to kill Kellin for making them lose so much time before. But what could he do. At noon they got lunch together and messed around for an hour at the burger shop near the library. Kellin was telling him all about the upcoming game and Vic had to admit that he looked the cutest once he started talking about things he's passionate about.
When they returned to the library they got to work again. Hours passed and hours passed and all of a sudden it was nearing 10pm and they were halfway done with the thing. Halfway.
"I feel like I'm dying," Kellin whined, dropping his head on the desk. "I've never typed so much in my life. Why did I ever take History to begin with?"
"Stop complaining, this is your fault anyway."
The other boy scoffed and glared at Vic. "My fault? You were busy too. Don't even get me started."
Vic gave an irritated sigh and stood up. "I'm going to get more coffee before they close."
"Whatever. Bring me a muffin or something."
Vic flipped him off, but he would bring him a muffin either way.
Kellin chuckled once he saw Vic leave. He's so attractive when he's mad. What? He is. Maybe that's why he liked to tease him so much. He loved it when he got frustrated and started saying all those witty insults to him. They didn't do anything to him but make him laugh. The downside to it was that Vic actually hated him, when he so desperately wished it was the opposite.
He can't remember a single moment in time where he didn't like Vic. He's always admired his courageous heart and willfulness to do the right thing, but hated it at the same time. It was complicated. It's been complicated since they were kids. Kellin always thought he wanted to beat him at everything, but turns out he'd only been trying to catch the other boys' attention. That clearly backfired in the long run. Whatever, it's way more fun to push his buttons all the time. Life wouldn't be the same if they were not mortal enemies. And he enjoyed fighting with the other boy way too much.
At midnight, after a few more Word pages Kellin ended up reading about other things instead of their presentation topic. He was getting way too bored with it. So he stumbled upon the mythology section of the site he was getting information from. He read the story of Achilles and Patroclus, the greatest Trojan warrior and his exile companion. He thought about the time they studied the Trojan war in high school but it's a blur. He didn't remember having learned that they were actually lovers, though. This definitely interested him. He read article after article that claimed their bond as something deeper than platonic and he was in awe. Why didn't they teach this in high school? He definitely would've avoided the denial stage of his sexuality then.
"What are you doing?" Vic asked, making him tear his eyes away from his laptop's screen. He knew Vic would give him hell for procrastinating so he avoided his question with another.
"What do you think about Achilles and Patroclus?"
"What" Vic frowned and stopped typing, giving him a glance.
"You know, the Illiad, the Trojan war..."
"I know who they are Kellin, but why are you asking me that?"
"I found a site that says they were, like, lovers and stuff."
Vic looked at him and Kellin shrugged. Vic held back a laugh.
"Well, yeah. They were soulmates."
At this Kellin raised an eyebrow. Interesting.
"What, you just found that out?" Vic asked, giving him a teasing smile.
"I didn't get to that lesson with Mr. Murphy in high school."
Vic chuckled and shook his head. "Get back to work Kellin."
"Do you believe in soulmates though?" Kellin asked after a bit, not wanting to let the conversation die. "I like how you put it. Soulmates."
Vic saved his Word document and turned to look at him. "Don't you?"
Kellin was caught off guard by the question but he refused to break eye contact with Vic. "I... I don't know, really."
Vic rested his head in his hand. "Well, I do. There must be someone out there who you feel deeply connected to, no matter the circumstances, someone that clicks. It's kind of hopeful too. And it could literally be anyone."
"But isn't that kinda scary? What if you never find them?" His eyes never left Vic's.
"That's the thing, you do find them. Sooner or later." Vic didn't want to admit that while he said all that, he was thinking, way deep down, that maybe, possibly, Kellin was his. He could imagine an impersonated version of life laughing at him in the empty desk beside theirs.
Kellin took a deep breath, and finally looked away. He never noticed the gold specks inside Vic's brown eyes. And it was making him nervous. He faked a laugh. "Why am I talking about this to you, out of all people?"
"Uh, you brought it up?" Vic retorted and Kellin shook his head. Going back to his computer and closing the mythology tabs. He knew he would read more about it another day anyway.
"Let's get back to work."
A couple hours later Kellin started feeling it. That drunken feeling that comes with lack of sleep. How long had they've been working? Why was Vic still typing so much on his laptop? He couldn't think anymore. And having the other boy so close to him was making everything difficult too. Vic was starting to feel it as well. But he believed himself strong enough to finish his part. He was so close to concluding that he wouldn't let anything stop him. And that's when Kellin dropped his head on his shoulder and he felt the world tilt. He stopped typing and looked from the corner of his eye the black mop of hair leaning on his arm. The smell of his shampoo invaded him and he couldn't hide his smile.
