"Congratulations, Mr. & Mrs. Waldon! Your healthy baby boy has arrived!"
Everyone inside Aya's private delivery room clapped and was ecstatic upon hearing her OB-Gene's announcement. Cid was beside Aya, holding her hand from labor to delivery. He placed the softest and deepest kiss on Aya's forehead and lips. She was the bravest woman he had ever seen, for undergoing labor for 12 hours and choosing a normal delivery wide awake. She doesn't want to miss anything as she gave birth to their son, DANIEL CID WALDON.
"I love you, My Aya! Thank you for giving me the greatest gift, our son! You were amazing!"
"I love you, Cid!"
Exactly an hour after I gave birth, I was still in awe while I gazed at this precious little Cid in my arms. Then, a nurse brought our son inside my room for breastfeeding. It is the most fantastic feeling in the world. I can't ask for more. God gave me more than I deserve, I believe. I always promise to love and care for them, my family.
Two years after Cid and I got married, I can say that we have been there for each other. As we vowed in marriage, we kept our hands held every step of the way, braving life together and accepting challenges and blessings.
As Cid walked into the room, I was reminded of one of our blessings as husband and wife: our two-year-old daughter, Angela.
"Hi, Mommy! Hi Baby Brother! Look who came to see you guys!" said Cid.
"Mommy! Baby!" giggling Angela said.
"Hi, precious! I miss you! Kiss Mommy! I showered her chubby cheeks with my soft kisses. Cid sat beside me in bed with Angela still in his arms.
"What a perfect family picture! Let me see my grandson! How are you, Aya?" an excited Mama Jane came.
"Mama J, Mama J!" said Angela.
"Come here, Baby A! Come to Mama J! Rick called me to say that he and your father, Cid, are coming here."
"I better wait for them outside. I'll be back," said Cid as he left the room.
Mama Jane hugged me tight and kissed my cheek, and she cried a few tears at seeing the baby in my arms.
"OMG! These are tears of joy again! He is the cutest!" said Mama Jane.
"I know, Mama Jane! Me too! I still can't believe that I am holding him right now!"
"By the way, everything is all set for Angela's birthday next week. Cid asked me to check on everything, and it surprised us that you had already prepared everything before birth. You beat me to it, Aya!"
"I know Cid is going to ask you, Mama Jane. I took care of everything. There is just one thing I haven't done. I wish to do it before Angela's birthday."
"What is it? I can do it for you."
"Hopefully, I can convince Cid this time, Mama Jane. I've wanted to bring Angela to visit Courtney in New York. I don't want to deprive her of knowing the truth about her biological mother. But I'm sure Cid will use my giving birth as a reason this time for not going."
"Well, he will be right on that. And I think Angela is still too young to understand. So, where did the time go? I just realized it's been two years."
"Yeah, two years..." I said as I remembered everything as if it was just yesterday.
Rick called Cid and me, telling us that Courtney's water broke, and they expected her to give birth in six hours. So we flew from Massachusetts to New York. We agreed with Courtney that a designated hospital would make a paternity test as soon as the baby was born. But when we arrived at the hospital, Rick told us the sad news. Courtney had heart complications; she died giving birth to a baby girl. But that is not the only shocking news we got. Her lawyer came and gave us her letter. She asked for our forgiveness for lying and causing pain to Cid and me. In her own words, she confirmed Cid was not the father; thus, there's no need for a test. She was aware of her complicated pregnancy, so she left a letter ahead of time. Together with our forgiveness, Courtney is leaving her baby to us. She wanted us to take the baby as our own and never to inform her about who her birth mother was. Her last statement was heartwarming. She will leave at peace knowing that her baby will be in a family with amazing parents.
Cid left the decision in my hands. The moment I saw the baby, I fell in love with her. She reminded me of my Angel. That is why Cid suggested we call her Angela. Rick took care of Courtney's funeral. After three days, Cid and I returned to Worcester with the baby. Two months after Angela was born, we had our wedding and her baptism on the same day. She completed our lives. She will always be heaven's precious gift to us.
"Pops! Pops!"
I snapped back to hearing Angela calling Cid's dad because he couldn't wait to be in her Pops' arms. Cid came towards me and placed his lips on mine. I smiled at him and whispered that I loved him so much. He whispered back his never-ending, "I love you more, My Aya!"
Mama Jane took the baby from me and happily showed it to Rick and Cid's dad.
"This is exactly Cid when he was born. I can now transfer all my W shares to my grandson!" said my father-in-law.
"Dad, I thought your W shares were for me?!" Cid teasingly asked his dad.
"I changed my mind, Son. I will have it divided between Angela and my grandson!"
"Ouch! I have been expecting an equal share with Cid!" Rick joked.
"Since these babies are still minors, I can be their legal representative for now!" butted Mama Jane.
Our waves of laughter filled my hospital room. My heart is overflowing with love for all these people around me, especially Cid. They are my family, and they have proven their love and concern for Cid and me. I will forever cherish each one of them and thank God every day.
As the journey of Cid & Aya concludes, I would like to express my sincerest thanks to all the readers who voted, commented, and added this story to their reading lists. Shoutout to the following amazing people who left inspiring and heartfelt comments:
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