Chapter 7
I wake, it takes time to realize that I'm awake as all I see is black. I get up, walk around and bump into the Walls. " I see you're awake huh" It doesn't take me long to recognize my mother's voice. "Where am i?" I ask, not scared, just curious. "We have a basement remember? Well this is what you will call your prison for the next 5 months". My jaw drops. 5 months? is she crazy?! "well you will get food twice a day and water but that's all you'll get, no lights, no clothes, no water to shower in.This is what you get for creating trouble to MY family." She seems calm but very menacing. "And the time starts NOW!" She slams the door shut and locks it, this is the begging of a long hell.
---------1 Month later-------
My mother came in last night ( As I found out there is a small window which is really high up and too tight to squeeze through) and told me that 1 month has passed. Only one month! it feels like I've been stuck here for a year! The days are long and boring. there is literally nothing in the room except some blankets and a pen. So as bored as I am I decide to strip and try to at least somehow wash the dirt off my skin. As I take off my jumper, a note falls. That's when it struck me, my mobile phone has been with me the whole time!! I immediately type in Andy's number and press call. *BEEP*BEEP*BEEP* it goes on for a few more seconds untill a very attractive voice answers. "Hello?".
"Hey this is me, Emma." I whisper "My mum found me and I am locked in the basement for another 4 months please help me Andy". A short pause. then he proceeds. "Tell me your adress quick". So I proceed to tell him "Valley rode, twenty..." I don't get to finish my sentence as my phone battery has run out. I am amazed that after 1 month of not charging it it still works, but I didn't finish telling him my street number how is he gonna find me? I begin so quietly sob and a voice in the back of my head says -You can't fight pain, it wants you too badly- To that, i lay down and imagine a world where everything is the exact opposite of this.
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