"I can't anymore Vic," Kellin mumbled and Vic startled because he really thought he was asleep.
"You're almost there, we just need to join my conclusion to yours and make the slides." Vic tried to be encouraging and Kellin whined some more. He lifted his head from Vic's shoulders and gave him a dizzy look.
"Did you know that your eyes have gold specks inside them?" Kellin laughed, still very close to Vic.
"No... but thanks?" He smiled and his heart did an unavoidable flip inside him.
"They do, they're very pretty."
"Kellin, you sound drunk," Vic chuckled, but to be honest he was also feeling kind of woozy.
"Let's just get a D, Vic," Kellin said and upon realizing his own pun he started laughing hysterically. "I mean, a grade, not a literal dick, you know." He kept laughing and Vic started laughing too because, okay, it was kind of funny.
"Maybe we should take a break."
And as they stood up Kellin accidentally tripped with Vic's bag on the floor and ended up dropping into him, and Vic didn't have the best control over his body from being so tired and sitting down for so long, so the two boys stumbled over each other and onto the ground.
"Shit, Kellin," Vic groaned as his back hit the cold carpet. "You're so fucking heavy."
"Shut up," the other boy grumbled as he tried to stand up again. He was also trying really hard not to think about how he was basically on top of Vic. "Your damn bag was in the way."
"Oh, so now it's my fault that you can't see?" Vic retorted while Kellin struggled to untangle the laces of the bag from his leg.
"God, I really hate you so much sometimes."
"Only sometimes?"
"Literally all the time."
"Well, don't mind me, the feeling is mutual."
Kellin looked at Vic then and gave him a glare, still struggling with the fastener. "Your fucking bag, I swear to God..."
"Stop moving so much, let me help you." Vic offered weakly. Even helping was sort of difficult from the position he was in and with Kellin literally crushing him, he was pretty much stuck. And as he tried to sit up Kellin moved again and they bumped their heads.
"Christ sake, just roll over." Vic said rubbing his temple and laying back on the floor again.
"Wait I got it," replied Kellin just as he finally detached the lace and freed his leg. And now he was literally sitting on Vic's lap. He didn't even care. He was annoyed and tired and he just wanted to go to their room and sleep. So he took the bag and dropped it on Vic's chest forcefully. "This is all your fault."
"Ow- Seriously?" Vic deadpanned and sat up, putting the bag on top of the chair. Kellin was still straddling him and if he weren't so drunk on lack of sleep he would've been more than mortified. "Tell me Kellin, how the fuck was that my fault. I'd love to hear it."
Kellin frowned even harder. "For starters, who keeps their things on the floor?" He poked his chest. "And who uses that kind of bag these days, just get a normal backpack like any other sane person. And why are we still here working on this stupid paper? Like, it's literally like 3am and in five years do you think it'll be important? I'm pretty sure it won't. And, and why are you looking at me like that?"
He was right, it was late. Very late. So maybe that's why Vic's brain stopped working like its usual self. And while Kellin rambled on and on about his unimportant bag and their pointless education, he couldn't help but stare. Even after all these hours inside the library he still looked cute as hell. His bangs were still perfectly placed across his forehead and the permanent frown on his face just made his eyes pop out more than they normally did. And the pink of his mouth intensified from all the chewing he'd been doing while thinking about what to write for their paper. So when Kellin asked him why he was looking at him like that, he just blinked.
"Like what?"
"Like...," Kellin felt the words leave his brain as he was suddenly very aware of the position they were in and he got a bit red in the face. But Vic seemed way too calm and that certainly freaked him out. He mumbled something and went to move away, but was surprised when Vic took his wrist.
"Want to hear something funny?" Vic chuckled to himself. "Truth is, I don't know why I hate you..."
Kellin's eyes lifted to his.
"...And I don't know why I like you either..."
Kellin swore he felt his heart stop beating. "...What?"
Vic chuckled again and shook his head. And after some silence and just above a whisper:
"I don't know why I like you... but I do."
There, he said it. Now it was on Kellin. And he just wanted to sleep so much. But he was glad it was out there. It felt good to admit and say out loud. He loved him, actually, but maybe Kellin wasn't ready to hear that yet. Kellin was already freaking out too much in his opinion. But Kellin's heart was pounding in his chest. Because. Because-
"Are you fucking crazy?" Kellin asked, still so close to the other boy, still seeing the gold specks in his eyes. He took the other boy's face in his hands and with his fingers he traced a line from his cheeks to his neck and held him there. "What do you mean you like me?"
Vic gave him a look he hoped would say way more than he could verbalize and Kellin felt his pulse beating forcefully through his throat. "You're crazy."
