b. one,
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* before, one *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
- cinema, harry styles
" i guess we're in time
if you're getting yourself wet for me
i guess you're all mine
when you're sleeping in this bed with me "
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* lips *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Sept. 17th 1985
It's been happening for a month. The visions. The nightmares. The voices. The flashbacks. She keeps seeing his face. Hearing his voice. Almost advising her in her terrible situations. She wanted it to stop.
The only way she knew how were drugs... The only person she knew to get them from was Eddie 'the freak' Munson. A kid who flunked twelfth grade twice before this school year, turning twenty in May.
The last bell of the school day rung out, echoing in the halls of the school, alerting everyone to go home for the day.
But Gracie wasn't going home, at least not at first. Grabbing her bag out of her locker she trudged toward the school doors that led to the parking lot.
When she spotted his long curly hair leaned against his rusty van, she walked as fast as she could getting over to him. Before she could make it over he had already gotten inside the van, slamming the driver side door shut.
That was when she picked up her pace. In dire need of anything to make the voices and thoughts go away. Just as he was about to start up the van, she slammed her hand on the side of the window startling him.
He jumped in his seat, hand over his heart as he turned to face the source of the sound. "Jesus Christ! Could've given me a heart attack." He laughed a little after, "Great adrenaline rush, though."
She wanted to smile with him but she couldn't. "Eddie... I need you to do a big favor for me. Promise me you won't tell anyone."
The tone in her voice made him sit up straight in his seat, "W-What do you need?" He questioned the girl.
She leaned into his window causing him to back his head into the seat. Standing on the tips of her toes so her lips could reach his ear over the window. "You sell, right?"
He backed away from her face in bewilderment. He couldn't believe Gracie Hopper was actually asking him for drugs. The one girl he thought would never even touch that stuff.
"Eddie, please say something." She began to gnaw on lip in anticipation.
He swallowed a few times trying to get the taste back to his tongue before finally answering. "Yeah, yeah, I sell. I don't have anything on me though, but you could uh come back to my house. Take your pick of my selection." Eddie suggested to her.
He knew something was wrong to where she needed to rely on drugs; and if that's what was going to help her then that's what he'd do.
Her eyes wandered to the left of the parking lot, seeing what's left of the students entering their cars ready to leave. "Screw it."
Gracie really needed whatever he had. She wanted it ti stop and at that points she'd do anything.
So she shrugged, running around to the passenger side, quickly getting in shutting the door and buckling her seatbelt. "Let's ride." She slapped the dashboard a few times causing his lips to turn up.
"Let's ride." He repeated her words, pulling out of the parking lot at a fast rate.
Gracie's fingers drummed against her thighs, impatient and the awkwardness in the small compartment of the van was getting to her.
The seven minute drive seemed a whole lot longer than expected.
He consistently glanced over to her the duration of the drive. She could sense it and it started to bother her.
"You don't have to keep looking at me, Eddie." Her voice was gentle but he knew how she meant it. She wanted him to stop so he did.
"Sorry." Eddie was only amazed. Nearly in shock. The girl he had a crush on since he was in 9th grade that faded when he flunked the first time was sat in his van.
He always loved the way her hair flowed with the wind. The way she moved it out of her face when strands got in her way.
The way lights made her eyes glow when they hit them the right way. The way she walked down the halls and never noticed anyones stares whether they were of attraction, awe, or malice.
The way she smiled whenever she noticed him in the halls. The way she carried herself.
The way she was Gracie Hopper.
His eyes would always fall on her whenever he was in her presence. It was hard not to look.
So even after he was told to quit looking, his eyes still traveled once in a while. The window rolled down causing her hair to fly back at the speed he was going.
He took his eyes away from her as they reached the trailer park, taking a right on the dirt road and slowing to a stop at his trailer.
"Well, welcome to my castle." He smiled nervously, speedily hopping out of the van and going to the passenger side, opening the door with a grin.
She nodded at him with thanks. Looking around noticing Max's trailer across from his.
"I didn't know you lived across from the Mayfields." She hummed nudging his shoulder.
His heart began to beat faster at the small space left between them. "I didn't know who the Mayfields were until just now." He chuckled light heartedly, gently gripping her hand to lead her inside.
He stopped in his tracks as he realized what he had done. But began to relax when her hand tightened around his and a small curve in her lips appeared suddenly.
He twisted the knob of the door, pushing it open, stepping back and allowing her to come inside first but still keeping her hand held tight.
"They're just back in my room... unless you want to wait in here." He suggested, now releasing her hand from his hold. She shook her head glancing back towards the end of the trailer.
"I can go with if that's fine with you." Her lips pursed eyes drawing to her feet.
He shrugged beginning to walk back, tapping her wrist when he walked past her. Her head was brought up and she slowly followed him.
When she entered his room it was a tad dirty if that's what you'd call it, just some stray clothes lying on the floor and a can or two sat on the nightstand.
He bent down and began to search through a small drawer on the floor. Her eyes wandered more, his room really shouted his personality.
