It was Blanc, she had some papers for Vert.
"Hey hunter." Blanc said to me
"Hey Blanc."
"Hey Blanc!" Vert said
"I think Hunter-Chan has some pictures you might want to see." She Said hugging me from behind
"*Whispering* The hell?!"
Blanc sets down the papers and Vert steals my phone from my pocket and pulled me into a bear hug.
"Now let's show Blanc that picture of her." Vert says putting in my password and going to pictures
"If it's any thing lewd I'll beat your ass Hunter." Blanc says
Vert then finds the picture almost instantly but I started to struggle so she dropped my phone and I tried to break free when Blanc picked it up and saw the picture.
Again from the beach day. Blanc looks at it and almost instantly she has that rage look on her face.
"Well shit." I say
She changed into white heart and tried to swing at me but Vert moved me out of the way and she transformed and blocked it.
"Run!" Vert said to me
I run out of the room and run out of the basilacom and I see White Heart chasing me so I dash to Lastation with her on my tail. She kept chasing me down until Green Heart knocked her to the ground and pined her.
"Fuck'n'ell" I say as I run but oh Fuck'n'ell again guess who? No actually guess who!
Congratulations, gold Motherfucking star, here's a damn cookie! *me laughing* I'm sorry I just had to do that.
(Y/N): Wtf
"HUNTER!" IF Says with her blades out
"Shit!" I say
I turn to my right and run as now IF is hot on my tail.
"Get your ass back here!"
"isn't That what I said to you last night?"
She then jumped at me and tackled me down and started to beat me up when Compa came back and tackles IF off me.
"God I owe you big time Compa."
I get up and run to lastation.
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