But Kellin kissed him anyway. And it was like a fire lit around them, burning up the stacks of books and papers and electronics on the desk and the rows and rows of shelves of the whole library. It felt like crashing and like flying and like they'd been waiting their whole lives for the exact moment their mouths met each other. Kellin kissed him hungrily and fast, their bodies moving in sync without intending to. Vic didn't know what to do with his hands so he kept them on the ground, holding himself up on his position. He didn't believe this was real. He was probably dreaming. But he kissed and kissed and kissed Kellin like he'd never kissed anyone before him. And then Kellin started grinding his hips and his groin lit up and he became very aware of how real this was. He gasped against Kellin's lips and Kellin took the chance of sticking his tongue inside his mouth. He wasn't exactly thinking clearly either. But he dreamed of doing this with Vic for so long that he wasn't complaining. Getting a little more eager, Kellin took Vic's right hand and guided it to his front. He knew where this was going and he didn't want it to stop, but was silently asking Vic if he wanted the same thing. Vic stopped the kiss and looked into Kellin's eyes as he slowly and tentatively palmed the front of his jeans. Kellin bit his lip tightly and that made Vic's head go wild. He kissed him again and flipped them over so he was on top of Kellin now. His hands roamed his body and his mouth kissed his neck. He wanted him so bad now. They wanted each other.
And so fingers unbuttoned pants and hands slid down under. And skin made contact with more skin. And it was messy and desperate and they tried not to be too loud since they were still inside the library. Neither of them could believe the feelings flowing through them, they could not believe how good and right it felt. Being so close. They gasped and kissed more forcefully and were overcome with everything going on. It didn't last long and when they finished each other off Vic collapsed beside Kellin on the carpeted floor, panting for air. When he had suggested a break, he certainly didn't mean that. But it had happened. When they both did their jeans up again Vic sat down. He wasn't sure what to say. He was still tired as hell but he felt, alive.
"We should... Uh.... clean up." Vic suggested quietly. He looked back at Kellin who was still laying down, his hair ruffled and his cheeks red.
"Yeah... Give me a sec," he looked blissed out of his mind and it made Vic laugh. He didn't know his hand was so skilled.
Vic went to the bathroom first and washed his hands and looked for other stains to clean. He looked at himself in the mirror and held back a smile. He had no idea what just happened. He never expected- His brain was repeating it over and over but it still could not comprehend.
When Kellin entered the bathroom he went straight for the sinks and took out his shirt which was more stained, he was muttering something to himself while he put on a sweater instead. Vic didn't even know where he got that from. And how could one person be so fucking hot? Vic avoided looking at him and focused on washing his hands again and when he finally looked up again Kellin was already looking back at him from the mirror reflection. They locked eyes with each other and Vic could feel his heartbeat racing. When he turned his head toward the other boy they met halfway into another hard and needy kiss.
It was like Vic's body had a mind of its own as his hands found Kellin's waist and pinned him to the counter. When they pulled away for air, Kellin's cheeks were flushed again and he kept his eyes closed. He was savoring the moment. He felt like he was dreaming and in any second he would wake up and it'll be over. And he didn't want that.
"I have no idea what's going on," he said, like in a trance. He opened his eyes and gazed into Vic's strong look. "Doesn't mean I didn't enjoy it." He mumbled, leaning in and kissing Vic again, wrapping his arms around his torso. Vic kissed back immediately and lifted him so he was sitting on the counter instead and Kellin instantly wrapped his legs around him, pulling him so unbelievably close. Vic couldn't complain. But at some point Kellin broke the kisses and leaned his head on Vic's shoulders, hiding away.
"Wait, wait. I don't think I can, again," he breathed deeply. He was exhausted. And a bit embarrassed to admit that.
Vic held him and let out a shaky laugh, silently agreeing and feeling the same way. And with a nod they walked out of the bathroom, picked up their things and went to their room.
They agreed to finish the slides in five minutes before the class began. And other than discussing what the other would say on the presentation the next day (which was only a couple hours away) they didn't say much to each other. Or at all. And once Vic's head hit his pillow he couldn't help but to feel invaded by the anxiety of knowing you fucked up in one way or another.
Their presentation was average at best. Vic believed the whole classroom could detect the awkward vibe between the two while they spoke about their research, but maybe he was putting too much thought into it. But Kellin didn't even look at him that morning when they woke up, he just went on with his usual morning routine. Everything back to normal. What did I expect though? He thought to himself. That he was going to wake me up with a kiss and a "good morning darling?"
Surprisingly, they got B on the project and neither of them could really complain. Once the professor dismissed them Vic tried to reach out to the other boy, but to no avail.