Guitar hung up on the wall, band posters taped against the walls, dark clothing hung in the closet.
His room was nothing like Billy's.
Billy had posters of car, models, and an ashtray on the dresser. A couple of colognes lined up near the ashtray and a variety of different colored shirts.
She snapped back to reality when he stood up with a bag with a hefty amount of marijuana. "This what you're looking for?" He asked the girl.
His brow raised and his tongue running across the top layer of his teeth as his mouth was wide in an open grin.
She nodded eagerly and began to dig through her pockets for the wadded up bills she carried around. "How, how much?" Her teeth chewed at her lip, eager to get rid of the voices in her head.
He scratched the back of his head, rings hitting against his scalp when he brought his hand down. "Uh, twenty for the half and fifteen for a quarter."
He watched as she began to flip through the scrunched up bills before pulling out a twenty and handing it over to him.
He gently took the bill away from her and let her grab the ziplock bag of marijuana. He watched as she fiddled with it in her hands looking lost as ever.
"Do you even know how to roll?" Gracie's face scrunched, looking up at him in utter confusion.
"Roll?" Completely lost at what he had meant.
Eddie chuckled bending back down for a split second and coming back up with a joint.
"Roll." He stated the obvious as she could see for herself what he had meant.
Her ears warmed in embarrassment shaking her head. "No, no I do not." Her lips turned down as she realized she looked like a complete idiot now. How do you purchase drugs that you don't even know how to do?
"Here let me show you." He sat down on his bed patting the empty spot next to him with a smirk.
She left out the breath she had held in and took up his offer. Quickly handing him the bag so he could instruct her.
He took out a fresh sheet of cigarette paper, tossing the pack on the bed. "So you take it like this," he showed Gracie the plain paper and made a small indent with his finger.
Eddie then took a small amount and spread it evenly through the indent.
"Make sure it looks like that. I don't like to use a grinder, nobody likes parsley flakes, am I right?" He smiled to himself seeing her lips turn up at his words.
"Alright, now here's the tricky part." He gestured towards the unrolled blunt. He began to roll it a bit away from him, leaving one side of paper hanging out.
"Make sure it's tucked good, okay?" She nodded and nudged Eddie to continue when he just stared back at her.
He straightened the excess paper and brought his tongue down to the inside of it. He made sure his eyes stayed connected with Gracie's when his tongue connected to the lining.
Swiping a good bit of the paper very slowly, too slow for Gracie's liking.
Eddie Munson was an attractive man. She always thought he had been but, he was a couple of years older than her so she never acted on it and wouldn't dare start a relationship so quickly after Billy.
So she gulped and straightened her legs, clamping them shut. He smirked against the paper when he saw her shift on the bed.
He finished off the blunt by rolling the now wet with saliva paper over the rolled half.
"There ya' go." He handed it over to her, tucking it in her palm.
When she brought her tongue out and swiped it across her bottom lip Eddie couldn't help but stare.
Without another thought he slowly brought his face closer to hers, hand pressed in the bed behind her back for support.
His right hand was drawn to her face, thumb running across her jaw. Gracie could feel her heart pounding against her chest, she didn't know why but she wanted his lips to touch hers.
She wanted to know how they felt moving against hers. So when he stared up at her asking for her approval she took no second thought.
She gently placed her hand around his neck pulling him forward in one move. She stopped him an inch before their lips could touch and let out the breath she had been holding in since he began to lick the cigarette paper.
Eddie not being able to take the wait anymore moved his head down so his lips could connect perfectly with hers.
He loved the way her lips felt against his. They were soft but not too soft and that was just the way he liked it.
He loved how her hand tightened on his neck when he pressed his lips harder against hers.
He dropped his hand from her face to her hip, swiftly pulling her onto his lap causing her to gasp in surprise.
Gracie moved against his lap trying to create any type of friction. His hands gripped each side of her waist pulling her further down against himself.
In the heat of the moment she removed her hands from his shoulders and brought them to the ends of her shirt, detaching her lips from his.
Eddie's eyes ran wide immediately placing his hands over hers. "Woah, are you sure you want to do this?" He didn't want her to do this all in a daze. He wanted it to mean something, to the both of them.
"Yeah." Her eyes weren't quite meeting his and Eddie didn't accept that. He gripped her jaw making her look him directly in the eyes.
"Look at me. Do you want to do this? There's no going back after."
She leaned her face closer to his staring him straight in the eyes. "Yes, Eddie. I'm one hundred percent sure." Her lip was taken between her teeth, head nodding with her words.
Eddie hummed in response eyes traveling down watching her teeth dig into her lip. His thumb touched the middle of her lip, slowly pulling it down.
"All right then." He smashed his lips back against hers. Pulling her down against him as he laid back on the bed, springs sounding off at the hard movements.
Eddie Munson never thought Gracie Hopper would step foot in his home let alone end up in his bed on a Tuesday evening.
- from honey
yallllllllll I do not know how to write s m u t so idek,
this is what happened that lead up to the fling between the two lovelys
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