Chapter 4 - Part 2
"Flynn is my mate," I breathed. The shock vibrated through Dean's features.
"The Keeper?" he asked incredulously. I nodded, biting my lip.
He looked taken aback. "Wow."
And that was an understatement. I had a few other apt words I would have used to describe the situation I was in.
"It explains a lot," he said thoughtfully.
He stood up and discarded the glass into the nearby trashcan before he turned to face me with his hands on his hips.
"Is that even possible?"
"Yeah. They have birthmarks like we do." I stood, watching his reaction closely.
He had been caught by the Keepers so I knew he already had a reason to dislike them, possibly even hate. His reaction could be what I had in store with most of my pack members if they discovered Flynn was my mate.
"What are you going to do about it?" His eyes stayed on me. It was difficult to read what he was thinking.
"Nothing." I gave him a dismissive shrug. "He doesn't fit in my world and I don't fit in his."
"That sucks." He gave me a sympathetic look. Instead of feeling annoyed, I accepted it. If it had come from someone else it would have been difficult to take, but I think because he had similar issues with his parents I felt a connection to him that I didn't have with a lot of people.
"It does." I let out an emotional breath and some of my anger dissipated. I was still unhappy with Kyle trying to keep me from Flynn. It didn't matter that I had already pretty much decided that anyway. I didn't like being told what I could or couldn't do.
It was like waving a red flag at a raging bull. It was only a matter of time before I pushed back, even though it would have dire consequences. The unforgiving need to act before thinking would be my downfall one day.
"Is that why you decided to throw the frame?" he asked, looking at the small dent that marred the perfectly white wall.
I had come this far, there was no point in stopping now.
"Kyle told me to stay away from him." I opened up further. I rolled my shoulders, feeling the tension set painfully into my muscles.
He tilted his head to the side. "Maybe it's for the best," he said gently.
If I used logical reasoning I could understand why Kyle had done what he had, but my emotions made it difficult to contemplate. Even though I had just seen Flynn this morning I could already feel the yearning for him.
"I just don't want to be told what to do," I tried to explain. I studied a piece of glass and picked it up.
"I get it. I think Kyle's trying to keep everyone safe, including you." Dean's words made me think of what Kyle had said to me about having to make difficult decisions.
It may have been a difficult decision for him but it was nothing compared to the struggle I felt between the pull of my mate and what I knew was the right thing to do.
For the next week I did what I was supposed to. I did my part around the pack, I smiled when I had to and I pretended that everything was fine. But it wasn't. Deep down inside I felt like something was suffocating, dying.
I dreamed of Flynn. He was a constant in my mind, beckoning me to him.
I knew it was my own thoughts and connection to him that made me dream of him wanting me. In reality, he didn't. He didn't want me, otherwise he wouldn't have left. How could I still want someone who didn't feel the same way?
He is your mate. But that thought did nothing to ease the pain I felt inside my heart that he was staying away from me. You asked him to, I reminded myself.
I was suffering, trying to fight the need to seek him out. Was he feeling the same? Probably not, I told myself, feeling more defeated.
Knowing I was doing the right thing did not ease the ache. I felt like I was missing a piece inside of me. I paced my room, trying to figure out how to stop feeling like I was a caged animal needing to be set free.
I want you to stay away from him. Kyle's instruction echoed in my mind. I couldn't go to Flynn even if I wanted to. And it was becoming harder to stick to my rule of keeping my distance from him.
But I needed to see him, even if I didn't approach him. It was the only thought that appeased the growing pull to him.
Kyle had told me to stay away from him but it didn't stop me from just looking at him, did it? Well, there was only one way to find out.
But I had no idea where he was or how to track him down. I continued to pace my room, trying to figure out how to find Flynn. He was in the area but he could be anywhere.
Feeling more deflated, I slumped down on my bed and put my head into my hands. Then I had an idea. But it was crazy and reckless. Just the type of thing that would get me into trouble.
Is it worth the risk? I asked myself. If I went ahead with it I would be putting myself in a dangerous situation. I bit my nails as I contemplated my brother's reaction if he even knew what I was thinking of doing. He would have a heart attack. There had to be another way.
It was still on my mind a few hours later when my brother knocked on my door. He often stopped by to check up on me.
"Hey," he greeted.
"Hi," I said, not liking the intrusion into my life but understanding that his actions came from the fact that he loved me. He was one of the few people who did.
"You okay?" he asked.
I let him in and he surveyed my small room.
"I'm fine. Just like I was fine this morning," I assured him.
I didn't want to let on the growing agitation I felt with my link to Flynn.
"I worry about you." He turned to face me. And then I felt guilty for all the times I had been annoyed when he was checking up on me or getting me out of trouble.
"I know you do," I murmured, giving him a hug. He hugged me back. "I'm really fine."
He studied me closer before he released me. "If you need anything you know where to find me."
Kyle would know where Flynn was but there was no way he would share that information with me.
James would know. The question I wanted to ask him was on the tip of my tongue but I couldn't say it. I didn't want to put him in a position where he would have to choose between his friend and I, so I let him leave.
I was running out of options.
The urgency I felt was something I couldn't keep at bay anymore. I had to try something so I left my room and headed for the gates.
"Don't stay out too late," Oliver said to me as I left the compound. He was one of the older guards.
"I won't," I said with a wink. I had no idea if anyone was keeping an eye on me for Kyle.
I felt a moment of apprehension before I pushed forward. There was no plan when I entered the forest. My only thoughts were of Flynn. I breathed in the cool air as my eyes adjusted to the waning light.
Where are you? I whispered. I didn't even know if he would be happy to see me. But I concentrated on the pull I felt and let it lead my feet one step at a time.
I knew the forest like the back of my hand so I knew no matter where I went I would be able to find my way back. So I gave in to my instinct and allowed it to lead the way.
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