"Sorry man, gotta run to practice." Kellin said quickly, avoiding looking directly at Vic and basically sprinting out of the classroom and away from him like Vic got the plague or something.
And that went on for another week. At some point Vic just stopped trying. They both made sure to only be in the room whenever the other wasn't around and to sit as far away as possible on the class they shared. They barely saw each other at all and when they did they both looked away as if caught doing something wrong.
Vic was pissed to say the least. Where did Kellin get off avoiding him like that? He's the one that kissed him in the first place. The kid didn't make sense. And okay, maybe they took things a bit too far too soon, but they both consented and they had actually had a good time. At least it seemed like it. So then why was Kellin acting like such an asshole. Maybe because he is, but Vic thought he deserved a better explanation than that.
Some days later Vic was in the room, it was one of the rare days he didn't have much to work on for his classes so he was lazing around on his phone and laying on his bed. He was having a peaceful moment to himself when Kellin bursted through the door.
"Shit," he cursed under his breath, realizing the room wasn't empty. He swore he thought Vic would be for certain at the library or somewhere else.
"Jeez, hello to you too." Vic rolled his eyes and put his phone down.
"Whatever, I'm just picking up something."
"Wow, you're actually speaking more than one syllable to me."
Kellin glared at him and clearly pretended he was there pick up something from his desk. "I'm not. I'm leaving."
Finally having enough, Vic stood up and blocked the door.
"What the fuck? Move." Kellin ordered, but Vic didn't even flinch.
"Kellin, when are we going to talk about it?"
The dark haired boy crossed his arms and rolled his eyes. "You and I have nothing to talk about. We never have and never will."
Vic scoffed. "Wow. I mean, I knew you were an asshole but this is next level. Even for you."
"Could you please move so I can go."
"Why did you kiss me if you were going to act like this." Vic crossed his arms and Kellin's blood boiled. He didn't even know why he was so angry at Vic. But he was. He'd been angry since that night because he was just so confused. And scared. Mostly scared.
"Shut up." He gave Vic another death glare.
"I just want to know why won't you even acknowledge it," Vic attempted to say but Kellin had enough too.
"Because! God, it's never going to work, Vic!" Kellin finally cracked, grasping Vic's shirt tightly in his hands and pushing him completely into the door.
Vic let out an involuntary gasp as he hit the wooden surface. His hands went to grab at the other's but Kellin let him go, as if afraid of mere skin contact.
"The sooner we get over it, the better it will be for the both of us." He muttered to himself, but Vic still heard.
"What if I don't want to?"
"Vic, we've hated each other our whole lives." Kellin gave an exasperated sigh. Finally giving in. "What makes you think we could ever... Whatever." He couldn't even say it.
"Is that why you've been avoiding me?"
Kellin only rolled his eyes. Vic smiled at him despite everything. "Look, you're right. We already hate each other, we're already enemies. But what's the worst that could happen then?"
Kellin let the words sink in. Did this mean that Vic was for real? He wanted to be with him? Like their library rendezvous wasn't only a one-night thing?
"We're gonna murder each other." He concluded. The only thing making sense in his head right now.
Vic shrugged and took a step towards the other boy. "I'll take the risk."
"You're serious, you want to do this?"
"Yeah "
"With me?"
"But why,"
"I already told you, I have no idea why." They were in front of each other now, just a few inches apart. Vic wanted to grab on Kellin's hands desperately. "But I want to be your boyfriend. Your terrible, terrible boyfriend that you hate."
Kellin was still frowning, not out of anger but from worry. He had no idea about anything. But he knew that his feelings were real. And he guessed that was the most important part.
"If you break my heart, I swear I'll murder you. I'll literally skin you alive." He said in the end.
Vic laughed loudly and shook his head. "Same goes to you, actually."
Kellin bit his lip and took a deep breath. "Fine, then."
Vic smirked, "fine."
And, spoiler alert.
They never broke each other's hearts.
(A/n): I really went from not knowing what to write for this to writing a story that could easily be turned into a chaptered fic lmao I also don't want to proof read this so if anything is all over the place here's my apologies.
What did you think about this one?? Any suckers for enemies to lovers around here? Did anyone notice the Carry On vibes???
Song fact! I'm aware the story had a little bit of nothing to do with the song except for some key points, but it was nice to create something around it either way! It's always been a favorite of mine. And the Mr Murphy that is mentioned is actually the lead singer of The Wombats heh, it's always fun to throw those little details around even if I'm the only one who will notice them.
Anyways, I'm very excited to write the next one, so I'll see you there :)
Thank you for reading🖤
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