Waking in a Fantasy
Though I recall going to bed I did not recall waking up. To be specific I don't recall the room I am in either. This is not what I was expecting when I woke up. To be exact a waking to a bright shining light that was warm on your cheeks, and the fact the other side of the bed was empty. Not being in more normal shorts and pajama's instead I'm in some weird undergarments and there was fur and armor strung upon a chair in the corner. The room was no longer lively with my plants and modern style instead its walls were now lined with cobblestone and torches. Instead of a bed I was laid upon a pile of straw. This isn't what I was expecting when I awoke from a deep slumber. It has to be a dream right? As my heart began thumping in my chest I sat up upon the bedding of straw. Expecting to see a familiar pair of red vermillion wings and blonde hair, but instead was greeted with an empty room. It was just me and the scratchy feeling of the straw that was all over me, and the dusty hanging spiderwebs in the corners of the area where I slept. Fear struck finding myself alone in fact I had no idea where I am located. Was I kidnapped from Hawk's apartment? Pondering the door slammed open to a much to familiar red haired male. My intern friend to be exact from Fatgum's agency. I was there on a visit awhile back to get some help on a mission. Though instead of rushing back to my agency I stayed with Fatgum and Eijirou or as I called him Eiji to be exact. I was very fond of this male. We've had quite a few spars in our past for fun.
Gasping in not only fear, but of shock my eyes widen seeing the familiar face of Eiji. Sighing in relief to myself. I decided go to speak when he cut me off, "Maiden why do you lay upon my straw?" He asks his tone gruff and deep. Shoving the gulp down in my throat to try and loosen my vocal cords up. I try to gather the courage to speak to this man in front of me, "Well... you see I just woke up here and I-" Eijirou cuts you off before you could finish your sentence, "Forget it. Gather your things and get out of here." He states. He was too much of a threat to you in this world. Did I still have my quirk here? Even if I tried to face him what if it failed. Sighing I gather up the armor and slide it on. Gulping I began to pull the straw from my hair. As I exit this what you are guessing is a wheat mill.
Turning back seeing Eiji enter and he shot me one last glare my direction. A shiver runs down my spine as I began to blink away the sleep from my eyes and peer up, the sky was clear and instead of it being the bustling city of japan. There now lies a very large kingdom in the distance, the cobblestone walls and a large castle stood tall in the distance of the early morning sun. Yawning a bit and looking around taking in the sites, you began along towards this kingdom. Horse drawn carriages rode past as I was still rather confused. Watching the carriages, some carried people others carried wine, pottery, fish, bread, animals, and more. As I walk my mind wanders to where Keigo maybe.
Looking towards the skies you wondered if he was flying free at this moment or somewhere in a nest. Though I made my way to the kingdom I was stopped suddenly, startled by the sudden horse that I had just ran nose first into. Backing up a bit rubbing the now throbbing nose I open my teary eyes coming face to face with a tired looking male. His long black hair rolled down his shoulders as he sighs, "You know you're going to get hurt if you don't watch where you're going." That voice was all to familiar, there sat upon the dark auburn horse was none other than Aizawa. Laughing softly you nods, "Sorry... I just don't feel myself today. By any chance may I ask where I am?" My voice was soft and nervous sounding. Like I was a child, Aizawa takes a deep breath and with an simple sigh he began, "Welcome to Camelot, I'm Aizawa commander of the guards. As you can see this street is the main area where the merchants and artists create their crafts. Who are you again if I may ask?" Looking down at my outfit a bit as I ponder my name. Was it the same name from my present life? Screw it! That's my name, "I'm Serena!" I look up at the male. Giving him the biggest happy grin I could muster.
Sighing the male rubs his eyes, "Well welcome to Camelot you seem rather lost are you an adventurer?" He asks his voice gruff and a bit concerned. Laughing nervous I peer down, "Yeah! I guess you can say that... do you by any chance know a Keigo Tamaki?" I asked curiously. Aizawa looks at me a rather confused look, "Can't say I have. Trust me I know everyone at that. Anyway I must continue my patrol of the streets have a good day miss Serena was it?" He raises a brow at my name. Taking a deep breath I nod my head slowly. As he clicks his tongue and his horse turns and began cracking down the cobblestone packed city road. Feeling a bit hopeless I lean on the castle wall and began to think. Looking towards my side I see a small satchel on my hip, opening it I peer at what looks like some dried fish and bread.
A long drawn sigh escaped my lips as I slump down to the ground. When I pull the bread out I began eating it as I stare at the sky. Picturing at any moment my knight with vermillion wings would swoop down and pick me up. He would hold me close and tell me that I'm safe and he would protect me. Instead my eyes caught attention of a small cat in a tree. Raising a brow it mews being stuck on a branch. I get up and slowly climb up the first few branches. It began running up the tree climbing higher. It's gray fur spiked up as it's black face and paws contrasted the bright blue eyes, "I feel like I've seen this cat somewhere?" I muttered.
As I pull myself up to a branch I take a seat and just watch the city. I smirk and pull out the dried fish from my pocket. Making a soft "Here Kitty Kitty..." sound I move the dried fish. Slowly the cat climbs down and to me. Slowly feeding off the fish. I smile and after it finished it jumped into my lap and kneads on my leg before laying down. Smiling softly I pet it, "Heh well I'm not so alone anymore-" my sentence was cut off by yelling from the ground, "Hey! Get down from there you'll get hurt!" Humming I turn to look only to be greeted by a male with green hair and what little armor he did wear, and what looked to be a knight. An uptight knight if I may say and to the left of him stood a female sorcerer.
"Umm... why do you care?" I shout back, "Well... I'm suppose to since I'm a Knight in Training." The green haired stated. I chuckle and purse my lips into a thin line as he hold the cat close. Making them nervous. I wasn't up very high as I lean over and free fell as I spin and land on my feet my knees bending to take the brunt of the landing. I stand and set the cat down. I dust my armor and butt off. Both the green haired male and the uptight looking knight were in awe. I blink at them, "What something on my face?" I ask as the uptight knight began to speak, "You fall with such grace like someone was going to catch you. Even though you landed it was like watching a bird dive over the lake in the mountains."
I scoff and snicker as I nod, "Well it takes many years of practice trust me!" The small green male spoke up, "I'm Izuku Midoriya! This is Ochako Uraraka and the man in metal is Tenya Iida." I nod and tip my head towards them, "I'm Ser-Salem." I greet using my hero name. As they all nod and smile. I didn't know where I was, but I wonder where this adventure will lead me? Keigo when I find you I'm going to smack you first... where are you?
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